The quarterly meeting of the United Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was held last eight in their office at Victoria Arcade. Present: The Mayor (Mr. W. R. Waddal), in the chair; Colonel Haultain and Messrs. O. Mays, S. Luke, Suiter, Kidd, Mackechnie, Warnook, Wilkinson, Lane, Nicol, and Isaacs. The minutes of previous proceedings were read and confirmed. The Chairman said the first business was to receive the Mayor of Devonport, who had taken his seat at the Board, and they were glad to have his assistance. The following report was read from the Executive Committee:— Tho Executive Committee hare to report as fol* lows Division op United District. —Members are aware that by the Amendment Act of last session this Board will be dissolved on 3l»t March, 1887, and thenceforward charitable aid in the Auckland district will b« administered by the Auckland Hospital Board. On thai date the counties of Hobson and Whangaroi in the north, and those of Waikato. Waipa, and Rag" lan in the south, will be separated from the Auckland district. Ths representation of the local authorities on th« Board for next yo<r has been apportioned by His Kxcelleocv the Governor, although the Board has received no official intimation of the scheme. Finasoh.—A statement of expenditure and liabili« tits for the six months ended 80th September has been prepared and printed (or information of members. In order to make the state of the finances as clear as possible the receipts have been brought down to the 25th inst. The expenditure has been very heavy, owing to the great increase of destltntlon during the winter months. Taking the amount of expenditure as printed as a guide for the next six months, it is evident that there will be a large deficiency at the end of tho present financial year. This arises first, from the great increase in the numbers in rocelpt of 'outdoor relief; and second, from the increased charges made upon the Board under the bead ■ of Industrial Schools, for the maintenance Of children j committed prior to tho passing of the Act. The c 'n« triiiutions unpaid by local bodies amount to £1275 9a i 9d When these are all paid, and the Government , subsidy up n them received, there will bo a deficit of about £1170. This result is arrived at as follows :—Tho actual cost for the ton months ending 30th September was £4137 Is 7d. the estimated cost for the current half year ending 3ist March. 1837, is £2700. the provision made for the whole period by contributions levied was £5666 14s 2d : total, £1170 7 sd. Benkvolent SocriTins. —Applications for subsidy made by the Auckland Benevolent Society, the Onehunga Benevolent Society, and the Out-door Relief Association, were referred to Government, and in each case granted, subjoct to a statement of tho expenditure of the money buing incorporated in the Board's annual accounts, A similar application by the Temporary Aid Society has been made, but the decision of the Government, has not yet been received. In the case of the Women's Home, the Government decided that that institution should become incorporated before receiving subsidy. In view of the resolution pas<ed by the Board approving of the appointment of two honorary members to medical staff to attend to outpatients, tho committee have bad under consideration the advisability of closing the Auckland Dispensary at the end of the year. TitAVRLLiNO I'XPBNBtiS.—An utraordlnary claim of £10 for travelling expense? to attend Board meetings, has been made by the member representing Hokianga Count;. The county's contribution was £31 19s 4d. The committee did not entertain the claim. Assistant to Mr, Graham.—ln accordance with the resolution of last meeting, an assistant to the Relieving Oftlcer has been appointod, at a salary of £100 a year.—W. R Waddel,, Chairman. The statement of accounts for the halfyear ended September 30, 18S6, gave :— Kkceipts.—Contributions from local authorities £1557 17s id, Uoverumont subsidy £1272 13s Id, voluntary contributions £10 10s Id, Government subsidy on same £16 10s Id. Benevolent societies : Voluntary contributions ptid In by Aucsland Benevolent Society £171 Is 2d, Onehunga Benevolent Society £23 7s 3d. Outdoor Relief Society £S8 3s Id. Temporary Aid Society £75 15 8d — £358 7s 2d. Government subsidy on Onehunga Benevolent society'* contribution £23 7s 3d. Balance dr., liabilities to 30th September, less balance in bank £1318 lis. Total £4563 16s. Rxtknui i'l'kr and Liabilities. — Out-door .elief £210$ 5t 6d, industrial schools £537 19s 6d, Auckland Dispensary, £147 10s, oflioo salary £60, legal expenses and stimp duty £45 2> 8d: total expenditure and liabilities for half-year £2913 17s Bd. iieuevolont Societies Auckland £171 Is 2d. Onehunga £46 <4s G<t. Out-door Relief Society £113 3s Id, Temporary