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: Medical. •tookoh dssit ßt _ y*w tulxtuik to Kt. Phaajj-% .. 8«g» one. man to pr«<mtlh. A ackltu _ ]t ; UiUitof Goia trpp« tni M CUlalold " <U Valeanlto . - <U f" T " from " ** DenUl Alloy „ ' Mlr - l» AM : -Single Tooth, from fa. E.ptlrtiigln VnlcialU, turn Tot °* ""t M.,., D e ;S? 0 t ,? sj&wJSj, Debility, Liu.Uud,. I,,di s ,rtlon. I [?L Female CompUiats, Pimples, : JLJ riches tha B.i Kid. strensthea, thi. v ta - promotes Apatite. DR. BRIGHT-* . ? ~ patronliod ty tho Aristoc.-iy-, -VK ■, oxienjlvely n«ad in • the Armv * nil -. lh « Oil? ' icrommended by tho Medici J 77,11 ' 1 hijhs T-KR. BR/GHT'S PHOSPHom-y^ JLf sold by ail Cheml6tt: throughout 1 casc« at 10* bd... Cantloh- „ f less. Imitati. bean ngitimilar. f bnw Zealand. Kompthorno Pross« r \r,H n -S?' 1 " (ci " Auckland, Chrtstchnrch, and'•WclUngtci'i°' oae^i, A LL those Who fr„„ ■ -tv dhcietion. „' ° m «• otller ciU5-s. *p.V' loir spirited, phyilc»«, u l 8, f"4 a Md.-'.utabb. :ij. •A/ "duties properly. cK-kL * «d permanently" ./atomHch:'. tnediefnes 4 3l ' ' « ■ by doctors, minuter,. "ly>*i BOON P rcs *- ..Be JleaS . says• ,Tho. old plan rt t 7*? Nerrous Dobllity, fhy,uL in.-; l« .'-*-hoUy..,ui~,« a J. TO THE MAHSTON 5 ' hopeeu cues aai e d E,,a , certain. ;restoratioa. to' (nir ' tl: . : perfect maaho.)d. Sim,:? 5 ftfiFN Cleanly, MARSTON REMEDY CO 72, ELIZABRT£j.sxEgpT: *' ■ ... ■ v. ■■■ .■ ■■ ;SYpyEY. N S.W; •' tSePI'ER'S QUININE and IRONTOVrr . JL rouse, and developes • the nerroos t..i_ ; sxiriehes. the blood, promotes' appetite'- v*> joar and depression, /ortlßes the " Sl Is a specific remedv for n.aralgU;Vaa > .(evenof eveiy kind, chest affections?and InVfif®' ' : .diseases, scrofulous tendencies,'etclTl« zr"! '' , !is greatly invigorated by PepparY Tonie tb. i" . Ucultlea brightened, the constitutloa groatlr ened, and a retura to robust health certain ■ ' ;SS doses,6d;■ neit slie ,11s. Sold S cSS* 1 ' *' , everywhere. Tho name of J. Pepper r r* 1 ' tory London,' must be "on the n?i" l bc!v -i ; Tonio so pertain In' offect a. P e() p, r -, qJxJ 1 " Iron., :It is strongly recommaadfcd to r£u,»u , 4 ; India and the Colonies, and should alirsrs b« w '' for use in erery caso of ferer/or fnhrti. „T ; i: tion.—Sold by Kempthorae, ProW>d mARAXACUM aad PODOPifYIJjv JL Preparad only by j. Pap Mr. Fluid combination, extracted frem medlcinfi r2Sf' - Is now nsod instead of blue "pUI and calomel :e«e of dyspepsia, biUousnesS and aul congestion of the.Uver,,which'/; ; beneath the shoulder*, head-ache, dioiniii M s. petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in tio Gg, giddiness, disturbance of the ,£Z ,of general depression... It sets tho ilarsish [[mi? ' motion Tery dlghtly. «ts_on tho X ionse of health and comfort within 24 houn It i the safest Taraxacnm aad Podnnhvllin!. .fluid mad. only by J. PEPPER, , London, whose name is on every label. BottlM. 1m ii ani «s Od. Sold by aU Chemiits;, A most vSSS - and essontial medicine las India, Australia: the Qu. and Colonies generally.