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The brdihal7'^ekly''' , me , etibg:qf'>tiie/Cb i aa!pl] , wai: iheldi jreatet'dajr' evening,. -His.-' Wbrsb ip" the;Mayor : (\y.. R. Waddei).presiding; Ere/ .s'enjj * Messrs, S.'tevehsbnJ'/Offer, Field,, La-. /Roche; Masefield', <Garrajtt; Crpwther, 70evpce; /fiacre, Holland;, Barns, Marshai!,. Aidkin, Mackechhie, FJemipg/ilbhtague., 'W,; J. Elliott,' cbmplaihipg pf.the Cpunoil filling, up. Neat's. 1 ■property with earth.' :j(his,. he/said,."''was : iCity Council honesty; I 'the/earth belonging Ito: the.' ratepayers', ''-the. Council had a l .! tnV' : loafers and bid. soldiers -in Auckland in : their" employment, and JDerrbm in . pominand/ (Laughter; )-rtetter was not; received; i ''"■. " vWater Py^jyoodriflei : .asking.permission 'to .'connect, !at. his' own cost,'with the;? main' in Ponsonby-rbai'lmain;, 'persons" pubiide.the■! boundary had np":right;to,be'/serv'ijd while therelwere citizens within.tbe boundary .who. were unsuppiied.: .''.'.He hoped the committee >vould consider;this viewpf,the matter;ArMr; Aickin : ;.said a : 'list ;.6f' streets.: utisupplied should /be,-' made'' , 6ui;' ,,J (iridV-:iaapTed;.'' , 'jttiat : the/'/matter.,' be.pbatpbned:?.fpr;;fa';;; ■1t... was/.-a-t-questipipt', -.".whether,, "-.tnere"--.-'. was' 1 ' :siifficidnt..;.supply'; ifdr; -'■ The//Town;,Clerk.• said thei^Eagineer;had■■ re-/ portedV. that;'there/ supply,. : for. dpublß "the .quantity field said as there: could notice given to stop the supply-outside ths'bbandary at three . mpnths,; that was ah adequate/precaution/; If. pepple justputside the boundary were to.Wait", until all. city /should be'supplied,: they would; jhaVe ' to H wait a : ;.lbng?.time. ■ 'He '(Mr; : ■Masefield)/ wished'see.', some; revenue obtained .'.from the ;.watef. i£ : possible.V-Mr.. ■ Grpwther and 'Mr'..."" Field /supported/Mri i .Mas'efierd.'s/yiew. of 'the matter/?-' Mr.' Aickih ,:- : The,three/months' 'notice was pnly/a. suggesV. tion,- but the water might -be cut off 'iri'-'a fortnight..—Referred, -tp-' the' .Streets.' Gp'ih-; ■m'ittee.

White wrote; calling attehtibh to the-state of. the:-road ieading to the:night-. soil depot. It pbiild beipu tin repair 'for £801 to the.Streets' Committee;

EiMbnTH-stREEt,. —-Mrs.. Short- called, attentipn to the state of the.-footpath in this street,. —The Engineer, repbrted that; plans' had. been, made to raise this'footpath,.

WELLiXGTOX -street. — From Mr-. E; Mahoneyi jiih., requesting certain slopinfj in this street. ireijiiest. was cpiriplied.. with.

P.tjspo>*j^l3-:ST.KEET.—-This, was- a "letter; from T; Runcimah, requesting water, to. be laid in this Stevenson sup-, pprted the'.S Gpmihit'teei ' ■''"'''

St. Paul's Chubch.—From Mr. Joseph Banks (Secretary Freezing Company) to the effect tbat as the trustees of St. Paul's had not siened the deed, he was unable to forward it. lie asked payment of the following gums :—One-third of £4000,. on account of purchase of Mr. Farmer's property ; one-third of £100 to the Jewish Synagogue ; a third of £250, compensation to Mr. Lawford ; and a third of £300, compensation to Mr. Wright—£l6l6.—Referred to the Legal Committee.

Lessee of Market.—A letter was received from Mr. McDonald, aiking a permit.—.Referred to the Finance Committee.

Obstruction.—A letter was received-from Mr. Archibald Campbell, complaining of obstructive nuisance by a standing tree.— Referred to the Streets Committee.

Baker and Morton Street.—A letter from Mr. J. E. Gilbert calling attention to the state of the main sewer as injuriously affecting his property, and requiring that a covered underground drain of brick and tile should be constructed, also, the state of the sewer in Morton-treet. In the event of the Council being unable or not inclined to abate the nuisance complained of, the writer offered the allotments to the Council for £250.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Tramway ■Company CWaitangi-road).— The Secretary informed the Council that the Harbour Board had completed the connection between the Ponsonby Wharf and Wai-tangi-road, and requested that the Council would now do its part of the work.—The Mayor said this work had been authorised, and would be done a 8 soon as possible. Wellington-street. —A letter from Mr. G. Tibbet;s, asking leave to construct a flight of steps in front of his property.—Re>ferred to Streets Committee.

