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THAMES OAS COMPANY. The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Thames Gas Company (Ltd.) was held at the office of Mr. P. A. White, Queenstreet, on the 23th August. Mr. O. B. Stone presided. The directors' report and the balance-sheet were read by the Secretary, as follow :— Tlio Directors have much pleasure in presenting shareholders .vitli the balance-sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended ".Ist .Inly lust, from which it will ho wren that after making provision fnr.t.eprechuioit on plant and buildings, anil bail debts, there remains a sum of .£.71(5 Ills 9tl available for division, which they recommend being appropriated as follows: —To payment of a dividend of Is 2d per share, which, with the interim dividend paid in March last, is equal to (i per cent, per nudum 011 the paid-up capital of the company, leaving a balance of ,Ci;'.i lis Id to bo carried forward to new account. In accordance with the company's Articles of Association, Mr. .1. L. Wilson retires from the Directory, and, liuiug eligible, offers himself for re election. It is also the duty of this meeting to elect an auditor for tilts current year. .Mr. (.ioorge t'raser again offers his services to the shareholders. WORKING ACCOUNT. > Dr.—Coals and shale, £TSI 17s in I; stokers' wages, --t'- i>s : wear and tear, £-11) lis ."id ; salaries, £450; bad debts, £10 lUs Hid ; general expenses : honorarium. £100; auditor, £8 Ss; property tax, ,HS;> lis 3d ; license fee, £12 10s ; rates and taxes, CllM Ifls 4(1 ; miscellaneous, £70 7s (id ; insurance fund, .€2!) 10s; (titlance on year's working, £1537 Is 2d: total, £3791 9s 2d. (JR.—(las, £3220 17s Gil: residual products, £358 10s (id ; interest, £20.) Is 2d : total, £:17!)1 l Js 2d. niOFIT AM) LOSS ACCOUNT. Hit.—Dividend piidSth September, ISOO, £552 lis , c tl ; dividend paid Sth March, 1891, £532 f>s Si I ; depreciation, £ li(j Os'Jil ; balance, £710 10s Oil : total, £2357 8s Hid. (Jr. —Balance, 31st July, lj<)0, £770 7s Sd ; working account m above, £lnS7 Is 2d ; total, £2357 Ss lOd. i:ai.\n'ci: SIIF.CT. Dr.—Capital: Amount of calls on 9052 shares at 3Ss each, £.18,905 Ids ; reserve fund, £801 as lOil ; insurance fund, £312 Is Oil : dividends unpaid, £70 ISs (id ; profit and loss, £710 10s Oil : total, £20,992 l;>s 7d. OK. — Freehold l;\nd and buildings, £470) Is 3d; plant, £11,500 ; stock, .£033 ; investments, £2731 Us 3d; i tlice furniture, £75 ; debts due. to company, J £123 ; cash in hank and in hand, £j27 14.s Id : total, £20,992 15s Til. | The Chairman- stated that lie had much I pleasure in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet. Mr. Banicuaut seconded the adoption of the report. The resolution was then put and carried. Mr. ,T. L. Wilson was re-elected a director, tie said lie was much obliged to the shareholders for their continued confidence. Mr. CiroKci; Kkaskh was re-elected auditor at the same remuneration as before. The Skcuetaky stated that the dividend would be payable on the 7th next mouth, and the meeting terminated after a vote of thanks to the chairman had been passed.

