FARMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. SPECIAL NOnCE. Tbfa A«kt la* fw '\'jP. etc*UtxA xsA coaaei ttui* Fares.*, '*<«• 'J»»» i,: " ***** utr*j>FXi 16V v, :f*i «a«, fa»*ia« all *b« tmsb «*» aom, iSJZ f.-i i, frsrxizrri stiuZZ': -A emails■* atayi - SMAZij tH ts tr>z-dt*.w n-f'M'i'.i-'/fi v> vj*ta rv*i* s&i rzii»ijx. jr. tfcfewt ««tu lUtUt f «m* xti ?*** * **.L.n,'/w» u*i Owifc'nJ'iiasr.i. Bs*fcw« them bso«4«crtfte bars**, %tA M-t *Aet* i « fcvw prtow. TWa A*-**? wrfM c> "* »&* «««»- tv ft f/i itffi&is&x pVtZCfe+Jf'T* SO fc&ii SSiUJ €rt •eorrfe? u fcxtep«»is»t a.-, a 1 **? «i«*P ri*?;. FOR SALE—A w« r«»W EaSaM, wfcfc cf-ifTi-fr,~ HsnidraKfs and «WM»* pwsad' (?> v»«a atari* ail -'r.t T'" varf -" .i*l >, r.v-^•" ts«<s-f-a* UM t» isi-it, or-iii.-'M, £a* wl frl-AWt tr<nt*U w&fcii wweai tf-e fco=«s ifj) !. -a ruv'cntl f. vai f&h--*?? plarrtfd it<** viv.*Ti ifae : a. «r«aa> of ™ is * r:w. Ui« ; Ji - ovr.- - - r»y«ss<. >»iik 'lerwyiah »."/;»! fr-v» -wtwrls ctiy f "'r *xs«»<»«r <k»4 piixrtr>!»%ws rvt-m* of the «K----r'AiXcif/si' ci>"3£":y fr'.-ta 5.' Vj »•'; tsJitn ; in /'//. 6»w»ir« b. t'adi azrl iVtli'-u, txn 'Sit-tiaof by ml r;. A 1 ..*/!. T".*.!> -i .■' u well a/4.'-.p>d 'wr i jfA-nSU"K-i.;i» wi %>> : Jiree :• !:'>pz ilit i t« oiJj fjtin CHEAP f ARM-Uli ,vr?*t '/ e*»rir«.. «riih I '.•.■t'.lKJi" V. ".J.r: T-.t'."3 JilTffT *-»i i f.*'-.'.j ".:e I »*■» , '-eTj V ' \''.' J .■vTTrsf f - ■■■ i"~ ti Uwi f«a-*3wj«r Va."4« !*»!, I.W r -i^, | Lbl».'u/tii: ? Us.L Pr& '/.'ilj £S f«r wtte. I ibie Uod. Pric« orJ} £1 f«r yL'/i I FOK IMMEDIATE SaLE-A nic* littte Farm of I fft .vt*"*" of rich lar.. i, Z > a«e« iii bs*b, tv vrr-.-^ «*«n lAftd av/'/i j Bsls from '..".-ft «ch.»]; ft** lioTiw?. Price very th«ap, erdy iiM- A FOR POSITIVE -ALE—A mm' corr.fnet link l'\rra of S .'? 34 wd in gr--«, ft* lavi, '* v""^ o:th.trd-._ Hoa-r. 'fSel-A a-" thft '- *> wJijcM pri« of t-'iT-S. Sitavuwl *.-.a'.fc of AicfcUs<L in » <wl 'tUirict- fcSi FINE FARM MWIOS-M «r« of ««ry govi lAnd, <iiiW.-d aJ>»3t '» v.'lt* if-ts Horitiy. on the ■* VrTT. -»xi* of tf>r River, ii it* Pej^-je: Pwtwri. WooW *nas f«ff A sheep farta. *■^7 FOR IMPERATIVE HALE—A nice link- Far.a of l.V> *«re*. V) »cr«a» v* p.oT;/lv.->'i a?.. S.aj'i down in jt<xxl' «rrv« ; «-wtaed Uoaws ; <.'.•<r-trd of frail Price, - .>i»c.tle*"i ocly jof a ir.l!e froo' the Wvie Ta-weahip; lao"! liM river f/ori'Ai'e. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—A fir»« E-tate, mniMnins -V. v-re-! of exielient **r7 iraKoted scd '.ultivited ; r:.-... 1-w.iUifil ptev Of li gJJ w.:;l i*. .'* !i > 1 s»jr«r yr'/aa-la acl U«e frust-b«arir>ic wl»;4s .iubhr <4 f «.*vi '>f Th*; Vii-t i* zjUirr&l by cUiili**. oi rc%tiT<of choice trTh»:fe i* ck-ir rtreais ho•*)!;/ throash the 'eatre of :l;e li.'j 1, »_lv.- i-x.-i water «-l plettv of ."|i* . fTOTii f*. Tr-SHif of the "KirroacJir.jf country. I f:l* »alaable proj..f... i. .; i 3-'>t-1n of Aacxlasd, a*-l within jj' tlil&i of the railway *vitvm. orfere«l at the -..--- .h^ price of £7 I'.M p'.-r r* Tl.i. a i* a n<s*i ftpw.rtoniiy' to wnr« a Wmtifal and durable tX-y-r: which ha.* BfeTer before been in the rrja.*K-;t, ;*ud"to ifeiiti«c.ea of capital w/5Jd be an ex/:.:!lent MiriAlK. FOR POSITIVE SALE—Che.'.;> Fares of 2f/7 a/:re-* of excellent land, nearly a.i well fsja«wl, and in gwi p>»s:ior; to railway, U-in? Sj rrdlea frocj the i-arton by a »<ry j;wi roa/i ; t:m:>.r on t..e land r«-a.,!v so oaiM r*. hoa-w. Erice <~*:iy »3ii. FOR A toOLCI K. -ALE —A rrvt -i. -.-ii'.-r.t Cattle Orv'.ziFrtxifj. Zisu ; *i'f/»«rfitial!y fer.-'ed «sndfided into conr- ; - lii-jst ]add»i<l' ; ef#o>l hoaw, an all r.ece»aar;v oa'.biii :dir>£j< • OSeicl «i aw-daU; 1/arta-n. Price, only a>; j -.-r ;i.-re. FOR IMPERATIVE SALE—-s''O acrea of, ;i!l well fenced .and in nr-.*.