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Medical. PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OIL *J£ * AT INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION. PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OIL in CSfc A EVERY MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. | PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OIL wa . - * ONLY ONE AWARDED TWO COLD MEDALS. PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OIL Dr 4 b s botts * "MORE BENEFIT THAN THE OTHER KINDS." PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OILaJKS * "SUPERIOR TO ANY WE HAVE EVER SEEN. 5, PETER HOLLER'S COD LIYER OIL Dr^ A "ALL THAT COULD BE WISHED." At CROCERS, WHERE, Steam Manufactories, Lofoten Islands, Norway, Off ices & Warehouses, Christiania & 43. Snow Hill, London, E.C. Below will be found a brief summary of a Lecture upon the Liver, delivered before the Eclectic College ol Medicine by DR. J. HAYDOOK The Liver has been I nown as the great hlood-mdktr and Uood-purifler of the circulation. From itii ilze and spongy strnctnre, It plays a most important part in the animal economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Food taken in the month and acted upon by the digestive organs of the stomach is converted into Glucose and Peptone, end in thfse lorms enters the Portal vein. Here, by the action of the liver, these substances are converted into a form of sugar, and past out of the liver by a la ge vein, called the Hepatic vein into the general circulation. The new material now formed genres tiro purposes, viz.: the maintenance of in the body and assisting in the cell-growth of the system. Dr. Murchison a%je, "The composition of bile and its secretion is very complex. It is constant y being secreted by the liver, and, increasing suddenly before eating, gradually decreases as soon as the nppetlte is satisfied and feeding cases." ..Now, if this most important organ of the body becomes torpid, or the passage of bile interfered with, emaciation aad disease ensue. I note eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which we all know of .-»..- 1. The patient complains of a feeling of weight and fullness of the stomach. 2. Distension of the bowels by wind. 3. Heartburn. 4. A feeling of woarinese, pains in the limbs, and great sleepiness after meals. 5. A bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morning, and furred tongue. . 6. Constipation, with an occasional attack of diarrhoea. 7. Headache in front of head. 8. Depression of spirits and great melanoholy, with lassitude and a disposition to leuve everything for the morrow. All the above symptoms go to show functional derangement of the liver, and now comes the great importance of any error made as to the condition of the patient. He should immediately provide fcpnself ith a LIVER STIMULANT, the moat common form of which is a Pill Dally experience shows that this, when the Pill is compounded properly, Is the teadSeit mode of inciting and promot ng the action of the liver, and can be almost always relied on. 1 have devoted many years of my life, as many of you now before me know, to compounding a Fill that will act readily and systematically aa • Bilious Remedy. Ido not b« tare n great purgatives, and therefore have made a Pill, one of which is an active and thorough dose. I have Dr. Haydock's New Liver Pill (Sugar Coated). One Fill is a Dose! One Fill is a Dose! One Pill is a Dose! ■ Fob. all Disbars or thx Kibnctb Dr. Haydock's New Liver Pills are a perfect cure. One Pill will a tisfy the most sceptical. For Female Diseases. Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Want of Appetite, Sick Headache, Dr. Haydock's New Liver Pills will be found an Effectual Remedy. They are universal in their effects, and a cure can almost always be guaranteed. Each Phial contains Twenty Pills—One Pill is a Dose. Price, Twenty-five Cents. FOR SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Every talis Sugar CoaUd. If your druggist does not keep them, w« will mail them free to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Five Phials for Idol. BOY AT ONCB—DO NOT DKLAY. CAUTION.—To secure the genuine Haycock's Pills, observe that the signature of J. H. Francis, Agent for the United State*, is written on every dozen -packages. Purchase without this. As Dr. Haydock's Liver Pills are entirely different from the 212 kinds now In the market, any fceptic can have a sample bottle s«nt him fkik on receipt of Us same and addresr. HAYDCOK & 00., .New York, U.S.

