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New Zealand Heiialu Oflice, Wednesday evening. The Customs duties collected to-day amounted to £037 4s lid. The s.s. Hero, which left for Sydney and Melbourne ou Tuesday afternoon, was the bearer of two boxes of gold, the product of the Thames Goldfleld: one was shipped bv the National Uauk, containing I.os9«*z. I'Jdwt., value, £3,120: and th.« other by the Bank of Australasia, containing 1,4010z. 14dwt., value, £4,300. SUMMARY roll THE MONTH. Business during the month has been very quiet, being confined almost exclusively to that of a hand-to-mouth description. As will be seen in another place, ther» has been a change made by the banks in tho rate* ofint»*res. alloW'.d upon depo* : ts and th«ise to l»» charged f<»r accommodation. The difference between the banks has at length been settled, and uniform rate* havo becu rgreed upon. In noticing this fact at the time, we took occasion to make the following observations, whio'i have equal .ippltcation at the present moment;

" A strong «trott. we believe, was made l»y the foreign bank< for higher rates, auxious, no doubt, to recoup thctuselvtfs fjr i\i-i extreme rates at which some of them have been taking deposits during the last 3ix mont'.s; but as we already know, our !ocil b.i'ik has never approved the late pDlicy of its foreign competitors, and from tho determined stu.d it t'ok, the above rates, though higher than desired, were arrived at. It may be hoped that this is but the precursor to a return to an easpr money market, and we think the banks would have acted even more wisely in making their rates 1 per cent less all round, which would have indue---d the return of capital to its ordinary chauneN, and at the ►ame time been an appreciated relief to borrower*." The rates fixed on are as under:— Deposits, 4fr. 5, and per cent., for 3, 0, and 12 months; discounts, 7, and 9 per cent , for three or four months »»nd lunger periods: overdraft, 9 per c«*nt. The hU'h rates of intere-t given for deposits have h-id an appreciable effect upon the prosecution "f enterprises which would have been undertaken or more vigorously carried out had it not b<*eu for the inducein-nt thu* olf-red to retain capital in the .coffers of the lank. The enhanced r.vtes nece«sa»ily charged for accommodation bv the banks restricted to some extent aUo the operations of business firms, the effects .if which have not yet been made fully apparent. It is to be hoped that "our foreign Imiks will piottt by tho less n they havo received in this war against local Interests.

We are in recipt of advices per cablegram to the ctrcct that tho tender of an American ileum company in conjunction with two Scottish st.-amboat proprietor.s. ha<! been accepted for the 'Fii»c» mail service with colonies, subject to the approval of the Parliament.* of New .South Wales and New Zealand. A3 t'e matter is fully rife v>\ to in another column, we do not propose C> enlarge upon th«> subject lu'rc. It is to be regretted, however. that Mir former concectiou with American steamboat proprietors has engendered so great ft distrust in American mail contractors tat the acceptance of the contract advised by the New Zealand representative is not viewed with general favour. There can be no question as to the ability of the Pacific M.S.S. Company to carry out the contract, but the failure of the Webb and Hall to do the work they contracted for. and the impossibility of obtaining pecuniary redress for uon-fuililment of their contract, make* it ditlicult to reconcile us to the commitment of the service to any American linn again. The question w.ll be warmly debated in our Parliament, and will to one of tho first matters brought up for disposal. We ate In \ portion to r cord a marked improvement in the mining industries of tho province this month. The yield for the Thames goMUelds since our last nummary, amounted m bIW oz<., or an increase of 107 a oz-i. over tho yield of the previous four weeks. This in midwinter is a substantial increase. The latest