POET OF AUCKLAND. Watek, This Day: 10.24 mora.; 10.50 oven. ~ at Mnnnkau: 0.20 morn.; 0.45 even. Tbe Strs, This T)ay: .Rises. 5 40; sets. 5.59. The Moos: Last Quarter, 3rd, 1.17 a.m. Weather, Sept. 30: Squally. WiXV, Sept. 30: Vy'. strong. ..... DEPARTURES. Victoria, s.s., J. T. Durrell, for Sydney. ladybird, s.s., Andrews, for Southern ports (from the Manukau). Harriet Armitage, barque, Mailler, for Sydney. ENTERED ESTWAEDS. Belle Eran(lou, schooner, 65 tons, F. Ohlson, from Levuia, Fiji, yia Taviuna. Cargo: Prodnce.— Master, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Victoria, s.s., 978 tons, J. T. DunoU,;for Sydney.— Cargo as per exports. Vivid, barque, 238 tons, G. Jones, for Newcastle, in ballast.—Stone Brothers, agents. passenger" list. OCTVTAP.D*. Per Victoria, s.s., for Sydney: ilr. and Mrs. Tlios. Lindsay, Jliss Annie Peacocke, Mrs. C. Cutler, infant and three children; ?.li\ r.nd airs. P. Prymeandtwo infants: Mr. and Mrs. W. Bernard, 3lessrs. C. Weftke, T. Barraclough, J. Bicliar'Json, C, Kinse, HI. MonoKhan, W. Gehrke. J. C. Browne, W. Roberts, W. r-lalcolm. T. K err. Per Ladybird, s.s., for Southern ports: Mr. and Mrs. Hobson and two children, Sir. and Mrs. McCullura and family, Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Miss "Wilson, Masters Wilson (1) and servant. Miss Kabbetb, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Allisson and two children, Misses Bridget and Annie'Halley. Messrs. Ruff, A. Cass, T. S\. Kerapthorne, James Stephenson, R. Curtis, Joseph Middlston, AVm. Payne, ilr. and Mrs. Middletoc and two children. EXPORTS. Per Victoria, s.s., for Sydney: 10 casks lime juice, Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.: 2 cas'is plants, W. -J. Kaburn, 1 package curry, R. Karslake; 23 casks fish oil, H. M. Jervis: 2 tanks, 1 cask potash, H. Elliott; 45 bales pliormium, J. K. Roberts: IS tins preserved potatoes, H. S. Meyers and Co.; 10 bales phormiuir., Dargaville and Co.—H. M. Jervis, agent. Per - Ladybird, s.s., for Southern ports (from the Ma>\ukau):"For TaranaM—ls packages, New Zealand Shipping Company; 3 lull-chests tea, Lewis Bros , lease, McArthur, Slicra and Co.; 1G bags, Hurst and Co.; 3 cases, 2 half-chests tea, D. S. and Co.- 1 case, 1 parcel. A. Barnes; 1 parcel. Acclimatisation Society. For Nelson-20 cases sauce, H. Olson; picces timber, Waller; 1 ease, Burns: 1 package, Ireland Bros.; 2 cases, Messenger. For Westporfc— 6 cases sancc, H. Olson. For Greymoutli 2 cases iron, T.i&nd S. Morrin; 20 pieces machinery, 1 parcel, Masefieid. For Hokitika—l case, Morrin. For Picton—l package, Morrin; 1 coil wire rope, 1 plate iron, Masefteld; IS packages, Sash and Door Company; 2 cises, 1 trunk, Lev/is Bros.; 1 package, 96 doors, Sasli and Door Company. For Wellington —21 casjs sauce, H. Olson; 1 parcel. Combes and Daldy; 4 cases, 2 trusses, Lewis Bros ; 1 parcel, 1 box, Mackay; 1 parcel, Murdoch; 1 box, La Kooche; 2 cases, Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.; & cases, A. Barnes; 2 cases, Lewis Brothers. For Lyttelton—42 cases sauce, Olson; 24 cases, 3 trunks, 4 trusses, Lewis Brothers; 2 qr.