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yo. TIIL Tit PT* £?KJUX o*i£»asrs«y» ] ly TJTfclStrirtt ax toe tsie t£ it ties, tosrs •wart ereat oattpSscrt* of

: . **nti3P3ryi- onraaoux. ursHsscaK. * In ias: the ary ua ? boss repafctai to riftea t»«i the aaaa bad warkai thssmsslvef ist» the beEitsf of it. There were there, brw-t-per. ** ia JLatatisaid. inicy ww<A« waias bahsa st Tae Opera H tsuae wat packed to etc ruaf every night, at prises in roost of Aaatasad rats*, fiveeyhocy ra -weSamsnd. The?* f» fiwT kppstnaoe tf booi2 oamfart, sad that ijgataaiiiejaaiß of usi-i •which g:T» takas that the wa- it sat zre&r she eaar. One looked is raie for toe parfirnr-striakec srxssis or ikhoaree, the iHfsd Bsgktsted criidrea. I saw bet oae potriy-hiad ikboarar the whole period of ST stay, sad thfct * at at * wayside railway mat*us aaaamm:>dat:at basse. He m & Laud Ltsiguer, area thing are aad sward igiioss laadiardt, aad " would ah sat srerr oat of t'r>B7T s utd as boari abaat ix." Spw &ad thiia he foetid it atoMSLry to mrnrara hit raw oa Fahtiak: £02003 if one migfit jedgt from the empsatij appuai* to the iaadiard, " Sam, pmae a iaEg Ekiersr." Oat hitd oaiy to look aoae at that beer-Haider tatttsrd&maiian to em that he was atrar likely to be bayaat m a iaadr.wat.r. W hateTsr eilw &&a b«es depreewjd, bxuidiag wtham did not aees to hare enSesred, a< the priafct atked appeaoed to sat arward, while propartae* were pxatad oat waist had chaagod nfcHT» taat rery week at scoataaisai *3Ta&oas. At for hooae rente and the oast of Eriiig, the rates ware all is cxcsa of those preraiHag ia A cr-'c-fcia. I saaid e«e as Kiga of eammertsai d«pre«eoE ie the harb:»ar improTen&eata nxng oa, the hsroaur raa»aisaa):«at baas raait. the sew Btr»eti being laid oat aaa fi'rzand, aad tae new oaiid-agt going up ia the N ewtowii fthbaro, which if steadily stretching oat towards Ikani B»y. Jadgsd r»l»t:rtiiT. there it depraeßon. That it to say, taa are aot as taey were ia IiTO, oraea sailiioot of borrowed maaty were tarown down on the Soar of the Lepsdatare to be scrambled for. Now, whea men waat to get rich, at then, withact labour aad witt.aat iadcrtry, there it depression, bat for those who desire to work aard and lire prorideatly, the eaaosta of life are at good is W esliiagtoa at erer they were. a. iiethsat siricTs-. At as old cifceen soldier I took occasion to attend the Q.aeoa'f Birthday renew, in order to Me how tae local farasn shaped, and to witae«s tae pre»«atatioa of the we>D-earat>d Sew Ziealaad Grout to Captain Mair. formerly of toe Colonial For set. lor gaiiaatry ia The 5 eld At I eater ad the ground I nam bled against Swgsaat Olarke, of the Aasklaad Water Pohse, who wat leaning orer a fens? acannieg the Wellington Is a rail, aad ooniadeiing whether they were as good at " jL«B.oy Lam be," and SergeantHyde, of the Artillery, .formerly driij-ia-rcracX-jr of the Ansklaad *' A " Battery. Tae ground was well kept, bo that the Tolantwrs were not hampered ia their e*olatioat by a crawd. at it at sally the case in iacklasd, bat it was bo irregaiar that the men had great diraaajty in keeping their fonaatioa and dreit:a£. In the centre of the fcqaare stood Sir George Whitamore, the Colonial Osmiaaoder-in-Cajef, tarroaaded by a zroap of ttaf fa sera, resplendent in gold laoe aad oocked hats. Admiral Faircaila ira» credited, rightly or wrongly, with the tzpresrioa of tae opinion, after taking a tatty glaaise at the groap, that if pat toraago a stamper battery taey woold ran aboat foar oaaoet to toe ton! Tae royal •alate wat girea in good time by the Artillery, bat as math aaauot be said for the fen de -ji», which—at is ossaiionally the case is Auckland—was a Tery ragged arrangement. Some rear rink men who nad failed to join in, after a rery lengthy «paaae, biii»d away in the air, feeling that tney had not done their duty to the coaatry aaleet they emptiad their pieces, and mast taerefore either fire or "bast." It wat ma better, however, to do this than to perform the trick which happened at an Auckland Birthday fieri®*, waen a front rank mas, taroug-a the vagaries of ha rear rank man, " went c*2 on his ear"— rather, ha ear went off on him. At the Volaoteers marched past the saluting point I turned '/r» the tablets of memory to another Birthday Eerie*the 24: a May, IsS'J— waere I had at»ea leas of the " p-jmp' : aad considerably more of the " circa instance" of *' glorioa* —when