Merchandise. ___ rKLEPHONES TELEPHONES TELEPHONES TELEPHONES TFXEI-HONES Pit'l KI , HONKS IKLibl JIOWEb rin i.-TμmxKS " v ">™ "" t,,in s s - ,,0U1 fast ~Klt wll!ch i 3 « ooJ '" TELEPHONES JTLEP ONES nkl'l'HNllElMKß & CO.. AUCKLAND, TELEPHONES I'KI KI'IIONES \J IIAVK °- v saij:: TELEPHONIvS TKU-iI'JLONKS J'ATEKSON'S EI3ONITE IJKLL TKLEWIONES. TELEPHONES Cakiion Ti;ans.mittkrs, with ]shu.s, Piaci:, tki V'l>irn\KS TKLIOPHONKS X 3 Wi Each. ' .-H- > ONKS rv\v\> . \ LECLAUCHE IJATTEHIES (comi', tKLKIMIONES TKLKI'IIONI'is r,:,CE < 7s (i " KA< "' TKLKI'HOXKS TKLKPHONKS v.",; v ~ „ Irn^fnviN TK[ K • ON KS As 5»"1,,1,!,,5»"1 ,,1,!,, '" "'; r 'iovenimuMt »n.l m-l Oiiic TICJjK PHONES TKLKI'IIONIOS »' «-."B>«'»« 1 «-»> b> iiuy 0t1,,r,. T i. :LK |. HO K KS TELIOIMIONI'i's OITICNIIELMER &, CC Inrpnnw I hl/I',l liOiS !'..-> Also t.He orilors for Tii'll.'l'UnX'K's Tr.'im\T< I'ATI-niaOX'S KI.KCTIiICAF. SIM-IM.I KS, KI.I'XTKIC I:KfJ,S, TELEPHONES 'I JNDICATOItS, I'CSIIKS, SI-KAKINii TlliKS i, WIKE. T • m\ S TELICPJIONES TELEPHONES TELEPHONES TELKPHONES TKLKI'HONKS I "' r* AIFO Li T AIJITIT TE E T Jl. 1
The Red Thread in used in the name manner as i th<! Gru'-n, liut is socially for children, i M. Hmv. also recommends n particularly (jood kir.<l of K'.ft to<it)i-l)rnsh nwdc of the. lincrt badger-hair, and I ' bis Orange Tooth Paste, for the removal of tartar and whitening the. faith. 'j"o i.'Hiinl .•.μ-iinst. connt'-rfeitinp, hny ODly those twth-lnii'hcs which an: ?tmnp«l on tin: hundk- with tin- name "Snr-z." and tlmsn lyittlc-i which ton- tho wurrls '• WILCUX A: CO., 2iW..C'xford Struct, London," on the l.ibcH A'.-niv.i in Australia f FFXTOI-T, C RIM WAIVE, & f.-.., JU-llrarnu; KM.IfVJT TiHoTIIEK.S, iSvdnny; liLl.lO'iT IJHuTIIRKS & Co., Brisbane; FAIM'.DING- & Co., A-Ic-laWi-. In S.-w Zealand: Kl.UiTll'jfcNß, J'K'iKSKK, h Co., Iluntdin, Auckland, Cmistchurcb, ::n-l Wflliut'toa. -.- " « J, 10 ! A I. K ! A L K ! 51 JAj SJ'KUJIIT A CD.'ii ui'.sKiii.v ali: I'|-m:i'lx ali; At -Js ci p':i-~G:illon on the J'remisc:--. \.\XX (I .V JSUTTI, K), Quarts, i<» ; l'ints, Cs. jjdivcred. Soi.k AtiKNTS : -M. WHITE & CO., JIOJiSOX 1!I'I1.I)IN(^, Sporting. AZA a D> UUNMAKER ICG.I, QUKEX-RTIIEKT, AI(,K I.A> D, AfJKXT KOK \V. &C. .SCOTT ifc ?ON : .S AND roH HAY MKKKICKS & COS. KOSI.IN I'OWDEK MILLS, KUI.NTiI'RI.'H, llcljs to aiiii'iiui'.-e tli:il he has n.inoved to Umiiorary olTetiiiSata. ./oiisidcraiTlt! r<-dui;tinn on fo'rmer prices, Ilii: vtlmiv of i->* nTOCK UK AK.MS, including Lhiimncikss and C'hokcbore Guns. bv -Scott, "Wtbley, Hollis, Illand, and other wcll-kno-vii makers. .Single and Jioublo Tin nml Ccntnil I'ivc !;rcccli-loadin; I 'lulls, Sintfle and Uotlblo I .Muz/le-Inailint- <;nn.