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Medical. The Universal Remedy lor Acidity of the Stomach, Children, Delicate FeHeadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, males » *a* the. SickBilious Affections. neas of Pregnancy. «*i ____—_/ jj ola ov a n Druggists and Storekeepers. N.B. ASK FOR DINNFFORD'S MAGNESIA,. Agents: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & 00., Auckland and Dunodin. f\ N E TT7 0 R D J fcfc XpOfi THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Dear Friends : »S '/8 c *sJfi^H We have lome hesitation in addressing yon In tut 1(3, »3» ffly Jl3 jg^™l manner following, but hope that it will not be looked 1 L —-™r~ *rt,"" _ » " Z. ' at In any invidious light, when we state that It Is only ' wORLD 3 FAMED 'V ' our regard for your health that c'uses us to do It li i ~u-"iU'' %»'"*' BH*M ffl 'J 11 1 ''■ 33 We have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for ign W |Tl JIHI V I tt 11 '| VI many, many years, and have in the long courseo I 8 iXJsiJJjI 1$ rA * ft M U SB this time manufactured certain Medicines that being llu*"*-**-**- * ■ n " **' based on scientific formula and absolute care and jjjjj GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORES precision In manufacture have enjoyed a popularity lAa tBI labbkbt Sale or ant Medicine in the far in advance of any other I'harmacoutical Prepara- World. Uons of the day. How successful we have been in For cleansing ,nd clearing the Wood from all this, is only to note the extraordinary amount of '.hi imp nr Hiei, cannot be too highly rscommea.ed. tales of our Hay dock's New Liver Pill, We have the For Bcvo fnla, Scurry, Skin Diseases, and Sores of pleasure to state that we have sold » »ji ij n( i, > it i, » never-failing and permanent curt. It 28.089 VIALS NEW Cure. OWSom _ The reason of this demand i, because we and In %gsS*3!£*SSflm on tt.Face HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILLS J*™" n CUTy L^ t TTi„— a wonderful and extraordinary combination of con. J™** SfSSfSS aC?! ™««« certraled medicine.- The Victories of Science- <£*•» *\<** and Sto Diseases Electric Telegraphs, Steam and Printing Cures Ohmdular SweUujgsi lutionlsed the "whole system of the globe, and made Clears *. Blood from all Impure Matter mankind wiser and better. So, although there are *"»» whatever cause arising countless Pills used for diseases and claiming much aa As Uds mixture is pleasant to the taste, *Qd to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr. Hay 7«™"?t» fr ~,* m nythl !. "'J o '? o "* *° the ."J~! dock has eclipsed them all, and has founded a »«£»*• constitutions of either sex the Proprietor. r solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. THOUSANDS Of TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL The Doctors, whose vast doses of four or five pill* PARTS, enfeeble the stomach and paralyse the bowels, must Bold in Bottles, 2s. 64. each, and in Cases, containgive way to the man who restores health and ap- ng six times the quantity, lis. sufficient to petite with one or two of Us extraordinary Vegetable effect a perfect cure in the great majority of longPills. One or twoof DR. HAYDOCK'SNEW LIVER standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT PILLS suffices to place the stomach in perfect order, MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, create an appetite, and rendrr the spirit light and Proprietors buoyant. « the Liver is affected Its functions are re- tBM LINOOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBUO stored, and if the Nervous System la enfeebled, it is * M "_.„_ „„„„,„■ „„„ T »»it> Invigorated and sustained. COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark ' Blood Mixtphe." [translation.] A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Aykab, Province of Burmah, B. I. /% "««.■*■ Honoured and Learned Physician: **■ nmyniTAM™* PITTS The unworthy one who dares to address you and . . ... . v ß £?„"frH„ „ ,£*=£«, . o„™»» » come before you humbly in the dust, begs for his Are admitted by ™°™ aD iVC.JS.?. b *,l i? l l ,A people (caste) that you would deign to look upon their Box for li lions and Nerrous Di snob a. wind Ignoble miseries and cure them with your Live- ' and pain I; the stomach, sick giving grain. (Pills). Illustrious one, your most . fullness and swelling after meal«, dlzslness and drowpotent nTedicine is fife to tbem and their children, ! «ne«, cold chills, flushing, of heat, loss of appetite, and all the Drug Bazaars are empty and your Soul if ! shortness of b-eaih. couiven..,. scurvy, blotches or, not in them. Tbl* humble petitioner, although he U , the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all Ignoble and unworthy to be in your high pretence, ! Wmra. »»dt™» h » n *'•»««""■ ™.