aeariy 2'XfO citizen »oid3er» had lined cp in the Albert Barracks on "actasJ aerfioe," at the taiamont of the Governor, and when it was my patriotic duty and privilege to carry "a brow n Best and a sal: box," at c. 132, 3 Oom paay, Ist Battalion, It: Caw AacsJaad Militia, pat: the saiat:sg point nader tae argas eye of His Etoelleacy Sir Tfiomtt Gore Browne, Commander-in-Csief. Waat a dive'sified lot we looked, to be rare, like Fa-tufFt army, beside Captain Balkeley's little detachment of "Tigers" made ap of snpernameraries and hospital convalescents—some of the militiamen wearing crossbtlts faroithed oat of Got em meat stores, which had done duty at ilaapekapeka and Gkaihaa. Then, tt now, the feu dijok wat a work of art, and one militiaman, whose aoqaaiatance wit a shooting irons was limited, ooiaplained after th» review that "the bioomja" concern woalda't go off." Well, there was every apology : it wat at half-cock. If Dr. Kaaaeli, of Crimean fame, is im be believed, some of the recraits in frost of the Redan did something similar, so the miiitUman was quite at much to be pl'.ihtd at blamed. Ice presentation of the New Zealand Cross to Captain Mair was a matter of some interest to me, m, daring the Tt-rawera eruption, it had beer my lot to traverse part of the ground over »»hic Captain Mair and hit gallant little band nad ecgag»d and parsoed Te Kooti, in company wita Jadge Mair, who pointed oat to ice the varioat points where skirmishing had taken place, aad the plan of operations. It may not be uninteresting even at this date to repeat the details of the action for gallantry in which Captain Mair gained his Gross. In February, I*7o, after Te Kooti had succeeded in etiapiog from the parsuiag column under Lieutenant-Colonel MacDoanell at Patetere, and engaged amd repulsed that under Lieutenant-Colonel Fraser from Taaraaga, be tar/aed to his rigat, to regain the protection of the Urewera Mountains by the way of the friendly settlement of Botorna, which he proposed destroying on bis march. Captain Mar was at Kotorua, with no tr&opt except a handful of Arawa natives, when one Baker, a deserter from Her Majesty's navy, who bad been residing amongst the Maoris, brougathim intelligence of Te Kooti's intentions. Captain Mair thereupon made every possible preparation, creating a tictitioas appearance of force by employing tae old men aad women to show themselves to represent troop*. Te Kooti, finding the settlement apparently ao strong, turned towards Kaitvrina, aad made off towards the Eangiuaki Kiver. Captain Mair at once boidly assumed the offensive, with sash young men as he could get, and panned Te Kooti's force, i& dieting heavy lost, closing with the rear guard, and not rstiring all af'.er dark, when be nas almost alone, and had driven the enemy down to Fort Gila tea, on the Kangitaiki Hirer, which was, unfortunately, unoccupied by troops. During this spirited engagement, which lasted many hours, Captain Mair, by personal example and devoted gallantry, lotp riled ait men to come to hand-to-hand coafiict with tbe enemy, himself killing the notorious Peka McLean, aad driving the rest before hini in disorder. Te Kooti's force ontitUd of over 300 men, while Captain Mair's little band never exceeded 3*3 ia cumber. "HI TRAM WAY", The lines did not seem to be so solidly constructed at those of the Auckland Tramway Company, sleepen being used instead of concrete. Some of the sidings are put down in the most extraordinary places, the one not being in sight of the other, ao that wnea a driver came to the " points" heoould not tell whether to atop or go on. Ia cases where one of the cam had met with an unforeseen stoppage there would be some delay in consequence. The service it not so frequent as in Auckland, being only a twenty minutes' one,, nor do the lessee* lay themselves oat to convenience the travelling public at the Auckland Tramway Company. One of the reasons probably is that the institution is practicaby a monopoly. Originally constructed by a company, the snarehoidera, like those of the Auckland Tramway Com* pany, speedily got their experiences, and it subsequently fell into the bands of two speculators for a small turn compared to the original cost. Recently, owing to the tramway concessions being about to expire, the City Coanci' appointed a committee to coneider the relations of the corporation towards the proprietors, with a view to purchase, ii

