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0.20 a.m- '3 A RRIVALS. , Deceiibep. 30. „ .rr Jt ., Glenolg, s.ts, 156, ™ Coal . Paaaengerst-alrs. O. M. vane, Leech, „r Oorbett. Good, Tucker. Quintal, Crick, Walk Slierwin, and 0 iu Harding, McPherson Loe, Shecwm,^^ the steerage.—Norther •• F har from Wellington, b.b 2 ' J - , ._'?" Be3 l r vir.e, Northern ports. Passenger - -, lleer, Mesd® /. Mensra O'Brien. HogwooJ Sqtrce, Haster, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. D. H. MoKenzie, agent. DEPARTURES. Woodbine, barque, for Whangaroa. Orpheus, schooner, for Tongatabn. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. SAN FRANCISCO : „ City of Sydney, January S, 1&»LON Famenoth, ship, sailed Sept. 2 '\ r l™Tythoniua, barque, sailed Oct. 11, T . Sam Mendel, loading, Oct. • Uatanra, barque, sailed Nov. «, »"■ Brahmin, ship, loading, pimd. Halcione, ship, loading. Crownthorpa, ship, loading, .iKIiD. NEW lrena' l E' Measervey, barque, iumber 25, jdbs. Olive Thurlow, sailed Nov. 4. LIVERPOOL : Letterewe, barque, loading, KAUIUTIUS : Sybil, schooner, early, slmh. aosART : Peerless, schooner, early. BUKEDIN : Annie Wilson, schooner, slmi. Marmion, schooner, sailed, KWJQ. Olive Thurlow, barque. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. SAS FRANCISCO : (Jity of New iork, Jan.|2, 188 S. bOSDOS: ' Laira, barque, loading. Antares, barque, early. ? 2iE\V YORE : Caberfeidh, barque, early. GronsTßr, barque, early. NEWCASTLE : Andreas Rua, barque, early. aOUTH SBA ISLANDS ■: Belle Brandon, schooner, eaily. EXPORTS. Per brigantita Linda Weber, for Fitzroy Kiver Roolchamoton.via Tairua : 3 cases cheese, 5 case's mullet, 10 canes sauco*, 20 cases fruits, 20 sacks oatmeal, 25 sacks oats. I casea hams and bacon, $0 doors, 10 packages 0 packages turnery. To bo shipped nt Tiurua : *59,000 feet su-wa timber.

