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Houses and Land. X O H N TT\ O U G L A S, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, LICENSED LAND BROKER, INVESTING AGENT, VALUATOR, ice, NOS. 5 AND 6, GOVERNMENT I.IFK INSI'RA.S'CK BUILDINGS, QCKKN-STKKKT, AUCKLAND. T»OR SALK-CIIKESR FACTORY, in good acriJ- , cultural district, riant and everything complete ■ tnacther with Kami of Ml acres, fenced, ami farm lmilVlinKs complete. Price, £liKtOfor I lie whole. ■\IAOMKICK.NT SliKKI' HI N of 7100 acres of -'I ,ili asrictiltiiral anil pastoral Land, most fivouniblv situated in a rising district, clow to township,' A.-. ; together with MH-u yiMinu: sheep — I'..null particulars, terms', and price, apply to the undersigned. CKA-SIPK VILLA SITK.-Beautiful Site- for residence at Takapuniv, (ij acre*, face* the north, with ufiitlo slope to the beach from main road. ' Price moderate. 1 >Xi'llAN(iK Wanted to -L* Residence with 4 acres, for Cottage near town. 1?OR SALE. SUIiURBAN FARM, 30 acres rich A land all well fenced and subdivided; brick house of 7 rooms, stable*, cow shed, *c. has water ir..nta.ue. wharf, Ac. Price, JCttitM, on easy terms, ;; miles from post oltice. CKVERAL SUI'.UUUAN FARMS unimproved, '■ firm Ha acre* upwards. .c'..-> per acre, < iXI lilNi.A ■ :• acres coml land, fronting liar- *-' Lour, splendid building site. I - :ice, JCIW, on very easy terms. vJNUii I.IITLE HOMESTEAD close to town, f ' in res, all fenced and in cultivation, .uchflld, Ac. Cottage and outbuilding*. I'rice, J-•*;>•>• VIIIV CHEAP FA KM -I'TU acres, part l> fenced. * and in cultivation. House of S rooms, about mi neves bush, about :!."i miles frutii town by good load or steamer. Pi ice £.>.'>('. r.asy terms. "UAONiner.NT slir.KP AN!) (jatti.k FARM -' l - 73:. neies grand land, fenced, subdivided, and mostly iuipio>e.i, *]>!> udid orchard, new Dwelling. liouM.-",,mi oiilhuiliiiUK-S -i really beautiful property. Trice, t.) ll's per acre. of SO ,\rri>«, close to railway «tation, about li: miles from Auckbn I, fenced, Ac. part of tile I in i is beautiful bush, uood Cottage- and buildings. Price, jt.":-*.i; £l.">ti cash, balame ,'i per cent. CPLKNDID Oi'POKITMTV for ISuyiuj: a-Cheap ~ Farm, rich land; -.'"> acres nil in grass, ami ,i few acres in acres in crop, all well fenced and sub divided. House ai.d all necessary farm buildings. ■2:; Cows in full ii-ilk. '.V Unites. 7 llor.->>\ Plough, llarniws Cuts, Harness, Fowls, Pi;.;*. Ac. Ihe win will be sold as a s>"ni; concern, Clo.s.' to Railway Station, Schools, Churches, Creamery, Ac. Pi ice for the lot, <Kir..'.. MOUNT EDEN. VIEW KOAD—Cottage of 1 rooms, faithfully built ; allotment, t>u by Jin ; pood position. Price, £:>.'.<). pilflTY LI ill. FARM and Homestead of :'.« -*■ null's; 15 acres in ;i.ks, -» acres ploughed ami orchard; of 7 rooms, barn, etc. Price, CKASinr r.VKM of l.'n acres; splendid, fruit growing di'iiict ; partly in grass and i-ulii-ration, In— orchard; I low, sUI.U-, barn, boatshed,etc., yacht, bo:tt.s. Price, jus<i. r<UKAP FARM of -1M acres, half in grass; good House. jt.V». 17AKM of So acres rirli volcanic 1.-\nd, iritliin -.'fi *■ miles of Auckland, part In cns.s, liali-an-acre orchard ; Cottage, Shed, Ac. Price £5 Ills per acre. f<001) FAU.M— acres, -.'iW acres «r.v.vs, T.'i '-' ready for gnus ; rood House S iooin>, and Outbuildings ; 4."i miles ftorn Atickliiuil. Pi ice, iliH»i. SAI,i;.