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Sales by Auction Public Notices. TUESDAY OCTOBER 26 T HB ASSIGNED ESTATE OF ROBERT J.UIWS.UAX, UUIUHH.K «b, JL STEVENSON, OF NEWTON ROAD, GROCER » AND FOLLOWING DAYS. AND BUTCHER. TO WAREHOUSEMEN, DRAPERS, AND OTHERS. All persons havintr claims against the above Estate ______ must furnish the same, in detail (accompanied by !Vk«TTr\rte TTWPI! , QPnvn , T» qatv r\v> statutory declaration), to the undersigned, care of mSZvi t 2lS?SrweSSt. ™««° M « l8r «- Wm - MoArlhur & Co - betore noon °* TUBS. GENERAL MANCHESTER GOODS, DAY, the 26th October tut MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTH" Mr Robert Stevenson has been authorised to collect ING SHIRTS HATS BELTS a,l debte due lo tho ' ate, nd nnIeBS the same be BRACES. TIES, COLLARS, TWEEDS, SSS^JSSiT they be plaoed in hMd " BLACK CLOTHS, QUILTS, °™ % ° forreoo co. . HOSIERY, GENERAL HABER. _ M , n , ,_ ''.; WSTER * I™"**1 ™"** DASHERY, UNDERCLOTHING, SILKS, AuokUnd ' Octobflr 19 1886 - WOOLS, VELVETS, GLOVES, AUCKLAND BRICK AND TILE UMBRELLAS, STAYS, ALPACCAS, ( J companyjlimited). FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, In the matt« of the Companies Act, 1882, and in the mattor of the AUCKLAND BRICK AND PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, tile company (limited). rßTPirirTnun rnnna rmon-o on xro-o Notice ts hereby given that the creditors of the CRICKETING GOODS, CLOCKS, SILVER aboveniimed Company or* required, on or before the JEWELLERY, SADDLERY, AND d «y <" Nownnber. 1886. to send their name, and addresses and the particulars of their Debts or Claims, GENERALWAREHOUSEMEN'SGOODS, t^^^ e^^&VS^?& .v: , SO., etc, 00. pany, at the offices of Mr. Joseph Barber, Accountant, aiirtrrxTrriTKrn wr% 205, Victoria Arcade, Auckland, and, If so required. AUUUJNJ.IJNU IU by notice In writing from the said Liquidators, are, by f*-* j\ g\i\r\ their Solicitors,to come in and Drove their said Debts or 2_ I 11, I Mil/ Claims at such time and place as shall be specified in " * such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded v ' tnwru "> from the benefit of any distribution made before such GABhlkjlj Jjl'jWlh, debts are proved. &ndn Instructions from Messrs. L. D. Nathan 8t Cβ., D « d thte 14th d »y of October, 1886. who are ponitlvely relinquishing the above Depart- JOSEPH BARBER) T , ... ments, will sell, »t their Warehouse, Shortland- w. h. COOPER f Liquidators. street, Auckland, commencing at ten o'clock each day. without the ■lightest TrrAt>raTT^-,« THE WHOLE OP THEIR GENERAL r V H■- WAKKHOUSES WAREHOUSEMEN'S sTOCK AS ABOVE. "*■ GAB KIEL LEWIS, Auctioneer. of tub TERMS MOST LIBERAL. Catalogues will be t«snod. UNDERSIGNED The Auctioneer begs to state that his instructions are positive to clear all lines. it in be Stock all in First-class Order. — — : —- CLOSED W. 3. COCHRANE.] [JAS. DAOBE. ON THURSDAY NEXT, TBK 21bt OCTOBER. I WEDNESDAYS-OCTOBER 27. l. D. NATHAN & CO. BY ORDER OF THE REGISTRAR SUPREME ARTHUR H. NATHAN. COURT. B. & A. ISAACS. 