—Sold by Kempthorae. Prowaad Co, LIVKK COMPLAIKTB ! DR. KING'S DANDELION AKB - ' QUII*UiE LIVEB PILLS (without mercarriTHE BEST KEMEDT FOK BILIOtJS«Js STOMACH f i DEEANOEMEMT, FLATULESf? PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOtTLDBKg BATI APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, 'Hlin ACHE, HEABTBUBN, and all other !j"cpioaj o , disordered liver and dyspepsia. • Acknowlediid b, i.many,: eminent surgeons to be the safest sni mlldM 1 pills for every constitution. " ■ In Boxes at Is IW. 2s 9d, and itSLr ; . < iold by OhemisU and Medicine Tendon Urouium -the World. * Prepared bv Jas. Borke, London. 1 peoUUy valuable Pills for resident* :■ «btoid. «d 'i: ■> raveller*. „ fe O ULPFOLINE LOnON. '--An Ei ■ O ternal Means of CURING 8KIND1B21S& There Is ucarcslf any eruption but will yield to ... Sulpholine" In a few days, and commence to ftd« : even if It saems past cure. Ordinary ptmp!ef ( f : redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish u ii br ■■'•h magic; whilst old,enduring skin disorders,tiithm " plagued the sufferers for years, however d»»ly rcobd :; 't they may be, "Sulpholine" will successfully ttUck: tnem. It destroys the animaloulss which caaie thni" unsightly, irritable, painrul affections," and slwiri'. produces a clear, neaithr .natural condition of u» >> skin. " Sulpholine** Lotion is sold bv moat Chimifli.' C Made by T. Pepper and Co„ London." Bottles, Ss Od. Bold hr Kemptnorne. Prosser and Co OLLOWATc'S PILL 5, Impurity of the. the bs kept in a pure state the constitution must be weiiusri ' : and disease supervene.. These wonderful PlUrpoMui . .the power of removing or,neutralizing.all conUnan*- • tlOns of the blood and system They quJell/,, but certainly, overcome, all obstructions; tecdinj w ;; ;■ produceill. health; . and 1 institute ' action to organs that are faultv from irritation' or debility. ■? Tb» ■ dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may roly on thus Pills as tneiL* best friend and oomforter//as they set apoa the main springs of life, and thus save thousands iron t a premature grave. ' ; ','j • :w "' '"y ,: "y ;' COMPIUJNTS OF. Wosibn ANT) CHiLDßEy.—There^ l mild aad painless action of those invaluable Pills re / . /commends them to every housohold as a remedy or • the. first.departure from, health. Any; mother; cars* or young person guided by .the. difections 'whicb m !omnany ; each, box,of Holloway'i PiUs; hss. at one - .va ilablo; means cheeking- .diseasgi/ pnrlfyiiig th<• blood. and i'cxpelling from the system all grots ha- : moura. They are indeed, at all the femslo i tried^ • friend;;, .v.'.; •. Disorders of the Livi:r with Flatulekcy od -, i . Indioestion.—Loss of appetite and lflatuleocy an . usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. Thesi famoaa Pills exerciso tho most salutary power os all -of..the;;Uver, .and. .all irregularities of U« -cftomach and bowels;,theyr€6tore & :njaltliy functioa. to'eyery. internal orgasv overcome aUobstructioai aad :cast'but,all impurities.;' V', ' I '' . ;Wbak';:;Sxokachs-,'. .IkpAikiD.': Dioestio*!—Tbo; .v, wisest cannot enumerate one tithe- of the distrescUg symptoms ; arising; from. enfeebled dic6ation, of >: which"! may .be,, readily dispelled by; adioiisbls .Pills, 'as they rouse the stomach, Uver, and every Qtto organ of digestion to that healthY< tcne which fully . enables them to;'convert all fooc and:drink'to the /nourishment of the ..body—hence?: these Pills are the. 