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Houses and Land. JJIREEHOLD AND jgjSTATE AGENCY, CORNER QUEEN-STREET & VULCAN LANE Under the management of J. C. ANDERSON & W. G. PHILLIPSON. WE UNDERTAKE THE SALE 011 PURCHASE OF FKOPKRTIKS, INVESTMENT OF MONEY ON FREEHOLD SECURITY", MANAGEWENT OF ESTATES FOR TRUSTEES, ABSENTEES, & OTHERS, COLLECTION OF INTEREST, RENTS, &C., Ac. FARMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. SPECIAL NOTICE. This Agency ha* for sale several excellent and compact little Farms, from 60 to 100 acres and from 150 to 3(H) acres, bavins all the roujth work done, ami in a forward state of cultivation, and are nearly all in first-class position to main roads and railways. On these until! little Farms are new, well-built Houses ami Outbuildings, making them most desirable homes, and Hie offered at exceptionally low prices. This Agency would especially cull the at ten* lion of Intending purchasers to this op)>ortiiiiity of securing an independent homo at n very cheap rule. TO SHEEP FARMERS, CATTLE STATION OWNERS, AND OTHER INVESTORS. FOR A BSOLUTE SAi,E—A most magnificent block of about 67,WW acres of splendid, rich, dry, sheep i-razing country, takes grass readily on the surface having 'J miles frontage to a most healthful river, and situated in a very central position, having two leading wain coach roads running through the property. There is an abundance of excellent rough feed oil the land, and about &000 acres of native bush, giving tlno shelter and a picturesque appearance to the estate, his is a lino opportunity for a gentlemen of capital to f C c,.ic a magnificent sheep station and a splendid estate at the exceptionally low price of 13a 0.1 per •nre- terms to suit purchaser* will he given. This cat thinly is one of tho very cheapest properties in the market, and a groat bargain.

TF, AWAMI'TU.—For Sale, a splendid Farm of 351 acres all rich grazing land, we'.l fenced, and in «ri=s • <.itnated close to station ; nice 11u - 'i 1 and outbuildings ; fine orchard and garden. Price, only £7 per acre. f 3ll FOR LHASE—About SOO Acres suitable for sheep ; lease far seven years at .£ls per annum ; rignt. to purchase or .WOO ; situated in cood position, being only live miles fro'ii station, by good road ; about 30 acres puriri bush. • i . A3IS „ fOUS VLii—A Sheep Kami of -00 acres, with small house, partly improved ; good position, only six miles from -station by good road. Cash price, onlv££t>i. . „ . CHK^P^FARM—6O-1 acres of flue Sheep-grazing i C"! .try, all well fenced and subdivided ; largely hcori'ved and cultivated ; well built house of ttve j-ooiim and outbuildings, situated in tirst-cliss position, belli? only one and a-half miles from iho railway-station, ami ea.<y distance from Aucfct'md. Reduced price, only £- f>s p. r acre. Alio i'lli'M' FARM-771 acres, all well fenced and laid down tit «rass, and subdivided into convenient paddocks; house, of live rooms with verandah round ; situated only one mile from i lilv.av station. This Farm is well adapted for sheep,"being lino, dry, rich loam. Prict% only^'J yoii SALE (very Cheap)—sl3 acres of Land' well Upl.d for fruit or wattle growing. Pnco (a bargain), only .£IOO. Situated with froutagc to the P .Main South Road. , , , .. I'A I'AKURA.——>i acres of Land, about two miles front station, on the main road; small house a little fencing and clcavin;; done. Price, only; £130. Weil suited for fruit-growing or market ClilA FTuN AD.—Six-roomed House and Allotment, 33 by JUO; Harden and fruit trees ; tine view of the harbour and Domain ; in good condition, iviih iioii roof. l'i ice, only £:!&). JCl'hO.M-FOK I.KAsK-Sl acres of good Grazing Land ; well watered. Kent, £3 10s per month. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE—splendid Sheep or attle Farm—SO 0 new-with extensive sea fiontiiitu and within a sli .it distance of Aucklaid;'land woil watered by line large streams, and lias a waun, nortli-.-asteru aspect ; there is an exi'eiit": t luiii«e and ontbnildiiins ; land mostly all pi U"haU»; there is al-o« quantity of valuable tim'-tT on Ihe block. Price, very cheap, onlj £1 1.