Petitions.—Mr. Laßoche presented a petition from the inhabitants of Kyber Pass, Arawa-street, aud Staneld View, prayiug that the dust contractor should be required to remove house refuse.—Referred to Streets Committee.—Mr. Holland presented a petition praying that a water cart be provided for Kyber Pass at least once daily.—deferred to Streets Committee.—Mr. Maserield presented a petitiou praying for increased water supply in Customs-street Weßt from New Zealand Timber and other companies.— Referred to Finance Committee. — Mr. Stevenson presented a petition praying that a culvert would be constructed in Sussexstreet, Karangahape Ward.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Fii.:A-.>CE ppmrriitbie re>. commended in.'tte i r from ilessrs. QTaiDjg>c' , snd..'p'£.brq;,.rer , iiibrary—l. That it is not' desirable any 1 alteration: be ho\y made. in. the accepted: design, and that Mry Grainger be' irjstr.uoted to. prepare working plans and 'speb'i'tfgatibns for •.advertising tender.. 2. That on. the tender being " within the ..limit fixed, by Messrs; Grainger,and,D.'Ebro be paid 2s. per cent, on the amoin'ht for plans and speJificar tiqhs. 3'. Deposit on contract to bu placed at. interest and 5 per cent'; be all ,\ve(l to acccepted tenderer, and that the a.iiioiiut of. deposit be £1000. i. With- respect ;<:• the motion of Mr. Montague re .allotments, section .31 : That Mr. Busby be communicated with, to ascertain what ,he will take for aufrender of. his lease within, three months. . 5. With respect to, clause iri finance Gommitteereportre'-site for baths.: That, no, allotments in Isectipn, 31 be'reseryed for fresh water baths site. 6. In respect of 3, D., Hanha's letter re increase. ;pf .pay.: That, committee cannot recommend the increase.—Adoptedl,

'Strekts, 'Gp'SiMiTTEE.MThe ; committee, irecommended in , ; 'the.'.letter : :fr'om'.' W, fcdgar, re nuisance We'st;Streety tUdt. reply be sent to. the. effect.;bf the'. Gity Enzirieer's report, yiz, that• Slri. Edgar •should lay pipes; for lijs own convenience .at present, tlie Bariie.:as:hi'3. neighbour. 2. ,Ih .referebed to the.letter of Adam. Brock, ph. behalf of: Mrs.. Anne; That the Councils ,iis.ual' consent'; to-, re.iiidye. or slope the.earthj as,requested,'.be: giyen at thfe/Tißk. o't'/the p.iy'n'ersW'Ado'ptpdi .

Legal CpuMiTTEEiT—This' committee, -reconiinendedy ■■with' :respect ; ,;ip. :.the;;City:Ebgi : iieer's report ' T£,:Clerk:of Works : That tlje Council! authorise, the lirriployment. of two a^iUed:,abp6Wntentß.;'tp7jexamine;jpay"B|ieets' f .. etc;i„at,a"costi;n6t; : ,exceediug £20.i{,(2)]~"<i!_e\ Auckland.Domain:•"'The committee request.'authority.from the Council for the committee: : to frame;..and,, forward . an. application,.; to ..the.Government asking that the Governor's power.should be delegated to the. Council to control and : havo the management ot the Auckland Public Domain..:. (3) [Re meano. from ..Town Clerk (permits. from Surveyor for building fronting rights of way); That Building burveyor be ,: instructed no* to

