Owino to the Christmas holidays, tin Herald will not be published oil Thursday morning next (Boxing Day). A ivortisers uro requested to arrange their announcements accordingly. The illuminated sheet Almanac for ls9B. will bo issued with next Saturday * Hep.ald. From and after the let January proximo, the interest allowed on deposits in the I'o-t Office Savings Bant will be reduced by onehalf por cent., that is to say, on depo-:i? not exceeding £'200, SJ per cent per annum will bo allowed ; and on deposits exceeding £'-'00, 3 per cent. So interest will, except in the cases hitherto provided for, be allowed on sums exceeding £500. A meeting of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board took place on Friday afternoon, Mr. J. Bollard presiding. Present • Messrs. Stichbury, Swales, Warren, L?nnox, Cairns, Fleming, and Bruce. Tha secretary was authorised to seal the receipt to Dean's legacy, the money to bo hamitl to the Ladies' Benevolent Society. Tin relieving officer (Mr. Strathern) was empowered to gire evidence before the City Council as to the working of theC.D. Act in Auckland. Ib was decided to send B. Travers back to N\pier. Notice of tha admission of three cases to the Thames Hospital was received. A letter was received from the North Auckland Charitable Aid Board complaining of the Auckland Board's action in taking proceedings for the recovery of their debt, and another as to the admission of patients to the Hospital without an order. It was resolved that no action be taken. A memo, was received from Dr. Rendle, of Brisbane, re the appointment of the medical superintendent. It was decided that tho letter lie on the table. The Charitable Aid Committee's report was submitted, I; stated that oiie man had been sent to the Costley Home. The passage of a man and his wife had beon paid to Sydney. One man had been sent tc Hamilton. The House Committee's repir) tvas passed as read. It was agreed to give Jas. Nash, the messenger to tho Hospital, a pension of 1? a week and to remain in his present quarters on rations. Three patients are to be gent from the Hospital to tho Costley Home as incurable, A number ol surgical instruments to be procured on the recommendation of the superintendent. Dr. Pabst was granted a fortnight's leavo ol absence. The recommendations of the lady superintendent re tho nursing staff were approved and adopted. The Board then adjourned for a month, tho office holiday! being from Christmas Day to the 4th ol January.
The installation of the Mayor of Onehunga (Mr. D. A. Sutherland), which had been adjourned from the previous Saturday, took place at the Council Chambers on Saturday at; noon. There were pre e entThe Mayor, Messrs. Nixon, Colledgo, MacKenzic, Burden, Jackson, Laking, and a number of burpesse3. Mr. Sutherland, in a short speech, referred to the fact, that the borough was in a satisfactory condition as regards finance ; a considerable amount of needful work had been done; there wm between £50 and £60 in hand, and ha ti'usted that during the coming year the ratepayers would find that the Council wera not neglectful of their interests. He referred particularly to the extension of the water scheme, which he considered would be of the greatest bonefit to a large number of the residents. Messrs. Jackson and Laking spoko in warm terms of commendation of the Mayor's actions during the past year. Messrs. Nixson and MacKenzie also expressed themselves satisfied at the re election of Mr. Sutherland, but announced their intention of opposing any attempt, to divert tho sinking fund money to the extern sion of the water supply. After the Mayor had signed the usual declaration, Mr. Inking, in referring to the business of tha borough, said ho considered a vote of thank! was due to tho officors of tho Council for the satisfactory manner in which they had carried out their duties. This was sccondel by Mr. Colledgo and carried.
A company has been formed called tha Rosebery to work coal seams atHikurangi. Tbe company have an area of ground-in which the coal measures ara said to exist— of 450 acres. Messrs. J. D. Douglas, J. D. Colebrook, Wm liandley, 1). McKonzie, and G. Loram have been appointed provisional directors; Mr. S. H. Matthews, secretary; Mr. H. Goulstono, auditor; Messrs. Russell and Campbell, solicitors | and tho Bank of New Zealand, bankers.