Aid Society £75 15s Bd-£4Q6 14s sd. Paid liabilities outst ndln*, Slit Mar h, 1886, £1188 3s lid. Believing Officer, advance account, £20. Total £4563 16s. Contributions from the following local bodies are still unpaid:—Hamilton, Newmarket, and Newton Boroughs; Bay of Islands, Hobson, Whanrarsi, Waikato, and Waipa Counties ; Eden Terrace, "psora, Mount Albert, Mount Eden, Mount Koskill, Point Chevalier, Remuera, Mangere, Mannrewa, Maraetai, Otahuhu (part), Pakuranga, Papakura, l Paparata. i'aparoa, Pollok Settlement, Pukekohe fast, I'ukeltohe West, Waiplpi, Wairoa, Waiukn, Pupaknra Town, Karamu, Karloi, Pirongia, Te Akau, Town of Raglan, and Whaingaroa Boad Boards; outlying districts in Counties ol Manukau and Raglan : totil, £1275 9s 9d. The Chairman said he trusted the report of the Executive Committee would meet with their approval. They had endeavoured to do their duty in the manner in which it was meant to be carried out, and to regulate the expenditure to tho beat of their ability, He moved the adoption of the report. Mr. Mays seconded the motion. In reply to Colonel Haultain, The Chairman said the Women's Home was not one of the institutions in the schedule. It could be incorporated by the Board, but he understood that it was not the wish of its managers that it should be incorporated. Colonel tf AGLTAIN said he understood that they wished to obtain the subsidy on the same grounds us the Benevolent Society had done.
Mr. Mackechme said they would have to take supervision over the institution or the Government would not grant the subsidy. The Chaihman said Mrs. Cowie objected to their taking supervision over it. Colonel Haultain said they did not take supervision over the Benevolent Society. Mr. Mackkchnik said they would have to do so or they would lose the subsidy. The report was then adopted. CONTRACTIONS. Letters were read from the Hamilton and Cambridge Boroughs of money spent in charitable aid. The boroughs had not paid their contributions. The reply in each case had been that the money would be refunded when the contributions had been paid. The Government had said the Board might sue the districts which had not paid their contributions, but they could not take that action themselves. A communication was read from the Thames Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, stating that they intended to sue Piako County for the balance of their account due up to the 31st March, notwithstanding that they had obtained their separation. They aiiked in what way the Auckland Board intended to act, and suggested that the two boards should act in the same manner. Colonel Haoitain thought they should act independently, and moved, " That they decline to accede to the suggestion to act jointly." The Chairman moved, "That the Board approve of the aotion of the Executive Committee, and that their solicitor be instructed to sue for the contributions." Agreed to. , dispensary. The Mayor said it was complained that a great injury had been done by discontinuing the dispensary. He had not been aware that Dr. Hooper had not only attended patients at the dispensary, but also at their own homes. He thought they should as far as their funds would allow continue to maintain the dispensary. Dr. Hooper's letter of the 20th of September was read, and reported at the meeting of the Executive Committee, stating the work the dispensary had been doing. Colonel Hadltain said he should like to know how many outdoor visits had been paid. Mr. Kidd then moved, in accordance with notice, "That the dispensary be continued, as it would be cheaper to continue it than to do without . it." A considerable number of the persons attended by Dr. Hooper were those who had left the Hospital, and who would come back or go to the Old People's Refuge, and again become an expense to them, when the small cost of £275 was involved, it would be a great mistake to sweep away an institution which had gone on for nearly twenty years. Colonel Haultain said ho should be exceedingly sorry to see the institution swept away, but his object in voting for two medical attendants at the Hospital was that one should take up the dispensary duties. Mr. Mackkchnie suggested that the best way would be to withdraw the notice they had given. , Mr. Isaacs seconded the motion, believing the dispensary was the means of keeping many from having to go to the Hospital. Mr. Kidd accepted Mr. Maokechnie's suggestion, and moved " That the notice to close the dispensary should be withdrawn." Mr. Mays said three-parts of the funds of the Dispensary had been originally contributed from private sources, but they were now asked to continue it without any control and to bear the whoie burden. They had not sufficient information as to the work done, and he hoped that would not be continued.
