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The usual weekly meeting of the City Council was held yesterday in the Council Chamber. Present: The Mayor (Mr. A. Devore), and Messrs. Phillips, Laßoche, B. Cooper, Swales, Dignan, Buchanan, Atkin, Crowther, Holland, Kidd, Lennox, Trenwitb, Davies, Clark, James, Garratt, and Evans. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed.

Bcrgkß3 Roll.— Renwick applied to have his name placed on the burgess roll. In respect of hotel in Princes-street, F. Walters made a similar application in respect of property in Randolph-street, Newton. Applications granted. DiiAiNAOK.—T. Carless wrote complaining of the drainage in Oliphant-street. The Council, he said, had brought the accumulated drainage of Ponsonby to that point, whioh was now a fever bed. A nets from the engineer stated that the Corporation drainage had rather improved the property of Mr. Carless, whioh was a swamp before. A box shoot should bo put in by the applicant, if required. Reply to be sent in terms of engineer's memo.

Look Hospital Sale.—A letter was read from the Inspector of Prisons stating that, considering the large sums which it would be necessary to spend on the Lock Hospital building, in converting it into prison officers' quarters, the Government could not offer more than £350 for it, as previously stated. —Referred to tho Legal Committee.

Gkorok-stukkt.-C. Daw asked the Council to provide wooden steps or an entrance to the property of the late Mrs. Daw in George-street. The engineer reported that the steps would Cost £3 ; he thought a subscription of 30s would meet the case.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Moulding Shop.—Messrs. Branston and Lee asked for permission to erect a moulding shop in connection with their works Customstreet West. The building surveyor reported that the proposed building was not in compliance with the building by-laws, not being 10 feet from ground not in the same occupation, and without fireplaces.—Application declined for the reason given by the building surveyor.

Niohtsoil Depot —A letter was read from S. Fraser and others, Point Chevalier, complaining of the continued nuisance caused there by the nightsoil depot. The Mayor said it appeared the matter had been deposited nearer than it should have been to the Western Springs. Ho moved that the matter be referred for enquiry to the Legal Committee. The resolution was carried.

Richmond Road—A letter was road from Allen Maguire, stating that he was still prepared to cut down Richmond Road to a fixed level at the price previously named, the Council to pay half the cost. To stand over until the report of Ponsonby Ward members was considered. It was afterwards resolved that the Council were not prepared to accept his offer.

Pumping Station, Western Springs.— An application was received from A. Gibson, Western .Springs, for increase of pay, considering the long hours of work. The application was declined.

Drainage, — E. Harvey oompl&ined of want of drainage in Upper Symouds-streot, and that owing to this several persons were suffering from low fever. The sanitary inspector reported that the arrangement of the house was of a very unsanitary nature, and he had ordered alterations. Dr. Lawry reported that there was a want of proper drainage in Upper Symoudss'treet, and that there was fever in consequence.— .Referred to the ward member*.

Water Supply.— A letter was read from Mr. B. Tanner, secretary to the Devonport Steam Ferry Company, stating that Devonport had offered to supply their steamers with water at a price very much below that charged by the Council. An a matter of business, they should accept the offer from Devonport unless tho Council would supply water at tho rate of £12 per month. The company were paying £17 Is per month, and £3 extra in holiday time. Referred to the Streets Committee.*

Alleged Nuisance. — The Ponsonby members further reported that having, in company with the city solicitor, visited Mr. Head's property, and tindiug that it might be easily remedied by repairing the pre sent drain, they recommended that Mr. Head be informed that tho Council would repair the present drain and cleauso and flush it whenever necessary. A report from the City Solicitor, Mr. Cotter, was appended, stating that after a visit to the premises through which the drain ran, the question submitted to him as to the Council's legal poeition was an exceedingly difficult one to decide, and one which could not be properly decided by him unless he had evidence as to the state of the drain before it was boarded, the conditions under which it was made and boarded as it now existed, and tho extent to which the sewers recently made by the Council had added to the flow passing through it. He had recommended in accordance with the report. Report adopted. Pattison-stkket.—A letter was read from residents in Pattiyon-street urging the necessity of asphalting that street. The Engineer reported that it was not advisable to asphalte Pattison-strcet until it was kerbed and channelled, which would cost £200, asphalting £130. It was possible the land might settle yet. Received.

Hobson-street.—A letter was read from Hodge and Tyler, requesting that Wellington Lane, from Hobson-street to the cornor, be cut down to the permenent level before buildings proposed to be erected by them be proceeded with. A memo, from the Engineer stated that there was not much to do in that part of the lane—about 12 inches to cut out in the centre. The whole cost would be about £7. Granted, the cost to be charged to South Ward.