-i jit r acre. Terms : Half cash; balance at 5 per cent. a'JO"-l-'OR IV M EDI ATE SALE—Choice Block of 40U0 Acres of rich Land ; tine sheep grazing countr. ; c.i'-v access bv road, and frontage to a navigable river; this block is interspersed by clumps of be '.I! i>'id bush; more half will take grass r, a dlv on tae surfa' e, and Is offered lit til-.- lowest leituced piico of lis per acre, 'lernis to suit purchasers. , « FOR ISA I.K —A grand Block of about 2200 acres of line rich limestone Land ; splendid sheep gra/iug country; will take grass readily on the am face ; frontage to a beautiful river, Lowest price, 15s pt-r acre. Land will sheltered, and finely interl»versed with bush. This is realiv excellent land, gad well worth double the price asked for it a29S FOR SALE AT ONCE—A fine Section of 021 acre-, all well fenced and in good po-ition to taiiMav station, being only one mile distant, the land is nearly all ploughable, and the -soil a line ihy loam, easily woikcd. Offered at the low price of £7£o. This Is a good bargain, and would masi- a tine sheep farm. K>o J>OKi:so HILL— harm of 70 acres, rich volcanic laud, largely Improved; also More and Post Otiice, doing a tine business; good DwellingliouSf*. Price lor the lot, £1(M); half cash, balance at .> per cent. Stock at valuation. a2'J7 t)RI;A\VIIAP.O PAUlrlll-aw acres, lots £3, 20, and 150, all unimprovul, about, three parts bush ! (some good kauri), situated near the i'apau River. Price, ,t;:tKJ. A 205 UOWICK acres cf Land with frontage to main road and navigable creek ; small piece of bush, rema uder open land. Price, ilU); half cash. Well suited tor a fruit farm. aHW Pt/KETK (" aikato)—ll2 acres of L".nd, all fencedand subdivided, largely improved J good house of nix rooms, with verandah; all necessary outbuildings; garden and orchard, fenced Willi paling fence ; cows, horses, plough.*, chatfcutt-r, Ac., go with the property ; only one mile from the station. Price. .C./iM. A2#2 tOKUNO HILL—A choice little Farm of 141 acres mostly rich volcanic soil, with excellent House of 8 rooms, good orchard ami garden, all fenced and subdivided. Price, only £ . lis per ere. l*-4ti MANGATAWIHKI VALLEY— J 1 orfibsolute s;ilo, a first-class farm of 1177 acres, mostly ifcli alluvial land largely improved and cultivated, ami in tine "Ui--,; w ell watered and sheltered by e.>od hedges; Bouse and outbuildings. Tills excellent grazins farm is ottered at an exception illy low price of £215 ami act e. Terms to suit purchasers. Cls fOR KALFJ, at'once, compact Jittln Farm of 23 acres, all improved and first-class land, situated in the township of Maketu ; excellent 3-rooiued lb.ii.-r ".ud outbuildings ; price only £iM«. Al-«. 20 acres adjoining, all fenced and Improved ; price, £2W'. a .'a:;

10 CAPITALISTS. MILL OWNERS, AND TIM II DEALERS—For positive sale, a very cheap Id' ck of valuable 'limber Ijind of ?iSS acre;-, c ntaining fvoui 10 to »> million fuel of excellent Kami timber, situated in a good position for wi-iv transit to Auckland. Price, only J.'s Ol per acre. 'I'llit is an excellent investment, having an itiimuiifci; f ituie value. c 42 ©RAKE I HO A I), REMUKRA- 6 acre!) of choice Land, splendid villa site, situated in tlrst-clau* position, with Hue views ot the harbour, Price reduced to only i".6W. Terms call lie given. A'iOT CHEAP I''AKM-:l» acre*, id) well fence,l, new lluu*>*, sell Very good, half liu-li half open land, 10 acre.) in grass, situated In the Wairuiigi alloy, well wateicU. Pike, a bargain, £000. A27s WAlPlPii— Excellent farm of »W acres, largely improved ami cultivated, ill good gra»;t, nice House of 6 rooms, 20 acre.) valuable puiiii hush. Price. £900. A27!J TAUPIRI — 100 acres, being Lots 409, 410, ill, ami 4:il. frontage to line stream, tlrstclavs level land. } 1 1'.i >*. only • 4:''. A2U'J *OU IMMEDIATE KAl.n-A nice little Firm ol e»? acres of rich land, 20 acre* in hush, 40 acres open land, al>out .J mile from the sciuol; new lliou-e. Piice very cheap, only £1511. A'J'.'i yolt i'U.iITIVH SALK—A most compact little Farm of 100 acre*. 