[BT IBLKGRiPH.— OWN CORRESPONDENTS,) Thames, Monday. Sharemarkbt.—Cardigan, sales ls4d, sellers Is sd ; Cambria, buyers Is 4d ; Clunes, buyers sd, sellers 7d. Sellers: Bunker's Hill, 6s; luficta, sd, May Queen, 7s; Moanataiari Extended, M; Moanataiari North, 9d ; New Whau, 9d ; Puriri, 9d ; Puru Consolidated, Is Id; Sheridan, Is Id; Victoria, 4s 3d; Waiotahi, 28s; Alburnia East, 7d, May Queen.— monthly return from this mine was reduced on melting co 479<>z 2dwt, which realised £1352 5* 91, as against the return of 4670z 124 of melted gold last month, which realised £1309. It will be seen that the yield this month exceods that of the month of December by lloz lOdwb. In stating in a previous telegram that a falling off was noticeablo, 1 alluded to the handsome roturns obtainod prior to the months of Docember anil January. Moanataiari.-The manager wired yes-terday:-"Bankod ISfloz retorted gold; treated 110 tons of quartz and flOlb of picked stono" The above tonnage of general ore was won principally from the No. 2 reef, Golden Calf section, and No. 4 lead at the 150-foet levol. Goldkn Point.-The country boing met with in the main engine shaft continues tight and somewhat difficult to break. Two men have been put on to prospect other sections of the mine, pending the Milking Of the shaft down to tho required dopth. Cardigan.-Excellent progress continues to be effected in driving the southeast prospecting level through this company's ground. Forty-four feet was driven last week, and although the reef channel is being penetrated, uo lodes have as yet been intersected. The strike of the Exchange lode is not exactly known, but it should bo met with in this direction. Pr/RU Consolidated. — Ten feet was driven for the week upon the south trend of the Rimu reef in the Russell section of this mine, making the total distance so far advanced upon the lodo 100 feet, and for 75 feet of that distance sold has been seen well distributed through the lodo, which will average three feet throughout. The last few feet tho lode thickened out to four feet, and the ore still continues of the same quality. A commencement has been made to cut away a face for the low level. This will afford backs to the height of SO feet. Paekoa, .Monday. Waitkkuiri -The crosscut operations are to be pushed ahead vigorously in this mine, and I understand that tenders are to be invited immediately for driving GOO feet. The present tunnel, which is already in a distance of 100 feet, is to be widened and enlarged, and driven for tho distance mentioned, so that it will be seen the company intend losing no time in having their mine develope I. Karanoahake.— In this company's mino, the main crosscut is in close to 120 feet, but the country has up to tho present been very tight. A change for the bettor, however, is now noticeable, as tho ground seems to be much easier for driving. A little over 220 feet back from face a formation about five feet in thickness composed of ribs of quartz was passed through, but it is not by any means a defined reof. The quartz also has a vory hungry appearance, and though tho manager tested the stuff by roasting, and also by pounding, the results were each very unsatisfactory. The crosscut has therefore been continued, and as this is a prospecting work, carried on right in the centre of tho property, ib is hoped that beneficial results will accrue. Another crosscut which is called the No. 2 is also boing driven in the north-west section of the property, for the purpose of cutting a reef, tho outcrop of which was discovered by trenching. This work has now bsen advanced 25 feet, and it is anticipated than another »l or 30 feet will see tho lode to hand. The ore body where met with, and to the surface, appears to be a nice compact reef, about two feet wide. A prospecting tunnel has also been commenced on the northern boundary, with a view to provid ing at a lower level another reof discovored in the trench. It is estimated that between 50 or 50 feet will have to be driven before the lode can be intersected. Sooth British. — A nice looking reef, about 15 or 16 inches wide, has been cut at the surface, and now tho manager has commenced driving for tho purpose of intersecting it lower down the hill. Tho formation is composed of kindly looking stone, and where it will be intersected in the new crosscut there should be about 40 or 50 feet of backs available. Two men are also engaged prospecting other portions of the property. TE PUKE. Fleming's Freehold.