Drainage of Upper Symonds street.— Mr. Davies presented a petition from residents in Upper Symonds-Btreet, asking that when the kerbing and channelling of that street was oarried out, provision should be made for an underground drain, to prevent the unpleasant odour and consequent fever which prevailed. Referred to the ward members.

Legal Committee.— committee reported as follows :—Letter from Whitaker and Russell, forwarding Order in-Council, tramways extension : Your committee approve same. Letter from E. L. McKinstry, re gorse on allotment in Brown-street, Ponaonby : Your committee recommend that gorse be cut down, and property charged with the cost. Letter from H. H. Hayr, secretary to Auckland Amateur Athletic Club, re use of Domain crioket ground on sth March, 1887 : Committee recommend that application be granted on the usual terms. Letter from St. Johnston Brothers, re Anchor patent compressed air fire engine : Your committee advise a reply that Council have no need of same, bat recommend that application be made to the municipal authority, New York city, for information re fire-extinguishing apparatus by steam. Books for Library : Your committee have accepted with thanks, two volumes History of Scotland, presented by Mr. T. Smart, and two voiuuios New Zealand Government Gazette, presented by Mr. J. F. Leighton.— A. Dkvork, Ciiairmau.

Ponsonuy- Ward Member-,' Report.— The Pouaonby Ward members reported on thn following matters referrod to them Re Hamilton Itoad drainage : 1. We recommend that, as the nuisance complained of by the Rev. Mr. Runciman is entirely on private property, and the only remedy is by newer through several largo properties, very sparsely occupied, the Council should inform him that he must take the course provided by law for draining through the adjoining lands. We recommend that the drainage of Hamilton Road itself be deferred until the permanent formation is authorised. H.E. Cotton, re tfheehan-street drainage: 2. We recommend channels be oleaued and flushed wtaeu necessary,in terms of Engineer's report. Re Richmond Road cutting : 3. We recommend that this work should not be done until the Newton Borough Council agree to pay one-half of the cost of permanent formation. Re Richmond Road footpath : 4. We recommend that the work be done, provided the Newton Borough Council agree to pay one half the com. Cox's Creek Bridge approaches: 5. We recommend that application be made to the Government to widen the cuttings, a3 recommended by the engineer, before any responsibility is taken by the Council. Re Shelly Beach drainage : 6. We recommend that the engineer be requested to prepare a plan of the drainage works required in the block referred to in the petition, and submit the same with an estimate of the cost. — (Signed) Edward Cooi'ur, D. F. Evans, John Swales, Ward members. Adopted. Streets Committkk,—The Streets Committee presented the following interim report: "Report by City Engineer re Cemetery Bridge: Your oommittee recommend that suggestions as oontained in report (less the

turnstiles) be adopted. Re tenders Jervois Road, formation (Ponsonby Ward members present): Your committee recommend that tenders be opened.—W. Crowtukb, chairman." Adopted. Tkndkrs.—The following tenders' were received for the work in Jervois Road : — Sheldon and Co., £2457 ; P. Bolton, £2-104 lis lid; Lovett and White, £2435 49 ; McGee and Co., £2707 14s 3d ; M. Murphy, £2356 10s. The estimate of the engineer was £2300. Mr. Murphy's tender was accepted. SYMONDi-STRBKT. —A discussion ensued as to whether the tenders for kerbing and channelling Symonds-street should be opened until the question of the now drainage be decided upon, but it was resolved to open the tenders and charge the amount to the Karangahape Ward allocation. The tenders were as follows: W. Forrest, £127 ; R. Archibald, £117 15s; J. Attwood, £122 8s 5d ; J. Renwick, £179 ; W. Bolton, £108 7a 9d ; A. Woolley, £165 ; Coulsou and Green, £140 16s. The tender of Mr, Archibald was accepted. Library Fittings.—Three tenders were received for library fittings. Auckland Furniture Company, £73; Garlick and Cranwell, £68 ; George Page, £92. Tenders referred to the Library Committee, with power to accept. Thk Okmktkriks Act.—A memo was received from the City Treasurer, bringing under the notice of the Council a case which he believed to be a breach of the Cemeteries Act. On tho 31st instant a Mr. W. H. Piper made application to bury a child of Mr. Thomas Booth's in the Presbyterian division at Waikomiti ; the grave was ordered accordingly. On the following day Mr. Piper called and said the grave would not be required, as the friends had got permission to bury the child in Symonds-street cemetery. The matter was referred to the police for inquiry. Ponsonby Reservoir. — Mr. Errington reported that the work at the reservoir was proceeding satisfactorily. Waikomiti Ckmrtkry. — Tho treasurer forwarded the following balance-sheet respecting tho cemetery : —