«, Kiflts, Itcvolvcrs, i'istnls. I'owdtr Klasks, l'oucbcs. G.irac and Cartridge Bags and Jic-ltf. Cartridge Turnovers and lie-cappers, Ijirek.i and Champion Air Pistols. Harts, and slugs, 1 Cutlery. Kircworks. etc. Cim's made to order, and all kinds of Repairs exc- - cuted in the best ftyle on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable prices. IGSa QUKEX-STREET. DEVITT, Gunmakcr, 244, Queen O ftreet, Auckland, orposite tho Market 2 huiiFc. EsuWifhcil, lMli.—AlHii.vs in stock and to h arrive bv direct iinjiortation from England, made to t advertiser's own orders :—Chokcbore lirecch-loading Guns Double and Sinfrle Muzzle-loaders, Brcecboading Revolvers, lircccii-loudinj i:ook and liabbit Ritles, Game Jiags, Gun Cases, I'owder Flasks, Shot s I'ouches a'.id everv article necessary to complete the outtit of a sportsman. An assortment of every description of Kevolver Cartridges, and all the best IJramls in Sporting Powders are imported direct from the makers by tho advertiser, who can guarantee r their pood quality. Cartridges for the Entield, Snider,'and Terry "Rides. Metallic Cartridge Cases, ', Chilled Shot, and" other specialities always on band. Country dealers liberally dealt with. Guns lie- , stocked", J'.iwncd, i c ., and every other kind of Firearms Kepaired at reasonable prices. Notice.— ■ Just to hand, a lot of good serviceable CF. Cliokcbore Breech-loading Guns, cheap. The largest stock in Auckland to clioo-e from. Also, in stock a large assortment of Fireworks of the best quality. Kisliing .1 Tackle Local Industries. e mo GEXTLKMEN FURNISHING.— |_ Foil Sale—2 lar-jo winged Wardrobes of rich r. mottled kauri and Kewarewa, with silvered plate * class fronts, fitted with polished mottled kauri drawers iiiil travs; 1 Kscretoire of picked New 3 Zealand" woods ; and several .Chests of Drawsrs of difabove goods are universally admired, aud have alwayj c civeu treat satisfaction. WILLTA.IIXORRIE, ~ Mottled Kauri Cabinet slanufactlirer, : Tow of Sbortland-streot. '~ HYDRAULIC LIME TRADE.'W' MARK. J.Wilson&Cr AUCKLAND, NiZ. rpiIIS LIMK is a natural commit, suitable -3- for i-cmcreti-, brickwork, plastering buildings, • tanks, etc. i, CONCUKTK HOr.SES, built and j.laUcreil with ', tills lime, will nut iiist more than ton per cent, ove the same in wood. TiIKY AUK ALJIOST FIIiKPUIHiK, insurance nominal, are jicrfectly dry, easily ventilated, warm in , rei.aiVs'. are hnprowiVbv'a«'; ""tV.II Voofs^iifay j»t, struetc-d. and μ-ive a maiznilicent view. TIIK Kl'LLl-'.ST INFORMATION aiveu to those undertaking- ci-ncrrte work, our object being to make it popular, and sell the materials. Also. BRICKS, SAND, PIPES, &c. Ask-for Wilson's, and sec that each bag bears tho trade mark, as none are genuine without it. Oilice: SI, Norwich Union Queen-street Hallway Wharf. N.i:.