The Mayor said, those who bad contributed voluntarily now contributed compulBorily. A return of work done could be obtained by asking for it. Mr. Kidd said the Charitable Aid Board had killed private charity, and he again repeated his argument that the dispensary would effect a saving of their funds, and be more satisfactory in its working than by appointing an extra surgeon at the Hospital. The resolution was then adopted to the effect that the notice of discontinuance of
the dispensary should bo withdrawn, and the institution be continued for the present. _ Mr. Mays moved, "That the Executive Committee be instructed to report on the management of the dispensary and report to the next meeting of the Board, The resolu* tion was carried. TRAVELLING EXPENSES. On the motion of the Mayor the meeting confirmed the action of the Executive Committee in declining to pay travelling expenses of members of the Board. The question was rained by ac application from Hokianga for £40 for travelling expenses. The contribution of the county was £3l« Mr. Lane asked if members were to pay their own expenses ? Mr. Mays said the local bodies should pay the expenses. The business of the United Board then concluded. _ . The meeting of the District of Auckland Hospital Board was then proceeded with. The minutes of la3t meeting were read and confirmed The following report was read :— The Executive Committee report as follows:—During thewinter, the Hospital has not been so crowded, mainly from the absence of fever canes. The enlargement of the building has not been actively proceeded with, owing rhlffly to the deiire to first remove the old hospital building, which occupies the best site for the proposed addition*. The committee have discussed the question of the nurses' quarters, and after examining sketch plans for a separate building, hare decided to recommend to the Board that the nurse-, accommodation farm part of the main structure, instead of being detached, ''he Lock Hospital having been closed by the City Council, the question of receiving cases of venereal disease into the general wards has been raised by the medical staff. The committee recommend that a separate ward for such cases be provided. Meanwhile cases of this nature have been received into the general wards, and it is proposed to locate others in the small building known as the temporary small- i>ox hospital, if It can be made suitable to receive them. The Otty Council are willing to let the building at an annual rnntal. Medio * L Staff,—The committee, as preliminary to carrying out the resolution of the Hoara at the last meeting, hate given notice to the House Surgeon of the termination of his engagement at 4th November, since extended to Ist January, 1837. The honorary medical staff remain the tame as when the Board last met, , Hulks.—The committee proposes to confer with a committee of the medical staff upon the question of the revision of the Hospital rules, and to report to next meeting of the Board Kefuoe Site. — Considerable trouble has been taken to secure a site for the new Refuge. The Government were applied to for, but refused to grant, a part of the As <lum reserve at Morningside. Offers of land from private person's were then advertised for, but for the most eligible sites large prices were asked. Finally, the committee selected a hospital endowment at Ellarslle, the lease of which has yet six years to run. It has been arranged to purchase the lessee's interest in the land. As soon as the deed is Mgned, building operations can be commenced The site is in every respect one of the most suitable for the purpose. The committee recommend the Board to authorise them to call for and select designs and to proceed with the work with all convenient speed. Assistant.—As authorised at last meeting, an assistant to Mr. Walters has been appointed, at a salary of £40 a-year. Kinancis.—A complete statement of the cost of maintenance of the Hospital and Refuge* for the six months ending 30th September has been prepared and i printed. As in the case of the United Board, the i re eipts have been brought down as close as possible to ' the present time. The committee estimate that the contributions owing, together with subsidies thereon and other miscellaneous receipts, will meet the expenditure to 81st March next. The Public Trustee has paid over to the Board the sum of £2530, being ' the surplus revenues of hospital endowment administered by him. The money has been placed on fixed deposit at the Bank of New Zealand. Contributions —The names of local authorities in arrear with their contributions are printed at foot of ' the accounts. With reference to this matter, the Government have informed the committee that they do not fed justified in stopping from subsidy more ' than th»t proportion of the contribution payable by Walkato and Walpa Counties, which would be due, supposing the separation of the district took effect, when ihe Act passed on the 17th August last, instead of as provided by clause 30 at 31st March, 1887. But, ! the Premier a ids, it is open to the Board, if they think fit, to sue for the balance. The Government have 1 been asked to re-consider their decision, but in the event of refusal, it will oe for the Board to determine | what course shall be taken. A letter on this subject has been received from the Thames Hospital Board, which will bo laid before you. special applications : for admission of persons to the Refuges, and for payment of other charges, have been made by the Boroughs of Hamilton and Cambridge, but the com--1 mittee have not felt justified in entertaining any new ' appli rations In the face of the persistent refusal ' of the local bodies to pay their contributions. It ' should be mentioned that the relief administered in ' Walkato by the Relieving Officer is still continued.