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Medical. A FEW OF THE QUR Esj Q.USS C O TT Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt r, have been troubled with nervous del,ill,. < 'If.-r eight years, brought on, as you h*v» -~i " :h « Put Canterbury Times, by the indiscretion fc? 1 in I have .pent score* of pounds a m with with another, but nevor revived th.» benefit. Some said that I had heart that I was consumptive, but when I wrote to . ' the Rakaia you explained my sy nip to mi J that I was induced to come to town Z Ull r you told me you could treat me e.lUAiistopping and attending to tny work as in i, •**" tr by coming to town. 1 waa unlit for work to come to town for a .'pell, as I could nei'thl '" sleep. My mirnl wandered ; I had a desir, , »cr from company, and yet when alone ror ; was hateful to mo. I was troubled'with hidooua dreama, and was in that low n* which made mo sometimes fe*»l as if »4e\th 770,13 happy release. Slv he*d ached, my hear-*?'! 1 ' 1 > violently, I would start aim at at my own -y, i mind, in fact, was not ju> own I ro , • rival in town, when you wen? in Manchester ° r V. I you then told me that it would lake - the very least to efft-ct a cure and comply siactly with your instructions • if" 1 would not guarantee a cure. lam now t,, ' o; . that I did as you told me f, the very r. ~MP; V 10 hours and habits, and that now, after the 1 * teen weeks, my memorj is restored, mv come strong again, my mind has to » can enjoy company, and, in short, Richard* 1 again. I should not go to the trouble of d*J minutely my sufferings, but that 1 knowrf young men who are living secluded li T A 3 Jj. 50 j inga are precisely what my own were befo-e f , yon, and who, although in health, would v^ 51 ' amiable and estimable pernons, are looked gloomy, morose, and unsociable men simnW ? JQ « of that phase of tho disease which I s hatred for company. If this should be read k* 1 * 3 ' 1 those persons, suffering w I did. and ther V- T L . to apply to you for relief, 1 will Vk ,a ' s:i^ will say after a few week* that thev neve? j!-? more profitable sum of money than when 0a: 1 to Professor Guscott.—Believe me vmir-t'K** 3 * Richard Dobson. F.S.-I return mr L v row, and I know noy frie d- there will be r * astonished at mv present appearance v;»» b Christcliurch, Jan. 20. IS3O. " To Professor Guscott. South Town Belt, d happy to present you with the gravel Vou mft. You will find upon weighing U that t* G 5 weight is 14 grain. In doing so I mav st*J\i * j to consulting you I had tried all the'medical'™ Fnr? town, without obtaining any relief. ® 0 ing Mr. Williaiaa of this town, he related t* you had him of the same complaint and o! lt advised me to consult you. This 1 relu'ctantlv vf 1 ' I had become quite disheartened with ihi'u i hitherto only proved attempted cures an,? mately resulted in absolute failure. Mtor'iri a short trial, however, I became ? - Vr - a Q was nc attempted cure, and n victions quite correct, for in 15 daya 1 Was — l 0 in a perfectly sound state of health. lam Wi"w in Asliburton.—l am, yours ever trulv J,,hn it.. , e Jan. 9,1831 " : a To Professor Gusscott, South Town Rclt rv 5t church: IVar£ir, —1 have Ion? been wi«> in<»\ o you a testimonial for the successful \nr in wwi,"' 9 tt treated me. I have baer. under ?uV eral dS'-* this town, and I never received any relief qc-Vt applied to you, and in four d ivs "1 found / 3 thanks to your herbal treatment' I lived wi'h Campbell as farm managor for one vear aril • months in the district of New Brighton chri«trhnJ? I was bad oir and on for four years ; but when 12,1 to you it w«s a very difficult jul> for we to get iu iIJ j out of the cart, my wifo having to assist n;e. I ' CIT been a great martyr, but, thanks to Providoace in two months you restored me to perfect health. Wi? ' nessed by George Newton, who w.w staving a , house. Believe me to be yours, ever fe'ratefuf, ' Wildsmith. Crescent-road, Knkhtdiown 22, 1880. ' To Professor Gusscott. Sir,— Having been treats with asthrnr- for the last seven years, on severai sions I have been propped up in bed. and uianvUtM d 1 had to get up and walk to get a breath of &i r had become so bad that I was not able to n> my business ;in fact, 1 had become a burden to nr. self and