The oohooner Orpheus, for Tongatabu, too* her departure on Saturday last, at tvrelve o'clock, with cargo and two passengers. The barpue Woodbine, which called iri au iliia port from 'Levuka for orders on tho ISth ult. tool: ? her-departure on Saturday mor&iu£ last for Yi'hangaroa, aftr na unaccountable long delay in-this port. The sohooner Norval is afc present the barque Antares, discharging into that vessel her cargo of Manganese from Russell. The Union Steam Shipping Company have romovcd their offices from the corner of Queen i*nd West Queen streets to ScherfY's Building, Fort-street. The new offices are much more convenient than tho old ones, and b"iug a;l----j-iL'enfc to the Customhouse and Post-oihce, will trove equally as handy for the company a clients as the old offices. Business commences in tho new offices from to-day. The s.a. Wellington, from Northern ports,, arrived in harbour on Saturday morning with a : nueaber of ■ passengers. # t The R.B.*Glenelg, from Tauranga, arrived in harbour on Saturday with several passengers, and as cargo7o sacks maize aud 40 bales woo!. The cutter Leo, fiotn Tauranga, arrived oil Saturday,-TVtth 980 bushels oand. The shir Border Chief and barque Gronsvasr were botL earthed at the Queen-street Whari on Saturday 'ast. The mail steamer City of New York, in rou.c • to San Francisco with the outwaid Eoglisti mail may be expected to arrive to-morrow morning early. She will again at two ° ""The" brigaatine Linda Weber cleared outwards for the Fitzroy Hirer, in Kockhamptun, Oueensland, on Saturday last, with a email car»o. She will fill up with 80,000 feet timber, to "be taken on board at Tairua. From Koclihampton the Linda Weber will return to this port *ith a cargo ot sugar. Wo are pleased to notice that Captain \\. D. Hariiraveß has sufficiently recovered from hu lone and severe illness as to be able to resume command of his vessel, the b.s. Coromamlel. In welcoming Captain Hargjaves back to his command with the new year, we trust he may experience many ye*rs of a more pleasurable nature than the one just past. SHIPPING SUMMARY. Shipping business duriDg tho past month has been moderately brisk, and at the present time the harbour present* a somewhat busy appearance, and gives evidence that the new year wiil be entered upon with some amount of briskness, which, it is to be hoped, will be the loreruuner of a profitable year to all. In the buildiug trade there is not much doing at the present time the principal vessels en hand being the two (one a steamer and the other a schooner) whicn Messrs. Niccol and Gouk have oil hand at Mr. Niccol'a yards, North Shore, for Messrs. Miller, of Melbourne; and the iron steamer at present buildins; at Mr. C. Bailey m yards for the Paten. S.S. Company. All tniee vessels are beiug pushed on towards completion with as much despatch as possible. The foreign arrivals have been the Antaree, baroue Wetherstield and Border Chief, ships, from London, with general cargoes, the two former also bringing passenger*. In each lnn.'.ance long passages were made, which have been attributed to the unusual light winds experienced throughout their passages. The Norwegian baiques Andreas Kus and Grousvser, both from New Yoik, via mtermediit* pons, have both arrive.l, and upon discharging ol inward cargo, tho Gronsvier will load^ buck to Kev Yoik. The Andreas itus will make a trip to Newcastle and back with coal, •and then will he laid on the berth for New YoA. The Aiit:,.ieß is loading for London, and also the bat que Lair.i. Ihe latter is almost a tull mni>. i'he other arrivals arc made up of the Orphtiua, from Ay-ut*ki ; Winifred, from Tayiuns* ; Linda cnur and Woodbine-(barque) from bijiy; and tbo India, from the Marshall Oiuup, all with cargoes of Island produce. The Uepattwies have been: —the Asbmore, for Ljndon, with a ot wooL, flax, gum, iio. ; the baiqueH_Locii Fleet and Loch -Urr for Newcastle, the ship Margaret Galbraith for Ounaiu, and the barque Corumandel for Napier. In addition roMitse English owned : the Kcuuoiiera .*.biee Oheers for Qa-jcn for I\orfy;U I-Uud, Transit for Suv.i, Oaen for new \oik t Louie for Lcvuka, Orpheus for lonyatabu, -'ud the ke'ch Adah for Norfolk Island, have :ul aailud dining the month with general Tho vaiioua coastal steamers. and t-«ie line vesstis cirrying the flag of the Union Jjieamship Company, ha.vo all iit'oii uiiusu.ili.y-buHy during the > pHst month-carrying to ;»nd from this port, tblc larger additional trundling pub:!C being attributed to the holidays The trade of the K.*.ivaia has bren :tl<» unusually brii-lr, a large number of having airived there for the purpose of obtaining cargoes of timber for .Australian p'.uts. iliv list ef arrivals and uuiing month will-be fouud on our f..uith p.v-e. shipping ke:ui;::s. The following ;;ro the returns of the number, tonnage, crew--, ami of whtcn hav«? either entered inwards or cN-arcd out (foreign only) at ih« Cuhronia at tint) port ilurint; the year just enucu ENT v RK.'i INWAKDS.

in at pori oT Auckland for quarter ending

OCARTKr.LY onTWAKBS. | Nu-nber, toniingK. r-u<i crews of vessels oIe»SS at theportof Auckland for the quarter ended December 31i ISSi:

the union s.s. company. The following are the movements of (he steamships of the above company for tho present- week : — . Tuesday.—The Wairarapa will amv« from Southern ports, via East Coast, about9u.m., and leaves again for tlujsell at 5 p.m. The Southern Cross leaves for Gisboruo and Southern ports at G p.m. Tho Hawea will arrive about coon, and leave tho Manukau for Southern ports at 2 p.m. The s.s. Hero will leave iu the evening for Ducedin, via Whangarei. . , . ThcbsDat.— The "Wairarapa is to arrivo from Russell at 6 a.m., and will leave for Melbourne, via Southern ports, at noon. Saturday. — The Rotorua, from Southern ports, is due about 7 p.m., und leaves for ou the 10th. KAIPARA. The brigantines Nightingale, from Melbourne, : and the Airlie, from Lyttelton, are both daily : expected for cargoea of timber. The Kentish I/iss is now ready for sea, and wiil sail tir3t opportunity. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVAL. llacgregor, s.s., McArthur, from Waitar.i. Passengers Mrs. O'Day, Misses Brassey and Simpson, Messrs. Groy, O'Brien, Letry, Pollock, 'iVattß, Stanley, Crocker, Hately, Honeyfield, Kowaon, G. Scott, Cork, Drury, Roberts, Joseph, Domingo, H. H. Kord, Quigley, Cole, ! and A. King.—A. Karnes, agent. LWAKT'JKH. I Latla Rookh, s.s., Kay, for Port Waikato. — j Waller and Co., agents. | The schooners Flrc-iwing and Clarinda are waitir.g for a change of windjtu unable them to prcicedl to Greymouth. Thf: Union Company's steamship Hawea should reach the wharf, from the South about fj.3o a.m. to-mouow. Bho b-ings the Southern oor'ion of the out-ward han mail. The s.s. ariived early on .Saturday morning from NVaitar;-.. She proceeds to Manukau Heads at 9 a.m. to-day on an excursion, returning x*ith pasaeniiers in time to catoh the 7 o'ulock train. To-morrow she leaves for Waitani.