TRENTON G.M. CO. The annual meeting of the Trenton G.M. Company was held on Aug. 20, in the large room of the insurance. Buildings, Mr. James Russell presiding. The report of the directors was read as follows : — Auckland, 2,~>th August, 1891. To the shareholders: Gentlemen, —Your directors have the honour to submit their annual report and balance-sheet for the year now ended. The summary from the balance-sheet is as follows Receipts : Calls received, £1019 lis '!il; gold won fromo93 loads quartz, J0920z lOdwts sold for £28IS ;"is 9d : tailings, £'29 0s «cl; received for pump sold to the Consols G.M. Co. (Limited), £200 : bank overdraft, £728 Is 9d : total, £4824 19s. Disbursements : Rank debit balance, £619 14s Gd ; wages, £2278 lis 9d : general charges, including mining requisites, ; £1640 12s 9d ; rock borer, paid balance to the Cambria G.M. Co. (Limited), £2.31): total, £4524 19s. It will be observed from the statement that during the past year the yield of gold from the ore won has been Very satisfactory. Two hundred and ninety-two loads quartz yielded 10920z lOdwt melted gold, equal to over a|oz to the load. The gold was won from the Saxon lodes which run through the claim, but developments are required further to t|ie eastward by continuing the drive on 10 lode. Meantime, before that work is begun, the main tunnel southward at No. 5 level is being extended to ascertain whether there is another reef in the foot wall of what is designated as the Saxon new lode. 'When the tunnel is sufficiently advanced, and the ground prospected, the other absolutely necessary work above referred to will be undertaken eastward as far as and beyond the crosslodes which traverse the Trenton, through which the neighbouring claim—the May Queengot its rich gold. The channel of sandstone country in the Trenton being exactly similar, your directors are sanguine that the lode in the Trenton through those cross lodes will be found equally rich. The mine manager's report will be read. The two retiring directors are Messrs. James Dickey and Colonel H. Burton, who are eligible, and seek-re-election.—J. Russell, Chairman.

The Chairman" said he had nothing to add to what was now before the share-

holders, and he moved that; the directors' report bo adopted, the balance - sheet passed, and the mine manager's report approved. The motion was unanimously agreed to. On the motion of Mr. Fouoiiky, Colonel Burton and Mr. James Dickey were reelected directors.

Mr. Menzies was unanimously appointed auditor of the company.


At the annual meeting of the Christchurch Chamber of Commerce on August 28 Mr. W. Devenish A lea res was elected President, and Mr. E. S. Harley Vice-President. The retiring President, Mr. Reece, in his address said — There is ample evidence of the soundness of commercial affairs. There

can be no doubtindeed we have ample evidence from the large sums waiting investment and on deposit—that enterprise has been checked and capital made timid owing, first to the succession of labour difficulties at the commencement of the year, and latterly to the uncertain feeling with regard tp taxation and other proposed changes in legislative enactments. The first cause I trust will not recur in the future ; and with regard to the second it is to be hoped that the amendments made in the taxation Bills and other measures will tend to make them less harmful than was at first anticipated." Referring to the frozen meat industry, he said it would be almost imperative, if the quality of our flocks is to be maintained, to reserve the

earliest maturing young ewes for breeding purposes. The fruit and dairy industries were worthy of more attention from farmers. He was pleased to note a considerable decrease in the number of bankruptcies in Canterbury, and thought the proposed abolition of the laws for the collection of debt had much to commend it, as without such protection the credit system would shrink to normal and safe proportions. He advocated the Chambers of Commerce fostering technical and agricultural education in'schools. Concerning federation with Australia, he believed New Zealand should aim at commercial and not political union. He pointed out that £60,000 is spent yearly in defence, besides tha contribution to the naval squadron, and that our land forces are quite disorganised. He urged the members to assist in causing this great waste of public money to be stopped, or in seeing that it be expended in securing efficient defence for the colony. He approved of the proposed reduction of inland postage to one penny.. He thought thab if Parliament affirmed the principle that the railways were to be worked for the benefit of the country, and not to raise revenue, the Commissioners would have a clear course before them ; butas it was, their position was most difficult. He hoped Vaile's. system would be tested. _ Compulsory resort to impartial arbitration would probably prevent mauy of the present differences between capital and labour. With regard to the land question, he did nob see how the land could politically bo

treated differently to other property. He believed in promoting settlement) on the land."