tho people with whom I was ftoppia?" tc *^ en i came to you, you told me all uiy sj3i{>;osy which gave me confidence to place myseif under roar . treatment, and being a believer of herbs, and st'ota the large assortment in your establishment, *nd the references from other sufferers the?anieasmrjf!f in looking buck to the time of my buffering so 'loij] and spending so much money without receiving mj ® benefit from the treatment until I applied to toz. T remain, yours ever thankful, Donald .Smith, (;'r e ii , King-.strt'et, Dunedin. May 30th. To Professor tius.scott. South Town Helt. Pei; Sir,—Permit me to tender my grateful acktio*; r lg. ments to you for tho benefit I have reccivc-d fn>a your herbal treatment. Althout:h I liave bcenunitr the rare of several doctors, but I never received any II benefit fzom them, but got weaker in body asi f' mind daily, so much .so that / was aimost worn to 1 ;r skeleton ; but hearing of the wonderful cure? you hil made, I made up my mind that I would come mi consult you. When I came to you, von explained all my symptoms so minutely that I was perfectly «itiv '' tied to place myself uadcr your treatment, \cuul! me that you would make a perfect cure of me Wire Sf pounds, for whicli I gave you a chequo fc: the ' ' amount. At that tiir.e everything that 1 eat w t at sonr on my stomach, w;is constantly rift r? *' and gas. I had a cm-i. -mal paipitation and vfcNst I pains under the lef« breast, pains between the V shoulder blades. Iha i always cold chills, coldhan-U and feet, and felt as if some one was pouring c4i water down my back. I am happy now to its'cra c * you that lam free from ali my former cnmplaisu. I can liow eat well and sleep well, ami J shall alwarj be happy to recommend anyone suffering from ty same Believe mo to be, yours ever grateful, Mr< Birnie. Kaiapoi Island, kaiapoi, iSovemberr l:tii 1831. ' Professor Gusscott, Christchurch. Sir,—l pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy*! your tonic for curing fits. Sly wife was for two years subject to that distressing complaint, but after ciin; your tonic for the spaco of two month?, I am happy to say she has found herself thoroughly cured. lias not had an attack for wx months, Sh« alw suffered much from spasms of tho stomach, and 113 happy to say the medicine has been beneficial i: curing that also, which gives me great cnr.Sdsec n your herbal treatment. I shall recommendyourtcac as superior to anything my wife has tried before. The cure that yon have p-*rfonn«d is a blessing nh;;, and I, and tho family. Believe ine to be voors er»: grateful, Thomas Coleman, Port Lytttdton. To Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt. Sir.—f think it my duty to give you my testimonial ia tU respect of the curative treatment of your Herbal Tonic. 1 have been suffering from liver complaint for sevsnl years ; in fact, 1 was so bad that 1 was not able t- 1 itr tend to my business. .My face was as yellow 13 rli I could not eat—not sutticient for a child Wba I did, it lay in a hard substance in mv stomach. I continually rifting wind and gas, always constipate-l m palpitation of tho heart, with a continually pain. I had cold chills running down my back. I«!l3 not sleep on my left side. It is quite unnece<sirr f;r me to tell you that I have tried several tbinria chemists' shops, but I found it was only money throw away ; but hearing of so many who have betn osier your treatment, and all of them shaking so highly vou, I thought it better to give you a trial. Mid Ue happy to say that after two months of your treifce:*. lam a new man. I can now eat hearty, and ererv. thing agrees with me. With many thanks, I myocn respectfully, William Jenkins, Armagh-street. ruary 21,1551. To Professor Gusscott, South Town Belt. SirHaving been troubled with liver complaint and ingestion, so much so that 1 was compelled to leijt my work, I was troubled with pains in thepitcft-' stomach, and seeing so many of your cases s>rsf3 of in the newspapers, and being told by several, tu. you can tell what is the matter with any one btww asking, I thought that you would be the man fcrne to apply to. You told me when 1 came to see j:* just the same in every sense as I felt, thereforel made up my mind that I had struck on the rtgbi I for when you commenced to examine me, yoa cs* tioned me to tell you nothing, but all the ci-sj medical men I have been under have always us*me how I felt, and all particulars, such as feeing =7 pulse, and examining my tongue, but you pet vcr linger right on tho place where I was affected-bo 2 between the shoulders, under tho ribs, and ca heatt. I iiave been under your treatment t-re? weeks from this date, and I am happy to say «>*' am able to go back to ray work, a perfectly man. I write this for you to do as you wisb if you think it is fit you ' • liberty to insert it. With many thtnks for j -.' kind attention.