0 N B 0 R Dl Djcak Fnxnrpe: We have some hesitation In addressing yon In til* manner following, bat hope that It trill not be looked at in any invidious light, when we state that it li only our regard for your health that causes us to do it We hare been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many yean, and have in the long couneo t this time manufactured certain Medicines that being bated on scientific formula and absolute care ana precision in manufacture have enjoyed • popularity far in advance of any other Pharmaceutical Preparations of the day. How successful we have been in this, is only to note the extraordinary amount of the tales of oar Hay dock's New Liver PilL Wβ have the pleasure to state that we have sold . 28.089 VIALS OF DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW IIVER PILLS. / The reason of this demand is because wo find in HAYDOOK'S NEW LIVER PILLS • wonderful and extraordinary combination of con* ceotrated medicine. The Victories of Science— ■ Klectrio Telegraphs, Steam and Printing— revo- . lutionised the whole system of the globe, and made mankind wiser and better. So, although there are countless Pills used for diseases and claiming much a* to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr. H»y« deck has eclipsed them all, and has founded a NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. The Doctors, whose vast doses of four or five pills enfeeble the stomaoh and paralyse the bowel*, must give way to the man who restores health and appetite with one or two ol bis extraordinary Vegetable Pills. One or two of DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVES PILLS suffice* to place the stomach in perfect order. create an appetite, amd render the spirit light and buoyant If the Liver is affected its functions are restored, and if the Nervous System U enfeebled, It ii Invigorated and sustained. , [TRANSLATION.] . , Aykab, Province of Bunnah, B. I. Honoured and Learned Physician: The unworthy one who dares to address you and come before yon humbly in the dust, begs for bis 1 people (caste) that yon would deign to look upon their ' ignoble miseries and cure them with your Livegiving grains (Pills). Illustrious one, your most potent medicine is life to them and their children, and all the Drug Bazaars are empty and your Sool if not in them. This humble petitioner, although he Is Ignoble and unworthy to be in your high presence, prays that yon will graciously permit your Life grains (Pius) to come to Aykab. To the most leaned and wise Physician Haylock (Haydock) of High name. Native to the States of America, united in North America Country, Servilely signing for himself and twenty-three other*, this Petitioner places hi* sign. ■■]',' -r ■■:■■:: Tnail Fanaibirkmhchx. Canal, IIL, April 2,1884. D*. J. HiTßtoi;: n Dear Sir,— received your Fills a week ago. I have tried them and must say that I never had so much (rood done by anything as they have me. I have suffered for years with biliousness and have been so sick at times as not to care to live, but your Bills have cured, me. Ota aped man here has taken from me only two of your Pills, and I wish you could see him. He has had no appetite for five months, and to-day he ate a dinner such as a ploughman eats. Ih»d to check him, but he laughed and said he was treating his stomach to a new sensation, for it really was hungry. I hand you with this four dollars. Please send at Haw, as below, your Pills. ■' - ■ . Mas. 8A84.H Manners,; . s,: Carmi, Illinois, U.S. W* would fatigue you If we were to go on with them, m we very well could do, but the above mutt suffice. HAYDOCK'S NKW LIVER PILLS Are the true grains and essence of health, and the greatest blessing that Science has given to the world. '. ..•.'- ■'<- ;\ . t ■;; ■■ For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Want of Appetite, and Sick Headache, Dr. Hay* dock's New Liver Pills will be found an Effectual Remedy. : ; ■■■'** ■;' ' ■■■" "■>■<' ■ ■■• ■ ■. *■■ •-« Each vial contains Twenty Pills. Price Twenty* i five Cents. For sale by ail Druggists. ■ Any sceptlo can have a vial of Pills SENT Hill FREE on receipt of his name and address, for a '■■ trial. ~*4.,!...; . ,,,... i-w.^w.^„-,.:.. -■'■■"•-■■'■ ■» Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet—"THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable Information to aIL ... ~,..»_.„:. .. [■'*<&■ i HAYDOCK & CO., ' &-:iij - -;■:■■• , > NEW YORK, TJ.S. CAUTION I—Druggists are desired to notice that the name of J. .H. Francis, sole agent, is written across each doxen packages of Haydock't Liver Pills. All without this are counterfeits.. .... -~, ..■;.,; :.' '•■'■'. P. HAYMAN6OO., r ";.;.r w tor New Zealand. ... '. Mα YAXLEY, M.R.C.V.S., • V j Medallist Royal Agricultural Society of England, ■, ... ,-..■ ■. . s^.., VETERINARY SURGEON "' *■ „;•'-.. To the Australian Mutual Live Stock Insurance Society (Limited), ; Will in future conduct his Veterinary Practice • .-■■ ■•'-■•■■■ : from the -' ■■ ■; ■■■-.::'■ . , ALBION HOTEL. ' ;■■.■■ Coiner of Wellwley and Hobson Streets. . S - [Established 1866.) '.: , i ;: , M R T. ; TRAFFORD, R.S.D.E., ; SURGEON-DENTIST,; , WAKE FIELD-STREET i ■ "" *"' ' (Near Quean-street). '•' ,'/ J Painless Extraction of Teeth by the Oxide-Nitrogen Gas.