f nil"llVn ¥s}* StUSKfOT Imi/wrtws a stta£®~ i assart sbswinc ti* nraSts of i>Mtt u-i* ] ys*-» tr> be £2955 ia»i — * ?£» resjasr ] srrnhr. bit the caasaatte* obtained a»e>thsr j 1 statement, wiuch utr al»ejL« ant-wtd iciser | pprfrii** They reoiamistsßaed *■"** u©t33e Ib* gives, anil tbe OccikS aarpsed ifcae ] report. Svinof of lis ear* as* ratiksoed, J wnias giras them a enry *ac os&fnrttMe : | appßSWUttn bit the iir«rc. fc _.iitiiS r*f the ■ | Vsff*kisg*dyUEiag'B? of the Al*CKljaa3 .IrMEways j as **Tsr>3» tntz&vay lias*. *atai£fi®i _ tetre, ; r>».t it a mat as promotive of ci«*3ti3iiew j i as tie iDiTTfd sails, waiEß ess be atc:r j ■ beta «n»7L T&* JHUEOSOT cars W«T» XUtt : jsb fight s&d cawarfx. "a appaanaoot «* | ; those ob tit* Auckland Baa, bong ap- f : psTBEjJy man emc t c tuts Migtz.y _ "The | ■ iirei were u chsap as is An-si-itni, Joeiag j 1 abod- case peniy ft anile —rro®. TSssnCios to t •'X«r*nra. Ta«rt is * Saaaay service half I ■ ■ ixDutiy, irani kali-pats two so ex p.®. fitkijc c-sorfis, etc. WeHiEgtoi; d;>e» a; OkfnfcEi to be no iorts- | i nateiv ts taated with regara to pufeTis giOKTi^t , : u Ansk-aas. There » so Aiaert or W«^crn f { part, »i Government Domain > R i-v. *»*»*- wj r&c B*co Eflwm &s2 Orickft j > Grnnnd it eioeed tor naif of the day » _s3*fi 4 ! tits SaorfitEaoa Sseerve of la acres i* 2%**- j 1 Bra !«.->•« tie ceatrahty deciraais. It *»! ] ' a pti£ms.£t eight, bswevm, oi * Saturday j ! «fsersDo3L »£> ®4»f the crr*"d» of yr-Exg men | : wen jit litET uriT ort »3 Nmuwi «- ■»!•- ] : saat or t.*i« ptf> is ti>e fr»:»t.bk-l aasoiifit, | ' fjja wijfire tier est tin.i a®ili!fay rsswioos | i md jiSTeidii srsining wia.c£ is so M aiwsdt- I j rite; ioT oar yoHtg sasa- A» for tat Itifcas I 1 Bat Ksseooereie. is i* use to i>s ®afc*t*3 wihs | ; E2l«ssse is point of *ODSBSSTie«, X™® fast ] j paisti of tit Bstxcis Gfcrd«BS, ob 'tee feagste, ) faa»crar, »rs to be E"-®t rp.-esi - -a Tie** of tie : j city, Lfcrtonr. G»£'» struai, c.i tat Hen ] VL-jf-y, »ad of tie Tinru t*aget is the j disaaoe. Tbey ».ppf*r w be a » Tv~gs | 1 sad refciy oioiiEcci, n>d toe *tro®g *ia3f * 1 wa'Sß sweep ot er ti»eia kre oot faTOS-rkole to tae stowed of prsa.'ginr. fiixc* »ai pijtats. It wis down oae of toe gxiij-ei is the B»tMor | Garatsi, it ii tui. tE.»t tae fljcn. Mr. ins«- ] j>a foaod tsc T till Eft' we*tinjr gwice, | whizs jETKiSed iiisa by its *ba&nai. ; regieieriagfi- On £Tesy iAai one £ai* oss- j daf3T« te«iiriiST u to tat forae of toe We - j iiagtaa shorten.. Oat