Receipts : Certificate of purchase, £134 ; grave fees, £161 15a ; order fees. £1 ; plan sold, 6d ; balarce due to bank, £2605 8s 4d; less cosh In hand, £9 17s 6d ; total, £2882 6.1 4.1.

expenditure : Surveyors and assistants, £690 10* ; sections, £149 10) Sd ; clearing ami fencing, £3G5 6< 3d; planting, £38 6s; contribution to road, £100; mortuary chapol contract, £510 6s ; cottages contract, £625 16s : telephone construe lon, £102 5s 91: tlmbar, £10 15s 5d ; barrow?, £4 13s ; tanks, £9 2s 61; ironmongery, £5 0a 8J ; law cotts, £4 4s ; stationery, £2 10s 6<i ; iQnurmce, £4 15s ; lithographing plans, £11; advertising and printing, £173 6s 7d ; sundries £13 17s; batik Interest on overdraft, £104 12s 5d : total, £2882 6< 4d.

Referred to the Cemetery Committee. Tims of Meeting.— Mr. Kidd moved the following motion, of which he had given notice for last week, the motion being then adjourned :—" That the previous resolution of Council, authorising the meetings to be held weekly, bo rescinded, and that in future the ordinary meetings of this Council be held at fortnightly intervals on Thursdays at half-past six p.m." He maintained that the work would be done equally well, and the time of the departments would not bo so much taken up if his resolution were adopted. That was the course adopted in Wellington, Chriitohurch, and Dunedin, which, probably, had quite as much business as they had. Mr. Dignan seconded the motion, agreeing that the work would be equally well done by fortnightly meetings. Mr. Atkin asked the Mayor to express his view of the matter. The Mayor considered the work would be done fully as well by fortnightly meetings. If it were found that the heads of departments took too much upon themselves he would certainly inform the Council. Mr. Garratt objected to the motion. Mr. Phillips expressed himself in favour of it. Mr. Buchanan preferred the present arrangement. Mr. Evans supported the resolution. Mr. Crowther considered that under the present arrangements there was not a necessity for weekly meetings. Mr. Lennox was also of opinion that meetings once a fortnight would be enough. Mr, Clark also supported the resolution. Mr. Kidd replied to the argument against the change, and urged that they should give a* trial to the system, which had answered well in other cities, and maintained that it would save office expenses and facilitate the general work of the Council ; and even if it were not found to answer, they mulit revert to the present plan. On a division, the motion was carried by 15 votes to 3.

Drainage in Ponsonby Ward.—Mr. Swales moved, "That, in order to facilitate drainage, this Council instruct the Engineer to prepare plans without delay, of all neoessary levels in the Ponsonby Ward." Mr. LaKoche seconded the motion,but he thought the plans were already prepared. Mr. Crowther moved, "That the matter be referred to the ward members and the engineer to report to the Council." Mr. Holland seconded the amendment, which was carried. Mr. Cooper moved, as a further amendment, "That the matter be deferred,'" which was seconded by Mr. Evans. The amendment was lost.

The Trees Fronting the New Art Gallery.The Mayor moved, "That the three poplar trees in Wellesiey-street in front of the Library building be cut down." He moved that very reluctantly, but it was found that the suckers would destroy the footpath, and there was no other course but to cut thorn down. Mr. Phillips seconded the motion. Mr. Dignan said they mflst also eradicate the roots, and the motion was seconded by Messrs. Crowthcr and Atkin. The motion was carried.

Fire Brigade Appliances.—Mr. Atkin moved, "That a committee be appointed to secure the best plan of the most suitable ladder-apparatus for the uso of the Fire Brigade, with the cost thereof; also, to confer with the insurance Companies, asking their contributions to cover the entire cost of such appliance, and report to the Council at an early date." Air. Atkin, in moving the resolution, asked leave to add the names of a committee. He would propose to represent each ward in discussing the matter as follows Messrs. Crowther, Laßoche, Garratt, James, Evans, Atkin, and the Mayor. Leave being granted, Mr. Atkin showed the desirability, as shown by recent tires, for obtaining the appliances he proposed. Mr. Phillips seconded the motion, which was carried without opposition.

Appendix— Showing buihls to December 31, 1SS6. Denomination STilos Females Children Total. Anglican „ .. 71 35 43 1<9 Wesley an .... 10 9 21 JO Presbyterian .. It! 9 10 35 Nonconformist ..6 2 15 22 Koruan Catholic .. 15 6 19 40 Hebrew .... 0 0 0 0 Publio .... 11 11 13 Total .. .. 118 62 119 209

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7863, 4 February 1887, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7863, 4 February 1887, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7863, 4 February 1887, Page 6


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