-s,de agent fur the above Lime anil Mulam's liricks. Good sucks bought. ■JPKICEMAN'S BAY SOAl' WORKS; SAUKDERS &"GILBERD, SOAI , AND CANDT.E MANTVACTrKIKS, Victoria-street, Auckland. R .t 0. having enlarged tlieir Fai t.-ry to doubk> its arc luiw in a position to complete with any faclurk-s in -New Zealand or New South AVale.--. 'Hie yearly increase of their trade, which lvas rendered the alterations uuavuidablc, is Ihe best s uar;»nteo of the suyeriui character o.' their goods. A Trial is respectfully solieitci , .. - I m JLCS. J. J i AIIBU TT, tiii: IT-Al'Ai /'IOKX I">KOi.)M CUSTOM UOUSE-bTKEKT "WEST, - ' Trices from 12s till per dos. Go I F, _T AzE YDRAIN PIPES, CHIMNKY POTS, V.ud—Nearly oprosite Gas \Vo:ks. Secundclass lipts. cheap. VrUe at the Auckland Ar,riadturcl Society SJiuir, held or VcrnnWr 9, J-VM). PO R T M A N T E A U S ! ! W M-y.' , .' , .;.!.". Mi-.nufr.ctnrcr of ?.:i i;-i.i!s o[ Portmasteavs h.U.11.S- TVUI 1 MM. Tlil-XliS, IioNNtT Honk:., 11 m am> Gi-s Cams. Travellers' Man.,.1., Ca.-.-.-y.u.l Leather Cas, s of every Best Coloiilal Leather aud sold Knitlii-li I'ri.-es. ia-KepiUrs neatly and promptly eiecuted. 20, GliliV-STSIitT, AUCKLAM'.
This vnlnnlilo Fpcdflc for Toothache and nil maladies of the month is named iiftir its inventor, M. t "m/and is the most, mlnnl-lo discover? of t!,o .U"-, iiiinmnoli in the use of it rnsuriw entire freedom n from Toothache audclocay of the teeth. There i .irr. three kinds disfinpiisb-l from each other liy« ; , Yellow, Green, and Red silk, thread nltaeh'd tj 'The Green Thread must be considered the most t valuable of nil. :in<l should he nsrd ns :i dnily mouth- v wash 'Hio-ii' who miITV r periodically fr.mi toothache, u sensitiveness or Ch, ; lc-tli and Kiim*. decay and ..irrn-.-in: breath, will never suffer aKiiin, and will preserve tlifir , t«!uMi sound and whito mill theend, liy n-int' t«:n or . twelve <lrri[w in :i llttlo olvr, Vj rinse till; rooutli well . liitdil iiiKl nioriiiii" , The Yellow Thread iii'tanlly icinovie tootU< .. neb", how.".-cr violent, it may b". "_ AUCKLAND AGRICULTURAL AND .MERCANTILE Co. (LIMITED). Capita i £100,000. GKNKKAL MJiKCILAXT.S, SHIPPING COM MISSION, IT.oCH, AND CHAIN .MERCHANTS, IMrOKTKKS OF IiKNKKAI. MKKCHANMSi:, SKKDS, 1 AKMI.Ni: I.Mn.KMKNTH, MACIUNKKV, M.lNrilKS, KTC. Xos. i) a.mj 11, Quekn-stkket, Auckland, on sAi.i: J fOBACCO- Yenur, Tobacco, -;10. live:-', Sixes, &C. liver thn \V;itor, -', 10] iTKIAIW-ln variitv VF.S'i'A.S-i;i-y;iiit .n; May's aijj and 2.0 Jiell .