ereo-iig xo otsstr of | toe G«aeciu Ae»«ab]y w*j foisg a was. "i>« j ob getting eitAi of tfte ptriifc-infcctfcry gr&ioifc ; * gust o?ai'.2 zp the tac"*re whiitsd | hi» an oS, tad it artsred up tat iUw» wad , wu jar; in &s * a Aaeklasdcr woaid ! hire genie iat® & thop ml boagat isother, j bat the WelliagtoaiM knew aetOf.r. He | vast TAck to toe flo ut, g'Jl * r»xz»tii *r- s oat of the depit, kept us Tiew j of Kaca ooatiageikciet, ajsa weal oa hii w*y s rejeaaag. Asviaer tigat I «"u jjoiag down | M :>2-irrwD-nh-itr»!tt in toe drinog clett, | *-o keep say oiir oa, *ota oa refcthisj the i jaactkta of L*aibt.oa Qiiy I feaf in with & i eioior, who bad bw-a is s. :« c&w»4. He j w*i hire-r.-fefcie-i, Kapp&rtiaj * lisip-poit, tad > with hi* -%-• EtMidiag on ea.d 12 the bl*et, .) io: £«3 the pi stare of oi'iuc d»pnr. Sis s art: atttrfcase# were: "I say bant, e>a.3 ] pa tell tee which of taeaa »tr«>et* ray b».t« J. gooe av ?' I eaggestfed tut be tavaid rteike i wa trends, iad work it oat by dead res£.■>!- ! ing. He said he tooagst he'd "late toe j bur" lor it, aad he did, a»ritg bs*n dnftLas | ia the directioa of the aeareit pah when I | eaioraatered cira. W like AaokJaad, his its little { diScaity over its cemetery. »ad ersrM h*T» j otiea nt*de by tome rstidtati ».i fcseat, j nor:»eu.:'ally, ts get it cloud tp ] &ad * fre«h one laid oat in toe ea'oarbt. At ! it ii «iraa-ie oa the ceij:st» abort the cry, | aad the dr* from it ctaaot improve rei I etkaiiLry ooaditaaa. la aioag :a j waits my attention wat fcriett-ei by a uai j tome Eaoaameat er»>cieid la memory of the j late Mr. W. B. Haodes (oat better sac ; ffcmilisriy known at '* B*.roey " Knoden), for- " tneriy * member of toe GeoersJ A»«nbiy. j I kid made toe &sqaiiau.soe of Mr. tiaaitu \ in the early day« of the Sttr Ztti».ad j Parliament in Aackiioa, where ae wae tat j life *.&d »oal of the pany of Trcctaera aexaber* ) who bairded it Wiocn'» e.rt» raeat —tht ) J «ite of the ezittioj| 2*s>rthern C.aO—by hi* i | geaiiiity. hit qaipt aad pruu. «ad hi* ! | nerer-tailiag faad of dry ham oar. He *a* 1 I always p.paiar with the Aactitoden. At ! i 13-ooaed a pan the graft, I wrled baak nay ; j memory to oar but aosiai chat, nearly & ! cjaarter of * cseatarr ago, on baari tae troop- 1 j »a:p SitnaUya. How many of the " me® I j h*a koowa '* hid pasted t*»y in tail time, ■ j and t-arc.aE from tae naoaiid, td:>wa the j i pkio, i coojd oaJy vjliioqaiae, wits tae great 1 i dram* "To thi* complexion matt we ' | come at last."