^.\«^i«« prays that you will graciously permit your Life grain, will give relief In twenty minutes This is no Action (Pill.) to come" to Aykab. tS the most learned and for tbey h*re done it in thousands of cases. Every wise Ph)Bician Haylock (Haycock) of High name, sufferer Is earnestly invited to try one box of these Native to the States of America, united in North Phis, and the? will be acknowledged to be America Country. WORTH A GUINEA' A BOX. Servilely signing for himself and twenty-three For Females of all ages th-se PMa are invaluable, as others, this Petitioner places his sign. , < ew 0 « m carry off all gross humours, open nil Tnail FANAIBKBIRAKGIs.iI. obstructions, and bring about all that Is required. No _— female u'd be without them. There Is no medicine Carrol, EL, April 2,1884. to bv fonnd to equal BEE''HAM'S PILLS for removD*. J. Hatiiook : ing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If Dear Sir,-I received your Pills a week ago. I have taken according to the dir-otions given with each tried tbem and must say that I never had so much box tbey will soon restore females of all ages to sound good done by anything as they have me. I have and robust health. ' suffered for years with biliousness and have been so For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all sick at times as not to tare to live, but your Pills have ( disorders of the liver, t"ey act like " MAGIC," and a cure 9. me. <>>» aped man here has taken from me ; few doseti will be found to work wonders upon the only two of your Pills and I wish you could see him. ! most important organs in the human machine. They He has had 'no appetite for five months, and to-day strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the he ate a dinner such as a ploughman eats. Ih>dto long-lost complexion, bring back the keen ed.e ef check him, but he laughed and said he was treating appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD his stomach to a new sensation, for it really was bun- i 0 f health, the whole physical > nervy of the human gry. I hand you with this four dollars. Please send frame. These are " FACT-*" admitted by thousands, at once, as below, your Pills. embracing all classes of society, and one of the best Mrs. Sarah Manners, guarantees to the nervous and deblliatei is, Bf.ECarmi, Illinois, U.S. CHAM'S PILL- have thelargest sale ef any patent We would fatigue yon if we were to go on with medicine in the world. them.a.wevery well could do, but the a<bor. must CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILLS \J is warranted to cure all Discharges from the Are the true grains and essence of health, and the Urinary Organs, in either sex. acquired or consti- ' greatest blessing that Science has given to the tutlonal, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in world. boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by al Chemsts and Patent MedlFor Nervous Prostration, Weakness. General Lastl- cine vendors, tude, Want of Appetite, ami Sick Headache, Dr. Hay- Proprietors: dock's New Liver Pill, will be found an Effectual THK UNOOLN ANB MIDLAND 00DN11E3 DRCO contain. Twenty Pills. Price Twenty. COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. five Cents. r"o sale by all Druggists. — ** Any sceptic can have a rial of Pills SENT HIM , , ____- 0 FKEE on receipt of his name and address, for a UOCftJ lUaUHtnas. trial. ' : Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet—"THE [Established 1872. LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable TT> 0 R TMANTEAUS. information to all j~ HAYDOCK & CO., w - HATFIELD, .■:■ NEW YORK, U.S. MANUFACTURER OP ALL KINDS OF LEATHEB CAUTlON!—Druggists are desired to notice that PORTMANTEAUS (Wholesale and Retail), the name of J.' H. Francis, sole agent, Is written A Grod Stock of BEST SOLID LEATHER, and othei across each doiin packages of Haydook's Liver Pills. kinds of PORTMANTEAUS to select from. All without this are counterfeits. AT LOW PRICES. 1 - Leather Cases or Evert Description Made to P HA YMA N & OOi Order. ' AOENTsroRNEwZKALAKD. ' ALL QOOVamprt^o^^bo*** '~ -_ i ■ ... ... _ —. ~ REPAIRS neatly and Promptly Executed. AVl7ll< Mil I Q 61, Foot of Qbey-stbkbt. JH. I Jufl. )3 1 IL/LaJn p LAgg TTTORKS I A large proportion of the diseases which LAg|g -Yja-r-ORKg ! cause human suffering result from derange- OjJ- *"*"" WV jmol ment 'of the' stomach, bowels, and liver. \L___ Ayeb'B OATHAfijio Pills act directly upon Qm um Mldn m WMfc m . Confeotlonerl these organs, and are especially designed to Jarg> lB pw lbg . tnrM Ju(ri tot 2s M; Lamp cure the diseases caused by their derange- Chimneys, three for 6d; Glass Balls for shooting at, ment, including Constipation, Indices- in quantities to suit purchasers; Garden Shades. *I) tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, diM I Ms* Globes and Gold Pish, very cheap, . and a host of other ailments,, for all of "— "" which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and M. COOK 4 SONS, pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these FREEMAN'S BAY Pills by eminent physicians in regular prao- — ties, shows unmistakably the estimation in i ■ ■ ~«•'' TRAD E ——= r~— m whioh they are held by the medical profes- T fl' 7 'ij'iWr*TX-L / ,*! l ' /I/' These Pills are compounded of Tegetablo ,y'.3^' l^l »HuJi^£o'!