* V.UMa ' ~ K. Hell's t'lSll—Dutch Ancliovics, and Ant-liovy Katiro 100 rases I'rosli I..,ljsters, .lust arrived ](!■) cii'scs'Albert .Vγ., Sardines, J and J "ottkii ANLi riu:si:iLVi:i) mkats iAUCKS -Lea i: I'orriii's half-iiints and iiints Ul.-,on'.s J'oniato, .\cc. Mellor'nliiilf-iiints and pints Capers, Chiitiicy, Ksnence of Anrliovios -:SKKXU': OK I.ICMON AND ASSOKTKI) JUIKI) IUITI's AMI liOTTi.Kil I'KUn'.S--fiO cases and barrels Currunta 4i) cafs Mleme IlaisiHS Vim. Suit mas, and .Umcatcls roNIIXTIuNiiKV -- Keillors Mixtures; l'qiperWal.r,' ' ",,',, ii .lii-uhes. I'a-tiles, I'andie'l Peel Celntinu LozellKes l;oiled Coiifuctioiicry, assorted .TICLATIXK M(,ii:oi:icK-roininon and Polazzi .IAMS -I'eamcli's. .Inlmslim's .IKI.I.IKS-Crosse .t Jilackwcll's M U:.MAI.M)K r.ij eases, Keiller':! anil I'.nrnci T.MLTAIiIi: Afll) AXI) (JItICAM OF T.\KTAU Ul-CAKIiOXATIi OF SOJJA—7O kcßs Ui-earbonate cf Soda WASHING SOT)A—IO tons in 3-cwt. casks WJirn.VU-.;. tons in 3-cwt. casks BAKING POWniCIt-.-Miller's, Berwick's, BrownVs r.urgcss , , and Hudson s SEEDS—.i stock on hand. Rape, Canary. Carraway, ilemp. and Linseed, in casks and tanks ITAMS and liACON—Cant#rbury ,10 eases very tine Canterbury Cheese, fi.'.d liCTI'KU— ao koxsT.ininaki anil Auckland Butter COCOA—Taylor's, Fry's, Epps", and Van Jlouton'a COC»A and'MILK -Fry's CHOCOLATE—ChocoIate Taste and Cream, Chocolato and Milk COFFKK—(ircund for us, and put Hμ in various sized BISCIIT—We keep in stnekand sell Mennio & Dey's L:mil)'s, I'.yi-roffs, St., and provide any kind nr description wanted OATMi:>L —l tonsin stock °EAUL Ji.ARLEY—OnIy Southern Barlcv at present in stock silAPJ's, i:i:a\ fliWI, WIIKAT—A cond stock ahvays on hand FLU!■R-YVc.ud's \'erv Suiieriar Flour in sacks ar.d Sllll.ll lfflL'S RKU s'l'AU — 1.'.0 tons Flour This Flour we place before our customers with comiden™ ; it is sinuiid in Auckland for us, from the best wheat we could procure in the Colony. OATS COll>~ Fl.ol'U — r.rnwn and l'olson in S and lib. packets. 10 cases Johnston's, Wade's. 10 cases .Mmm'sMaizena VKAYK'S aii<l XF.STM-rS FOOD I'VnCNTOUoATS—ltobluson's Croats and Barley P.ICK-0 tons .lava. ic. SAC:o, tapioca, AUIIOWIIOOT, and SPLIT Pi:.\S—A lar--e stoelc Ml"ST.\l:l> Column's .Mustard, D.S.F., Superior, and Durham, in 511). and 71b. tins CURlillv I'oWlifcli —lu cases Crosso .t Wackwell's, and li.nnes' SUtiAP.S—IO tons Melbourne and Sydney, and Man. l-'iii Vl-llow TEAS-α lame slotk on hand COAKSE AND FINK SALT—I"O tons Woston ar.d Westall's linr.-u brand in l-c-.vt ba:s STAIICII- 110 ci-es Colluans and O. Juurs' White and 111 lit Starch BLUE -1.