, ;' Chemists and Druggists. LONDONDERR Y P H A R M A C yT II if M. ECCLES, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, *■ KARANQAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON, NEXT MCPHERSON AN!) CO.'S. hi wtks* EXPECTORANT—Cures Coughs, Colil.s, Hoarsenesi Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough 11 r\% l all Disorders of the Chest and Lungs. Sold in bottle? Is Od and 2a 6d each. . ;f,f Lewi- VEGETABLE WORM SYRUP-A Certain Reined' for all kinds of Worms. In bottles, la 60. ;i CpnrvVsSENTIAL OIL KUCALYPrUS-For Cough* Colds, and other Throat and Chest Artec- | # 1»%,„ n . Used externally for Sprains, Cuts, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. In bottles, Is and Is Cd. * tCCLES' EYE LOTION—An Effectual Cure for Sore m*. Blight, and Inflamed Eyelids, etc In T°ESM}UINiNE AND IRON Chemists and Druggists. Iron in a high state of purity, L O N D 0 N D E R R Y PHARMACY^ i 1 M. ECCL'ES, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, *" KARANQAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON, NEXT MiCPHERSON AN!) CO.'S. wtTHS'BXPECTORANT—Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarsened Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough r JahH Disorders of the ('heat and Lungs. Sold in bottler 1" Od and 2a 6d oach. VEGETABLE WORM SYBUP—A Certain Remed* for all kinds of Worms. In bottles, 1h 60. wJtkSMESSENTIAL OIL EUCALYFrUS-For Coughs' Colds, and other Throat and Chest ArtecFrtnM Used externally for Sprains, Cuts, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. In bottles, Is and Is Cd. LfiCMBS* EYE LOTION—An Effectual Cure for Sore Blight, and Inflamed Eyelids, etc In 'wLES' QUININE AND IRON TONIC—This contain Quinine and Iron in a high state of purity, and is the moat agreeable, strengthening, and eflicifit "-Kent yet discovered. In all cases of Weak- ' 4 ness Nervousness, Debility, Low Spirits, Neuralg*. Loss of Appetite, Poorness of Blood, Nervous SP ' Exhaustion, Sleeplessness, etc. In bottles, 2s Cd «nd 4s Od. I. • ! m-pi FS- OLYCF.KINE OF TANNIN-For Sore Nicies. In bottles, Is. it K rn ES' BORAX OF GLYCERINE—For Thrush, 'ore Lips, etc. In bottles, Is. j.4 Srrr FS' CORN CURE—Guaranteed to remove Had and Soft Corns in a-few days. In bottles. Is. KCCLES' TOOTHACHE SPEClFlC—Generally gi<J» speedy and active relief by first application. In •f RLE HAIR WASH—Guaranteed to produce a fine Head of Hair and prevent its falHI "lino- off. Also for removing scurf and dandruf. In bottles, is Cd. BCCLK*' INDIGESTION TONlC—Cures Indig**tion, Bilious, Liver, and all Stomach Complaints. In ■rsfifcES^PINK*CARMINATIVE MIXTUBE-For Disorders incident to Infants, as Convulsions, Oritws, Flatulency, Tooth Fever, etc. In tyttles, Is (id. «tfT.ES' PURE VASELINE—An invaluable remedy for Softening tho Skin anil Healing Chapped m Hands. Also for Burns, Wounds, and Sutburns. In bottles, Oil each. i Prescriptions accurately dispensed with pu« drugs. Country Orders, with postal notes, promptly at- '' ! tend** to. Teeth carefully extracted. Th< above household remedies guaranteed to be made from *« nnrest drugs procurable, and always fredi. "prepared by ML ECCLES, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMLST, KAIUNGAIIAPE ROAD, NEWTON, I oxtMacphersonandlCo.'n. """""" Flour Mills GENUINE LOCAL INDUSTRY. i THli NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING ..COMPANY, ; LIMITED, AUCKLAND, 8 Have alwayi in etock tbewfavouribo brands' of Flour, I "CHAMPION' and "STANDARD," I thab received First Award ab the Melbourne* Exhibition, and are now tho best- manuI Stored, purest, and most profitable Baking Flours in New Zealand. < Foe snips' stores and exportation "CHAMPION" is property desiccated, thereby ' i} MtainJOffifc ß lino flavour and strength in warmer climates and the Islands of the Pacific. Also, tie useful second-class brands of Flour, :•' ""-OCEANIC" and "HOUSEWIFE'S PRIDE.' In 200, 100, 50, and 251b bags. . GRANULATED WHEAT MEAL for making Wholemeal Broad and Scones, in I ■ 200, 100, 50, 25, and 61b bags FRESH-MADE BRAN, POLLARD,-end -SHARPS, in. 100, 16ft and 2001b sacks. ' "FOWL WHEAT, in 2101b sacks. 9 V 1 BROKEN- WHEAT in 2101b sacks. SEMOLINA, in 61b bugs. ; Makes'delicious Custards and Puddings; far more wholesome, fresher, and better ', flavourfd than any similar Imported Food. I" - GERMINA. Onr'famous Patenb Food, made from the finest of wheat, iatnufcritious, palatable • jnd easily cooked; very rich in albuminoids ami (muscle, flesh, brain, bone formers); unsurpassed for DYSPEPTICS and those suffering from INDIGESTION ; strongly recommended by the highest medical authorities for daily uso In every family; makes delightful PORRIDGE, less heating and more laxative than Oatmeal, and much better adapted for this climabo. lb ia pub up in neat 4£ and 101b ()od bone formers); unsurpassed for in each:, and may bo had from alt from INDIGESTION ; strongly recommended by the highest medical authorities for daily use in every family; makes delightful PORRIDGE less heating und more laxative than Oatmeal, and much better adapted for this climate. lb is put up in neat 4.J and lUlb bags, with printed directions^and -recipes in each, and may be had from all Storekeepers ana Merchants. Trices on application to A. M C CORQ,UODALE, II ' . '■ ACER. ! r " ■"' ■ ■'■ -' -—saa i —- sag