--At present this property is under offer to London capitalists, and according to all accounts is likely to be floated successfully, with ample working capital to thoroughly develop it Pen ling the result of the negotiation, Mr. Tilsloy is in charge of the mine, and is doing gome surface, prospecting on a new reef that is lately been unearthed on a high fern spur. Tho stone gives capital prospects of gold by pounding, and loose gold can also be obtained by washing. In the main reef no work has been done since the holidays, but on the face it is ten feet through,«and fine prospects can be obtained from almost any portion of it by washing in the dish. Te Poke,— prospecting is still being carried on, and some lino-looking stone that has been found aince the holidays has been sent away for assay. The Auckland syndicate who agreed to find capital to prospect this ground have backed out of their bargain, but the local shareholders, nothing daunted, are still carrying on prospecting operations. Hone and Hake.— Some surfaco prospecting is also being carried on on these two claims with a view of picking up Fleming's reef. Some stone obtained out of tho drive in the Hake, and loose stone off the Hone, has also been sent away for assay, and tho prospectors are sanguine that it will turn out well. Otawa.— now find in Fleming's freehold has caused attention to bo drawn to this block, as the reef strikes straight for it, and two men are now doing some surface fossicking to try and pick it up. Lady Jocelyn.— Work is being vigorously prosecuted on this claim, which is owned almo«b wholly by Te Piiko settlers. The reof that has been opened up has a width of over 30 feet of nice kindly-looking stone. lb is at present being cut through in the spur to see what it is like, and so far as seen yet it looks and prospects immensely well. A great deal of surface prospecting has also been done, as very good prospects of gold can be obtainod from all the small creeks, and the manager is following tho gold up to try and find where the best of it comes from. Government Insurance Property.— Mr. Speight, the Auckland agent of the Govern ment Insurance Department, has brought two prospectors down to prospect the largo area of land that belongs to them, lying between Te Puke and Oropi. Work is to be commenced at once, and if anything good is struck, ib will enable the Department to got rid of a property that has beon lying on their hands and unprofitable for a number of years. Tho development of tho Te Puke reefs at private people's expense; enabled them to sell a thousand-acre block I then which is now boing worked by Mr. Fleming, so it looks 'as if they trusted to I the same means to get rid of the Waitaha J block, which fell into their hands at I mortgagees. Te Puna.—Another outcrop of reef has been discovered on the prospector's claim, the stone from which gives good prospects by pounding, and good prospects are also j obtainable by washing. A fresh drive has I been started at a lower levol to cut the main reef that was originally opened on, and is h a distance of over 50 feet, and it is estimated it would take quite another 50 or 69 feet to cut the reef, when it will be in solid sand stono ground, and the prospectors are very sanguine that as tho lode goes down it will J prove much more valuable. Four men vre now being engaged hero to push tho drive forward, and the other two prospectin" further towards the main range. Kaimai. —The prospectors at Kaimai are again at work, and have cub another reef of a very promising description. No gold is seen in the stone, but mortar tests give a very fine show, and the casing of tho reef and loose rubble all give very good dish prospects, . _ .____
HAZELMNK, A cablegram was received yesterday from Mr. Melville, in reference to the, asking for au extension of time for floating, , for two months, negotiations having been ' jjartly hindered by great political uncwiucas,
With extension there was, said Mr. Melville, every prospect of the matter beiug carried through The cablegram will be considered by the Hazelbank directors to-day. AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. Business was again fairly steady yesterday in the Auckland Stock Exchange, though there was not much call for investing stocks. Thero were offers for Auckland Gas (new) at £6 ss, with uo sellers. In mining shares Freedoms were done at 5Jd, while Victorias eased off a little, business being transacted at 4s Id and 4s, with buyers at 3s lOd. The demand for Kapai-Vermonts was maintained. There was good demand for the heavier priced Upper Thames stocks, there being buyers of Crowns at 275: of Woodstocks at 24s (with sales at 255) ; and of Waihi-Silvertons at 58? 