The annual meeting of the Auckland Benevolent Society -was held on the '28th August, when there was a; fair attendance, consisting mostly of ladies. Colonel Haultain was in the chair, aud read the annual report, which stated that the society had done useful work during the year. The balancesheet shows that the receipts were £560 19s lid, and the expenditure £509 ss■; •Id, leaving a balance of £51 14s 7d. The office-bearers for the ensuing year were elected us follows : — President, 1 Colonel Haultain; vice-presidents, Rev. C. M. Nelson and Dr. B. C. Beale; treasurer, Mr. C. C. McMillan; secretary, Mi-. F. G. Ewington: gentlemen's committee, Messrs. Moss Davis, Ralph Keesing, G. S. Kissling, C. C. McMillan, H. B. Morton, T. Peacock, A. Thompson, W. Thome; ladies committee (with power to add to their number), Mcsdamos Nelson, Tebbs, Moss Davis, Haines, Hamilton, Goodull, Collins,_ Rake, Cowie, Ashwell, Kitchener, Pritt, Lindsay, Stone, and the Misses Asliton, Barstow, Brett. In response to a largely signed requisition, His Worship the Mayor (Mr. J. H. Upton) convened a meeting of citizens at the Academy of Music on August 25, for the purpose of urging on the Government to ■support Mr. Roes' Bill to give Mr. Vaile's scheme a trial on the Auckland and Waikato railway. Mr. Hugh Campbell moved, "That considering the great importance of administering our railway system, with a view to the profitable settlement of the land ot the colony, and of increasing tho railway revenue, this meeting earnestly requests the Government to assist Mr. W. L. Rees in carrying his Bill amending the Government Railways Act, 1857." Tiio motion was seconded by Mr. A. Bell, and carried. Mr. R. French moved, "That the thanks of this meeting are due to Mr. W. L. Ree3 for introducing tlio Bill to amend the Government Railways Act of 18S7, as well as to Sir George Grey, and to the largo number of members from nearly every other district of tho colony, who, irrespective of any party considerations, have promised to support tho Bill for a trial of the new system." Mr. Dixon seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. Jones moved that the Mayor be requested to forward the resolutions to the Premier and to Mr. Rees. Mr. J. M. McLachlan seconded the motion, and it was carried without dissent.

The 20th annual meeting of the Thames Building Society was held on August 18. Tho report presented stated that the business done by the Society had been fairly successful, but owing to several causes the amount available for division was considerably less than last year. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance for tho year of £935 4s -Id, which, added to £101 7s 5d brought forward from last year, gives a total of £1090 lis 9d available for division, which it is proposed to appropriate as follows : — Interest at tho rate of 0| per cent, to the credit of investing shareholders, £002 los 2d: dividend at the rate of 24 per' cent., £235 Is 3d; general charges, £l(i.'! 3s 8d ; office rent, £52, leaving a credit balance of £43 lis 8d to bo carried forward. Thereport and balance-sheet were adopted, and Messrs. J. Read and J. Paterson were reelected members of the committee.

A meeting of the recently - organised National Association of New Zealand was held on Monday, September 7, in Robson's Rooms. There was a good attendance, Mr. Thomas Peacock presided. A council consisting of a president, two vice-presi-dents, and twelve members were elected. There are about, I>()0 members on the roll. Hides and constitution were adopted. The following is the platform of the new Association as defined in the circular :—" L To promote a national sentiment as opposed to sectional and class interests'. 2. To promote agricultural, mining, commercial, and manufacturing enterprise, and remove all unnecessary obstacles to their development. To promote the due registration of Parliamentary electors, true representation in Parliament, and the election of the best men available. 4. To promote reforms economic, legislative, and-constitutional. 5. To promote sound political economy, and to oppose class legislation and all undue intcrt'eience with individual rights and liberty. 5 ' The first general meeting of the Auckland Co operative Bootmakers' Society (Limited) took place on August 21. Air. King presided. The balance-sheet and directors' report were read. From the report, which referred only to the three months during which the Society was in •operation, there had been a turn over of £511, of which £242 had been expended in wages and defraying cost of management and all other contingencies, there was a net balance of £12 odd. The working capital was £170.

