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Houses and Land. SAMUEL VAILE JOHN DOUGLAS, A ILE & TVOOGLAS, LATE SAMUEL VAILE), DUSK; LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, LAJBD AND estate auctioneers. Brokers jtudkb the Lands Tkansbbb Act, j Bhoetland STREET, Next the Post-office. BANKERS : BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. "VTEW ZEALAND THAMES VALLEY LAND COMPANY'S (LIMITED ESTATE, Conprising nearly 300,000 ACEES or AGRICULTURAL AND GRAZING LAND. This Splendid Block is now ,ipen for Selection on the following EASY TEEMS: FIVE YEARS" Lease at a R»r;tal of Is per acre per annum. FIRST HALF-YEAR'S Pent to,be payable in advance, but the second half at the end of the year, and after that half-yearly. PURCHASING CLAUSE to bo Rh'en at tho r.itr ->l £2 10s per acre, to be exercisable at i\ny time Uuillug currency of lease. EXTENSION OF TIME.—If the ten \nt wishes to have his Loaso renewed for another KIV YEARS, ho can do so by paying a rental equal to t> por cent, on the amount ot the purchasing clause, thus making a ten years' lease in all. CONDITIONS.-The tenant will be required to enter into * covenant to fence and bring into grass or other cultivation not less tlmu one-fifth of tbo :irea leased, and also to erect a house, not loss value than £60 thereon within IS months of signing Hie leaso. Thft Company will not bold themselves liable to contribute to any fencing. For orders to view and further particulars, apply to the Agents, VAILE & DOUGLAS, Shortland-street, Auckland. TO INVESTORS.—For Sale, a Bargain : A wcll-sil freehold Shop and Dwelling of 6 rooms, all In thorough repair : allotment of land, 36 I 107 : 15 minutes from r'o«t Office. Aa the owner is leaving, no itusnnnblo < fl'er will be refused. — Valle and Douglas, Land and EsUte Agents, SUoitlaod-> treat. O~ ' FFEKS" WAN for buperior Now Dwrl'ingbonso of S rooms, all well finished. volcanic allotment, 64 x 214. The hnuse is titUd viith every convenience, an.l altogether is it very desirable proi city. The owner '.'oiiiK very iinxlous to realise, is williiU' to ta! - a v.iy low prion.—V*ile and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortlaud-strpot. _ 1672 WORKING-MAN'S FARM, 49 acres, V* partly fenced; 8 acres in crass, 4 acres fallow, hnlf an acre of orchard. This is good land, and within 16 miles of town ; has frontage to tidal river; splendid lishin? place : Cottage of 4 rooms, dairy, cowshed, stockyard, «t<: , ai.ii tho price is only £280.—Vatlo nnii Donglaa, land and Karate Agents, Sliortlaiul-street. 1734 &A PC A—STYLISH COTTAGE of six " r<olll3 ; hathroom, pantry, and all conveniences; close to tram. »nd within 20 minutes' walk of city; beautiful allotment, \Vi x s>2: commands good view, and healthy luculity ; gas uud water laid on.— Vailo nnd Douglas, Land and Asems, Shortlanri-atro»t. _171^_ J? CO*" , —MOUNT EDEN. VILLA d£&Q9/>*>*9 RESiDENCE of six roim.«, bay window, verandah, large hall, cupboards, aud e»ery convenience for a family ; detached washhouso; volcanic allotment, nicely laid out, 6H I 198- Close to and within 80 minutes' walk of town. Offered very che.p. — Vail i »i.d Douglas, Land and hsute Agents, &hortland-stroet. Yγ r-MOUNT EPEN BEAUTlc&sfrjt 6 • J FJTL COTTAGk of six rooms, all wall finished; bathroom, pantry, scullery, buy window, verandah, concrete cistern (3000 gallons), kitchen r»ti£<\ washkonso, etc.. ; nveryihing very •ompiete Allot" out of volcanic laud, 50 x 130. — Vailo Mini Douglas, Land aud state Agents, Shortland street. 1727 .■ti ACHES, NORTHCOTE, all fenced, f~M and ]J acres In grass, 1 acre irciard. 1 aero bush; i mini bui'Uing site, uiul close to wharf; »reall Cnitage : good site for strawberry gardens or Till* st?. Trice. £575.— Vaile and Douglas, Land and ljatate Agents, Sburtltnd-street. 1753 "VTICE little Dairy Farm, within 15 miles J3I of Auckland, hy a ko> r , road, metalled nearly all the way, 4 to -.'. miles from II ail way St.ition, coolainin.' by admeasurement -IS antes odd, mostly iu grass (surface sown), fiuull area iu bush, and nearly all fenced. .Small Cottage anil outbuildings. This is a property well suited fora working man, and i« offered at a low price, £ tiu.—Vailo Mid Douglas, Laud Estate Aeentr, v lirrtlnni'.-»trcet.