-ela.'i p-o-^tuon. being ouly »U« "r.e nviie from the railway »tatlo;i, ana Very cheap. Price for the lot, only v.' CHEAP FARM for Sue at once; a nK«t corse*tj fit ire.';, 'I' acres, *^tte , l In the Tuakau dwtrirt, and within half-a-miie of she railway »! tat ion; r.* v :e ne* and outbuilding*--* , rferK-t at is- Viper acre. A rare cuanc« for an md:i»trio(ir man t" secure a Ti.-ry c.neap farm, tr;e land P i.ars-1* i«i|>rovwl and with fr<.nta<fe CHEAP FA KM sfiCT lON, l'.«i with frontage to the W.-iixat-. Rnei and g'-vi roi l to A«.-:£• hind; sn<- < I'j:.j>! of Puriri and other valuable Native Lath. Price, a great bargain, only *;>*>. Tenoi eaty. , . KA.-'r TAUPO DLsTKICT. on tfc<- _ Raligt'-axkl River—About 'jti) acroi of Land suit ibie for a j»heep tt.ation , fine level land, well watered, and If+'/iizt ;rvi and clover readily oil the rtnrfa^e; ■jrrA r-<y! to the iar.d. Price, exceptionally cho-.p, only i« per acre ; half tai';, balance at i To'-HEEE FARMER-, CATTLE STATION OWNERS, AND OTHER INVESTORS. - For -al' , about '/:,<?f) ai re* '>< splendid, rich dry, ».heep gracing cmntry, taken gr:vti readily on the - trhv;e, and having over ' mile* frontage to a most beantifui river—«itua*«d in a very central Ignition, having two leading HIM coach roads running through the block. I here are about I///; screw of native bt»b, giving sine -heller and a ,ap}«etr..MCe to the di-itrict. I hi.-*, is a rare opi<-.runity for a gentlemen of capital to fcecure a magnincetit estate at t/.e exceptionally low price of lias VI p..n acre ; term.i to suit pur ch-w;r<. , ... TO CAPITALISTS, MILL-OWNER.-, OR lIM RER DEALER.-—For «;Ue a splendid Block of Excellent Land, with a great 'p.antity of tir»,t-c!'w. timber (totart, rirrsu, and ot/n.rr valuable woods of the very i-ert quality). This block contain l ". 7MXJ acres, **Ith over (",-vcti miles fr-nita>;e to a (»e.i.ijtif«l river. Die cheap rate at which ' this excellent land is ottered should quickly find a purchaser. The price being only l->. per aero on very e'i *y terms, li.ii'-'ihvr with the low rate of interest, make tins an exceptional bargain. _ FOR SALE—A Hut- IJu.ih Farm of firit-ci.vts Land ; 2l'/j acre*, with N**.w Ho(i«e ; al.-fi, 'orchard and garden ; within three miles from the landing; good road to farm. Oliered at a very low price, only si* per acre. a£4o FOR POSITIVE .SALE— Nice Cottage off., with In acres of ,r;ood land ; all in r and nubdivided into - |i&ildr»ck<i; nituated ill a most convenient position, being only r, ni'nutvs' walk from _ the township and railway station. Price, only E.V/J. '• } fc - FOR ARSOLCTE SALE—Good of 240 acre-, moxtly rich alluvial 1/tnd, 3o acres drained sv/amj.; sown in gr.i>.s, and over Po.-icrce; level rich alluvial fl it mostly in graw. Tiiis property is olfere<l a bargain. Price, only £2 pet acre, and terms easy. A'.iif) CHOICE Little Dairy Farm of 150 acres, situated in first-class position; pretty well-furniihe*l Mouse of roomh ; garden and orchard : land mostly laid dowjj in g:»';d gr^.s; all fenced and Mtibdlvlded into convenient paddocks. Offered at a reasonable rate, and well worthy the attention of buyers. A CHEAP LAND—7.',I acres of Land, about 10 miles from Auckland, for the low price of tin on. lis FOR AJJ.SOLCJ E SALE— Enst-cla« Little Farm of 111 acres at Pokfciio Hill, nearly all choice volcanic noil ; land largely improved ; all fenced and In grass; with excellent home of H rooms, verandah all round ; Main South Road frontage ; near school-house and church. Price reduced to L'j I'/i tier acre. '5-4' i WELLESLEy-STRKKT — (Only a short distance from Ilobson • street;, Large Allotment with two well-finished Houses built thereon, 7 rooms and 5 rooms; water, gas, and every convenience. l<et to good tenants. Price, only .