24 aire) In class, balance line flax land, a acres orchard; a-roomed Jiousa. Offered at the very reduced price <if JC;l7i. .Situated Konth ol Auckland, in a good district, lill | PINK FARM SECTION—sou acres of very good land, situated about :< miles from iluntly, oil the western bide of the Walk* to River, in the Pepepe I Parish. Would suit for a small sheep firm. A' 2117 tfOlt IMMEDIATE NAI.E-A Hue Estate, containing Vo. : > acres of excellent land, very largely improved and cultivated: handsome rev/ Residence of VI rooms, all well finished ; beautiful pleasure grounds and large fruit-hearing orchards, .'(tabling ami oiil-bulliliiigs of every description. The estate is adorned by clumps ol native liumJi and plantations of choice trees. There is a fine dear stream llowing through the centre of the land, also good water power and plenty of llax ; from the residence there are most charming views of the sui rounding country. 'l itis valuable pro perty is situated south of Auckland, and within 1} miles of the railway station. Otfeied at the very reduced price of £7 10s per acre. Thiols .good opportunity to secure a beautiful and desirable ©state which has never before been in the market, and to gentlemen of capital would he an excellon- bargain. • DA 1' KM for Hale at once; a most conevliieill Farm, 535 acres, situated in the Tuakatt district, and within haif-a-inile of the railway station; nice new house and outbuildings; offered at £2 1& (id per acre. A rare chance for an industrious man to tiecuru a very cheap farm, the land being largely improved ami cultivated. tPOlt J'OHrf'lVJfi SALIS—Nice Cottage of ft rooms, with in acres ot good land ; all In grass, and subdivided into 2 paddock.*; situated in a most convenient position, being only li minutes' walk from the township and railway station, i'rice, only £350. 1»-4S CHOICE Utile Dairy Kami of 150 acres, situated in first-class position; pretty well-furnished House of 5 rooms ; garden and orchard ; land mostly laid down in good grass J all fenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks. Offered at a reasonable vale, and well worthy tire attention of buyers, a CHEAP LAND—7f>4 acres of Land, about 15 miles from Auckland, for the low price of JCUUII. I<H CHEAP I' Alt.M lor Haiti.—7So acres of excellent laud, all Hell fenced and subdivided, situated in llriit-clasrt position to Hallway Station and Alain South Itoad, There 1.4 a pretty, well-built house of fi rooms, with verandah all round, J>aiid largely improved and in grass. This is one of the cheapest farms in the market, l'rlcu, only £3 pur acre. Soil is a line di rich loam, suited for either sheep Of cattle. »'.A.W. yOU AtWOI.UTK SALE.—Country Hotel, doing a good !,v.«hiuas. An excellent opportunity to secure a paying trade. COMPACT LITTLE IfAltM.—of hi) acres; fenced anil sub-divided, house ami outbuildings, orchard. lime (roulade to the Walkato Itlver. It has I'Hc" road Irontage, ami is near the station. VOK 'iMMMJIATIi SAM!;—a very choice section *°l\A^t u \' vn i SA , l, fr A vai 'y »»ctiL of rich suburban Laud, U. acres, in splendid ptssi- ; turn, all fenced and in line grass; ottered at the very reduced price of only JCloim. Terms to suil, ourchasui's. M POKKNO—For sale, at once, compact little Farm of 21 acre»( all Brat-class land ; all cultivated, fenced and subdivided: tine well • grown orchards ami gardens ; new House and Outbuildings ; 'situated la excollelit position mi the main South Uoad Lowest price, jK3&O. A bargain. a'^M Also several other Farms in the lluckland, Vuke. kohe and Alaunjiatawhiri Districts, which are offered at most reasonable prices, with easy terms : ' °ciiiuuiiia'above Freehold banc' agency and get lull particuJnra.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8663, 4 September 1891, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8663, 4 September 1891, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8663, 4 September 1891, Page 2


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