'purest strengthened;;^and the Safest-.mtoratiTeJ in. ..nervousness, wasting, and chronic debility. . :00U0HS, COLDB," INFI.UKXZA JL>'D &ORE THBOATI-T : ; • For .'.ciiring diseases of the,throat; cfaeat, aid loa(i/ these Tllls have established for themsolrea i r ; r.eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the blew ■ and its circulation.:' Coughs, cdfnmoa \ influenza, , bronchitis, asthma," preuriay, . . of the lungs, and even consumption in its early tup*. :.. kre'Tsucceasfully treated , with r this medicine, ptfti. > cularly if Holloway s Ointment be well rubbed nppa, •the chest and back night and mornisg.- .. Holloway*s Pills are the best remedy knows ,ia tea world for tne'followlng diseases ;tt- ■ ~ : .Ague'\ "..Gout.f/'.-.T- . .ifitpneand.GraTuL cAsthma,..' " ;{He'ada'che.... : mSecondary I-.Bilious: .Com- jlndigestion, ~i . toms .^-. I plaints ' "'.jliver complaints' Tio-DolouieU • Blotches .on the l Lumbago' , Ulcers . .' .''Skin'VvV.;;:.. 1pi1e5;:\.,...:. .Venereal'-.AfM" Bowelcomplaints Rheumatism I tions... Debility . X [Retention of' |Worms 4 of ,:Dropsy' : •Urine'.-... , : .:kin.ds; ..... > Female Irreju- Scrofula or King's .Weakness,, .. 'laritiel? .':.•;•>• '.•: •:•,Evilry- v 'v- " . ' whatevercausa •Feversof aUkthdsjSore,Throats I &c., ... . ! .^Thef'Pills.vand :are; .sold- at : >.Profetsoi Holloway'B Establishment,, 033,,0xf0rd-street,.lfljj* don; also by nearly every, respectable V.sndor.of Mc&h cine throughout the civilised inißoxesana.ro4 :at ls lid,2s 9d,'4s6di:lls, 2 4 2 a, iifl 3<Js sach;. : Each. Pot and Box of,the Genuine .-dedieines oea* the British Government Stamp; , with. the. i wori n. i • Holloway s Pills and Ointment, London/', engr***?. v i.ithereon. .... ■.-■■■■■ j"";..:.'. i pn the label; is tho..address; 533, .Oxford : strs«*. i London, where aJowc.they, are manufactured i .yak Beware of all comnounds styled Pills and .Ointment ".with a " New York'..!ab«L : Butciiers. & W. H E L L A B V | ; WHOLES ALE; SHIPPING AND FAMILS BUTCHERS; Shoetland-street, Auckland* FEIME CORNED BEEF and PORK ALt"« 0 Ui«n in Xfgi or Tierces (quality guaranteed) OOENED AND SMOKED TOSGDES ALWAYS : •HAND. 'I OALVES'Rennets .ix ast (jcastit l ??',, , POULTRY OF ALL KINDS DRKS3BD ■TO ORD® B, j. Dealers In Game; : Pheasants live or dead, f Town and Country Orders punctually W ■■ ■ Families waited on In Town andSuburwTrn 'I s H E R * A N ; Xm WnoLEaiL* Shitwho, fc Anckl"""' Queon-it»et (next Bank of New Z«Jsn4 prln« ; . -Poultry of all kinds dross^I to °^ d ßwl< ul Smoked tongues, H om«urM BacowW™ au»«S<Je in Large ciooy Live Pheasants forwarded to or , apon receipt of order. FamlllM waited W _ tuburhe. TJROMISSOR.Y NOTE FOK^mßooi* may be obtalnid at tlie Hi;K4I - u

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6949, 25 February 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6949, 25 February 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6949, 25 February 1884, Page 2


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