Su£—Bises.7.l7.; sets^^e. , ";. v ~.,..;; ~!. .'_ ~ MtK?K.Tf-|;irst quarter, titb tj s.4o*}*; ::":. ' ■:■: f:'^:: : l :\^'ARRSYi£s^ : r. ■'■ '.'-■: Zeiian!aV,P.M.-,s.s.', H, Webber, from Syd-. ney./ Passensers,for 'Aacklancl:— Saloon :-. Mr. ; and-Mrs. Allison,-. Misses Allison (2), Jtfrj and,. Mrs-rHay, '.tSua-'ifiyioT, Laura Taylor,; Bishop Saxgurt, Rev. H. B.r Macartney, Bev. J;. Dr., Pinchiny,, Messrs. J. ;B. Black, and son, Hughes,.:'Ste'e,n, ,and r Hunter. Steerage :'Messr«. Guppy, Crossley.AV. Barr, Tucknefl. K" Alclntosh, Kobertson.. In transit for Saa.Franciscp : id saloon'and -29jtoeragS.r-T, T. GambJe, agent. \ '■;., ; . ■■;-■■ >,: ■■■.;.' ?v : ' r -i Taiaroa, s.s., McGillivray, frem ievuka. Passengers-: Mr. and.Mrs. :Synnot., Mr. Elphin, stone, MisvYeith, Mrs. Perkins, Mr. H. L>a.vr~ son, and four steerage.— Union S.S. Qo; agents.. Argyle, fi.e., Crawford, from Whangarei,—A. McGregorj agent;;jv;; ( ; !;;j' '-,;■ J,.. ■;./..' •.'-.. """ Separtubes. Wellington, s-,s.i", for Kusseli.—a.-, McGregor, l agent.-' : -'•" - ; ' : ?'- ; ' "_ V,' "."'.".. ' Glerielg) s:s.,; Btephenson, .for: Tauranga.—A. McGregor,>agen't. '■ ' ' l '"^r''"'. ' "..' v "..' ".- Tarmow.fbrigantine, Simson.; for Kaipara.— Master,agent..■'■■''■- ,; -j,''"'.''''.. -'.' '.■:'_'"' '..- ".... Ficgal; S.S., Morris, for Mercury 'Ba.y.—A. McGregor, agent. ■' '■■■ <-'~ : "-'./':""'.; ;'. '"' ";.:; •':';; entebbp-in\?;abj>s. ' :; ;.,.:-" . Mendozav b&rque,; 495- tons,; Moore, from barque, : 688. toas, Shaw, from Iknie "Burr, barauentine, 649 toris, ; Byrne,. frora'New'Y«rk>-: .. \,.[: _■:-, , ■■:• --' ~ ■■ - ! ■• ■• ■: ■ Taiaroa,- a.e., 228 tons,.i McGilhvray,. from 53 tbnsv; Dunn, ijEfpm Tkuranga, ; BpioonW, 61 tbiie, from. RusaelL
- : >;-- ; - • ■'. ;■■;.; Per' Tftiaroa, l i frein. Levuka,: ,1656 bunches, 38- oages pines, 80 bags coboanuts, 17 bales cotton, 112 bags.maize, 65hide«, 4 bundles skins* 2bage^wooljaObags':bark, 6 cases limes, 3 packages eurips, 1 bag cdttsh seed, 7' packages atmdrieev : ~ IV - J ;j ' : 't~.. -"■'.- •-• - Per Vanguard, from London: "Plain cottons,' £1300 ; coloured Bottoner3e7oo; printed cottons, £8001 wpbllene tand\wprstedß, £300;, lineh,(in:' bales)! £100rWnJuucftee),_£300; hosiery, : iaberdftshery, ,£500.; .- apparel, ~£9OO;■ £400; -carpets; and rugs, t .£100;, TOunterjwßes',', £100;; vetraw. hats,"; r £lo9 ; ; leather £680 f saddjery.; £33) ; ; \floor- ; 'cloth,; £150; table baize, £20;: sewing machines, £90; lacifers",£llo; vestas;£i6O ; iagrioultural imple : . £80;' cgnouttiifal.machinery, and:' general machinery;: £200.;Y,b00t5,.H820; paper,' 100 cwt.'; statienery, £500 ; . upholstery;, £260-r«ifon" beaste«de,'.£B ; 9; brushware, £79:; plated'aind papier-mich'S, goods,; £40;! toye,£ipO; piaooei ; £320; clockyiind watches, £10;.. ; per-; fumery, £30;- agricultural an<J .gatden. seeds,. £l4O':'ch> ind'infchors, two. tons; hardware cutierri"£looo;: bar aßd ; rqd,rrbh, 2 tons; galvanized iron,' 5S tons ; yellow metal,' ,l-.tbn,j tin plates" 265 boxes; cwt,; ireli nails,; 18 tons •'" wire aiad' wire" rope ; ,; 36 tons ;.zinc,; 5 tons'; linseed oil,' li9ogaUs;; turpentine3ogalls.; ■whitings 10 tons; paidt'cjolqurs, £250'; flint glass, £50* window.glMS,'£6o' , ;,.'china and earthetiT, ware £380 ; iBBO.