jp>6> PEIi ACRE.—Superior Farm at O&O \V»iroa South; if>i a. res; all fenced except t>o chains, 40 awes grnj.«, '.10 bush ; rich brown soil ; well watered , good DiveUlngbouje of S rooms; about 1 mile from church, school, And landing • \'Uce. Tern..*, very oust. — Vaile and DouglaJ, Laud and Estate Agcut. , . Short land-atreet. 17-J9 Oi) PBR ACRE. —Farm of 65 acres. •v^,'Mat psrtly fenced ; part in grass, (.art. fern ; near a railway Ma',io:i. Term.-', easy. — Vaile .iud Douglas, Land and Aleuts, iihortlar.d-strcet. 1730 /f»QI ACRES.-Cheap little Farm, close V?C?4 to railway-stAtion. all in prim ixi'opline about"J acres iti hush »n-i securely fenced and well watered; about 'M miles from town. Thcio am no buildings on it. Prce, s.'42O.—Vailn nnd Laudand E»Ute Agent*, Khortlatiil-street. 171S jpiO^.Sr — Cottage of 5 rooms «nd "5Ci- *9,-**9 scullery, all well flni'lird ami in thorough repair, stable, 'ho If, fowll.nuso, etc.. Allotment 41 x 110, close to tramway ; offered cheap, as owner is leaving town. — '• ail* :ind Douglas, Land and Kitate AgenM. Shortlandiitrfet. _ 1713 BUSINESS SITE. — Holison street, choice position, corner lot -7,; x 110 ; tonnyonfl wanting it (fooil central position for 1,u.1i,c53 picnilses this ii a Bond (jj)portui itr for acfjuirinp a cniiimamlinK site, trim (property tux valuation). illir.o. — Vaile and Uougli', Land and Eitato Agents, ShcrMfttidstreet. 17(JS jr?4i-fl — VALUAPLK pro. "■**(& jL»p\j' vkrty IN' hioh-stkkkt having a frontage of e:i ffot by a ili.pth of US feet, together with th« warehouses and otiire.s thereon erected. From its rentr<l and also favourable position as regards light and other conveniences, tins property is Mire to bpconie ii ir,o/t valuable investment. Terms ea.<y.—Vnile aud Douglas, 1 and and Estate Agents, Shortland-strcet. l'J-3 A /\ ACRES-SNUG LITTLE FARM. Tγ'r all fenced, and '!<) acres in xr;iss: small bush : Cottace of fi rooms (nearly new), cowshod, fowlliousc. piggeries, etc. There are a larce number of ornamental trees round the house, and it i< a very (ioirablo place for ;i small canitalist One niilti from Railway Station. Price, £230.—Vailo and Uonclna, L»nd and Estate Agents, Shoitland-streot. lof<7 *\f\f\ ACRES OF GOOD LAND, 150 • 9\_/ \Jr acres fonn»d, und 0 ) in prnss (all new). Then is it stii-ll bush on the property, which ia ho.i'l. t!fiill»*itualeii. There is r.o permanent house on the land, bit a good hut and sti cky.ird. ItconM be Biade a fine farm by ;i litt'e judicious ciienditure o{ CApital. Price, only £700. It is c.lofo to country village, chuch, and school.—Vnilo :iUil Douglas,Latate ARCnts, ShvtUnd-itieet. SPLENDID FARM OF 630 ACRES, over 400 »<-rei fenced ar.d 250 acres in Kr;ifa, and a lariro area lyiur fallow. 2 acres of orchard in full beariiiir, large (Hu-c of 7rooms, with all oavenioncos, cowshed, stable, dairy, toolhnusi", barn, ciirt.slieii, I.igßeriei, Ac, 12 lorses. Jioa'J i:B,t'.!«. 201) sheep, ami some pigs and poultry, iilmichs, mowing niKchino. cliaffcuttij-, an 1 u.ll ni'.uissary iippliinces for carrying on a go~d (arm. I'ricc £'2400.-Vailo and Douclas, Land and Kntate »?er.ts, tJhortliind-strret (next the General Post Office). 1710 BEAUTIFUL Serine Suburban Residence for S.ild. The House, containing 9 rooms, is most faithfull; and Ulbstantially built, Tho outbuildinj>;< are tllso 0 , . tho best description, aim consist of laundry, man's r«om, .Kiry with is liciote fir, ■r, stable, loft, huruevs.rf.oii), btiKßy-hotise, coal and wood house?, etc., ec. The g:nnrds com]') :; acme of tho richest vo>raulc«ril. tatUfully laid out as garden, orchard, and me*lov.