12 ACRES LAND ON THE GREAT IVT EW ZEALAND PRINTING AND 1. AWUBLMu vn nn <«"-*- J3J PUBLISHING COMPANY (LIMITED). jNOiClll t\\JAl} t _____ TOWNSHIP OP NEW LYNN. IN Ll quidation. Tho subscribers have received Instruction, from the „ f'^fi^^^ Registrar of the Supreme Court, to .ell by auction. H,e UonldSc« not W KI v th« at their Booms, Queen-.treet, on Wednesday, 27th «thtaS_lt WEDNESDAY, the instant. twelve o'clock, ' W. L. MITCHELL, 1-i ACRES 2 ROODS 23 PERCHES Liquidator. LA OP LAND (known as the property of Mr. Coombes' Arcade, Queen-street. N. O. LennoxV in the township of New Lynn, being ■ ■ mmmmmmmmm ' art of an allotment of land containing 110 acres, Minim* "KTA+i^ao situated in the parish of Waikomiti. County of ttdeo, naming IN 01.1063. originally granted to Thomas Pollock. This properly "~" ~ ————————— is situated on the Great North Rotd, to whlohitlue a MARANTH GOLD MINING COMlarge frontage. PANY (LIMITED). SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Notice Is hereby Riven that the following Shares. . nnt; ..,. m forfeited for non-payment of Call, will be sold by Auctioneers, pubHo anctlou by Mr. Q. W. his Mart, Fort- __ street, Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of October, ISB6, at a quarter past eleven a.m., unless the ---_. r* n r t n »t n m - n fi c »Us and Expenses that may have accrued thereon be r>UBLIO N 0 T I U L. D aid to the Manager, at may have accrued thereon 88, ÜBLIO NOTICE*, paid to the Manager, at the Office of the Company, 88, JL _ Queen •street, Auckland, prior to time of sale : — Name. No. of Shares. THE ARCADE AUCTION ROOMS, THE SSSh'sSi'.: " " ess LARGEST IN THE COLONY, AWrStJeklfeod _ V. lew James Maoky. Jan. .. -. 600 BEING 200 FEET THROUGH FROM Thomas o»bome .. .. 250 Jno. Chamber, and > trnmi „„..„_» c-rcn STREET TO STREET. 1 J-S. Banks } trust account 850 (By order of the Directors. _ l V. A. WHITK —-—— ■ Manage?. : GABRIEL LEWIS, - Auckland, October ,1836, In returning thanks to his supporter, for past Educationalfavours, begs to inform them and the public generally, «-jft tJfiLa/tSL*^ that, at a considerable expense, he has made eiten- "<&&fcqre§*|mJ^' dv. alterations to hi. premises, opposite Firth's jJNIVERSITY NEW ZEALAND. Mill., Queen-street. which for the future 10 be called the Arcade Auction Room, as above. CAL PRELIMINARY. The Room, being extensive, will enable vendors to This Examination is to commence on MONDAY, December 6th next. display their good, more to advantage, as also , , , Candidates mast send in to the Registrar of the advantageous to purchasers, the place being light and University. Wellington, on or before MONDAY, November Sth (after which date no application will be airy. received), a lilt of the subjects in which they desire to be examined, signed with their Christian names in To owners of goods, the same will bo received at f u u, accompanied by a statement of thoir age last birthday, and the fee of One Guinea. the nraal entrance* as hitherto. Candidates must state whether they desire to Matriculate in Arts or in Science, or in both ; or if Liberal advances mad* on Consignments and Goods they wish to pass the Medical preliminary Examination. sent for sale as asuaL Candidates for Junior Scholarships must state the School or Schools at which they have received tuition Lower Queen-street, Auckland. during the last five yeart. _ —— i Eight Junior Scholarship, will be offered at this ——————— ' examination. Butchers. The places of Examination will be Auckland, - , _________ Napier, Wanganul, Wellington. Nelson, Greymouth, Chriitchurch, Timara, Oamara, Dunedin, Invtr<^PjHsV?