-;-'/cordage,. £40 ;,.lineV; , tons ; Cmarble, .: £86 iJ eemeht,'sOObarrels; brandy, lnbulk, 1000, 'eaQairbrandy, incase, 560igaUa;,rum,20 galls;' cordiiie. 20 galls ; British Spirits, ia bulk, 1320 galH;" BritUhspiritsiih baseV*lpO galls ; foreign spiriWJ*i<>i i^^d,'2o^U8i ;'red wine, ■wbitie wine, 510 g&Ui; b'e4r(glase),;39 barrels";;: not , rated, £40"; assQrted oil-: mek's stbree, £490 ; J .mirieral water, ,£29;' vineBtarisn, £S0; white tops ; soda, ojystalß,,, 38'tpns';'8.iliQ%te'i;5':tons';; candles;' British and Foreign,' .465cwtV;. raisins,/ '38owfc; 'currant?,;, 64cwt.; aimdndsi ginger, lOcwt.'; treacle,, 15cwt./cpnKctionery^"ahd/pee1,;.£05.;; "appthe : .. cary jiixe, £100'j : sulphur,"lo6wt.; cream.tartar,' scwt.Y condensed, milk r £170. J 'Jptal ;declaiM T^d6«fc>rgo,'£i7,9oo.;; :~.:i7.r:.\ :;:„!.'. :^\ 159ci«e8 nailsi'o , cases starch, 25, cases Belt., herring»j''BQ Heiei fin platesi;l2.framesrYotjihg and T.lipr.;Hall, Sjßd'Oojr l '**/;';.' '.••' " .':i *'~".? ...:>.,.- ■-,•-: l-bate'.umo'ti-.iicks,'6' casea''fttrnilure,;2"cases, chairs, 3'caseefiron' yeiij^Man.'^blinds,,"2,j,oases, faiacy 'golSds^fal cases! linpleumi 3 task's 1, irpn-. Winks and Ha 11.., ■];,= "'.,;..}'». t'-JJ,, s i"caae cask',,ttles,.lease, o£ aihiline dy'es, iacaeeaot druggists!, sundries, 7; i»ses of chemicals,;T.;B.;Hill..- -_-. ■',-; 5 leases "TUanhy's 1- washing powderi, ,&!M) [bage; finei salt r rloo^j»ags,.,coarse, 50;"cases'Iwhite sfarcti, 1 cases Brown, Bar«tt, Iwia;c!p.;fV;^,:,':,,1wia;c!p.;fV;^, :,':,, ';..: lVx ;. TerMeridbzi,"from' Liverpool: 8 cases iron ,;'.;.;:,.;. Per;' Annie Burr, from New; York ;,3180 cases., keroee'nfe'oilf 225,d0 tuirpentine,lso,barrels resin, 260"',bar|fe"ls plaster, ; 10 barrels/piteh, Iβ barrels tar i?'caiies varnish, 26 cise»'.ln.bricating! oil, 50., bales' pakußi,'s<) casee exes; 32 caseagriadatoneß, 28 ficale3,"2s cases shovels," 14 cases machinery, 179 .packages .hardware, 9$ packages agricultural, implemetttß, ;11. packages harrpwe, 10 packages' cases'plpughs,B..cases,meat cases' 3 cases braces,'s,<?ases, saws, e^^c/jrrTshellßrs,;6 cas'es"fly ; traps, 800: reels anol ; 21 barrels wirejlOrpackages windmills,", 20 barrels foundry facingiw 15 ;cases. bolts, 48 cases ia?m mowers,' 3" 'caseir plumbs'aad levels,. 13 cases^platedware, J C 2 ,cases_ s'ewipg machipes,.' 1 J case u bpring ; : 'machine,' 127 cases' handles, 190 eases 'cnaire, ",305'cftseslcl6tlie3 pins, 22 cases hubs suo* spokes,' 22 : pacVages' shafts and poles,' 24 cases rims, 12 ewes felloes, 3 caaes carriages, 12 J 'caaes i b.rooms,Vl2:'cases" wringers, 100 pack aeis''' waShboardeV ,33''packages; woodware, 41,' 76 rMkachprHs, 50kegs casings, 1065 oars, 6 cases pe'rsinibttlatfars, 1. piano, 100 37. cases T mHnufactured to-, bae'eo; 53 J-boies'manufactiared tobacco, 12 pises table sauced 50' cases "bysteiraj 50 caws lobsters,' 150 ; cases dVied ap'ples,'2o'cases hops, 20cases' cotfflpux, 45^^ '20<cases drugs/110 tbarrSta^^sugar/i'oasei ? cigar«tfcesy97 \. black-". tng, 80 .caaes blueing, 45 jars,. 25' cafe's-Blafe'mantels,';49 esses 1 elates, 15 packages elaeewWe, 16 pack'eges v leather,', 78,; packages s''cases .beltingj''6;cases hose, 14 bales 'duck;' 12.J)arrels;'ink, - 18*'cases ; sj;bne, 5 sla'tes.