—l am yours, ever truly, Jaic* Aiat * son, Fendaltown, January sth, ISSI. .. r To Professor Guscott, South Town Belt.^ havo been troubled with neuralgia for this I* s ' months, and suffered the most excruciatin? r I have tried everything that is advertised 1a papers, besides medical aid. I was told ated from decayed teeth ; that I knew to w ■ for my teeth are perfectly sound. When I 0 you, you told me that you would cure me, 1 you would sell me a bottle for six shilling. *7, you would guarantee a perfect cure, an "..f,®i T to inform you that two applications fu^n* l . .7 guarantee.—l am, yours over truly, Ji* son, Colombo-street October 7th, ISSO. . _ Professor Gusscott. South Town Kelt. happy to present to you tape-worm STft. J" 3 ?- .. 1 came to you you told me you could cure ~ :3 hours, but I was rather doubtful, but n^a' were rather hasty. I dared not tell you your ability to cure me in such a short tira-. I been treated by many of the homceopatriic, * . rfl but none ever effected a cure. Vou told rae would charge me £1 for a cure, which i happy to comply with your wishes on those cc. also you told ine you would refund my ® again if you did not do so in presence 01 -' fand Mrs. Adams, but I am happy to say presenting you with the monster in P refc {';jlf r - < 5d5 money. I have shown this to nury of my •. in this neighbourhood.—l remaix;, yours )> Bli2a Thornton, Victoria-street. To Professor G: ..«cott. South Town Belt. —When I appliea to you I had been suner dropsy for thia last four years. Before ton I had been under three different docto» , w received any benefit from them I come to Christchurch for a change ot >1finding there was no change for the bet.e . visod to be tapped by the doctora, who l . ilway* was the only hope there was for nie. • heard it saicl that when any one is tA . n P C( f ' D iied w cure ; but lam happy to say that when' ' prcriiyou you said you could cure me in six \ * ing that I went by your instructions; a » showed us the different assortments am 4 »o3C* that you have, my bnsband made up Ul ® j and being a believer in herbs and tjie n £- rt r - -Q cases they have cured in the part Mine from. I kn ew that ' €§'nt. I feol it aij CUvS froai your tre*»*ment. —I am, yours ever gratei » Sarah *Fet«h. Professor Gusscott would impress upon those wfco may do him the honour to consult him that the utmost secrecy can be relied upon; moreover, from long experience, and a careful study of the hurman system, he can decide almost at a glance tho diagnosis of ttw case, thereby relieving the patient of a great deal cf nervousness and hesitation. Professor Gusscott invites the confidence of eithtf sex sufTering from functional derangements, spermJtorrhoea, exhausting dreams, «Lc. Professor Gusscott has made nervous debility ac* loss of power his special study, from whatever cau.* arising. He would earn-istly impn*ss upon those irfc* do suffer to seek immediate advice and counsel,» they desire "an eld age, aerene and bright." Let D* false delicacy deter suffering victims from removis* the cause of this blight to manhood. The strisU* 1 confidence may be relied upon. CONSULTATION GRATrS. SST Can bo consulted by letter. , Public inspection invited to the large assortment * BRITISH AND AMERICAN HERI& Note the Address: JpROFESSOR NEXT DOOB TO MESSRS. WIXKS AJTD HAXAESTABLISHMENT, AUCKLAND Honas—From 9 a.n. to S p.m. 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6255, 3 December 1881, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6255, 3 December 1881, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6255, 3 December 1881, Page 2


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