^> CarEl ' W. M. MASK ELL. PTSTTFR 4: DO TXTBITING ! WRITING ! WRITING ! wanfwaiT RHTPPivn »n VAMirv ▼ » Ev( "y effort made to teach as quickly as the WHOLESALE SHIPPING AST) FAMILY abmt _ or the pll wlu permlt at ft modr charge, BUTCHERS. any time during the day or evening, or at the pupil's own residence. Hook-keeping, Grammar. Music, etc. Established 1864. Mr - nd Miss Stevens, Laurel House School, SymondsBy Special Appointment to Hi, Excellency the street (two door, from City Road). Governor, Sir W. F. J ervol. : His Excellency Sir tjauwxttq AKT) nnAP-nTATM James Kerimsson ; and H.R.H. the Duke of rllO PAKENIS AND UUAKIHAJNH. Edinburgh; also, Koeha Butchers to the JL ■ — , , i Jews, Children going to the High or Grammar School will QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND N.Z. find a comfortable home in one of the most healthy , suburbs of Auckland. FAMILIES WAITED ON IN TOWN OR SUBURBS. Term, and references on application to i MR3. DAVIS. POULTRY OF ALL KINDS DRESSED TO ORDER P. 0., Remnera. DEALERsIFoAME. TVsT & ROBT. ATKINSON, rtIBKD HAMS AND BACON •*•"- PUPIL OB " M. CHARLES VERLAT, IMPORTER* OF SAUSAGE CASINGS. The Trade VICTORIA ARCADE, Supplied. Is prepared to receive a few Advanced Pupils. N.8.-CALVES' RENNETS. ——— ~ _____ Terms on application at the Studio, mr COiiOMKM SopPMKn WITB lot. 211, VICTORIA ARCADE. Tel« P 358. JOHN £JLODGH, P.O. Box No. 43*. TEACHER OF VIOLIN, VIOLA, GUITAR, &c. Furnishing. , Church-street, Ponjonby, next house to PubHo FURNITURE. — -■" Workshop for Machine and Musical Instrument THE AUCKLAND FURNITURE COMPANY repairs, Model-making, Electric Apparatus, 4c. &c. having ereoted the most complete Factory In Auck- TO E land, is now in a position to supply JTurniture of u _; I k> n>. every de.cripUon at WHOLESALE PRICES. HBVILM B4RNETT. F. 0.0., DRAWING-ROOM DINING-ROOM, BEDROOM Hi _ Bow tm (only five KITCHKN, AND OFFICE FURNITURE OF minutes from Queen-street, and therefore easily accesTHE LATEST DESIGNS NOW ON VIEW, slble to pupil, from all parts), vis.: Afjn at JTAPTORY PRICES HOBBON-STREET Being TWENTY PERCENT. LESS than that hither For £2tt£^^^«& to charged in Auckland. reading. Harmony. &c.. apply to above address. eVERMANTELS IN GREAT VARIETY AT ■ = wholesale prices. Publications. Upholstery in All its Branches. — — ENAMELLED MANTELPIECES, a Specialty ( /CONSUMPTION /DURABLE! in appearance to marble). V-' V^ Design. of f^^^ t XTtoo b rder! )mltte<land MR G. T. CONGREVB ON INSPECTION INVITED. CONSUMPTION, SHOWROOMS : WELLEBLEY-STRBET AND ITS BOC oitssFui, trkatmbnt. W AnT°oRT U ST N ANLEY STREET °* ta * that ireful disease to be curable in all Its t FACTORY. STANLEY-STREET. gtagei . observation, on AUCKLAND FURNITURE COMPANY, ABTHMA - *, ' ' " ' ' [From the Christian Herald, March 31, 1886.] QTTT?C-NI«4T AND MORTGAGE LOAN "MR. G. T. CONGREVE'S TREATMENT OF CON-UE&NSL-H.U MU_tlt*_.UJ!i, _-V*JM, sumption AND OTHER CHEBT DISEASES IBn •nTcrvmwn RANK-nsrn POMPANY " Continues to be made a great blessing