OaiOVIAL TATXIOTS. j j kiting of the dead and of raominiealis, 1 j ! oat day passed through the grounds at the j ] r»r of " the biggest woolen boiMing in tee i j world," sad saw, Iving m tie clack grass, i j mi led and honejcoraKsd, the stcaocs of I whit *u apparently a monument, and the I incident arrested my cariosity. No one I seeded to be able to throw any light span j the subject, farther thin teat toe concern I had bete iymg oa tee reclamation for "yews, i and was s»nt oat from hnglaad to be erected j ia memory of Moles worth. *' Woo was i Moles worth ? W &* worth-street named j after htm? Wait did he do? When did ■ he lire in Wellington ?" were the inquiries I of an Old Identity. " B eased j if I know," ww the reply, "probably he | was a land grabber in the old en dare, and they had given him a moauoieat lor thai ! " j " PcS " ia " Cigarettes," ia the Ending | Press, had a dart at iloletworth and the ! cut-iron arrangement, with a view of ascerI taining wAat it wag, bat failed to solve the i conundrum, so I gave it up Galea* one \ fails back on Sir W. Mo!eiworth. Yet this it ■ fame ! When the Aucklandera got Chartoa'* | monument np they tried to keep it np, bat I the Welling tomans can't get the monument ] erected. Toe Provincial Government aai ■ the Corporation washed their hands of it; so did tne relatives ; and all tea: the Government will do ia to give storage to the mona- | mtnt as old iron. If Molesworth had j existed in the Stone Age he could j not be more completely forgotten y j the citiztni of Wellington. The fact j ii the country is too yoanjj to keep patriots i on hand. If we are to judge by the tombJ stones and epitaph*, the rjest of oar pablic j men, like Sawney Mclliffia'i potatoes, are | underground. No man ia a hero to bit valet. i It is on y ween public men lo)m np in history that we can afford to rentrate their names, yet when they lived no doabt they had a bad time of it with their oonititnente; were told that they were no bttter than they should be, and had been working Parliamentary swindles. Like vine, their reputation improves with age. "THE Uttxn 07 ISLAJTD BAT," I So one ha* done the "lions" of Welling- | ton who has not seen Island Bay, and " tne j hermit of Inland Bay," so one Saturday i afternoon, in company with a friend, I paid a visit to it. 1: l* fire or six mile* oat of the city, facing Cock's Strait*, with a fine view of the entrance to Wellington harbour. There was the inevitable "public," the advanced seatiael of civilisation in this lonely spot, though where the customers were, as there was scarcely a dwelling in the district, I failed to see, unlets the hermit lived oa suction, It was the week that the Go-Aisead'aad other vessels were wrecked oa the coast, and the galea had scarcely exhausted themselves. As we looked seaward, toe rocks and reefs in the bay presented a grand sight, the advancing billows breaking over them many feet into the air, rushing down taeir scarred sides in cataract*, deep calling onto deep. It recalled to my mind the lines of Tennyson, but uligntly altered, Hot while the two were wiltinr. a. (ail title Rjbt with the fria-.d swell, which on lie forecast roc I Landing, npjelted is spirit of wil l Set iiaOSe, j Ana txiied m th*su of wittefal fouo. ■ Hard by in a fissure of the cliffs we came j across a tourist percned in that coign of | vantage, and from that loophole of retreat ' was sitting in reverie, or watching the : majestic rollers as they ruthed madly in, | combed, broke, and dissipated themselves : in seething foam at his feet. Far j as the eye could reach the crested bilI low*. could be seen, while overhead the j rain-laden clouds were driven before the i gale over the face of an angry sky. In the < mist and could be seen across the harbour Penearrow Lighthouse on the beetling cliffs, like a white finger pointing heavenwards, and between ns and the Tararaa rangers the bow of promise ** braided on - the forehead of the storm." An outward bound steamer was straggling to clear the harbour, with sail set to steady her, and after a bard battle she succeeded in getting into the Struts and standing away West. About five minutes' walk from the hotel is the Hermit's cave, a huge water-worn fissare in the cliff, from the interstices in the roof of which percolates the drainage of the formation above. The only outiet for the smoke is the entranoe of the cave, so that the Hermit has a lively time on that score, as his watery and inflamed eyes testified, m well - as with the damp from the eternal drip of his