The half-yearly meeting of the Auckland Typographical Association was held on Saturday, August 1/5, in the Co ( urt-room of the Foresters' Hall, Mr. James Regan (president) presiding. Thero was a largo attendance of members, and a considerable amount of routine business in connection with the Association was gone through. Great pleasure was expressed at the continued friendly relations existing between the employers and the Society. The half-yearly meeting of the New Zealand Board of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society was held in the Catholic Institute on August 26, and the adjourned meeting on August 27 in the St. Benedict's Hall. The following delegates were present:—Greymouth, Win. Mahoney ; Charleston, 10. Dunne; Graharnstown, Foy and Harney ; Hokitika, P. Haslam ; Dunedin, O'Brien and Nerheney ; Auckland, Dora 11 and Kane; Christchnrcli, W. Beelian ; Onehunga, llonan ; Wellington, R. Brown; Blenheim, Smith and Pohlen ; New Plymouth, Goyle; Waipawa, W. Fair weather ; Hastings, O'Kano ; Leeston, M. Tublert; Mew JTeadford, D. Slade; Titnaru, White; Rangiora, Corbett ; Masterton, Buckley; Oamaru, J. Patterson. The district) officers present were Messrs. C. Little, D.P. ; D. Flynn, D.P. ; P. Kearney, D.S.; J. Flynn, treasurer; S. Fair weather, D.P.P. The reporb and balance-sheet were read, showing the Society to be in a sound financial position. The total amount of funeral fund is over £2500. The report also showed the various branches to ba progressing very favourably, the increase of membership being 125 during the half-year. The total sum to the credit of the sick fund in the various branches amounts to £9235. During the evening Brother Foy (Grahamstown branch) prasonted a handsome marble clock to Brother J. Harvey on behalf of his branch. A meeting was held in the Assembly Rooms, Upper Queen-street, on Sept. 7, for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements for the annual Eight Hours' Demonstration. The following officers were elected :Chairman, Mr. H. W. Dixon ; vice-chairmen, Messrs. A. M. Salmon, W. H. Worth, and R. Shaw; secretary, Mr. W. F. Connolly; treasurer, Mr. G. B. Blackwell; committee "(with power to add to its number), Messrs. Dixon, Bust, Connolly, Blackwell, Salmon, Worth, Purdie, and Shaw.

Afc the first annual meeting of tho Hawkes' Bay Free Association it was reported that the total membership was over 2200, of whom 1959 are working members. The prejudice at first existing on the part of working men has now been dissipated. Situations were found for 157 men in the year, and relief granted to 37 members who had met with accidents. The guarantee fund now stands at £13,619, the guaranteeing members numbering 202. Tho receipts for the year were £1700, and the expenditure £346 less. The thirtieth annual meeting of the Auckland United Cricket Club was held in the British Hotel on Wednesday evening, September 9, Mr. J. Mumford presiding. There was a good attendance of members. The report and balance-sheet for the past season was read and adopted. Judge Fenton was ve-elccted president, and Messrs. A. E. Whita.ker, JET. Rees George, George Court, and Captain Lambert were elected vicepresidents. Mr. C. E. MacCormick was reelected hon. secretary, and Mr.' W. A. Harvie hon. treasurer. Mr. E. H. Barber was elected secretary ' for the second eleven. Messrs. Mumford, Yates, Steinson, McKinney, and C. Harvie were elected a committee, and Messrs. C. E. MacCormick and W. A. Ilarvic delegates to the association. Seven new members were elected. Mr. J. Mumford having retired from the position of captain of the first eleven, Mr. W. A. Harvie was elected in his stead. A vote .of thanks to Messrs. Mumford end McKinney for their past services was specially passed, and the usual. of thanks to the officers of the past season and to the chairman closed the proceedings.