£.' so. This is a good investment, and returns a steady Interest. Ii U" POLLEN-STREET- Fine large Allotment,:)-, feel. Cinches by Y/.'l feet, with well-built seven-roomed House, stable, fowlhouse, coalshcd, buggy house, hayloft, Ac., Ac. Price only £175. a fi'l CHEAP FARM For Sale."Wl acres of excellent, land, all well fenced and subdivided, situated in tlrst-class position to Railway Station and Main South Road. There is a pretty, well-built house of 5 rooms, with verandah all round. Land largely improved and in grass. This Is one of the cheapest farms in the market. Pries, only il'l per acre. Soil in a line diy rich loam, suited for either sheep or cattle. K.A.w. FOR ABSOLUTE KALE.—Country Hotel, .Joins a good business. An excellent opportunity to secure a paying trade. COMPACT LITTLE FARM.—Of 50 acres; fenced and sub-divided, house and outbuildings, orchard. Pine frontage to the Waikato ltiver. It has main road frontage, and is near the station. Price, £370. »•' FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—A very choice section of rich suburban Land, 10 acres, in splendid position, all fenced and in fine grass ; offered at the very reduced price of only £1000. Terms to suit purchasers. M POKENO—For sale, at once, compact, little Farm of 21 acres, all first-class land ; alLculMvated, fenced anil subdivided ; fine well - grown orchards, and gardeus ; new House and Outbuildings ; situated in excellent position on the main South Road. Lowest price, £300. A bargain. AiiU CHOICE SECTION of most valuable Land, 102 acres partly fenced, and in grass, situated at Avondale north, near New Lynn Station. This section, from its choice position, must become very valuable and at the very cheap price it is offered an early application will be necessary to secure the above, at the Freehold Land Agency, Corner of Queen-street and Vulcan Lane. a 103 ORAKKI ROAD, REMUERA —5 act choice Land, situated In first-class position, line views of the harbour; price only .£7OO, terms can be given. A 207 FOR POSITIVE SALE—lf>i acres of rich, productive suburban Land, well-suited for a market garden. Price, only £000. M2 FOR SALE—A very valuable Block of J/ind of 3080 acres, containing from 10 to '.in million feet ot excellent kauri timber ; situated in good posi lion for easy transit to market; distance, about 50 miles south-east of Auckland. Price, only £1 2h Gil per acre. To men of capital this would be. an excellent investment, having an immense future value. w MAUNOATAWHIRI VALLEY—For sale, a firstclass Farm, containing 117(1 acres, mostly rich alluvial land, largely improved, and laid down in good grass and crops, well watered and sheltered, a largo part fenced and subdivided, good house and outbuildings. This excellent grazing farm is offered at the very low price of £15 per acre ; terms to suit the purchaser. WO FOR SALE—A very desirable and convenient Farm of 70 Acres, all subdivided, and nearly all laid down in tine grass ; comfortable house of five looms, all well finished, with verandah on three sides; situated only one mile from the railway station, and has a charming and extensive view of the surrounding district. Price only £550. OA FOR IMMEDIATE SALE-A Fine Farm ot 2()0 acres ; most conveniently situated, and having an excellent Cottage of five rooms with verandah ; land all securely fenced; partly laid down in grass and partly under the plough. The land has frontage to the Groat South Road, and near the Railway Station. Fine healthy situation, and most pleasant prospect. Offered exceptionally cheap, only £4 103. per aero. I' Also several other Farms in the Buckland, Pulceliohe, and Maungatawhiri Districts, which are offered at most reasonable prices, with easy terms to suit purchasers. Call at the above freehold Land Agency and get full particulars, J
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8221, 4 April 1890, Page 8
Word Count
1,881Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 8221, 4 April 1890, Page 8
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