-.0 boxes lUirgess' I.i;ht blue. This article we have manufactured for us. We make allowances to wholesale buyers Kecketts lllne BLACK INi; -J leases Day and Martin's Paste Blacking '.i k-invls in small'and Medium Bottles RATH |:I:ICK--I0i-;im.-s, each ■> doz. P.LACK I.KAD—I cases Ni\eys 1 oz. and 2(17. l> kets KI'SOM SALT- 10 cases, Till? boxes, 1 oz. packe PIPKS-liiii cases T. l>. and Cuttv fire's. Fii.Li:i:s i:.m:tii. iiakxess POLISH, KNIFE POLISH, INK, &c, .Vc. PAPEIv AXI) P.\Pi:U BAGS—JO bales, viz., Brown Paper all sizes, Grey Royal Hand, Pink. Blue, am! '1 is.-uc Paper. Gay, jlrown. and Blue Paper Bairs. Confeeliouers , and Bakers' Paper [Jags PAIX KILI.EP., PILLS. OINTMENT. \i:..«:c. SOA P-A lar-e stuck of ilillerent qualities fro.n common I.V- civl. to the- Blue .Mottled, tc, Uimniel's and Glycerine Soaps, Scented Soaps SPICKS—Mix.-.l Si.iec'. Pimento Cloves, -Nutmi'SS, i innamon, Whule and t.Jromid Ginecr, Ac , Biack and White. Pepper, Whole ami Ground OILS, and PICK l.lCfj—-JCO cases -Morton's, BarnesV<c., Salad oil IS cases llora's and Morton's Ci.stor oil 10 cases lied Hair Oil M cases Pickles, Morton. Whylmnv. Barnes, &c. TWIM'.S - Tf'ulbs. Fine Coloured Shor. Twiat-s VINKGAi; lu Cases and Casks WASHING POWDEKS The Auckland A,;iK-ultur:il and Mucamilo Company nill mal.e liberal aiivanees on Kauri Gum. Wool. 'Pillow, and olherlVilonial anil Island Produce, for shipment to London. O. W. lilVl'N'. :»lana:-in.v- Director. Wo 8. L A u KJ E VOK SALE: JS tons Galvanised hon, r, to 10 feet SO casks Sheet Zinc No. 9 to 11 Shout and Pis Lead 00 ke : ,-s Nails-Wire, Kwkiuk, . le. 11l cases Munli! Metal, Felt, and Nails I.". 1)..1es O.rii.-.iclvs to tons Fencius Wire, plain and b.'.vled Oars, all len-t'i--1,0 drum.; i Uls, Raw and Boiled Coi.-.a ;.O case.; Castor Oil 2.'M) tons W. and W. Coarse and Fine Salt On ham] and to arrive, 0 ton:; BoiU'.lust and liotietlour i> tons Superphos! hate of Lima Mclis Slii.i't Oalj 10/IUVKDJIAM-STP.I'.KT. -_ . _ _^_____ WIKK AKIJ SI'IHIT JIEUCHAKT, 5, ]jo\vi:h Qukkn-stih:i;t. Hcnne.-sy'ii and MaiteU's I'.'andy CuiiibeUtown and lalay Whisky Whtskcy Ol<] Jjiiiiaici Rum Geneva Gin Old Tom ililto Fine Old Madeira Port and Sherry, in wood and bottle Champagne, pints and quarts Auslralian, While and lied, pints an Guiuuess's Uublin Sti.ut, ditto Whittbrcad's Londun Stout, dittu Bnrlon-t Ale ditto rruLE cotton von. kkw zkaland. .1. " C IT A U \V 1C K\S. KOTiiD foil STUKXtiTII, KI.AST CITY, AND FKh'KDUM H;u.M KNOTS.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6362, 8 April 1882, Page 2 (Supplement)
Word Count
1,936Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6362, 8 April 1882, Page 2 (Supplement)
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