6d, with several exchanges at about that figure. There were buyers of Cambrias at Is 4<f, of Cardigans at Is 3d, of New MoanaUiaris at 5s lOd, of Jupiters at 3s, of Grace Darlings at la 2d, and of Bunker's Hills at 4s. Several of the lower priced shares were also in demand. FREE EXCHANGE. Sales wore not particularly heavy yesterday at tho Free Exchange. The exchanges made were: Victorias, 4s Id; Kapai-Ver-monts, 7s 9d; Auroras, 4d ; and Pukewhaus, on, the last being a fair-sized parcel. There .vcre buyers of the following :—Alburnia East, 4d ; Broken Hill, 7d ; Knramii, 2s fid ; May Queen, 7s 3d ; Mmiowai, 2s KM; Now Moanataiari, 5s 9d ; Freedom, 5Jd ; Cardigan, Is 2d; Puru Consolidated, lOJd: St. Patrick, sd; Golden Fleece, tijd ; Grace Darling, Is; New Zealauder, 3|d ; Nil Desperanilum, 3d; Sovereign 4d ; Central, Sd ; Waihi Consols. Is ; Hercules, 3d : Waverley, 7d ; Young New Zealand, Is; Byron Bay, l()jd ; Queen of Waihi, 2s; Monarch, Sd ; KapaiVermont, 7s 6d ; Midas, lOil; Aurora, 3Jd; Kuaotumi, Is; Golden Link, 7d; Banket''! Hill,4s 9d; New Goloouda, lid; Britannia, 8d ; Four-in-Hand, is Id ; rogreis-Castle Rock, sd ; Napier, Od. MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Karanoahakk (Karangahake, February I).—The main crosscut has now attained a distance of 116 feet. There is no apparent change in the country being at present driven through. Quartz stringers continue to cross the drive at every few feet. No. 2 crosscut is in 25 feet, and is being driven for the purpose of intersecting a reef that has been located on the western side. There is very good sandstone in the face of drive. No. 3 crosscut on the north-western sido line is being started also to intersect a lodo that has been found by trenching. Some very fair prospects of gold have been got during the week from loose detached stone. South British (Karangahake, February I). The country at present in the drive is all that can be desired, and about 50 feet will require to he driven to intersect tho reef. Trenching and prospecting is being carried out in other parts of the property. Buffalo (Coromandcl, February 1) —The Buffalo leaders have each been extended six feet. The leader looks splendid, going north-west, and gives a prospect by washing. The leader is still pinched, going in tho opposite direction, but the country rock is very favourable. Prospector (Kuaotunu, February I).— Tim opinion is there is more reef still in tho ground not cut in any of the surface trenching. Tho main crosscut has been driven 6 feet through nice white sandstone country, interlaced with iron veins. Wynyakdton (Coromandel, February 1). —Have already made a road which will allow us to get up our plant. (Tiki, January 30).— Extended the crosscut 3 feet. Since we wont through the leader we hare got into nice sandstone country, with a lot of minora! veins running along with the drive. The leading stope is in 10 leet, and at each breaking down can seo a few colours of gold in the stone. Napier (Coromandel, February I).—Continuing to rise on the low level. Have not seen any gold of any consequence as yet. Stilt driving in the winze on the leader, in which we see gold occasionally. Havo put a crosscut in and cut the Auckland leader about 25 feet up the winze, in which we have seen a few colours of gold, but have not done work enough on it yet to prove it, Sloping still going on in the top levol. Harbour View (Coromandel, February I). —Extended the stopo on Simpson's reof six feet, making a total of 53 feet from the rise. Tho leader has come together again about six inches thick, carrying some very nicelooking quartz. The country is coming a little easier. No. 2 level: Extended tho drive 10 feet, making a total of 20 feet for the fortnight. The leader is a foot thick, cerrying a splendid wall. The country is everything you could (wish for. I think it is the best channel of country i have seen in the mine. Also cut a cross leader on Wednesday in the drivo about two inches thick, but so far have not seen any gold in it. Invicta North (February I).— Driving on the north boundary, but so far nothing has been out. lam starting to drive in the opposite direction, to see if they can cut a reef running north and south. Waverley (Paeroa, January 31).— been continuing tho main drive. During tho present week a change has taken place in the ground. I havo met with a fresh run of gold. I obtained a very nice prospect in the dish, and the stone is full of mineral, but I have not yet had an assay made. Midas (Kuaotunu, February I).