discovered goldlleld, the lairua, promises rich rewards at no distant date. i'ii« result of a crushing < f 21 U-m of stone from the top of Die reef in the prospectors' claim has been at the raits of nearly 40 r«. per ton. This handsome yield has naturally inspired confidence in o*ir o.ines, and the result generally will be highly beneficial to the province. No work of any moment can be done on the new Held until the su-mm r sets in, (.wing to the absence of tracks and the impassaM- state of the e untry for the conveyance of mining machinery ami materials. Several companies have been formed for the pros'Ciition of works on vari- in claim.?, and those will be m .nned for full work as soon as circumstances will permit Tho utago Urio»» Steam Shipping Comp ny s boat, the Hawea, made h«»r Urst trip up the coa*>t potts and to the Manukau this week. Th:t comply his not long been formed, and ha* a paid-up cipital of £100,000. Jirats arc being built for them in (ilasgow, and two of them hive arrived in New Zealand, and have been entered for the iitlerpmvii.eul trade. 1 vy are of a very fine class, and exc llentlv suited for the requirements. «f the trade. '1 he fact that thin line has been started in the face of long established ami w- ll conducted It e . f ?he .V.X.S.s. Cunpany is a proof of the crow ing pr<>-p ri y of the Intcrpurvinc al The new steamer p::n lns.-l by the A S p. Coinp'W.y for the F:ji Irade ha.s not v. t arrived, but will up--m re tching the-e w.k'«ts nil in -dlatoly be paced in eo«.i».Usi--i.. li a' buiid.i.g eon* iiiiU'-s with and pewril ••wlleut u.obls have been turned • tf the ;toc!:s for the intucu'e i ial, coanitik', and i« i trad-

hi mm tli-T pirt M' j>kuj u;!i I «• fotin I lh»; •jm vr!<*r'y, hif yciriv, an.', atonal ru-t-mn r • urn s tit tt.«* ;-.Uo :v «l«-tU *1 «\j.-rt ■» t, which wid .-oivo t" Khe»v the M ite of "nr -<Viiuu* »-i .1 y. K< r tli • lir.a 1 ye ar finlin;; .'l'lth .1 tin", t IhM ': .sU n<?> P'turiis i.iiuMiut t> * l" a! <f I'.'. fh«', -vciiilv teturn Hiding lli- v«m-- i i :i It t and "for the «i»a t r it ati:outit«»d t xM»,071. « r an increa e uj on the corn-.<p<>m!ii»i: «iu:m r i»: .c:.*,uo 'J li'i <"f v"ld f ; r t!«»i r w.i-i vi!vnij Cl'J77s Tho sluppiitg rtU't innu r.-tun.s will iilso'lic fuiiii'l <I' , i iK' i h As ;i j.r-<.f «.f th.« ami incp'.iintf vahje i f our kauri lum-licULs. tin* far; is v.-oriiiyof note that th«t <x »»rt »-r for the iiuarter uuarlv t in vjt'ut t. jit * f goM, th" Iftt'.er being value-tut x 10.77:*, and the gum at

£37,071. The timber exported w>i valued at about £3000, silver at £4316, and wool at £478 >. - As mentioned above, trade daring the month lias been exceedingly quiet, and a comparison of our prices current li*t will ahew!how, the alterations in prices during the month. Splriu have not been largely dealt In, and prices in all lines remain very stationary, while supplies ar* up to requirements except in case brandr, which is only lichtlv stocked and prices for which la Hennessey and Martell s rule very firm and high. The local distlllery has been cloned, and the stock of aboatSOOO callous assorted Uon the market. The trade for the future will therefore be entirely dependent upon importations. Ales cannot be moved at any quotation in lines but in stouts there has been a better feeling, and a tew transactions. Stocks are, however, equal to requirements, and additions are coming forward. The demand for malt and hops is limited at present, aud hops have receded somewhat la price. Kerosene is dull, and no transactions have been recorded. Teas are largely held, additions having been made of several linos of new seasot/sper s.s. Hero from Sidney, the prices of which have not been fixed. Company's sugar has advanced £1 per tou. In Mauritius the trade has only been very trilling. A s*le of 200 tons recently received, aud held to allow Company's to move off the market a little, will be attempted next week, aud will command attention. Cimllcs have received large additions recently, and are well sto:k«d; pr.ces arc a little easier for