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——— The half-holiday question is likely to prove a not unimportant factor in the approaching contest for Auckland city. The Shopkeepers' Defence League inteids making itself felt, and candidates will find themselves called upon to answer a series of questions. If the replies of any be not satisfactory to the shopkeepers, then the influence d the league will be thrown against him. His Honor, Mr. Justice Conolly, has, we inderstand, intimated to the lawyers engaged that lie will give judgment today in banco in the case Sanitas Company v. Ogle for injunction, and Ferguson v. Dadley, appeal from the decision of the A.M. on the Shops and Shop Assistants' Act. The Auckland Women's Liberal League are initiating a movement for erecting a satue in honour of Sir George Grey, and they invite the Mayor, the City Council, aid all the social and political associations and the public generally to assist in fowarding the project. At their next meeting they intend to put a resolution on record expressive of their appreciation of S.r George Grey's services to this city and to the colony at large. It will be remembered that some time ago in the columns of the Herald, Dr. King, Medical Officer of Health for the city, commented severely upon the apathy displayed by the City Council in regard to health matters. The question was raised in the Council, but that body decided to let it drop. Dr. King, however, apparently dies not feel disposed to stand by and see the matter dropped thus. He has, it is said, applied for papers connected with certain cases, and, those having been refined, he has now applied to the local Board of Health to peruse them. The petition to the Legislative Council, from Auckland, asking that freedom shall be given to shopkeepers to open on Saturday afternoon, if business exigencies demand it, has been signed by 6269 persons. A similar petition to the House of Representatives bears 6064 signatures. It is a significant fact the vast majority of persons who have signed are customers who have been induced so to do by shop assistants themselves. The ordinary meeting of the Auckland City Schools Committee was held in the Wellesley street school last evening, when there were present : Messrs. J. Blades, H. Farrell, Julian, Adams, Squirrell, Fairs, Crowe, Drs. Walker and King. The resignation of Miss E. C. Andrews, assistant at Nelson-street school, was received. The chairman drew the attention of members to the fact that the Board of Education had decided to advertise for applications for the position of first assistant of the Newton East school at a salary of £180. He (Mr. Blades) was pleased to notice this step by the Board, and he hoped the committee would accept the following resolution on the matter :—"That the committee are gratified to observe that the Board has advertised for applications for the position of first assistant of the Newton East school, thereby recognising the justice of a procedure which had been contended for by this committee, and trust that it will be faithfully adhered to and extended to all committees for the future." An application from the Chapel-street school for a grant for the purchase of wooden guns, was referred to the Board of Education. The Board wrote, stating that the Beresfordstreet school would be examined in standards on the 29th July. The examination would be conducted by Inspector D. Petrie, . C. Dickenson, and W. H. Airey. That the law should take cognizance of all matters, especially in connection with the administration of intestate estates, is a recognised fact, but sometimes a principle may be carried too far. For instance, there was an application in the Supreme Court yesterday for administration of an estate, the whole estate consisting of some £30 in the Savings Bank. The money could not be drawn from the bank until administration was granted. The costs of application will of course diminish the corpus of the estate considerably. It is true there was another course. The estate could have been passed over to the Public Trustee, but the probability is that the whole of it would be swallowed up in expenses. Last evening Mr. W. J. Napier delivered a lecture before the Women's Liberal League on "The Problems of Democracy." He first of all alluded to the democracies of Greece and Rome, and stated that the first pure democracy in the world was in New Zealand. Formerly the classes legislated for their orders, but now that things were reversed the democracy should not pursue a policy of revenge, but confine their efforts to improving the social conditions of the workers and the betterment of humanity. He referred to the steps taken at the close of the Crimean War by one of the most Conservative Ministries that ever ruled England to found a cooperative clothing factory tor making uniforms for the army, by which sweating had been suppressed and tho social condition of the operatives greatly improved. The Government of this colony might imitate such an example, and establish a factory on the eight hour system, as a living wage, for manufacturing and making up uniforms of Permanent Force, police, warders, etc. Such a practical example would have a powerful effect upon private employers. As to compensation for injuries to operatives while at work, we had a miserable Employers' Liability Act, the provisions of which were so doubtful that five men out of six had no redress for injuries sustained. In the new extended lease of the Tramways there should be a clause insisting on an eight-hours working day for the employees. On the motion of Mrs. Hendre, seconded by Mrs. Caradus, a vote of thanks was accorded by acclamation to Mr. Napier for his interesting and instructive address. Mr. Napier replied, and said he would be happy to address the League on any future occasion. On Friday next the cyclorama of the Chino-Japanese war will be exhibited at the City Hall, when all the great naval and land battles between China and Japan will be realistically displayed by coloured photographs. There are 400 square feet of canvas, and grand limelight effects. Mr. John Fuller has been specially engaged, and will sing some special selections.