— Have stopped the main crosscut for the present, and put the men on the surface to try and locate some other reefs and leaders known to exist in your ground. The east crosscut is in the same favourable class of sandstone, and has been extended a further distance of 8 feet during the week. Golden Spur (Waitekauri, February 1. —A commencement has been made to test the more northerly portion of the ground, on which comparatively little work has hitherto been done. The class of country met with is, in places, of a kindly description, and some of tho loose quartz found also bears a promising appearance. Orlando (Thames, January 1). — Have found strong dabs of gold on Carpenter's reof in the back ot drive, top level ; 28 feet westward from McLean's winze. One of the slabs was broken, and when breaking a portion of the reef to put a new one in, I discovered strong dabs of gold at this point. Kami-Vermont (Kuaotunu, January 31.) —M#de a start to extend the main level face south. This has been carried in a distance of 10 feet, The reef is from three to four feet in width. The stone looks quite equal in appearance to our very best gold-bearing ore, but the prospects arc very poor. It is quite likely good rich stuff may be broken from here at any moment. In other parts of the mine there is no change of importance. The crosscut now being driven from tho top intermediate level is in 10 feet, and I expect to cut the footwall branch of the lode every shift. It is in a splendid class of gold-bearing country. A m-. is being carried on at the north end of the mine to connect with tho upper workings and the main level. Will start to clean up at the plant on Tuesday. The joint low level is now in a littlo over 400 feet, in a good class of country, and about 235 leet further ought to intersect the lode. Great United (Kuaotunu, January 30).— The hard ground met with in the crosscut last weok is cutting out. A softer class of sandstone is now making in the face. Fourteen feet have been driven for the week, making a total distance of 159 feet.
Asteriod (Karangahake, February I).— The main tunnel has advanced 65 teet. The country is more compact, and of good class of sandstone. Tho prospecting drive is now in 45 feet. Golden Anchor (Kuaotunu, January 31). —The drive on tho big reel has been extended a further distance of five feet. There is every appearance of a chance for the better coming in the face. Tho drive on the reef in the north end has been extended four feet. The stone shows a quantity of mineral, and the country is of a favourable character for gold. Mr. Cheal, the surveyor, located the place for the No. I low level, this week. I have started the men at this level. We will have to drive about 380 feet to cut a large reef outcropping at the mouth of the I drive on the eastern side of the range; then, i about 90 feet further to cut a four feet reef, | besides all the smaller leaders. I believe we ' will cut some reefs before we drive that disj tance. This level will give about 300 feet of backs. Britannia (Cnromandel, January 31).— Tho depth sunk in shaft during 'he week is four feet six inches. The country on tho I footwall, of pug formation, just penetrated, looks well. Monarch of All (Kuaotunu).— crosscut has been extended a further distance -i II feet, thus making the total distance driven up to date 76 feet. No. 3 drive is now in a distance of 33 feet in a splendid class of , sandstone country, interlaced with mineral j veins. I find that the reef divides, one branch striking north-east, the other east.. I The crosscut must cut the east branch, anil I J have started a drive to cut the north-east or j iefthand branch. [Telegram received yester- ! day states: Cut left hand branch on surface; | piospects well] Welcome Pisd (Coromandel, January 31). -Drive on No. 1 lode: Good progress is being made, 31 teet having been .l'-jvcn during the woek. Tho face of drive is 88 feet southwest from the main crosscut, Tiic ground is most favourable for swing ahead. Pockets of iron pyrites are occasionally found in the country, which looks well for gold. Hauraki No 2 (Coromandel, February 1). —Have extended the drive on the main reef five feet j the reef maintains its size and the country is getting mote favourable for gold. Alpha (Waitckauri, January 80).—Enclose result oi .way from western reef. I'l.e Dan";', I I sent to Mr. Rhodes for assay 's a fair stiinpl* | cf the reef where cut. I broke down about j lewe, and after breaking it fine I thoroughly