T1 port c7 Auckland for quarter ending t"! su< y«. g G V m '^ C - t 3EE3K$A£&*$».,«. ■*£*, :; » »« c fo 5 , • Norfolk Wand 1 * 15 \ .i r , S ARRIVALS. mji •• ;; 2 '. n J n _ n DECEMBER 30. T , r ,,-, B IcoSk lV. .. 7 426 S> — a = = : yane, Leech, G bfitt QooJ, I Kotumah .. 1 <,» 5 r Quintal, Criot, aih.ei v, ci iprw iii. and 9 m — < — — " ♦ *. T °" " Si \"l~ -•■ fi c -;r s SS: StSKS:: :: :: i s » . CWftfiSfcaBy*'-* WS "• :: '■'• -2 «s "" ' « ' "" -

Vessels. Tons. ('r'" 1 *.'.'. Mr.roh quarter .. -S J4,42i) 1,-xJL i2i .lane ditto M SI ,51a 1.40:1 ft«. Sent. ditto .. i| .Wi l.-jlo ti_n l>ee. dit'-o .. J.i.,, Total .. •• S.KJ5 3,-i3 CLIiAltKI) OUT'.VAKiJS Vessels. Tons. Crew. p.-is. March quarter .. 27,0/3 .,f'l June ditto •• SO l-«0 HB» S,.„; ditto .. "'1 1,-iSI) 47.;. - t Uitto .. SO 4b., Total -• .. 203 117,UTS a.alt 2,170 Number, tonnage, and crews <.f veepr-ls of each nation, entered at tho port of Auckland, for ihi quitter ending 31jt December. ltSl' : — Ca/:co. i'*. rr.A'-r. Vessels. Toms. Crews. Via. Ts.C's. United Kingdom .. 11 l-',71fl C:jO — — — Colonial .. -• 40 1 ".'i04 031 3 470 -2 American .. •• 2 W? 1W ~ - - Herman .. 1 l-?n 1? - - - Norwegian .. -• 1 — Total .. •• 55 :I3,014 1,419 3 470 22 Number, tonnage, and crown of vaasois of each nation, cleared at the port of Auckland, for tho quarter ending December 31, 1SS2 Cauco. iii;.i.A)-.r. Vessels. Tuns. Crew. Vis. T'ns. C'w. UnitGd Kingdom G 3,075 41G 4 ;l,44:i To Colonial .. -. 38 11,023 597 1 270 12 American .. 2 G/'ilT 190 — Swedish .. .. 1 7 — Total.. .. 45 20,324 1,249 5 3,722 S2 QUARTERLY L\ WARDS. Number, tonnage, and crows of vessels entered

JJRITISII. „ , •\Vitli Carcues. in Ballast _ Vcs. Tons. Craws. Vis. Ts, (J U. Kint'dom .. 2 -',219 — §°&«U 0.900 585 4 2,069 59 Victoria -.1 23a 9 Norfolk Island . - /y 6 New Caledonia 1 39 4 — Fiji Islands .. 10 3,131 141 Island .. 2 220 12 — Cook Island .. 5 331 Sandwich 1. •• - o,4'wS JJa —• Suwarrow I. .. 5 United States.. 1 2C1 7 — Guam .. ■■ - J Total 42 20,09s 1,043 5 3,722 %2 FOREIGN". "With Cargoes. Yes. Tons. Crews. New South Wales 1 3.020 100 Sandwich islands.. •• ..1 o,0l/ jj United states 1 1&9 / Total 3 0,126 25G

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6590, 1 January 1883, Page 4


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