Last evening Mr. Eugster delivered a lecture before the Athenaeum Literary Society on "Our Boy." When speaking of various remedes for the suppression of larrikinism, he Aid great stress upon the necessity which exists of providing some place of meeting where boys might gather together and enjoy under proper restraint, means of letting off their surplus energy, in the form of gymnastics, etc. He suggested that a public meeting should be called by the Mayo, to bring this about; that the Agricultural Hall could, at no very great expense to transformed into a gymnasium and reading-room, where boys who have little or no parental control could by this means be reached, and gradually be put in the way becoming respectable citizens. We learn that Mr. Murdoch has generously placed at the disposal of Professor Tibbs a number of photographs from the antique. These added to the Professor's on collection will enable the lectures on Greek Art to receive fuller illustration ; and an opportunity will be afforded, to those who care to study more in detail, the characteristics of Greek sculpture. Several of the photographs will be available or this evening's lecture, which also has in especial importance, as it will deal with the ground of difference between sculpture and painting. The real object at which a sculptor aims, and the limits upon artistic representation in the round. The schools illustrated will be the "Later Archaic," the " Aeginetan," and the "Transitional." A meeting of the trustees of the Drill Hall was held last evening, Colonel Goring presiding. It was agreed to erect a six feet iron fence in front of the shed, in response to the City Council's offer to level the ground. It was also resolved to approach the City Schools Committee, re drainage and fencing, and the owners of adjacent property, with a view to some definite scheme of fencing. Our Tuakau cooespondent writes :—A nasty accident happened to a little boy four years of age, son of Mr. G. Brown, on the 6th instant. By some means, while playing with a sausage machine, he got his left forefinger crushed. His father lost no time in taking him to Dr. Carolan, Pukekohe, who put the little fellow under chroroform, and amputated the finger at the first joint, stitching up other parts of the finger which was much lacerated. The death of Mr. John Beharrell, the late well-known manager of Messrs. Murray, Roberts, and Co., Hastings, was a great shock to the public, as Mr. Beharrell was about and in his usual health a few days before he died. The was no one more popular or better respected in the township than Mr. Beharrell.—[Own Correspondent]. A meeting was to have been held yesterday evening, at the Drill-shed, for the purpose of considering the advisability of disbanding the Victoria Rifle Volunteer corps, the oldest of its kind in Auckland. The meeting did not take place, but a conference was held of the officers of the Victoria Rifles and City Guards, with a view to amalgamation. Such an amalgamation would of course mean some readjustment of officers, a matter ordinarily of some difficulty. The resignations of Captain Somers and Lieutenant Kearney, the former of which has been sent in and the latter intimated, will, however, probably obviate any friction which otherwise might have arisen. Ab the meeting of the Auckland Women's League last evening the thanks of the League were tendered to the New Zealand Herald for sustaining the action of the League respecting the C. D. Act, and for allowing fair discussion in its columns of the measure. Yesterday Inspector Hickson received a telegram from Sergeant Kiely, at Whakatane, informing him that the men stationed in the Urewera country will return by today's steamer to Auckland. On and after Tuesday, the 16th instant, a sub-agency of the Bank of New Zealand will, circumstances permitting, be opened at Kuaotunu every alternate Tuesday. In connection with their excursions to the South Sea Islands, the Union S.S. Company have issued a very nicely got up work, entitled "A Cruise in the Islands— Tonga, Samoa, Fiji." The book is illustrated, and contains a large amount of valuable information regarding the Tongan, Samoan, and Fiji Groups. The quarterly conference of