mixed it before taking the sampler There suit is not great, but I believe it will prove payable when worked on from a low level. . The following is tho report of assay'by the Bank of New Zealand {-January 28,-1 have assayed the sample of ore you left and find that it contained at tin rate of loz 18dvrts gold and 6oz lOdwts silver per tou j value, £810s per ton, Inviota (Kuaotunu, February 3).—No. 2 level has been extended north on the lode six feet for the week. There is a slight improvement both in country and reef since my last report. Leader in crosscut at No. 1 level has been driven on north a further distanco of seven feet; there are four to six inches of quartz, which give a few colours of «old in the dish as woll as by mortar. Five feet have also been driven south on the same leader so far without any result. Leader at No. 6 stope, much the same; plenty of quartz of rather a low grade. No. 7 slope has been extended 14 feet north and 10 feot south; quartz all standing yet. Crushing : Ten tons of genoral dirt was put through the ordinary battery process for a return of 260z I7d\vt retorted gold, also 51b of specimens for 7oz 19dwt: total, 340z lfidwt Four-in-Hand (Waikoromiko, January 31).—Have extended crosscuts on lode for somo distance, and the leader is carrying on strong at oaoh end, Have suspended driving on northerly end. Am pus l ing on vigorously on southerly end, the lode being exceptionally strong and at present carrying very rich gold. Took 481b of stone to Auckland on Saturday last; tlio directors picked out a few pieces, the balance I lodged in Hank of New Zealand in company's name. Since my return from Auckland I have broken down ami obtained from 65 to 701b of picked stono, which I will lodge in hank at Coromandel to-morrow morning. Some of this stone is the richest I have seon, and somo I estimate at 5 or 6 ounces to the lb. I am opening a big reef pending my getting timber in the other drive. The country we are driving on footwall side is tho heaviest mineralised I have seen, veins of cinnabar and silica carrying in, and the quartz is of splendid quality. Gold still continues in the face ot the other lode. Try Fluke (Kuaotunu, January 31).— The contractors on the No. 1 or Try Fluke are making good progress, The country has changed in their favour very much since they started work. The lode is also improving in size, and although not quite payable ab present the prospects are decidedly improving as we go north. Should the country continue as at present, we shall doubtless soon he on to payable ore in this part of the mine. The contractors havo driven up to date about 29 feet. Contractors on No. 2or kuaotunu reef are now in 14 feet. The country is getting much bettor. The lodo up to now has been very small and country tight. The lode is showing signs of opening out, and the prospects, though small, are getting better as we drive north on tho lode. Both these drives are in new country, with hundreds of feet to drive on the two lodes and backs of over 109 feet on each lode, Jupiter (Kuaotunu, January 31).— reof found on tho surface just before the holiday has not yot been cut in the drive, which is now in fully 20 feet in a good class of country. A few feet more driving should cut the lode. The crosscut to intersect the 18 inch lode discovered in the Golden City is now in 15 feet About 20 feet moro driving should intersect this lode. The country at present is a bit tighter than it has been. The low crosscut in Golden City is some 20 feet lower than the Try Fluke Kapai- Vermont low level, and is now in 85 feet. Quartz is showing this afternoon. Hazfliunk (Thames, February I).—Stoping operations in the mine are still confined to the cross-reof and Kelly's. Kelly's lead continues to look well going upwards, as it is carrying a fair amount of mineral, and gold is frequently seen in the stone; but I am disappointed at ib not shaping better at the battery, seeing that it is a continuation of the same stapes from which the previous crushing was taken, which gave a return of 2oz to the lo»d. However, as it is of a patchy nature something of importance may he mot with at any time. The cross-reef also looks encouraging, but beyond seeing a little gold ill breaking-out the quartz there is nothing now to report from this part of tho mine. The crushing that is proceeding will be finished about Tuesday. Great Kapanoa (Coromaudel, February I).—The drive on tho leader has beon extended a furthor distance of 9 feet; tho leader in the face is fully 12 inches wide and is a promising looking stone for gold. We are in a distanco of 45 feet in the cross cut. Tho country is the same as when we Started. I expect to cut the reef next week. Maori Dream (Kuaotunu, February I).— The trench has now reached the crown of the hill, and has passed through three goldbearing lodes. Those are distinct to the lodes in the tunnel or those in the eastern side of raiu'c. The main crosscut has been driven four feet through very favourable i sandstone,