Toilet. I TTIDSON'S XT AIR ■OENEWERI RESTORES GREY OR FADED HAIR I TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR. j It cleanses the scalp, and prevents dandruff. . ' It promotes growth, and makes the hair soft, plian i;.; ' and glossy. >i Bottles at 3s 6d. Posted, 4s 6d, to my part of the Colony., [FROM A GRATEFUL YOUNG LADY.] College-street, Caversham, Dunedin, January 5. I (881. Dear Sir,—The effect has been so surprising I after usine one bottle of your Hair Renewer, that i lieel in duty bound to let you know the pleasing I remits. .Some time ago I had the misfortune to loiie nearly all my hair, and what little was left had , turned grey and white. Now I have a splendid . i ' head of hair, and almost its natural colour, the « i . SESOLT OK A single BOTTLE. I can gratefully [ • indorse every word contained in your printed testij . monials, anil have great confidence in recommend- ' , iiig it. I will do my best to make your Hair ' " Restorer known among my friends.— Respectfully, ■ , J.J. i To Mr. Edson. COMPLETE ARREST OF FALLING HAIR. Razorback, Auckland, April 9,1839. Dear Sir,— Borne two years ago after a severe illness, my hair fell off in patches, and was cause of great disfigurement. I tried a great many remedies, without producing any benefit, whatever. After using two ■ bottles of your Hair Kenewer a perceptible change , Wis visible, and fcy continuing its use I am now in fsssession of a beautiful head of Lair, and feel that owe you a debt of gratitude. I shall recommend it to all my friends.—Yours faithfully, M. McK, —Mr. Edson. WITH PLEASURE IN RECOMMENDING. [FROM A GENTLEMAN.] Auckland, June 1, 1882. Sir,—About twelve .---' months ago my attention was called to your Hair Eenewer, which I have been applying since, and § find it produces the desired effect, i.e. preventing the hair from falling out, and maintaining the de- - sired shade, also preserving it in a satisfactory slate. On account of my hair turning grey and falling out, I had been in the habit of using a more ■ expensive imported article. I have pleasure in reH commending your excellent preparation. I find one \- application a week quite sufficient to keep ray hair II in good condition, both as to growth and colour. Should you desire to give publicity to this, readers will perceive that, for obvious reasons, my name is ' ? nut appended.—To Mr. Edson, Chemist, Auckland, Prepared by J. EDSON, CHEMIST AND PHARMACIST, MEDICAL HALL, •■QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. Established 1859.) V _ Medical. A "WONDERFUL MEDICINE, BEECH AM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea A Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache giajlmenn, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness,' cold chills, flushings of heat, loss Of appetite, shortness of breath, oostivenesis, scurvy, ; and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful y , dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations fcc, The first, dose will give relief in twenty minutes Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box Of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. lor Females of all ages these Hills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female shoald be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BKECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will noon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a .-: few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine They ittrengthen the whole muscular system; restore the iongJost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD of health, the whole physical energy of the hum/in frame. These are "FACTS" testified continually by members ofall classes of society; and one of the best " guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, •BKECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only, and .Sold Wholesale and Retail, 5 y the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in Boxes Is ljd (containing w pills), and at 2s fid (treble quantity;. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box -— t ~1,, I, UYIBPOOL GOLD STORAGE ' AND , ICE COMPANY (LIMITED). Large and Extensive GOLD AIR STORES, On latest approved principle, Capable of holding about 80,000 CARCASES OF MUTTON. '."'/ : .fi» Stores, being in CLOSE PROXIMITY to the DOCKS and all RAILWAY DEPOTS and WHOLESALE MARKETS, quick '.:' despatch is ensured. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Telegraphic Address : "ICICLE," LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND.
