The ordinary meeting of the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was held at the Board's office, High street, yesterd*y, when the following members were present:— Messrs. J. Bollard (chairman). J. Gordon, H. Garratt, Bruce, J. Ambuiy, C. Hesketh, J. M. Lennox, J. McCabe, and J. Swales,
Vote for Hospital Purposes—Mr. F. Lawry, M.H. R., wrote under date of Sep tember 10 stating that the Auckland mein hers had waited on the Minister asking that £2000 -hould be voted to Auckland for hospital purposes. The matter had been discussed, and £1250 had been offered. Mr. Lawry said he was disappointed at the result, but did not think anything further could be obtained, as every Board iu the colony was asking for money. Relief to Maoris.—Mr. Michael Shea forwarded an account of £3 3s, which he had incurred in giving relief to destitute Maoris at Lake Takapuna. Mr. Shea said that, on the 24th June, at the request of some Maoris living uenr Lake Takapuna, he called to see them, and fouud five or six of them suffering, as he thought, from a severe attack of influenza, and as one of their number had died on the previous Saturday suffering from the same complaint, he thought the proper tiling to do was to send for Dr. Roberts, of Devouport, that he might give them necessary advice and medicine. He wad now aware of his mistake in not applying to the Charitable Aid Board at once on behalf of the natives tor medical assistance. He asked the Board to see the doctor's account paid. After some discussion, it was decided to defer the matter with a view of making further inquiries. Contributions. — Several local bodies wrote protesting against the appropriating of their subsidies by the Treasury for the Charitable Aid and Hospital purposes without notice being given to them. Mr. Lennox thought it was a mistake for the Board to appropriate small amounts from Council subsidies. The chairman said that the Board had not educated the local bodies properly. It had been too lenient with them and had not called in the contributions when due. Mr. Ambury moved," That these Local Bodies be informed that their contributions were due on the 30th April." He pointed out that if the contributions due to the Charitable Aid Board were not paid by that date, the Board was obliged to pay interest on a bank overdraft. Carried. North Auckland Board.—This Board forwarded an account of £1 10s incurred in the burial of the two men, Hoaoe and Davis, who were suffocated by charcoal in a small cutter at Nguuguru. _ Both men belonged to the Auckland district. The matter was deferred. Finance.— The statement of accounts read by the secretary showed that on Saturday, the 15th instant, the Board had a credit balance of £174 4s 4d. This is the first time the Board has shown a credit balance for two years. Admitted to the Home.— John D. O'Hara, aged 74, was admitted to the CostleyHome for three mouths. Two other applications were withdrawn. House Committee's Report.—This committee reported as follows :—l. That Dr. Pabst, house physician, arrived from Melbourne on the Bth inst., and took up his duties at once. 2. Nurses: Recommended that the Board consider the suggestions of honorary staff, submitted herewith as to allowing nurses to go out to private nursing upon the application of medical men. 3. Instruments : House surgeon has reported purchase of certain instruments urgently required. . Committee have authorised the purchase of a crutch for operating table at cost of £2 10s. 4. House Surgeon has been granted leave of absence for five days. Nurse Rake : Recommended that the resolution of the 23rd July last, relative to employment of Nurse Rake, be rescinded, and that the Board adopt the recommendation of the House Committee of 2nd July, dispensing with the services of Nurse Rake on account of her indifferent health. The clauses of the report were considered seriatim. Regarding the question of allowing nurses to go out to private nursing : The Board to accede to the request and allow them to go out when urgently required, on the condition that money earned in this way accrue to the funds of the Board, and not the funds of the Nursing Staff as suggested in the conditions proposed. The clause relating to Nurse Rake drew forth a very animated discussion. Mr. Garratt moved that the clause be struck out, and chat, Nurse Rake be reinstated in accordance with the resolution passed on the 23rd July last. Mr. Garratt'a motion was carried by rive to four. The report as amended was adopted.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9619, 18 September 1894, Page 6
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