Yocno Nkw Zealand (Karaugahako, .January 31).—The low level has been exI tended 10 feet, the country being very hard, I though favourable for gold. The reef cut in this level is a nice body of stone about 18 inches wide, with excellent mineral. Dabs of sold were seen when breaking through tho reef. Taking the quartz all through it prospects very well. The coursoof the reef is about north and south with a dip to the east of lin 1. Another lit) feet of driving should intersect the big reef from which 1 got tho gold iu the upper level. In the Welcome | section of the initio tair progress is being I nude with the drive, and I expect to have ' the reef in hand about the latter end of next I week. Maokiland (Knaotunii, Jauuary 31).— Have extended the west crosscut a further distance of 13 feet. The country passed through is of a very favourable nature, full of mineral veins. A good deal of water is coming out from the fafle. Have also extended the main drive on No. '2 reef a further distance of eight feet, making the total from the surface 150 feet. The reef has widened out the whole expanse of tho drive, being verv tight for working. Conquering Hkro (Driving Creek, January 31).—Have counected the two levels with a rijo of 6!) foot vertical, which has woll ventilated the mine. Am now working on the junction of tho Conquering Hero and Sootty's, with good loose prospects, likely to make specimens any time. Kuaotunu (Kuaotunu).—Tho cast drive lias been further extended a distance of 10 feet ; the ground still continues of tho same favourable description as my previous reports. The west drive has been extended 12 feet, and is so full of soft heads that it I requires most careful timbering. In cleaning out one of the surface drives, a very nice body of stone is shown, about one foot wide, and prospects equal to one ounce per tun. Waitaia (Kuaotunu, January 31).—The main drive going north on the No. 3 reef is now in 216 feet from tho flatsheot. The reef in the face of the drive is a regular network of stringers. The country in the rise south of fiatsheut has improved considerably. The I reef in the north end of rise is a compact body of payable ore, one foot in width. Barrett's level: The winze has been sank six feet (luring the last fortnight. The leader shows a little gold, aud varies from five to six inches in width. GMDY3.-(Kiiaotunu, February I).—The contractors for the main crosscut are making splendid progress, and are now in 85 feet,|or a total distance af 235 feet. The drive is now penetrating a very firm class of sandstone, interlaced with mineral veins. • One of tho I leaders that this drive is being driven for should soon be to hand. The reef in No. 2 crosscut is stripped a further distance of five feet this week, and was about one foot thick when last taken down. In tho south the reef is very much broken up, and carries a little gold. Bunker's Hill (Uoromandel, February 1). —Good progress has been made with the various woi-ks, both underground and on the I surface. The levels and drives have been ; cleared of loose mullock and debris. Winze '. on No. 1 reef : All the necessary timber work i in forming a chamber, brace, etc., is now j complete, and sinking with threo shifts is I well in hand. The class of country encasing j the reef is all that could be desired for gold. I A leading atnpe has been started north-west I on No. 1 reef, and has been advanced 12 feet. : Main crosscut, south- section of tho mine; i At preseut engaged straightening a deviation I ;;i tho main crosscut. i GENERAL MINING ITEMS. I A general meeting of the Maoriland Gold : M'ning Company will be held at the Com- ■ p-mv's office, Loan and Mercantile Buildings, on the 19th iust, at 3 p.m. \« extraordinary mooting of the Bunker's ; 111! Gold Mining Company will be held at . the Auckland Chamber of Mines, on the 18th | inst., tit 2.30 p.m. ! A call of one halfpenny per fharo is made I payable on the 12th instant in the Rangatira ] Gold Mining Company. REEFTON RETURNS. [j)V TKI.BIIIUP-I.— I'UKM ASSOCIATION.] Bujnheiv, Monday. The mine manager of the VVaki\marina Gorge Claim reports that vhile putting iu I the last log of the foundation of thi tail dam, I the wash dirt was showing fine gold freely. i Head and tail dams will be completely . finished this week, and sluicing operations I commenced within three wetka.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10045, 4 February 1896, Page 6
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4,960THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10045, 4 February 1896, Page 6
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