Anglican Sunday-school teachers was held this year at All Saints', Ponsonby. There were 150 present, all the city and suburban churches, save one, being well represented. There was a reception in the school-room, after which followed a short service in the church. At half-past eight p.m. an adjournment was made to the schoolroom, when Messrs. C. M. Calder and Taylor delivered addressesion "Children's Services." Refreshments were subsequently dispensed by All Saints' School staff. A very pleasant and profitable evening was spent. A correspondent writes respecting cooperative road works in the Urewera Conntry :—"Mr. H. Munro Wilson, C.E., engineer in charge of the road works in the neighbourhood of Galatea, has resigned his position in consequence of pressure of other engagements in the neighbourhood of Auckland which would require his absence from the works. It is probable, therefore, that he will resume his duties as engineer to the Waitemata County Council at the close of the present mouth, and that Mr. Hursthouse will be appointed in his stead to superintend the further work. The works now being proceeded with give employment to about 160 men, of whom about 100 are engaged on the 70 miles length of road (12 feet wide) from Galatea to Waikaremoana, which runs through very broken bush country. About 60 men are engaged forming a track only six feet wide (at present) running for about 45 miles from Rangitaiki, passing over the high bush ranges between the Rangitaiki river, near Galatea, to Ruatoki, and then on to Ohiwa. Good progress is being made throughout." It is stated by a competent authority that there appears to be very little danger of a glut in the world's lemon market. Last year the consumption of lemons in the United States was 5,000,000 boxes, and the combined output of California and Florida, the two great lemon growing States, was only one tenth of that quantity. So that when lemon producing and curing reach anything like perfection in Australia there should be no lack of outlet for a heavy crop. At present the art of curing is so little understood that it is found necessary so import lemons from the Mediterranean for home consumption during part of the year. The Gourlay and Stokes Company will open at the Opera House on Monday next in "Revels." This is the only company that has over had the honour of a vice-regal command to Government House, Wellington, where they played in December last before His Excellency the Governor, Lady Glasgow, and about 400 of their guests. The box plan for " Revels" is now open at Wildman and Lyell's, and seats are being rapidly booked, so the company should have a most successful season here. At the Opera House there will be a variety carnival on Friday and Saturday evening next, under the minagement of Mr. Gerald Shaw, assisted by some Australian talent. Grand conservatory first part, as produced by Mr. Harry Rickards, of Sydney. There are eight "end men," and also a full orchestra. A limelight lecture was given last evening in the Union Free Church, illustrative of events in the "Life of Christ." A large series of coloured views of scenes in the Holy Land were given. Mr. Findlay Hay delivered the descriptive lecture very effectively. A dust was sung by the Misses Goodman ; Mr. Haggett sang "Nazareth ;" and Miss Rimmer "The King of Glory." A quartette, "Sweet Galilee," was also rendered. There was a good attendance. The Columbia Rink was well attended lasts evening, it being ladies' invitation night. On Friday night a novelty in the line of an "egg and spoon" race will take place, and a large attendance is expected. The rink seems to be taking on this season under the new management. There was in the lock-up last evening a lad named Williamson, on a charge of larceny of 7s 5d, from the shop of Wm. Campbell Forgie.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9868, 10 July 1895, Page 5
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2,391LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9868, 10 July 1895, Page 5
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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9868, 10 July 1895, Page 5
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