IHWABPS , from. -Who.?.: ngareirvwi'tli 95 tone'; Onward, tons: coalV-Taaranga, from jßnssell|.:with 90, tons. coitV-I*aßa^ngi,"from Ohore, with ,24 bags Ktim, 12 bags fuhgiis; Leo, ml. frpm ; Thames,. with -23,000 fee 6 timber;* BZiipmtiiJlda,.:vnth29,ooo feet eawu timber, 8000 fibiiigtesy Ifiana, from Mercury Bay, •witW2o,oo(f-fee!t'- timber; Tauranga, 30,700, feet sawn, timber*; Gein, from: 23,6dQ.'f eet sawn^timberi'Grifßn, from Kuasoll, ■with SO tone coal. . , ''■'.'. '■','< , ■■;,.- . ;-., OpxWABD3 CpAßTWiSTE.— : sr.ina, for Mercury Bay,.-.witb.,2 tons" potatoes, .1000 bricks, and sundries"; 'Cygnet,.foriWhangaroa, with.a oargo of sundries ; Tptara, for .Port.Charlos,,.in ballast; Gem, for Ngungnrn,' in ballast; Onward;, for^Oqrpmandel,. with, 54 "tons, coal (original Oirgo).'.;;; ■-... <y- -,■•■,'.'-i. '■-: .-••;- . .;.•>. .:. Ihe'.STealaadia's cargo for San Francisco,con-: gists of sSßo.packages of Australian produce. The brigantine Ryno entered oat attho Gastoms yesterday for Sunday Island. ..".., ,'. t ~ The ' 8.8.: Argj^lβ..arrived; last night -from Whangarei,,bringing,-a ,few passengers and a email cargo.>f produce. ...... _ . . The barftue Caberfeidh arrived as ffelensville from-SydneyVon.Saturday evening in ballast, after'a, very .rough passage of over, a month.-, In consequence of easterly gales, she to keep offthebar sixteeridayß. / . : ./.,,.- TheTJnion Co.'s steamer Kotorua will the South about,the beginning of the. weiskj and will leave"for, Sydney-oaTuesday &9xt»- .■■ ~\y < .''-': C "•,''• ';'*.' ' ; ' '" The new steamer, Jlahapouri will arrive from Melbburhe and the J South pn. Thursday, and will return South dn'Saturday. '• ... ; The Union steamer Taiaroa arrived from.LeTulc&earlyyeßterdayjmorning, bringing a large cargo of'. island produce, arid a few passengers. i: Thp is kindly supplied by.Captain-MoGilfivray :—Left Aucklandon Friday, 2nd inst., at 6 Arrived at Bay ; 6f-Islands on Saturday, at 6.40 a.m.,' and Ba^i;^ox'^TO^»\ l .W'"T?ssv..p.i|(i;''/ott the same eyening^^*ith,: }}<& .'i4?S^ e ??3^ : ' thickwith; ,ra&1^:On ; Sunday, experienced fresn gale from N.i-teVWiS.'W.'Witb.liewry, croee eea; (from : thence kadf reih N; and N. W. wind* and rainy weather till ■Wednesday, 7th. Sijhted KandaTu -/.t&&r;.i'- .nVirJ :■:*- i~.K-t%*.\\ ,:':'■: r. v i- ■;:;■■.:...
-Island 08-Thursday,, T-., Xevuta at 5 p.m. same day. XefrLsvuka, ob Saturday, I,oth inst., at 1 a.m:; for/Suva, arrived at latter place at 7-39 a.m. ;-sailed again for £evuka on Sunday, 11th at 10.45 at 4 i 5 p m. ' Sailed for Auckland on Cne»day, 13th at midnight. Experienced • fresh E, and ■'Sγ- b' winds for first two days, thence to arrival south-west. and aoiitHerly winds... Sighted the Poor Knights oh Sunday, at 2 i>.ra., and a-™tV ed ia Auckland as above. ~; On Sunday sighted a barque making for this port about 30 miles to 'the N.B. of Poor Knights..'The.,Taiaroa will return to Levuka on Friday. , v , ~ i The barque Coleen (Captain Barclay) Bailed from Gravesend. for Auckland on April, 21st and passed Dover, on the same day. / - ■ ; The Home News of May Bth intimates that the Famenoth has been floated and towed ■baok to; London. In the inquiry London into the stranding of the vessel, the Court was of opinion, 'the master, Captain William Cowan Auld, ought to have sent one: of the tug 3 in pursuit of the beat which was lost, and so attempt to save . the lives of the five. men. -who'.mfthned her. Blame was also attached to him .' for. not' having seen that a good look-out was, kept, and accordingly it was lcoßsider,ed 'necessary to suspend his certificate':for 'three! ; months. The Court attributed the, stranding of the vessel to the errors of navigation oh the p*rt'. of the pilot, Mr. [ Taylor, ■whp was drowned. ".:• ■■■■ ... .':•
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6424, 20 June 1882, Page 4
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1,261SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6424, 20 June 1882, Page 4
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