-I'VUM AT limn- -* hay, I:m acres rich Volcanic i-ind, l.< acn*-. f-ilK'Tv," Uiiaiicv well watered, fenced ant! subdiuded. Price, i.-; pel acre. nolt SAI.;;. - I I.AX. I.AM), ix> acres rich sw.iuip L land, partly drained willi Itrj;! 1 quantity of flax .■ii it, and pirlly in Price, £M per atn:. j?OK SALE—t'AR.M UK I.M) .U'i;i:s, i; u..l 1.ut.1. *■' Komokuriki. Price, £4W. Kasy terms. Home>tead, Ac. CITY PROPERTIES. |,i(>R SAI.K-MOI'M , KOSKU.I. ROAD: House *- ii( 5 rooms (new), 1 use piece of Land. HAM. J7OR SAI.i:—CNI-ill'Mi A : Ueatitifiil K,M,I-ac.-. ■*- wi'.li an acre of rich I«ind, tastefully laid out, all main road. Price, VJM. For particular* of abova properties, apply to .ion DOUGLAS, LAM) AN IiSTATB AOICNT, NOS. i AM) C, CiOVKU.NMKNI' l.ll'f. I.NsfluNii. 13cil.DiMis, iji Ki.N-siKKi:r. Houses to Let. Rents Collected. Mortsiges Negotiated on Freehold Secutity fi UA S. -\\T ILLIAMSO N. HOUSE, LAND. AM) FINANCIAL AOKNT, S3, <it*KEN* STKKKT (Opposite Fort-street). Ua.nkkrs: NiTION.U. IIANU 01' NKW '/kai.ano. MONF.Y i:ive>t.Ml for Capitalists on first-class •>••• urilies, ITIIOUT i IUIUi!.. Five per cent, allowed oil deposit,* until invested JIONKY TO I.KM) ii) larj<e or small Minis. KKNTS and IMI;RI;.-,T Collectud. I:sTA TICS MANAtiKI) for Alison IIOt'SKH TO Lli'l' unit I'llOlM-MITIKS 1"OK .SAl.i; placed on my li.-t.-, flee of cliar^e. lU"U.!)INU AI.i.OT.Mi:M'S for Sale at pet font:—in Hblliyooil, Mount U.wkill, lieie.-foid-.slreft, IfowH-street, Shelly JJeach Jlciail, l.i-at Place, Nor:h .-!.'«, llepburn-stretjt, liuimett-strvet., mi. iMit'st I'lict', ftaiKloipli-.stiet'l, Jit-el iiiialion, Kyle". I'a-i-. Dfvuiipurt, N'o:Uico!h, (liirhiliiitii. r.\ltM> lor S;U» it. Heniler.s.jii, llirkeiihea.l, llubsonvii!«; Or«wa Fall.->, 57 acres; Mttiiku, I .is acres; ll.cialtoii, (>.! acres; Jv.itikati, 6411 acres ; To Kopurii, l;i'J neies ; (ik.iiui, Hi acres ; Avoudiih', Sou acres ; Kihikilii, In , ) lures : Alexamlivt, :,>> acreM ■ Koluokoiiki, Ul acres ; T.ikapiina, 2,'iit i.ji'es ; \Vli;i;«lane, IUU ucif.->; Wiiikitkie, 6ii acre.->; Kariui, HOt'Si:s Iti !.Kf:-York-«treet, 0 rooms—f>s weekly Upper Pitt-street, .Shop a.-id *i rooms- 15s Reinuera, lientlemaii'.s ite.Hidence, Col )early (j-.u-t'ii stit'i't, 7 rooms, 'ills weekly Anglf.-.ea-»treer, ii rooms—lDs liicliinond Xtoad, i rooms—fui Mount Albert, ID room.*, (i acres graM—2o*. I. ist-street, (i rooms—firt M. Devonport, .shop, largv yard, and stable—(J.«. J)ev(.ii-str<!et, (J rooms and scullory—as Kylic-r J'iw-1, Jiutchur'.i shop and Dwelling—Oi Kunnell-Ktreet, 5 rooms—js J)cvoii|iurt, ID-roomed House, allotment i'itt-street, '.(-loomed House and JSctillory—lsn -Mount Kden, S rooms, 1 iiere.- — £.M ; early, 410 .nwainl acuiluiy— in tid Kybcr Pas*, Shop and llnkury, Mabh— ir* Ireland-street, l> rooms —Is till weekly Arch-hill and Kinj?sland, 4 rooms— Oil Howii-Btruel, a rooms—f>s weekly Mi ioiiMi-.i»i-h«i, 4 i..i.:iii — -,'s (id weekly South-street, .Ntiwtoi), ft rooms—ls Victoria-street, Larue .Store to let, i .stories Farms to Let i'i various parts of the province. BOMBAY—Choice Farm of 110 acres (volcanic) for sale and Houiestcatl. £."j.V', FARM at Opaheke- (near J)iury) for sale, 47 mi. ,s nil under cultivaiioii, 5 roomed House and outbuildings. J'lice. £:i7U (cheap). AVONJMLK—r>} acres Land, fenced and under cultivation, with iiuiueaml able, cmvsiit-d, iui.l all nec-ssary outbuildings, for sale, at HHj\). To LI'JA.SE for term of years--:itJO-at;rc Farm on Waitemata frontage, "i'titin Hve miles of Alleleland. Comfortable homestead and nil convenience*. I'litchiisiiipj clause can lie given. MOUNT KDKN—Xuw a-roomed for salu, with -1 acres Land, all cleared, choicest site, l.irjr» cattle nil, adjoins, city water. Price, £7ai'. TL'AKAU—Valuable Improved Farm ol ,;U.