lines than the quotations supplied below. Hreadstuffs are well supplied by tho local millers, two freights of wheat having recently arrived to order from Adelaide, while a third is upon the way. Tho usual shipments of Southern have also come to hand. Trices for flour remain without alteration. Barley is fully stocked, and weaker in price. Dried fiuits are only lightly slocked, but the demand has not been very great. Shipments advised will keep the market np to requirements until tho Chrismas supplies commence to arrive. There havo been no shipments of gum since our last, hut supplies continue brisk, and high rates are maintained notwithstanding this fact, and tlie threatened impost of a tax upon its exportation. Timber supplies are good, and rates havo eased off about Is per hundred. The demaud will not be very brisk uutll the spring se's in. Parcels of limejuico have been placed at 2s i>er gallon. Proviiious are generally well stocked, Hams and bncon are, however, enquired for. Butter is reduced in price, but potatoes have advanced to £5 10s, owing to tbe destruction of Southern crops by the heavy rains. CUSTOMS RETURNS. Com pat alive return shewing the net amount of Customs duties (after deducting refunds) collected at the port of ~nd, according to the several heads of revenue undermentioned, for tho quarters ending respectively 30th June, 1575, and SOth June, 1574 :— 1 1575. 1874.

THE FOKFAItSHIR*. Wo extract from Mcssrt. Staples, Btraker, and Cos Circular theparticulan of the cargo of the Forfarshire, I,*2SS tons, which arrived yesterday, from London, lUth, value £32,500 Plain cottons, £402 ; coloured c ttons, £34: print-d cottons, £592; woollens and worsteds. £161 ; linens in bales, £82 ; linens in cases, £121 ; silks and velvet*, £102 ; ribbons, £37 ; hosiery, £;»5 ; haberdasher}*, £G3C ; umbrellas, £79; cotton and linen shirts, £SS ; apparel, £2119; blankets, £430 ; car-p'-Uan lTuss £543 ; silk bats, £30; felt hats, £32; dressed leather, £C 37 ; boots. £SOS ; saddlery, £000; sewini? machines. £20 ; agricultural implements, £009 ; ditt > machinery. £115 ; railway and general niachiuery, £3127 : books, £224 ; p*pT, C 74 cwt. ; horse-hair seat* in«r, £S0; upholstery, £116 ; tinware, £10 ; brushwaro, £15; plated goods, &c , £142; stationery. £376; pai>erham;inKS, £330 ; toys, £31; pianos, £153; corks, £110; clocks aud watches, £110; perfumtrv, £16; j- weUery, £40; printing materials, £117;" s-:eds, £31; tobacco aud other sorts pipes, £117; iron t*nks, £5; chains and anchor*, 2 tons; hardware, £24*J7 ; bar and Tud iron, 59 tons ; sheet iron, 2 tons; pig iron, 20 tons: galvanised iron, 15 tons; sheet leul, G tons ; pipe levd, 2 tons; tlu'd platen. H'l boxes : ingot tin. 2 cwt. ; iron rails, 10 tons ; fencing wire rope, 27 tons ; zinc. 9 tons ; steel, •J tons ; lins-ed oil, 1653 gallons ; ohve oil. 25 gallons ; varni-h. £12 ; pa'.nts, £303 ; ilint glas-, £200 ; window glass. £">•;S; ehuM nnd earthenware, £1,395 : ght.vs bottb-s, £3"» ; bian au*l flour bags, £330 ; canvas, £'JIG ; cordage, £l«>4 ; line and twiues, £?3 ; sla e«, 35 tons ; cement, 100 barrels ; brandy, bulk, 1,15.1 gallons; brandy, case. 14»s-*. gallons ; rum, proof. 1,574 gallons : geneva, 50' gallons; cordiaH 30 gallons: Uritish spirit*, bulk, 1559 g.illons ; Ur tish spirits, case, 724 gallons; perfumed spirits, 3 gallons ; red wine, 1553 gallons; white wine. 1374 gtllons; beer in gla*s, S4 b rrels. ecpial each t-» 39 gallons ; malt, G3 quarters : preserved tish,£PJ; sardines. £30; oilman's stores. a;;»02 ; vinegar, 325 gallons; salad oil, 75 gallons ; cocoa, 30 cwt. : choc late. 13 cwt. : mustard, JCI7 ; starch, £M>; arrowroot, 10 cwt. ; tapioca, 11 cwt.; patent groats, 2>J cwt. ; pearl bar'ey, 1 cwt ; split 1 ea<, 45 cwt.; is tit. 101 tons ; .soda crystaN. 10 ton* ; carl><mate soda, 40 cwt ; caustic soda, lo tons ; candlcs, 70 cwt. ; dates, 47 cwt: riisin-, 70 cwt. ; currants, 207 cwt. ; French plum 1 ', 3 cwt. ; cirroway seed*, 4 cut.; 42 cwt. ; t« H, 4 cwt. ; nondescribed, 00 cases;, apothoCiries' g .o*ls, S9 case?.