to sufferers AND DISCOUNT BANKING COMFAW X, Ju and /ide , n ev(jry pMt of the Wngdomi » , „„____ " The world and we ourselves owe him a debt of DAIiBY-STBEET, OFF QUEEN-STREET, gratitude. Not long since wo pl«ced a young lady under hi, care, who ha? recovered her health, and we AUCKLAND. need only point to the cases (Mr. Congreve is publishng one every week), many of which had been given up ______ ' as past all hope" "There can be no doubt that for consumption _ and other chest complaints, Mr. Congreve is a HEAD OFFICE, BRISBANE. specialist of the first order, and stands unrivalled. Certainly there has been no other discovery in medical ______ science from which the consumptive patient may gather so much hope as from his." .' »„ »„ ..•,„.,, »„> „„„..„„ inn "The OMK HOMERED AND THIRTY THEM CASES AGENCIES-AUCKLAND, SYDaKY, AND _ hich aw recor ded in Mr. Congreve , * book are a mo»t convincing testimony ; but what have long been a : MELBOURNE. marvel are the cases of cure which have been pub- • ■ • , lished for several weeks past in the weekly Journals (our own included), one eve/y week." (The reader is ""*""*-"" referred to the Christian World, Christian Age, Christian Globe, &c, &c). Money advanced from £6 and upwards to any The autho* Wr. Cong/eve, of Coombe Lodge, Peck—.obbj aavanteu «oin *» »■ London) has been urgently entreated to make amount required to suit the borrower, upon hl , (, reatman t known in all the British Colonies. PERSONAL, FREEHOLD. LEASEHOLD or any of the book i. Sixpence, or Sevenpence TANGIBLE SECURITY REPAYABLE In any way PUBLISHED BY UPTON ft CO., AUCKLAND, a. may be arranged either WEEKLY. MONTHLY m And may be ordered through any BookseUer. _ QUARTERLYinstalmeut, at .ow«tcan.n» tat... yOUNG ABSOATIVANCES MADE OB FURNITURE WITHOUT TEMPORARY PREMISES : Old Baptist Cbapil ADVAKU-S MADE «■ rUOOW vaa CORNER W«tI.BBLK7 AND CHAPBL StR«BTB, REMOVAL, also on all *X*A. «f M-Cfl* aJDISE Reading Hoom. Comfortably Fnrnished Ail the .i ' Leading Papers on the tables. Subscription, 2. Ed including BOND WARRANtS, *»• per quarter. The Library contains upwards of 2800 vols. in the various departments of Literature. BubBills discounted at Current Ra««» Interview, and ription, 2s fid per quarter. Tka and Cofpm PkoSUM uieuuuuwu m. v «. » ..... TIDED. XUVbOTHKHX AKD BOA&CIHG-HOCM Blcommunication. wiU be held rtrlctly 4 confidenUal. OHTW _. ,„ e ... Hume «>» Youxe M*h on Ttthdayb, at T.BO. Office hour, from ten till five o clock. Evangelistic Services, TarmaDAT*. at 7.80. Bible — ; " Reading and Prayer, Saturdays, at 7.50. Bible Class pOUNDKEEPERS; BOOKS (under the BoDdav, at 8 p.m. oihm (Mpedftll _ Yovvo M , N) OUIN UlViLfi-rttne the Scheduled STRANGERS and others feudally Youwe Mm) -l-n., new Act), 26 0 pages, with Fees inVerted cordially invited to visit the rooms, where aU Infora! Kincemenronsl JfKtfS&UlW* **>* «» •• ObUtaed. Op*! &»«.•.». to 10 Office. Quocn-rtrteW v *

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7773, 20 October 1886, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7773, 20 October 1886, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7773, 20 October 1886, Page 8


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