The co operative party of men on the Hikurangi-Puhipuhi extension of tho Whangarei railway have ceased work for tho Christmas holidays. They have finished the formation of tho lino to the Parapara river, and commence platelaying at the beginning of the year. Mr. Larkins, who has the supervision of the men, has arrived in town. He speaks highly of the conduct of tho men, and the benefit the work lias been to settlers' sons in aiding th"m to start on now sections of land for themsolves. Nominations of candidates for tho ?e*3 on the Parnell Borough Council ware receivable up to noon on Saturday by Mr. B. Gilmer, deputy returning officer. The sent) was rendered vacant by the resignation ol Mr. N. W. Pollard. There wis only on« candidate, Mr. W. S. Whitley, who was nominated by Messrs. A Wright) and K. S. Briggs, and he was therefore declared duly elected. Thoro were two incipiont fires on Saturday evening, for which the city firebelli were rung. Tho first was in Three Bp! I Lane, in which an outliouso hAd got ignited and a peach tree. A few buckets of water extinguished the fire. The second was in Hackett-strcet, Ponsonby, and aiose, it is said, from the ignition of a bonfire which was intended for the sth of November last, but owing to the wet weather at that date could not be persuaded to burn. The Christmas weather has proved moro favourable. Mr. Superintendent Hughes was out) at the earlier nro for the first tim; since his long-continued illness. At the Police Court, on Saturday, Mary Carmichael, an old woman, was fined ss, with costs, or in default 48 hours imprisonment, for drunkenness. A boy nainnd William Cox pleaded guilty to having stolen a quantity of flowers valued at- t>J, the property of WilliamG. Fletcher, and was remanded till this morning. A cliarga againsb George Turner, of being an idle and disorderly person, was struck out, M ho had been sent to tho Costloy lionio. Several cases under the Destitute Person* Act were adjourned. Air. H. \\. Northcroft, S.M., occupied the Bunch.
It will be seen from our obituary column that Mr- David Robertson, late of the firm ,/Robertson Bros., Symondg-street, passed L-ay ft his residence, Mount Roskill, yesterday, after a brief illness, at the com-L-aiively early ago of 45. Mr. Robertson vr,i.« » very early sett ' his Parents having oi«e to Auckland in the Duchess of Argylo j n ]>>4,. and lie took an active interest in t I, L , jubilee celebration. He was much and respected by a large circle of # cin.iintai>coA, for his geniality and inj:v of character. Deceased leaves a Allow but no family.
I: is stated tlwt the Rev. W. L. Salter, a known Wesleyan clergymen, formerly ? ;.,:k>ned in tho Auckland district, and who hit.- occupied various circuits in the colony tl'uring lie P a,t . 18 years, has severed his connection with the Wesleyan Church to a change in his views on the subject of Baptism. The ramp formed for the last 14 days, at j~ L North Shore, by the Auckland aval V: corps, was broken on Saturday, v live men being unaccounted for. On jvi lay. at two a.m., Colonel Goring visited cumi; the alarm was given, and two , n , ;1 quarter minutes after arriving at the ;: : ;lie battery was opened, the guns re.i.iy for action, and everything in readi- , :>: the issue of ammunition. Colonel t ;,; mispressed himself highly pleased at the of the test. Lieutenant-Commander :e thank'' the residents near the camp ■ r unnv kindnesses, and the residents ',e. highly of the conduct of the men in A man named Robert Dawson was I: i;'it up from Opotiki, and committod on Saturday, after examination, to tho A*o'i.lale Asylum ; Arthur Harvey, from WV.hi. committed by |the Wai'ni authori;,fs, was also send to the same institution. § Tj ■■ question of "how local bodies are to i- >i-i their rates," is to be brought up i: next sitting of the Mtgistrate's Court, l)::e:,iit!ga. A well-known lady residonb, n: > .-Uiins that the collector is required by 1,-.v -o ca'.l personally and collect the rates tin; by her, has been servod with a request to v. :ieir before theS.M. and explain the itj-.n why her rates have not been paid. A i 0.-i.lerable amount of local interest is sr. ..-lied to the case, as the lady in question r>vv:i*!y took rather a prominent part) in ;he .uiairs of the borough. The annual fete of the Girls' Friendly S wetv was, by the kind permission of the M Kov Dr.Cowie.held in the Bishopscourt ii.'v'.ri'.lson Saturday afternoon, when there «i- in attendance of about 100 members a: i .i-sjciates, and other ft sends who were pr -ent to show their sympathy with the iv. vement. Amongst the Litter wero the j; -: Kev. Dr. Co wit, Primate of New .v.. iii I. Canon and Mrs. Nelson, the K-.- F. Larkins and C. Singers. Numergames were entered into, and interestin; addresses wero given bj the Rev. Mr. s:.',ers and others, and after a very f.».is.int afternoon, a cordial aad hearty \ ve ,'i thanks was on the motion of Canon ■'-•on, accorded to Bishop and Mrs. iVwie. A? a fitting: conclusion to Christmas Day .Mr. Mackenzie gives a Grand Sacred I' neort in the City Hall in the evening. I"' t- programme, which appeared in our Vuiday's issue, embraces vocal and i.i-'trumental numbers from oratorio and p. guitar composition?. Mr. Mackenzie's contributions are : " Why Do tho Nations" iMe.-.-iah), "The Trumpet Shall Sound" (Messiah}, " l.es Kameaux" (Faure), and "The Holy City " (Adams). This vocalist has won the highest cnccmiums from the press of Australia for his powerful rendering ut oratorio, Madame Goldenstedt sings '• He Shall feed His Flock," and " 0 Rest in the Lord," and takes pare with Mr. Mackenzie in the duet " 0 Man of God. ' These items will receive artistic treatment from this lady. Mm? de Willimoff, whose playing has aroused great interest, will give two violin solos, "Andante Religioso," " l'reghiera," ind two obligatos. Miss Jessie Glover, the young and talented elocutionist, recites "The Amen Corner" and "God of Peace.' Mr. Charles Waud, who has recently arrived in Auckland, is down for a violoncello solo, " Adeste Fideles " (with variations). This gentleman is said to be one of the best performers on this beautiful instrument that ha.« visited the colony. Miss Louise Aylett will make her first appearanco, and sings "Angels liver Bright" and "Ora Pro Nobis." Master West, the boy cornettist, executes a solo, "See the Conquering Hero Comes,''and Mr. W. J. Hookey will be at the piano. Several of the songs and recitations are to have invisible choruses and organ effects, and altogether a most attractive programme has been provided.