Ratks or V.xciusuk os Losnos.— Buying: 90 days, 1 p«*r cent, discount; 00 days, } vercent, discount; 30 days, par; on demand, par. Selling: 90 days, i per cent, premium; 00 days, 1 per cent, premium; 30 days, H per cent, premium; demand, 2 per cent. premium. FllKioilTM. — The following aro the rates of freight quoted at this port for London:—Wool, greasy, 3d per lb.; ditto, washed. Jd per lb.; cotton, £d per lb.; flax, £f» per ton: copra, SOs per ton; cocoanut oil, 0)s per ton : fish oil, '.KM p«r ton; tallow, 00s pw ton; leather, 70s jier ton; kauri gum, 00s per ton. AUCKLAND THICKS CIUIIEKJJT. Ai.ks am> Poktkk.— bulk (d.p.), per barrel, r. Younger's, £7: Bass', £7 7s ; colonial ale, per hh'l., £4 to £<>: colonial porter, £f> to £0. Ale in glass d.p ): Teniient's, quarts, 13s; Younger's, 12s; Blood's. 12s; Buss's (by C. and S.), X 3-»: Bass' (by Fdmonds , 13s; do. (by Johnson), 12<; 11. and ii' Ashby's quarts, 13* «d; pints, 9s ; Ind Cope, quart*. 12* ; pints, 8s 0d: Porter in glass (d.p.); (iuinuc.vs'a,quarts, llsOd; Hlowi's, 1 laod to 12-<; pig brand, 13s ; liya&Vs, 14s Od. Dunedin and OtAgo, quarts 9s Otl. Baos ani> BAuoi.Ntt, D.r. — Woolpacks, full 10 lb. f 27 x i>4, each. 4s; cornsacks, 3 bushels, 2s'b., per dozen, 13s; sewing twine, d.p., per lb., Is 2d t<» is : d. IIuKADMTUKrs AND Hrms, Adelaide flour, £14; Auckland, best,£l2 10s, seconds,£lolo*;Soathern Ijrands, £i 2: Auckland wheat, 4s 3d; feed oats. 3s 9d;brin, Is 2d; Sydney maize. 6sOd; oatmeal, 19a; pearl barlev, 255. lios kiu'st. — With bags, best Imported, £9; boneflour, jCIG; vitriolized bones, £10; provincial. £8. Coal.—Newcastle, ou the wharf, 40s; delivered, 45s per ton. Cohdaok, i>.i\ Europe ropes, per ton £GG to £70: Manilla difo assorted, ditto, £0S ; New Zealand tlax r<>j>e, ditto, £4£ to free, ditto, £42; spun tine two-yam, ditto, £70 to C 75; twine, shop, d.p., per lb.. Is Id to Is 3d; ditto, seaming, ditto, Is 3d to Is Bd. Cokkek ani> SricE* (in bond), per lb.