raek-tossßfi ritoabbet. A Issie pwtetWW *feffioa by —cBCTH _He HA trans is bit praßcai nteaam name aurst ya&+—* M ?**- ynal bMt." I prwatu*, to *• Se> ia« sum. ssleottSer'a. «• i«kftJE*w litter «■ m«C2Sjp * tasjwx. Same as EE* in-*3 prßMauas in** fets »crst »— w-t ts is 3» fltrjKWfc. _B* » a scfsimiMcaßi, n*-feai< rtd-iaajd »<M am fir us MM. zui9Bmsx Sgßt Wiunifl waAi* uie ts jsrtgii, of iciaSt , iriii® tram* M&e®sfc of MBan oxisiirfe. a* hut din-vemam

•aaaoTea.. 1 celißAtesy ncs*rfleiei it avivum- \ tii« wills Hxfct, txsKS pawebiy it *"■» m> i tyFaaere of enr, wiasaa bfcS led lam t» is* I a«r»y trams %s*t CJ 3—ttS T '£ crews.** EsSta, ; b&werar, vu aattt t>a, " Ftrx.*.j* st ▼m,— j par lap* it tmaft; be m nut tux id sfaw* j wbo IQlSsttZ &Xtd *-*■* titters: ES*t KX2V&SKH& cf itij prt4i»««< a&5-«S. I® ity etxprsne it warned to utt ft iiri.y iasarwt it «mj m OS li^'TT 1 "' iS* sascainid *• E®> tSJ® SepnsmeafiftSaaa PrT' iai I SSit tat aoi£ Sit run u as ti>e T«rei qsaoaoß si EE* ** naSEEil*' *- r -- " ftCEEftl" eats*. Tin atxt qzi&f&sa mm a ss its* S- Jibat 7qg»s vst geniisg ■**" and at* BitCfSL. San>* of EM Ot3»SJ' IHHtSTi E>e£SCKti>& VST* * EST- ; peas* so base, bat I tffiiia xia sb*.t axe 1 grow A-asfei-iecSersißs Pwafipittnf WM OBBtroSaa sat T rt*e£TT ia»3 as aoabt, ucf f>^J t ft grati ej*i otbec paciSsssfci 4*rdi tp hi» bistre. Tat HesrißJt tftctr EM lasaiZiKi of " T"bt Best* of slept, 9 »--v J fti to Sts>w tisy weft et-ECHif SffiI ni oscigfid EE> be eutiii «»3 st- ism tier wire yr »'t fc»*Ty *suiif of 3, iurs ki saiaity csT«3*tia ft ir , sltscsd<e srt j»i^Stsa2 u ireli fti otxtcr grrw,. I referred kiss to ts*t prmye' wit* wsies ti-ry 053<eis>«d tiifflE? pr&OS>»Siligl, »»«< glT* ECCSE EM fatcrtiii of Ei« iasbE It it ft niioHtj—a® uto oattest*, bat w rare: la tie ligiit of P»T£s»arLUTT saeuory—tfce tEtrifam. a«Ktb«r»iitfi, poTftS®- pc.C»3i CT. it. u»C M BCTi2Latg of xiic kina »zti a-?*r* " for Sl* iseii* <t»f t-Sse ia &* "wrefciifii pitfi." M )•!>&» itira»eii mset ikftr*i»agoos tut Itatfett ss£ icxsißßt wii-ss bt £rct z fcJ&ufd o>t tftfti pr»j er, Vx>k.tA into tts Piiiriifci»B&sraßtary io&tat*. I muL-t no iivrt for reycbiakiiz it- it *• inlicwi:—

« -n-.ff -T O C_ *( Ttiirt Etworsi7 nmESL, fil atOK ; .cn.i.s» !«t»K£ Tin* -1 jrrfciii 12*1. vt u^r-.uf Tit Jii*r fc.Ta.jns iietor* iicr r»ot. wit .«*rmc hL j.- < rc-erfsfltu sue jrrr aCiyef *Oi(i fcC«tamnt. iit» "»■ -: uJ fci; yCEj oasiumva ...*j it ic sbf u - Tct iifam* lis nuiiia«aaii* t>? smt rolipm., «iit jiusjot, lit aam>ar UT nit Qatnn*. fciit 12* iffluttt petk-jt, fcliG irtBCEiUiT «f •!« 00i0i'», iunnypi *«a "-&E35 our iarc.

Txa Hermit it &e£rita.ifti it r&ritna wvyt by wiiiiart, but, it is rtiSed, bt otahus* ex fcsosjit psssiixjajy gift*-. Etbb wiiii kuqs. cwssAi «i.i, «icw be r.fcTigi os.t it « nyexrj. Ht zaa » Bsbie, «d*d ft lev t' bantt. sac it aiwiji gifci to get bold til ft iitweptper, fie tamed peii*££ij .oanwiiiw»a Witt iui &»*&- itiite. Aj> vt mae iuc aomje, « Eintft: of sue old toft, " ii« it iiAf»pi«st *"i*ui»t wftßt* tr» ifwetx." Here «» ft 2£&i «"tif is.afb«>l :w Use Miiustry i itfw protKJsitM.' «inf, Kossed E&t prcptnj sue, ftiii t« hosts Kie tiara of a fiar»f i>«iioach£7 la krrt-sp iui erXi*. 2.t±nt vta* "rmrifttirf

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8063, 26 September 1887, Page 6

Word Count

NOTES ABOUT WELLINGTON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8063, 26 September 1887, Page 6

NOTES ABOUT WELLINGTON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8063, 26 September 1887, Page 6


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