— 1 W. R. Waddkl. 1 The statement of receipts and expenditure for the ' half-year ending September SO, 1816, gave: -Receipts : 1 To cash balance at 31st March, 188 ft, £229 19s 4d, ; Hospital fees and miscellaneous receipts £532 6j Id, : voluntary contributions and legacy £35 10«, contributions from local bodies £2888 4s 9d, Government subsidies £2390 7s 6d, rents of Hospital endowments £29, t surplus proceeds of endowments administered by t Public Trustee £2500, rnfujes, pensions of inmates, £121 4s Id: total, £8726 8s lid. Expenditure: ' By paid liabilities at 81st ll«rch, IBH6, £1109 18s < 6d, Hospital expenditure £3053 8< 7d, refuge*' expen- ? dituro £1300 14s 2d, fixed deposit at bank £2500, i alance at bank £762 7» 8d : total, £8728 8s lid. ' Contributions from the following local bodies are still unpaid Hamilton Borouiii, Parnell Korough, Newmarket Borough, Hobson, Whangarei, Waikato, and Walpa Counties, Eden Terrace (part), Epsom, Mount Albert, Mount Ri skill, Remuera, Mangere, 8 Manurewa, opaheke, Otahuhu, Papakura, Paparata, Paparoa, Pollock Settlement, Pukekohe Kast.Waipipi, Papakura Town, Karamu, Karioi, Porongia (part), Te Akau, and Whalngaroa Road Boards, outlying dim . tricts in Counties of Manukau and i Raglan, Total unpaid, £1663 3s 2d. The Mayor moved that the same course ' be pursued with respect to unpaid contributions as had been taken at the meeting of of the United Board, and that with that addition the report be adopted. The new site chosen for the Refuge was in every respect a satisfactory one. If the report was adopted the erection of the Refuge would at ' once be proceeded with. LOCK HOSPITAL. ' In reference to the resolution of the Executive Committee regarding the Lock ' Hospital, Mr. Kidd moved, "That accommodation be provided in a separate wing of the Hospital for diseases which had been treated in the Lock Hospital." I Mr. Mackkchnie seconded the motion. i The resolution was carried. HOSPITAL STAFF. i The Mayor said no change had been made I in the honorary staff, and he thought they i should be thanked for their services. i The vote of thanks was accorded. Mr. Mais said there was an impression ! that other medical men should have an opportunity of offering their services for the b forthcoming year, and moved, " That adver- , tisements be inserted giving that invitation." ) Mr, Kidd said he should be glad to second 3 the resolution, as some of their honorary b staff was only so in name. He thought f there should be more stringent rules as to 1 the attendance of the medical staff. a The Mayor suggested that the rules should be left to the Executive Committee. I Colonel Haoltain and Mr. Mackkchnie i approved of the suggestion in the resolution, t and the resolution was then carried, that advertisements should be inserted, as proi posed by Mr. Mays. MEDICAL officers. 1 In reply to a question from Colonel Haul* tain, as to what had been done with regard to appointing the two madical officers recommended in the report of a oharitable institu- ' tion, 5 The Mayor said he had declined when ' in Sydney to carry out the instructions to ' get advertisements inserted for house surgeon • and physician, at £150 a year each, with ® board and residence, as it would have made " Auckland look very small. Mr. Mats was glad the Mayor had de- ~ clined as he had stated. He thought it was I a mistake to send away Dr. Bond and bring 1 in two young men instead. He thought that Dr. Bond should have aH assistant ' house surgeon, and the work would then go • on very well. He moved, " That the notice 1 to Dr. Bond be withdrawn, and that an 8 assistant be advertised for at a salary not 5 exceeding £200, and not board and re* f sidence." 8 Mr. Luke seconded the motion, whioh ' was supported by Mr. Isaacs. ' Mr. Mackechnie asked whether suoh a 5 resolution could be adopted without notice. 8 The Mayor expressed the opinion that it 1 was not desirable without notice to set aside 1 a previous conclusion. Colonel Haoltain expressed his disagree- ' ment with the proposal of Mr. Mays. They 6 could not have Dr. Bond and also a visiting } staff, as he was not one that they could work t with, Mr. Mackkchnie said it had been resolved t to have an honorary visiting staff, and he T considered they should not depart from that principle. He thought Dr. Bond had given ? satisfaction to the patients and the public, > but he had not performed the work he was appointed for, whioh was to carry out 8 the views of the honorary staff. J The Mayor ruled that he could not accept the resolution without previous notice, i DESIGNS. On the motion of Mr. Isaacs, it was rer solved to have designs for the Refuge sub- ~ mitted to a meeting of the Board to be 8 specially called. 1 Mr. Kidd moved, "That competitive det signs for the Refuge be advertised in time to consider before the first Wednesday in De- • cember, which would be before the election " of the new Board." The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, and carried.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7782, 30 October 1886, Page 5
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3,426HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7782, 30 October 1886, Page 5
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