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— - __ . Dress and Fashion. lT J?™™ fxP^ UGHE Y have-pleasure in announcing the arrival, ex KT w/i \^f^ S vvaikato, lonic, Tainui, and Hawke's Bay (now in har*T - ul -1 exee Ptionally Large Consignments, so that every department ly replenished, and will be found to contain the very Lin. noi JNvJ v JiLjTIES for present and approaching season. E J The Dress Department JVill be found specially attractive. The new materials to hand and to " ■ £ r * ve ei 2?k r^ ee the newest shades and designs, direct from the looms t* ■ J? 8 5 British and Continental Warehousemen and Manufacturers, , (I . ana having been purchased on the best cash terms will be found • exceptionally '• Good Value. * In the HOSIERY DEPARTMENT will be found the most )l approved makes for Ladies and Children in immense variety. II In the GLOVE DEPARTMENT, as usual, we excel. k The RIBBON, LACE, and FANCY DEPARTMENTS are well supplied with the newest designs and best makes. Novelties in same are continually being received TRIMMINGS and HABERDASHERY in immense variety. 3 UMBRELLAS being manufactured by us-in Auckand, a saving of 25 per cent, in duty is effected, the benefit of which our customers get. At present we have a magnificent collection, and keep in touch with the very latest styles in handles, etc., by regular shipments from London [ IRISH LINEN and CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS of every description, direct from the Mills in Belfast, including some remarkably CHEAP CLEARING LOTS. LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING and CORSETS in all best makes. CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING a specialty. Large Shipments of MILLINERY, MANTLES, and Show-room ; Goods have arrived, but as our New Show-room for these is not quite completed we are not in a position for a few days to properly display the many Novelties to hand. Ladies before buying should wait, and we promise a most attractive Show. All classes of General Household Drapery, Calicoes, Sheetings, Shirtings, Blankets, Flannels, etc., at our Low Cash prices. Men's, Boys', and Youths' Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Mercery, etc., best makes at lowest prices. TAILORING in all its branches. SMITH «St CAUGH£7, importers and Cash Drapers. Removal Notice- Dental. Medical. N 0 X , 0 EE. COX & SON, Restored to Health E. COX, L.D.S., > n „„ TTVI , (H. Cox, D.D.S. Eng. f DENTINS. U.S.A. <r BY THE USE OF A.M.P, Buildings, 148. Queen-street. THE ADVERTISING AND PUBLISHING Telephone 674. 1 "" 1 " 8 ' Q aMt " street - AVBT'S S&PSMcin i lei , OFFICES W. K L EATHAU - — SURGEON DENTIST Mrs " M. A * GUMMING, OF THE (For two years with the late Mr. W. H. Skeet) of YarravUle, Victoria, Australia, says: May be consulted at his Room*, adjoining Messrs* "About a year ago, I had a severe attaclc NEW ZFALAND HERALD Ch-imptaloup and Cooper, of Influenza, which left me very weak, with-QUEKN-STRKKT out energy, appetite, or interest in life. (Opposite Wyndham-street). Obtaining little or ho relief from doctors, or AND from the many remedies recommended to -■-v i y jj MPT «ie, I finally tried Aycr's Sarsaparllla and, AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS * OEON drktist ' SHOKTLAND-STEEET (next Post Office). A . ; Has returned to Auckland am: taken orer the pn»r K * ,4 tice of the late W. H. Skeet, at abore address. fie f ; Rr M fl T7 V li will maintain the same scale of fees and respect all • ifjA Jil \J V li l) contracts entered into by his predecessor. *. \ P.O. Box 473. Telephone, 49!. / TO THK Ft\ ' r" / H. C. W R 1 G H T ' #: X'V. *1^ HERALD NEW BUILDINGS, * SURGEON DENTIST (Successor to A. 1.. Wright) / ■ \ OUEEN-STREET Notifies that lie is continuiiiß the Business of a d/'* Xv \"\\ VUMfI oiM-ai. Dentist at the Premises, Shurtland-street, assisted //VOf - f' K\\ \ 'N by Mi. W. 11. Wright. 'I he high-class work of the */7 m O/ } \ V. ~ — ~~ — ~~" "~~ late Mr. A. 1,. Wright will be adhered to, and any '✓ JJ| Oj / \ left untinished by that gentleman will lie coronlet#'} 15 O! ' \ n rp 1 n „ by the new management. 1 CI ' J\ ' ~~ Z~ m,_ _ ~ 1 from that time, I beßan to gain health and J-| 1-^' W "SO R, strength. I continued the treatment until IVELSON TVTOATE &PO -*-!.