^w**~'^^ B^^. . substances only, and are absolutely free from [■f^*^^^vL^SK^^^^^^^i ealomel or any other injurious ingredient. 'i ""^Ij 111 ""' if A Sufferer from Headache writes : J 1 V\ •^»^f^^^^ "Ayer's Pills are invaluable to me, and I J^«ioP**T^e.'* are my constant companion. I have been ljU. ' v Jo .m" it'- Tl° TITA a severe sufferer from Headache, arid your """ Pills are the only thing I could look to —— '—— for relief. One dose will quickly move my -*-** -»- v v v T t bowels and free my head from pain. They ft I -\ 8 i xu a a, are the most effective and the easiest physio M *"• -H-s I have ever found. It is a pleasure to,me to 1 I speak in their praise, and I always do so II MONUMENTAL MARBLE when occasion offers. ( I W. L. Page, of W. L. Page & Bro." J J Trrm? v ct? Franklin St., Richmond,Va., June 3,1882. I \ WUKKriJi "I have used Atkr's Pills in number- / I xNO less Instances as recommended by you, and /~g»t^v have never known them to fail to accomplish n==? QPTTI PTrtP the desired result. We aonstantly keep them ] ot/ULriufl, on hand at our home, and prize tbem as a „.„.,.,,,„. ~ i■, , _~ pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine. | 1 SPEGIALTIFS - Mantel-pieces, Table FOR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluaWe. Bg(> .k==4 and Toilet Tops '- Mexia, Texas, June 17,1882. [ 'ihs trade suppled; Enquire for Lists The Rev. Francis B. HarIOTTE, writing H "-i nd Designs. from Atlanta. Oa., says: "For some years past 1 have been subject to constipation, Address,: from which, in spite of the use of niedi- AUCKLAND STEAM MARBLE WORKS, cines of various kinds, I suffered increasing STANLEY-STREET, PARNELL. inconvenience, until some months ago I . . began taking AYER'B Pills. They have _-—•aTTn-ar mi anar. «nn naxTTivvn entirely corrected the costive habit, and JTNION OIL, SOAP. AND CANDLE have vastly improved my general health." \J COMPANY (LIMITED). Ayer's Cathartic Pills correct Irregnlarities of the bowels, stimulate the appe- MANUFACTURERS OP tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to th. STEARINE CANDLES, • whole physical economy. g PREPARES BY It f*\ '« » i-k I If *»„,<« LUBRIOATINB AND OTHER OILS. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. WORKS-ST. ANN'S BRIDGE, PENROSE. ——————— WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE3-LOWER ALBERTVOtINH All experience the wonderful „—,--- ~™, i„„ 111 n ANn beneficial effects of • , STREET, AUCKLAND. MinniF- A y er ' S Sarsaparilla. Cash Purchasers of Tallow. ,„rn Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Autli. Ears, or any scrofulous or sypn- —-,«..,. , lUtic taint, maybe made healthy and strong TJ OUSE AND GENERAL try its use. JJ Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for 8& DECORATIVE ESTABLIS HMEN T, 18. WYNDQAM-STREET, 16. KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER As GO'S • 18 ' w««"»»^w. NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LIMITED). .„„'.„„ __„-_._ . NOTICE OF REMOVAL. IB" tT" lil If 3*t J- Henderson, in thamking bis numerous clients and KjlljßtSltjß sj "J II t tne - Henderson, in thaaking his numerous favours,has tne P UDlic B eneralI y for thelr P ast llDe r»l favours, has '%yy>^f^^^ much pleasure in informing them that he ha* BerwsSil llTlTHlifli ii* Hl ' ,^'il niUTl«t__ move ci to more Extensive Premises (two doors above May be calm like a sweetmeat. Ri nuwnmi for their efficacy In Constipatio ~ Kile, lnilige lion. Ll»ei Com- old op i where ho trusts to merit »'continuance of plaint, Haemorrhoids, Flltulency and all ailment of the Stomach. Eagerly taken by children nd the I their patronage. delicate. Highly recommended by the Faculty, _____ • - Of all Chemists, at Is lid. 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis. and 22s per box A. Posnener and Co., London, Sole Con- J, HENDERSON, A g u ho,e " oie AgBDtS P - HAnUN and C °" 13. WYNDHAM.BTBKKT. 16.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7343, 2 June 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7343, 2 June 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7343, 2 June 1885, Page 3


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