A I WONDERFUL HEDICINB. BEECHAM'S PILLS W y,*^.;,:j:... Are admitted bjr : V?» OM A thousands to Vie wjr I fe^ , worth aGuineaaßox fj?yr "*\ 'or t>^ ollß and ner ' , fQJ/ . . \l|»\ voue disorders, such iJ-U/i \u\ a* wind and pain in ' Fin mTti-rm \"i',\l the stomach, side I PATENT V' 1 I headache, giddiIW ■~,;,'- Ml nesß, fulness and IHi I PILLS. /ftjl swellingaftermeals, ; I,V-»\ ___ ____, ' Its I dizziness and drow''iaV", ™ "■"'' /**/ einees, cold chills, \V3\ /■&/ flushings of heat, Xv/ loss of appetite, VV*VJ > *SC - itk?>' shortness of breath, >i!*» fSSvPjr costivenege, scurvy, blotches On the skin, JhST v disturbed sleep, IKIS* frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This ie " Mfiction, for they have done it in thousands of oases. I Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box or : these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be ! "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. : For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. 1 here is no medicine to be found to equal ■ BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according t ■> the directions given with each box they will soon . restore females of all ages tosoundandrobusthealtb. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion and all : disorders of the liver, they act like " MAGIC," and ' a. few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen. the- whole muscular system, ■restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite and arouse into action with jth 9 ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These • are "FACTS 1, admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham'e Pills have the . largest sale of fny patent medicine in the world. i BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Diffiotilty in Breathing , Shortness of Breath, Tightness i arid Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, 4c, these Pills stand unrivalled; and any one labouring under . any of the above complaints need only try One Bex to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic end Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints . give BsßCHi.u'B Cotreic Pills a trial. - j The most violent Cough will in a short tame be removed. •■ .-•• ■; ■-, ', ■: > ■*■-■ • "■. ■ ■' Caution—The public ave requested to notice that the words " Bkzcraic's Pius, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the j Pills. If not on they are a forgery. • ; J Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is. l}d. and 2s. M. : each.— by all Druggists and Patent Medicine • Dealers throughout tha Colonies. . ' . : ; ; . KB.— directions are given with each box. STar be cat»n like a sweetmeat. Renowned for their eflli-acy in Constipation, Rile, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Hemorrhoid*, Flatulency and all aliment of the Stomach. Eagerly taken by children »nd the delicate. Highly recommended by the Faculty, Of all Chemiit*, st Is lid, 2» Od, 4s 6d, Its. and 22s per box; A. -FosKKNCB and Co., London, Sole Consignees ; AVholesoie Agents, P. Hayman and Co., ■Auckland:' ■ ■ ■ ■ ~-. '■:>-■■ ' ■ ■■•'.-■ •-■.■.;- v ■■:.■ ..-•:.. O AMU EL . p. A R K E R, PLUMBEB, TINSMITH, GASPITTEE, BELL-HANGER, ; Etc.,, ■ Era, Bxc., yst*g ,.4 • DEVONPORT '; - " (NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFIOB). , '.' > - ■ : BEST VALUE , : ■■% \~~\';"': vln the Auckland Province for : ... ;.^ : GASFITTINGS AND GLOBE ; ' !,ri-:^ : _'l '.<■.; ;' : ;', ; . ■ "■■'■ or : ' ; .'•■ ; -VH':-:. ''■ ■.■ ■? U i ALL DESCRIPTIONS. v • •'; ■ SEE OUR STOCKS •' - : ! ■' AX * 1 DEVeNPORI :' AND ' VICTORIA-STREET EAST, AUCKLAND. f f CORRUGATED IRON TANKS ■' [«',*' From 85s Each. ' , - , ROMISSORY NOTE FORMS in Booki can be obtained at the Hirald Office

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7340, 29 May 1885, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7340, 29 May 1885, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7340, 29 May 1885, Page 2


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