—Ceylon, plantation Is id; do, native, none; Java, Is 3d; chicory, 4d; cotfee, ground, in tins, d.p.. Is 4d to Is 9d: cocoa, d.j> .Taylor's, Is 4d to Is 7d; Fry's, Is 3d to l< 4d: Kppa', Is 7d; MaraviUa, Is Od; chocolate, d.p., Taylor s, Is 3jd. Spices—cloves. Is lod to 2.s ; bh ached ginger, Is 4d to Is 0d; unbleached. Is 2d to Is 3d; nutmeg*, 4s 3d to 4s Gd; black pepper, whole, d p., l'.d white do. Is 3d. CoNFi:ct toN»;kv. —Auckland. E. Waters' boiled goods, fcd;dry goods. lOd; Keiller's assorted, lid; candied lemon, oratue, and citr<>n p-t-l, d p., Is 3d. to is 0-1; Mathiesun, K*iller's assorted, Is; Colonial ditto, 3 I. Gnoctj;iKs, &<:. — Colman's starch, No. 1, white, blue, }Ul. t andles Brandon's Neva, f.w., J'rice's, Belmont's, Taylor's, Leitli. De Kouhalx, 10jd to 10t«l; paratVm. Is ljd to is 2d. Mustard, d.p.—Colm:in's 1 lb. tins ired), lis 0*1: half ditt •, 0s Od; 7 lb tins ie-l togreeii), sd to 1"; 1 lb tins (green), 14s; half lb. ditto, Od to 9s; DsF, J lb, tins. 10s 3d. Match- s, Vestas, d.p —Bryant and May's. 2"'»>, per gn-ss, 21-; «Utt'». wood. »5s 3d to 0s t;d Lclchford's, 2,*»U, 21s; Bell »Vr lllack'sdiUo,2ls. Uil— Ca>t r, in pit ts, 10s; half-pints, 0s 3d. Salad— a*id I'. . pints. 14s; lialf ditto, 3d; Morton's pint>«, 10s od to lis; half pints, 0s 9d. Pickles — Cro->e and 1.1 ickwell's, jiints, l.'j.s; Morton and others, los 01. liic • (ground), 2-S ll» bags, Sa\jrcs I(M and l'errin's, half pint*!, I•■>; vt It., half pints, 12s 0d Vim gar Champion's, per g.»l , 2s hI; ttill, Hvans 2s 4d. Treael.— < o»;d, n >yrup, perewt .11 10s 3pl; cornflour. Brown's, d p ; Brown ami I'ol*<in's 7'd • Mitr.nV. ;.\ C.fM, Flax. \i\— Cum : Ordin iry scraped, Jt:;s per t.»n. Flax Fin«.-»t quality, £17 to jcl'.» per ton; fair to -i.' d, Xll U» CU>; native d>e-scd. Tow, * to i.'«; per t-m. t oc:mmt ' il (tlm* white', n.-tt t:ui, to tol. Copra, p» r ton, .CIO V> £11. (S»*.:d p< r to , £2 to £2 10. S. Iuu.sMOMJKiiV —•' wb.aiik's nails, */»; er cent, advance; wire dilto, 10 per cent, ditto; galvanised coring d iron, < b <]..-l «>ak, £:;<; Morewood's, Phillip's, and Hill's, \c., t«. c;i>; second qualities, £34; Knglisli bar iron, pvr ton, £16 to t.20; ditto. £'.♦ Puwder, Jlale's \a ee's, Curtis*, and 11-ney's, 7d to !»d p«.r lb.; .sporting. 20 aud 24 sizes, d.p. f 2s; caniiter. No, 2, d p., 34 4d.