• J. • » » fully recovered, and now have very great sjiTur'cnv iil'vpict pleasure in telling my friends of the merits Have BUHuJiUJN I brsifol of Oyer's Sarsaparilla, and the happy re(By Kx.mi.), suits of Its use. I consider It the best blood* REMOVED SnOUTLAND-STKEEX (Opposite General Fust purifier known." » 1 —■ Ayer's S. e , Sarsaparilla "MEW WHOLESALE pREMISE-S, ' * ... . . J ,J, _ . 1N YV 1 Biscuit Manufacturers. Admitted at the World's Fair COSMOPOLITAN CHAMBERS, Queen STREET — Made by Dr. J.CJi.yer<k Co.,Lowell,Mas« M (Late Herald Offices). IT IT? YCR 0F T & 0 9 S ' (LIMITED), vy a WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Estabushek 1547, r\ Fancy Goods. ~ MILLERS AND STEAM BISCUIT Ate ujiterjMjUy admitted to lie worth a Guinka Are u-tiTersally admitted to i>o worth a Guiniu j ■ —— MANUFACTUKERS. a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache WA-MTTTn TT-MOWV REVISED BISCUIT LIST, giddiness, fulness ami swelling after mealsdizzines.t A IN i jj I) a IS U W IS, _ _ and drowsiness, cold chills, tiushuifjs of heat, loss SWEETENI). of appetite, shortness of breath, eostiveness scurvy, Abernethy Marie, three flavours and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful PURCHASERS OF PRESENTS AfternoonT» (Vanilla, Lemon, and a'.d all nervous and trernhhug sensations, , v • IJC,UU ". »">' Sic, The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes q 0 ( 0 Arrowroot Noyeau) Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box Auckland £*inch Nonsuch of these Pills, and they will lie acknowledged to be (WOODSON'S Challenge Osborne, Cracker WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. * TTOODSON'S Charcoal Oswego For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as ( , f r> „..i , a few doses of them carry olf all humours, Fnr _ , ';' al ' and bring about all that is required. No Cracknell • Picnic female should be without them. There is no ~ T „ .. .„ r . . . Currant Luncheon Round Wine medicine to bo found equal to BKECHAM'S PILLS Gold and SdTer Jewellery (cheap), watches (Water Digestive Rusk for leiuoving any obstruction or irregularity of the I (■ T . system. If taken according to the directions given bury), Clocks, Electro Plate and Cutlery, Desks, i Incursion Sultana Luncheon with each box they will soon restore females of all j Fancy Wine Sweet Lunch ages to sound and robust health. This has been Work Boxes and Baskets, Japanese Goods of all ' Earthing Arrowroot Universal proved by thousand* who have tried them, and Health Victoria lound the benefits which are ensured by their use. kinds, Basketware, Albums and Photo. Frames (200 Kte Kir i?,. ~ For a we i. stomach, impaired digestion, and all r ' LC '* itc " fctc - disorders of the liver, they act like 'MAGIC, and a ... . . „ , _ , „ pvtpa QwrvTifvm few doses will be found to work wonders on the varieties). Dressing Cases and Bags, Hand Bags, ' ■- ' • most important organs in the human machine I'hey African Vernon Drops strengthen the whole muscular system; restore the Brushes, Combs, Tea, Breakfast, and 'Toilet Sets, Arrowroot (rich) Macaroon long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of Best Mixed Queen Drops appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD Vases, Lustres, Epergnes, Stationery, Cards, Games, Cocoanut Ratafias , ,leal m,' the wb %,V of t !-" hl . m i l " " ' cocoanut jidianas frame. These are "PACTS testified continually by „ , „ , „ „ . „ . T .. Combination Mixed Rice members ofall classes of society; and one of the best Puzzles, Perfumery, Sponges, Hair Curlers, Fire Dessert Savoy guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is. „ _ , . „ _ r , „ Ginger Nut Spies Nuts BSKCHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any Screens, Draught Screens, Lamp Screens, Bamboo _ * . . T „ i - k:. patent medicine in the world. Do. do. JSC. - / lite. Etc., Etc. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail Brackets, Easels, Fire Ornaments, Birthday, Wed- 11011 by the Proprietor. Thomas Beechain, St. Helens UNSWEETENED, Lancashire. England, in Boxes Is ljd (containing ding, Condolence Cards, Dolls, Toys, and] Presents, Cheese Thin Captain Dr^SandffifSidlcineDealer, _ . „ __ , _~, ._, „ • Milk Water Crackers everywhere. Prizes, Bazaar Goods and School Prizes. plajn jAmch Ktc., JCtc., Etc. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box Saloon —— - For Variety. Novelty, and Cheapness, go to We guarantee the above Biscuits to be made of CK L E'«s D|| i C the BEST INGREDIENTS ONLY, and are noted 1a W JL" 1 «- „ GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADES, or their delicious flavours. . BILE. QUEEN -STREET and KAKANGAHAPE ROAD To be obtained from all Grocers, and Wholesale C K E'S PiL L. S#from W FOR LIVER. WANTED T7" NO W N BYCROFT & CO. (LIMITED), CK L E'S PILLS. __ ___ 1*- CITY FLOUR MILLS, FOR ACIDITY. SIIORTLAND-STREET AUCKLAND, C K LE'S PILLS. GOODSON'S—For Gold and Silver Jewellery ■ 1 11 ■*■ ■ 1 —■» FOR HEARTBURN. GOODSON'S—For 'clocks and Waterbury Medical. PILLS* GOODSON'S -For KlectroT'late and Cutlery Bovtr»ian Remtdiet for Skin Erwtiom —— PIG ESTIQN « GOODSON'S-For Desks, Work Boxes, and COCKLE'S 1 -' PILLS. GOODSON'S-For Japanese Goods of all kinds rEffl®. . "J" , E " UP I I '° "f- S* FOR SICK HEADACHE. GOODSON'S-For Basketware, immense variety J"" 1 , C «J ena» %r n rrro ra ■■, « ~ GOODSON'S — Albums and Photo Frames blotches, ULCERATED BAD LEGS, SORES, H OCIC LE S PILLS. GOODSON'S—For Dressing Cases and Bags nil! a"tinni/!%' C n'tr°inf : nifi*i«r«» IN USE EVtRYWHP GOODSON'S-For Bags, Fans, Brushes, and CULLWIGK S SKIN OINTMENT EVERYWHERE. GOODSON'S—For Tea? Breakfast, or Toilet Sets AND BLOOD TABLET?, "'ffituin. itd/-!** GOODSON'S—For Vases Lustres, Epergnes, Proprietor—^W.Martin,Cbem'at,Southampton. Obtain. FREE FROM MERCURY. ct.,..] p( . ablcj from all Chemtats and Stores. Wholesale Joseph — —■ — GOODSON'S-For Stationery, Cards. Games, C " B " AMI> SoM8 ' Licbaeld street, C " BI3TCU ' JBCB ' N.z AOCKLE'S PILL S. GOODSON'S—For Puzzles Sponges, Hair ~WT EA K AN. Jtift. )M ysE OVER QA YEAR*? GOODSON'S-For Perfumery, Sponges, Hair -\\T E A K T%/T A N. M. Curlers, etc. \\ JVi In Boxes at Is. lid., 3s. 9i1., 4s. (3d., lis., and 225. GOODSON'S-For fire Screens, Draught Screens, Of ill Medicin# Vendors throughout tho World. and Lamp Screens w GOODSON'S—For Bamboo Brackets, Easels, Fire If you have failed to find * cure for NERVOUS — ■ Ornaments WEAK* ESS, Ac., &c., do not despair. The French GOODSON'S—For Birthday, Wedding, and Condo- Hospital Iteraedy will cure you. If you send us a ' . .. v lenceQwia fall description of your trouble we will w»nd you a u ur AKD I ) H\hIGIANb f arid even the | Jjl GOODSON'S—'Xmas itiitl New Year Cards trial package. Forward sixpence in stamps for Public are so familiar with tho merits of S« GOODSON'S—For Shelving Paper, art coloured, postage. Address: PARISIAN AGENCY CO., /2DIII4IAIDI "IT ft. />A IO ® 3d dozen Sheets ; P.0.80x 76C, SV DNEY. iaKIiVIAULT & UU. 91 GOODSON'S—For Parisian China Figures, Ex- ~* t \ /r- a | TIT 1 /*>. M „ quisite Lace Work / x * GENTLEMAN having tried in vain -O/i A I IC.j CJ M GOODSONS For Picnic Baskets (stro g), all -A. every Advertised Remedy for Despondency that the afflicted need not hesitate to use it, i GOOnSON'S-For Bridesmaid's Flower Baskets /to remar^'h?e^nann« W that' hewW fhA btaiD a « apld cure °~; lU iuflalnmat . ion ? 01 lM GOODSON'S—For School Prizes and Bazaar *® receiot of a selLadTLsed staged enveloMstnd the u " na Organs in either sex, acquired or S , Goods the 3of ran Fellow sS»f a re?s_ constitutional. It does not cause stricture, D , GOODSON'S-For Variety, Novelty, and Cheap. Address' A Minor, G.P.O.', Sydney. 8 ° W " BU erCrß- SOI °BY all chemists. g . GOODSON'S-For Auckland; and Auckland for -j~^ EBI L IT y and Weakness of Men ACa'.' Au^khSd." B ] J J PERMANENTLY CURED. A great scien- < tiflc discovery by anatomy. Book free. This book /N T OTSTTION 4 Rr!AT>F,R ' s invaluable, and points out the way of cure to annr>C!n\r'S T ONDON A RCADES ,s invaluable, and points "Write, Weak Men and . T ; ' OODbUJN & | UINUUiM A twjAUno, lmfortllnate Huff( , rers . Write, Weak Men and T s V3T -*-« XX. AVife's Dream (enclosing 6d in N.Z. stamps fo post, |IHE WIFE'S IjRKAM.—A Great Dis- 1 QUEEN-STREET AND KARANG AH APE age). PBOFKSSOR HERMANN, 41, Collins East X covery. Most Valuable Book, posted free.— 1 ROAD. Place, Cillina-atreet, Melbourne. Write Specialist, Q.P.0.. Melbourne. ]

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9775, 23 March 1895, Page 3

Word Count

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9775, 23 March 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9775, 23 March 1895, Page 3


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