Medical. ./Mr.'JAS.' E. NICHOLSON, A well-to-do Farmer of FlorenccviUe, N. B. Canada, suffers for seven long :.■■■■, - years with 1 CANCER OF THE LIP. Agonizing; torture relieved, Disease Cured. $" 1 am 55 years of age, and until 1884 had always enjoyed good health. About that time, a little hard bunch, like a wart, appeared on my lower iip. Finally, the bunch gathered, broke, and formed a sore; then it began to eat into the flesh. The Cancer— that is what the doctors 1 finally called itkept getting worse and worse, ' year after year. It caused me great pain and uneasiness. During the last year, I would wake twenty times in a night, suffering intensely from twitching pains. It was as if my flash was being torn from me by pinchers, bit by bit. At last, fl 'began to take Ayet'B Sarsaparitla. In the course of a week or two I noticed a decided improvement. The twitching and the pains were very much less, and the sore began to look healthier. In three months my lip began to heal, and, after using the Sarsaparilla for six months, the last trace of the Cancer disappeared, and left very little scar."— E. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. 8., Canada. <» Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla Made by Dr. J. C. Aycr&Co, Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. 'Has cured others, will euro you. COCKLE'S FILLS, FREE-FROST MERCURY. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR T.I V Sit. COCKLE'S FILLS, FOIt BILE. COCKLE'S FILLS, t FOR INDIGESTION. COCKLE'S TILLS. FOR HEARTBURN. C~ OCKLE'S PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE. COCKLE'S FILLS, FOR ACIDITY COCKLE'S PILLS. \_y IN USE EVERYWHERE. (COCKLE'S FILLS, J IN USE NINETY YEARS. In Boxes at Is. ljd. 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 225, At all Medicine Vkndoos throughout tub WORM* NOgfigIP&TRUSS In the •s^gS»kSfo,«LßadW^ Wor ' ci wi.ilßetn.in a Run- /(rcS3HSa}6?S»S** turo or give Huliof like Or. M\J?*ti&f?%ir I*i«*c»'« 9V*sn«tlC JKl'tntto m Trwiw. This Celebrated Trass m /Jzl\ radically cured thousands of ' cases. No Iron Hoops or Steel HnrinKS. It can be worn with ease and comfort rVJtflii and Day. Perfect, fitting Trusses sent by mail. If you want the BEST, send for Pamphlet No. 1. Address MAGNETIC BI.ASTIOTIHrBB Co.,3*nFrM>cl»co.C(il. UrWn«!Uneti>i9 Si. Son!* Co.. F-Htfiit., Kytlsiey, or Elliott ic«-»<t.. Rrlabnu<>. AgentsPUREST, SAFEST, CfK best. ®L m/W^ For TOILET, NURSERY, ok '' BATH. \%>3V CHOICE * SCENTS PUREST dP^$M MATERIALS . f^~^W^ #\ DELICATE \J ACTION. The most suitable and scientific Soap for delicate skins. i "An ideal soap, delightfully perfumed."—Chemist and Druggist. In five kinds : Premier, Floral, Balsamic (Medical), Otto (Toilet), and Vestal. VINOI.IA CREAM for Itching, Insect Rites, &c. VINOLIA POWDER, for the Toilet, Nursery, &c \ Sold Everywhere.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9157, 25 March 1893, Page 3
Word Count
2,030Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9157, 25 March 1893, Page 3
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