~ Vailo ana Douglas , . Land and state Agents, Shu'tUnd-strtet. 3fcii. r > Q6> ACRES.—Good Farm, all in high O<v state of cultivation, Rood Orchard, and nice litlto Bunh, Cottaen of 4 rooms, >tuMe. cowhouse, etc.. situate about 2 mile! from cheeic factory. The owner woulri soil 40 acres if desired, df»«r wilh or wiihout lmlMlnK<- Price for portion without, bnlldn &'• £380, and with buildings Jir.6o. This Farm is situated about half a mill from railway Nation. — V£ii» an ,i Douglas, Lund and Estate Agents, .Sbortland-strtct. iciii) j&'icicV - " OUSF, of rooms, 3*» I U\/ • with Allotment SB'«6ln x 128 ft. held under lease from the Oily Council, hiving '£0 years to run, at £7 10.« per annum. Ibhis a riire chance for securing a cheap home. — Vjj], a];( ] Douglas, Land and Kstiite Agents, iihottlan&sVreet, next the General Post Office. 4-*1 Ar\A~ FAKM of 171 acresTao I.™"**"™ acres in mass, c;ood yov.uj orchard just cominfr into bearing, tho romaluder is i bush, fern, etc. : House of sis rooms, without buil<:. ing. The slock, consisting of 15 head ol cattlo. (jo nhuep, poultry, new liuat, plough, harrows, and other iir.plumonts will bo sold with the land, for the £1060. This property is situated on the banks of a navigable river, North of Auckland, ciose to a township with church, school, etc., anil contains an uclinlrabio kite for a store or hotel.—Vailo and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortland-strcct. 1042 jf»/» los PER ACRE—Very Superior (4fci\> Property, containing 400 acres of Freehold and 150 acres Leasehold Land, all of splendid quality, rich loam en gond clay, nearly thu whole is fenced in 8 to 11 subdivisions, about half is in grass 80 acres crop, li orchard, 20 to 80 Herns bush, which is very valuable in this district, 200 acres are swamp, easily drajnable, the rcmalnilur is fern. The whole is well watered. The buildings comprise a nearly new House of (i rooms, with complete ouU.uiUlin*s I'rico : For the Freehold, £6 10a per acre, with the Leasehold jfiven in ; H miles fron; railway station.—Vailo and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortland-strcet. 1641

J&f* PER ACRE.— Nice little Farm of 3§w | 150 acres, partly fenced and in grass; also, about 12 Acres of Bush, mostly puriri. new House of 4 rooms. This is a favi urite properly, is known as Hunter's Bush, anil is situated about 10 minutes' walk from Manurcwa railway station. This is a v«ry prett* property, and is well known.-- Apply to Vails and Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortlandstreet. VAILE AND DOUGLAS, Estate Agents, Shortland-street, next to tho Post Olllce, INVEST MONEY for Capitalists without charge, Collect Interest and Rents, Lend Money at the lowest rates. Value Properties and Securities, Survey and Sub-divide Land, Purchase Properties, Sell Properties, either by private sale or public auction, Prepare Title* under the Land Transfer Act, and transacevery kind of business in connection with Real Estate.*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7660, 10 June 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7660, 10 June 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7660, 10 June 1886, Page 2


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