Jams and Dried Fruita. Ac. —English 1 lb. {tins. lOi 6d: Hobart Town Jams, 7a 3d; In Jars, Od ; Kalslns (d p.): nultana. 8d : muscatels, Is; eleme, OJd; currants, 4jd to sd. liKATnsn and llipkh.—Sole leather, Is to Is 3d lb; kips, Is 9d to 2s 6d; yearllncs, 2s 6d to 3s Od lb.; calf, colonial, Ss fid to 4s 6d; basils, 10s to 18s doz.; closed uppers, 4s 6d to 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 4 Jd: calf skins, 5d per lb.; sheepskins, 3s. to 4) fid each. Malt and Hops. — English malt, d.p., lis per bushel; and tank* £4 10*; colonial, Ss Od, nominal; hops, new season's. Is lOd to 2s. Navy Stores.—Canvas, boiled, 1 to 0, per yard. Is 2d; ditto, all long flax, thrice boiled, per ya<d. Is 4d to Is 0d; canvas, repairing, extra, ditto lo}d to Is 2d; pitch, Stockholm (Is per barrel), per barrel, 40s to 60s; tar, Stockholm, d.p. (Is per barrel), per barrel, 40s to 50j; resin, bright amber, d.p., £U. OrLS and Paints.-—Colza, d.p. in drums, per gallon. 5s 3d; bulk, 4s 9d; linseed, boiled, in drums, 4s id to 4s Rd; ditto, raw,4s9d: ditto. In bulk, 3s lOd to 4a. Kerosene, d.p., Devoe's, 2s ; Cameron's. Oleophene, Is lud; castor oil, bulk, 5s 3d ; white lead, ground, d.p.. per cwt., £2 Is; rod lead, dry, £1 10s; oil colors, assorted, £1 7s Od to £1 14s; turps, d.p , in drums. Gs; whitin?, d.p., per ton. £'» ss. Provisions. — Colonial {Canterbury) bacon. Is: i cheese (provincial), 9d; Canterbury, lid; salt butter. Is f>d for gootl sound; rice, £2o to £23 ; coarse salt, £4 10s; tine, £4 15s. English ! hams, noue, ditto bacon, none. Fish— Preserved red herrings, in tins, 34s per dozen (2 dozen tins;; white, per cwt., 325; lobsters, American, 10s Od; salmon dlUo, lis; Knglish, 13s CI; sardines (Albert's), quarters, Cs ; halves, 10s 3d ; oysters, Gs Cd. Spirits,—Brandy (bond), bulk, Otard's,Bs Cd; Martell's pale, 0s; Hennessy's do., 9s fld; Bisquit, Dubouch<£ and Co.'s pale, in hhds. and qr.-casks, B*. Cd; case, Hennessy's, 335; Martell's, 31s Cd ; Otard's, 275; Beehive, 225; Ulsquit, Dubnuche and Co.'s, 27s Cd ; rum, 30 0.p., 5s ; whiskey, Greenless *nd Colville's, 0s 61; Beith, Hoss and Co.'s, 5s to 5s otl ; Dunville's, 5s Od; Bernard's, 4s 0d for i-easks; case, Campbeltown, 14s Gd to l/ss; Bernard's Scotch, lis Od; Oreenles3 and Colville's, ISs; Dunville's. 17s ; Bernard's Irish, 10s Gd cusp, all in bond; geneva, proof, three gallons JDKZ, 15s Cd ; ditto, 19 u.p., lis, and V.II. and Co , 10s to lis case; Key Geneva, 14s; schnapps, Wolfe's, 22s Gd case; Dew of the Alps, 27s Od; gin. Booth and Burnett's, 15s and 15s Gd ; Bernard's, 12sCd: Swain, Board and Co.'s, 10s Gd. Suoaio*.