issue any pe rmit {or "g or adjoining rights o f g ' ''"at. Mwefuld moved, inspect ?* J ~^ should ba withdrawn on th a ,n err <*» gronnds-that the investigation J oi some time ; that when tJaZ l 4 ported Mr. Derrocn could l^ h ** * not.ce.-Mr. Garratt thongh? th P had gone too far to retrace their .! Derroua «r J and !f so the Council could rnifo. \u ■ But the subject., beiog ■«/;' ,-„J"-™, e "'* matter :,3honld./be/ ■£« ?!■ w! "ol.' ?■ 1 8 5 ld :^ h ? t -'.> lr - :i /i>errom; /hid .adm.tted.he': had'' of employibg the skilied/iccb^ntaiM^ ■ ascertMn .^he : .■■extent-'" 6f :tKi ? -- Wai ' X' -cop ■$'" r . 0r ».;~il/." errori/that had ? ' r r ia lo'' ,It. waj certainly gener6u3'/oi : thVS^ !ir i' ,tns*^ rt t«= j3?^.>aMtead;sf : ; uiid S rtatin;. 1 * spon»b,l^ y :that;prbp e rly '*' ;'deili D^^ b ! i ; arose/:' • Iferro'ra :faad '^ rr * ir,; ■muted;, there, .was-Zno'-'-a'ltVrhitfv- " c 6- *- ! S°: >'PPP'h<;- :thoroa 2 hi B e eiw fe .^;.. ;.i>evpr ß ; tbnc'wred {advisability, .of .'having. . ou^ "L. ■ : ?s .thorpughly :inuependeht ' % sbehey'ed.' ; tbat "the, matters. in('&/s*-:V--:,would' requira'.'several 'days : >™' : ' sia: 'gation; He/'thbdght. the : ' '^ Uti ' wbuld' 'be very \ u l t Z ,n ■'?< Sfcvecsoh ''* :£2o..:woul;i: be. well' spest «,??■' ■:.that:.Mr. Derrbm .woiiid have '„,"„,. ■ t ?i il '' ;than;.tb.apcept. Mr,. : Masefieia:£ ata 5 nL' P ' !l ' :li;: .The.iMaypr Biid-bn.the.score of <>&„. , ' flS:^ (expend i.ture.:bf £20 was: reasoaaiiie 1 R ■ {impossible ,vtp .take Mr.. AndtrWfr '** imany. works.- .ofiiwhich' .he' wise 4 : }* l: The; Engineer,, in r'epU- to' ilr '^fiffi^ :.said the wprka had', sb'fai- ' f fp' ■the; suspension pi' 'Mr- Serfom Ci'! u ' k .e9?. nle - '-.thought.w.aa-.-th-e C/iuacil hidV an,.incliDation ;to .take, the maiteT' tn>.^ n■Km*® the; .theG^3? "sppnld ,'■ ypre,a3ked/ whether the work wonia-tn"-through, the cohtinu-ince' of M r . Ncrn cr ■"-,' :3uspensibn:r 44'".Mr." 'Burps- si\& >™-' : ■apparent there, was: -a-, want 0 f "»iJji:be'tween ;tKe-' Engineer shd Cert • thought they ih Ji' .not .again, s.ehd a matter to th's (>- 1 'Cpmmi.ttee:wliich: .inv.blved cos:. Wjfr. 'jf . ' ■field!.s'.-:.mptipn Ayas .put: an.d negiti.ved ~\p .would oppose; the 1 vote '!■ .£2P/;until:Mr; .Andersoh;;repprted:on cesiity fpr-thisexpenditure:. fl e .thdu'gh't■& p;fficials',snbuld,be"ina position to bt e mad ,this,:4nquiry,^-.M : r; Montague s»id"he'co'ul! not see the. reason: pf voting public nionsV •merely to- spare. Mr, Audersdn's ae'Ucabv : ? 3 : a .superior pfficer.. As a superior .officer, it, was Viis businesa. to■ ■report'_ .ilr. 'Masefield coi'i.curred''.e 'vieK-.ot'ifj 'Crpwth'er, and's'e>ibnded the -amepdrcen'-'■'•'■ Mr; .Aickin/said /£2lD : was' the' Theunte.rests'inv.plv.ed'were' very * :.;;number : of matters.- .affecting ■coptrac'ts :pf .varions:kihds would be the sabject^m.att 6r bt" such, iuquiry, there, should fee no thaiice of prejudice pi-'bias imported, into tbe in', q'uiry; That was. the '.reason why .outside' ;,in'd-.indepeudant persons, wer.e Eugi'eateS''— Mr,. Garratt ■said' inquiry -should-'.be/tali .and cPmpre'hensiv.e. it.'shp.uld fix. the'.blame ■.or clear/tFjpse. whose capacity was'.impagnei ;He considered, that there' was quite"spti.. cient to warrant the Legal/ Cbrnhii'ttK .t.b: yepomrhenci the. expenditure of. Justice should be. done to all parties:^ : Mr, Offer thought, the. expenditure of/|'2o might, do gpp;di. It would help '.to. slucjditj the' whole question, of' "che.cki'ti'g/'' {Jg. knew that the amount, of: .scoria-was :übi ppe. particular case;— Sir. 'Mac'kechnip'Eaid'the '.recommend'atiou''wag.-made'' ;in favour of 'Mr, '■D'errpn',---The;a.mend'meDt' of' Mr. Grpwtbe'r:was':n'egatived;—The'rejiprt. : of -the .LegaiCpmmittee w:as adopted. jiARBycE BbAP.ri'tiFFic.ES, WMr. AicWn •'sii'd:the Harbour-tipard. Dffices.(biiildingjHaj. stopped. 'He'-would like some expiate: he- Tp.wn ; Clerk r.ead tne.:le'tter/frprn Mr;. Ross referring to- -,th'e- dispute 'befwejii: t.he.',B'u;ildi'ng. -.Surveyor- and 'hirriseif;.:reiatiiig 't'o-..'th'e thickness -pf'-walls,. ahd..aiking.-'tb : .be'--i'hear'd-by. Bibr.e.siid.therswould be.'inb:time referririg'.tbeletter ■ r tb the -iS'treet.a ..Gpmmi.ttee, as .tnerev'was also ■some dispute between the baijder'.andntbe'-a'rchitept.'-^The.,Engineer ■'■eaid. it;. 'would- be'. inece'ssary' for the builder sto- be, ■.preien'fc. ;He.(the.'/Ehgi'nee'rj; dealt.\fith builders;and not;, with. letter' 'was.' ro,'f erred' to, the': Streeti/Ccmmitte, the'Arohite'ci iand'''Engihee)r: : tp;'. request'edto attend,