\cies fn salo, very cheap. House of 4 rooii>n. UJiVONJPOJIT—Choice Villa Iteaidence, of 7 roonit for sale ; vinery, orchard, 4c. SIiKLLY JJKAIJiI KOAl>-Kij;ht.|-<iiimod liou««, with large Allotment, for sale, at very low iaic , Kranil view of harbour. JIUUM KUK>-Si\-i( omed House,{ious.!, wood and coal-hoiiiiu, it it '■■»' price of C±:><<. OKI'H/'HH '!'() J,i;r, in 1...v..i ■' .ii-. •n.jilre.ut, 1i0n.. ..i. FAItM TO LKASKin Waikaio, hid acres inyias:. , h..ii-e, stabling, &c, at, jcii.'i yearly. KK.MUKHA — .New Kix-iooinu'l j louse for sal.;, v.,iii Allotment 00 by HI), grind view, at thy ion price of j;:i'sf>. Kasy terms. UlllKl'.SllEAli.-',) acres for sale, fenced and in KM*.; fresh u-,i(.;r cr«t-k <;iiuap. COTi'AUIiH For Sale in (,'ity ant Siiburbn upon payment of £•"> deposit; balance, by weekly payments. Also, Allotments on name, terms. I.AKK TAKAi'UNA—Ten «cre-i for wile, in one or more, lots, in thin charming ilbslrlct ; buach and load fiontams, «eouicly fenced. VILLA JlliSlDliMJK lor (Sale n«iir Upper (2>il-uii-street; gas and water; irtiigu. X2(Jfp. NEXTOF-KIN, HKIIWAT-LAW, MISSING UHLATIVKS, AM) OTIIKICS.—C. It. Williamson, Auent, B.i, (2uei:u->tiert, has pleasure in informing all intt-rcnte-d that ho ha.i now esUblinhuil all Agency in London for starching wills of persons who have Jell .Money or IM.Ues to Relatives in the Colonies, 01 to investigate titles to unclaimed money in intestate, estates. Fee for search of lregisler, is Gd. OK SALE AN URBAN VILLA RESIDENCE, (Situated between Symondw street and CI raft on Hoad, two minutes' walk from WeHesley-HtrtMst Kast. This Beautiful Property is known lIAZKLUANir, And consists of about ',', acres freehold, planted and laid out in pleasure ground-*, garden and orchard, and ha.i erected thereon a substantia IHrick Villa, containing ti apartments, also a separate House of 'I apartni! nt<, built of timber, anil suitable for Ledrooms or servant!! , rooms. The owner, J. Hay, Esq., having left Auckland, now offers Iho property at a low price, and on easy terinx of payment. Apply to W. AITKKN, Land Aponfc, Shortland Crescent. 1710R SALE AT LAKE TAKAPUNA— 1? The charming property known as Green Knowe, containing ;;i acres rich laud, with extensive frontage, lo the Lake and main road, and having creeled thereon it large and .substantial IJwellmghouse of hi apartments, a .Stable and Coach-bouse. The residence is placed upon a plateiai elevated above and overlooking tile Laku and surround!!!;: district, the view from which can | never be obstructed. Tim land is all improved and I is .subdivided into padilocks, fruit and vegetable \ garden, and pleasure crmindn, planted with full Krowu tiros anil shrubs of rare and exqnisito beauty.—For further information and cards to in. spect, apply to W. AITKKN, t-and Agent, Shoitlanil Crescent.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8306, 12 July 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8306, 12 July 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8306, 12 July 1890, Page 2


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