The Auckland Choral Society repeated their annual treat to the public at the o.oral Hall yesterday afternoon, when in the presence of a densely thronged assembly they gave a. performance of Handel's great iL.i-ie! piece-, the " Messiah,''and never has it been presented in Auckland with better gMk-r ji effect or more balance and evenness. Herr .Schuiict, the conductor, surpassed Lims'lf ; the choruses wero admirable, the orrlie-*tri efficient, and the loloiets, soprano Mi*.« Lnrriirin, contralto Miss Reeve, tenor Mr. E F. Pollock, and bass Mr. Archdale T'tv!er, were at their best. Altogether the public, or ar least as many as could get f.ce.-s to the hail, enjoyed a delightful ir.tiical treat, notwithstanding the oppressive Meat which prevailed (luring tho after--1.-.m, ami which must have proved very trying to tho performers.
The Lhri'traa' tree and fancy bazaar in a;; I:the vicarage funds of Christ's Church, '»h '."i was opened on Friday afternoon !..«• h the new halj, Ellerslie, was continued throughout Saturday. As on the jirenou- day, tli-3 articles displayed on the mot with a ready sale, and it is M'.icipited that a handsome sum will be r-iiwl. in tha evening, an enjoyable promenade concert, consisting of vocal and i: e !riimental item* contributed by members f '.lie church, was given, and proved a !". >-t acceptable and pleasing conclusion to th*: bazaar.
Ttw Tivoli Musical Comedy Company s| e r .t/:ruiiiinent on Saturday night was one i'l the best which it has provided at the City Hall and drew a large audience. K,try item was greeted with unstinted applause. Messrs. Collins and Brown were nrjrfe comical than ever and tho other B!Messrs. Kovd and Hamilton and Mi-*:* Harto and D'Arcy, were all in very L'Oji voice and acted well. "Jealousy, a t'irciral comedy, and "The Artists Svim," a screaming farce, were full of fun >>n I -played in first class style. The first performance of the Christmas pantomime will take place on Boxing Night, when the C'.medy of " Muldoon'e Picnic 1 ' will be per-f,rr:.f-,j' A magnificent transformation in::.*, has been specially imported from Syln-y, and there will be a grand bar:<qiiind<* by the full strength of the comAny. A matinee will take placo on Saturday.
!! .viol's " Messiah" will be rendered in tile ( aural Hall on the evening of Christmas Ij.iv. by ;i large chorus comprising members of i. ration Road and other choirs, Onehunga -'!u-k - ;i1 Society, Auckland Choral Society, '''■ i a large orchestra led by Mr. C. 11. M'.-son. The various solos aro in good
'.Ul'i-. _ Acceptances for the Caledonian Spoi ts, i'i ij': heM on New Year's Day, wero received at the Metropolitan Hotel on evening. A very large number received, bub the lists were not then an several mora acceptances are tip-'tied by this morning's post.
1 lie- scholars of Sc. Stephen's Sunday "eh ',I, Punsonby, and a number of their friends were conveyed over to Takapuna on iwunl.iy in two steamers, and held a very |'lca.«aiiti picnic in Mr. Thornes grounds, Ihe day was spent in true picnic fashion, tome wandered round the beach, others indulled in a row on the lake, and a good many assisted in the sports got up for the younger children, I'onronby wharf was "fain reached just about dusk, and all were '■»i!"tied that the well deserved its popularity as a holiday resort. A lecture on "Theosophical Thoughts Suggested by Christmas," by Miss Lilian E'ljjar, M.A., was delivered last night in rooms of the Theosophical Society. There was a good attendance, and Mr. iJraffin presided. The Faust Fomily give a final performa,ice in the Otahuhu Public Hall to-night prior to leaving for the South, by the s.s. Tarawera, to-morrow. An entirely new programme will be given.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10010, 23 December 1895, Page 4
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2,462LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 10010, 23 December 1895, Page 4
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