Jelmyn-stkekt.—Mr. AicUin asked whal was the position of this work (drainage).— The Engineer said thi3 work was high up on the Hat, and would be commenced very soon.

Liverpool-street —Mr. Crowther pointed out that the drainage of several hiuscs wis discharged into an open drain. It WS3 understood'that thr.s would be renedied.— The Engineer raid the work would be commenced ui two or three weeks.

Symonds-stkeet.—Mr. iievore asked tb« Engineer by whose autnority the'Uovern^l^ll! , svere prevented laying 'down metal between the New Caledonia Hotel and the toll-fite. He had heard the Government Engineer was ordered off. The men went off, and the metal had not been laid since —Mr. Asiason said this was not done by his orders.— Mr. Burns said it was the city Clerk of Works who ordered off the Goferomeut workmen.

Te.vdep.sfor Section- 53 (Karangahapj). —The following tenders were received froa Messrs. Archibald. £4455 ; C. R. Seymour, £4457 ; Blewden. £4620 ; J. T. Nye, £4477; John Irwin, £4269 ; C. T. Pasamore, £4371. Engineer's estmate, £4500.—Mr. Irwio'i tender was accepted, being the lowest. Vacant Seat.—The Mayor declared the seat of Mr. X. Thompson vacant. It *" stated that Mr. Thompson declined to occupy his seat at the risk of vitiating the proceedings of Council. But the risk wonld h»n been his own. To clear himself fromauy charge of neglect, he knew that Mr. Tbonip son was in town three weeks after his accident.—Mr. Mackechnie said it wasabscrc to suppose that the Council should be held responsible for not looking after thenejlert or indifference of one particular individual, as regards his own seat. (Hear, hear.) Lock Hospital.—The Medical Superintendent recorted that one patient hid bees discharged and nine remained in the institution.

Telescope Fire Escape.—The Snperiatendent of the Fire Brigade reported that this machine had been received in good order and condition.—lt was agreed that the public test of the machine should be mads si eoon as possible. . , Franklin-road Fire.—The report ot Its Superintendent of the fire Brigade was re id l, m which he said the tire annunciators should bo look-d after; unless aa improvement iu their action took place he would be preparta to recommend that they be done away witn. He also referred to tne Franklm-road nre, and the difficulty of getting water, off"*™ hydrant notices being absent or not visible. —A inemp. of the Town Clerk »as'te:a, in effect that these " hydrant notices' * noaia be placed under the regular 01 someone. He thongnt the proper F ers:in " inspect would be the Superintendent ct toe Brigade. Town Clekk.—Mr. Devore moved, "Th» in future the Town Clerk, during all Council meetings, sit at the reporters' table, a&, ( there transact hie business of '*Ho said that t-,ere »s< gieat duhculty »ometim.s in hcsnng the Town Cler». lnlS *„ the ground upon which he made the "'"jr* —Mr. Field seconded the motion.-m motion was negatived by the casting m>k the Mayor, upon which a division »as.<:aiie. with the following result:—Ayes (!>>■ M<*»»' Devore, Crowthei. Laltoche, Aickw, Uatr, Fleming. Garratt. Holland, Fi. Id. >"« W • Messrs. Stevenson, Mackecimie. *>*.£, ■"" shall, Montacut, Burns, Maserield, Natl."—His Worship declared the motion carrieu by a majority of 1. Graham and Hardinge Streets.—- • Marshall moved, "That tenders bei cat"for thekerbmg and channelling in <-' r -?*' and Hardioge Streets, and that the ? at once L.roccded with."—Mr. gested that the following words be suetilted-" That the .vork be considered 'urgent,' and that the Engineer P re P ar * f l °,. necessary plans and specification*, some discussion, Mr. Aictin's amendment was agieed to.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6965, 14 March 1884, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6965, 14 March 1884, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6965, 14 March 1884, Page 6


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