The annual meeting of the Lily of tho Valley Female L.0.L., No. 2, took place in the lodge-room, Protestant Hall, Newton, on Sept. 2. The report and balance-sheet showed the lodge to be in a flourishing con- ! dition. The following officers were elected : -Miss E. J. Taylor, president; Mrs. Taylor, vice-president; Miss Brown, secretory ; Miss Gardiner, treasurer; Miss Harrison, inner guard. At the ordinary half-yearly meeting-.of fche_ Christchureh Tramway Company the chairman said 720,000 passengers travelled in the; cars, -averaging 4000 daily. The receipts were £6834, and the expenditure £5885. 200,000 nioro passengers • were carried than in the titst half of 18S8. The annual meeting of the Auckland Pony and Trotting (Jlnb for the year ] 890-91 was held on Aug. 17 at the office, Durham-street Last. Mr. W. Adams presided, and there was a fair attendance of members, about '20 in all being present. The report of the committee was of a very satisfactory nature. It congratulated the club on the substantial credit balance of £430, and stated that the club had a most successful year, and headed the list of trotting clubs both in the amount of stakes and the amount passed through the totalisator. According to the rules six members of the committee retired. Messrs. E. D. Ilalstcad, J. Martin, and W. Adams were re-elected, and Messrs., T. MeEwin, S. C. Caulton, and 13. M. Page were appointed to 'fill the other vacancies. A vote of thanks wis accorded to the secretary, Mr. G. J. l . Mark. ,

The annual meeting of the Takapuua Jockey Club was held at the club's offices, Devonport, at half-past two p.m. on the 7th September. There was a good attendance. Mr. Alison (Mayor of Devonport) presided, and called upon the secretary, Mr. Wynyard, to read the annua] report, which went to show that the club had been very successful the past year. The receipts had been £3122 ISs, and the ; expenditure £2853 Ids, leaving a profit of £'269 The following gentlemen were elected the committee for the ensuing year :—Messrs. ! E. W. Alison, A. Alison, F. Wells, J. Mays, R. H. Duder, W. H. Fenton, and W. Adams. Votes of thanks were passed to the chairman and the members of the retiring committee for their services during the past year. The annual meeting of the Auckland Draughts Club took place on Monday, the 31st August, Mr. Johnstone in the chair. The report for the past year was a favourable one, showing an increase in membership, anil there was a credit balance of £1 5s lid. _ The following officers were elected :— President, Mr. P. Oliphant (re-elected); vice-presidents, Messrs. H. Henderson and J. S. Johnstone (re-elected); secretary and treasurer, Air. C. Gunthorp (re-elected); auditors (re-elected), Messrs. E. G. Healy and M. Connolly; committee, Messrs. Watson, Ferguson, Stone, Craig, and Walsh (the last two re-elected). The nineteenth annual general meeting of the Auckland Cricket Club was held on Saturday, Sept. 3, at the Central Hotel, the President (James Russell, Esq.) occupying the chair. The report and balance-sheet were read and adopted. The office bearers were elected as follow Patron. Lord Onslow (re-elected); President, James Russell, Esq., (re-elected); Vice-presidents, W. E. Barton, R. Blair, J. H. B. Coates, A. 13. l)ewes. F. Earl, L. Ehrenfried, C. S. S. George, E. Hesketh, J. C. Seccombe, and Colonel Burton (re-elected); lion, secretary, Mr. A. M. Beale (re-elected); lion, treasurer, Mr. J. C. Webster (re-elected); committee, Messrs. J. Arneil, J. T. Hewlett, R. Reid, A. O'Brien, R. 11. Reid, Rev. 1. Richards. Delegates, Messrs. A. M. Beale and J. C. Webster. Mr. R. Neill won the medal given by Mr. F. Earl for the best batting average in the first eleven, and Mr. James Smith was the winner of the medal given by Mr. Hewlett for the best all round player in the second eleven. The probable visit of Lord Sheffield's famous team was also discussed, and the feeling of the meeting seemed to be that as a club and individually every assistance should be given towards consummating such a desirable event.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8669, 11 September 1891, Page 1 (Supplement)

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MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8669, 11 September 1891, Page 1 (Supplement)

MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8669, 11 September 1891, Page 1 (Supplement)


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