—Mauritius, brewer's crystals, £34 10s to £35 10s; bright yellows, £32 10s to £33 10s; Honolulu lights, £20 to £28, 1.C., £34 1 s. Yarraville Keflnery, (Joshua Bros.) yellow, £32; whites, £33 to £36. T*ah. —Prices range from Is to 2s Id. In bond. Timiiku. —Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 9s to 15s; lis Gd at mill; planed, tonguedand grooved, lis. Gd. New Zealand Paling*, sft., 12s Od; Oft . 13s ; 'Htree Kails, £3 per 100; PurM Posts, £C 10< to £7; Shingle*, iOa to 18s per 1000; Hobart Town Palings, sft.. 17s; oft., IDs; Hobart Town Rails, £l. Touacco.—Two and Venus, Is Cd to 2s; Two "Worlds, Is 2d ; Cavendish, in other brands, from lOd to Is; Orion Twist, Is 4\d; Black Dinah. Is2d; Dark Navy, lssd to Is lOd; Prince Albert, Is 3d; Venus, 2«; Signet, ls£)d; Henrietta, Is 3d; Victory, Is 3d; Barret's Crown, Is 7d; Golden Leaf, Is 3d to Is od. Winks.—Champagne, Deinhard's, quarts, 1 dozen; case, 525; pints, 2-doxen case, 6Ss per case (d p.).; Perrier's Imperial (d p.), 60s; Terrier's Carte Blanche (dp.), 735. Sherry; Couzen's (d.p.), from 7s Gd to 13s Gd. Claret: Common medoc, 18GS, 25s (d.p.); Eagle: brand, Hernozant, 47s (d p.) Port (in bond) Sandeman's, In qr.-casks, from 7s Gd to 14s Gd; Byass's, 8s 6d to 13s; Cockburu's Three Crape, 10s.

£ s. d. £ s. d. Spirits 16,525 12 7 13.S1G 1 3 spirits (distilledin New Zealand) .. .. 1,023 Oil 1,940 13 11 Cigars and snuff .. 001 19 0 700 2 2 Tobacco 0,422 17 8 6,SS5 6 0 Tobacco (shecpw&sh).. 6 10 5 Wiuo 1,413 10 5 1,317 2 10 Beer(io bottle).. .. 824 1 3 931 15 0 Beer (In wood).. .. 200 4 0 104 10 0 Tea 8,310 17 0 2,040 17 0 CulTco, cocoa, &c. .. 41G 3 0 35S 4 0 Cocoa (roasted) .. 2 10 10 O IS 4 1 Sugar and molasses .. 6,050 15 7 6,000 0 11 Opium .. .. «. 20 0 0 24 0 0 (ioods by weight .. 4,113 11 10 3.0S1 1 O Uoods (ad valorem) •• 15,433 0 11 17,?22 19 2 Other duties not spoclflttd abovo .. .. 1,517 14 5 1.694 1 0 Total .. .. £5S,147 2 4 £55,552 2 7 Annual Return for the Customs financial year, ended 30th June, 1S75:— £ 8. d. Spirits .. .. .. .. 55,092 3 4 Spirits (distilled New Zealand) 7,410 12 O Cigars and snuff .. .. 2,940 8 11 Tobacco .. .. .. «■ 22,974 3 6 T«»bacco ;sheepwash) .. .. 49 S 10 Wine 5,590 13 7 JJeer (in bottlo) 3,007 14 0 Beer ilu wood) 532 10 0 Tea 13.050 18 9 Cotfee, cocoa, Ac 1,424 11 0 Cotfee (roasted) 19 11 S and molasses .. .• 22,953 17 2 Opium .. .. .. 03 0 0 Goods by weight .. .. 14,979 0 9 Ad valorem .. .. .. 77,123 18 2 Other duties not specified above 0,131 15 11 Total £234,323 14 1 1S74-5. 1S73-4. £ 8. d. £ «. d. Quarter ended Sept. .. 03,5-10 8 3 54.918 14 2 Quarter ended Dec. .. 48,953 9 6 49,SOI 7 3 Quarter ended March.. G3,Gil 14 I 62,707 17 0 Quarter ended June .. 68,147 2 4 55.552 2 7 Total £234,322 14 1 £212.510 1 0 Increase for 1S74 5 .. •• £21,782 13 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XII, Issue 4259, 8 July 1875, Page 4


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