-casks wine. Crown Distillery; 2 cases, H. Kohn; pieces timber, Waller; 1 case, Hoyte; 1 case, Archibald Clark and Sons; 1 case, Horne;3 oases, 5 mats dates. Messenger. For Dunedin—CO cases sauce, Olson; 33 empty hogsheads, J. Reid; 9 pieces machinery, E. Porter and Co.; 5 cases tobacco, L. D. Natlian and Co.—Combes and Daldy, agents. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Ships: City of Auckland, Countess of Kin tore, Ws.iiato, Oxford, Condoren. Barques: Thames, Locli Urr, East Lothian, Moneynick, Bella Mary, Glimpse, Tien Tsin, Vivid, Falcon. Brigs: Albion, Isabella. Brigantine: Flirt. Schooners: Mera (three-masted). Pacific,, Dauntless, Belle Brandon. PROJECTED DEPARTURES.' LoNX>oN.--Thames, barque; Countess of Kintore, ship, City of Auckland, ship, and Ferndaie, barqne, early. Busseix and the North.—Eoweua, «.s., Monday next. Southern Ports.—Phcebe, s.s., early. Tacbakga.—Southern Cro3s, s.s., Saturday next. Stoxey and MELBOtir.SE. — Hero, s.s., early. Iytteltok.—East Lothian, barque, early. Done din. —WaiUato, ship, early. San Francisco.—Loch Urr, barqne, early. Hobart Town.—Bella Mary, barque, to-morrow. Gisborke AND Napier.—Pretty Jane, s.s., tomorrow. New Yore.—Glimpse, bara""' 0 " 1 7Txsiaru. —Flirt, briganti» s > to-uay. South Sea Islands.—Pacific, schooner, early. Newcastle.—Vivid, barque, early. - --—VESSELS EXPECTED. "" Mikado, mail steamer, from Francisco. Cyplirenc:;, mail steamer, from Sydney. Emu, s.s., from Oamaro. Zealandia, ship, from London; sailed July 9. Waitangi, ship, from London; sailed Angust. Hydaspes, ship, from London. Assaye, ship, from London; sailed August. Cospatrick, sliip, from London. Rohilla, ship, from London. Lady Jocelyn, ship, from London. Stanley Castle, barque, from London; sailed July 9. Rio Loge, barqne, from Lyttelton. Edith Rose, barque, from New York; loading. Pakeha, brig, from Oamaru. Vision, brig, from Dnnedin. Garibaldi, brigantine, from Lyttelton. Magellan Cloud, brigantine, from Chatham Islands. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Levuka. Kate McGregor, schooner, from JTopier. Coronet, schooner, from Tiihici. Edith, schooner, from .South Sea Islands. Papua, schooner, from Earotonga.
Arkivaxs Coastwise.—Sunbeam, schooner, from Waipu, with passengers and cargo of produce; Alarm, cutter, from Mangawai, with.gum and produce; Lady Bowen. p.s., from Matakana andxhe Knwau. The s.s. Ladybird left Omthunga yesterday shortly after noon for the South, with passengers and cargo. The s.s. Victoria took her departure yesterday afternoon for Sydney, with passengers and cargo. Tenders are required for repairs to the Swedish ship Condoien. The barque 'Harriet Aruxitage, bound for Sydney, ! after lying in the stream windbound for several days, left yesterday for her destination. The agents of the ship Countess of Kintore notify that no steerage passengers will be booked by the vessel after the 7th instant. Two saloon cabins are still disengaged. The barque Bella Mary will leavo to-morrow for Hobait Town direct, she takes several saloon and other passengers, and has only two or three berths vacant. The barque Glimpse, from Newcastle, owing to the boisterous weather, has not yet been accommodated with a quay berth. Oa discbarge of cargo she will load for New York, for Messrs. H. D. Rolph and Co. LAUNCH OF THE FALCON. Perhaps one of the most successful launches that has taken placo in this modern Corinth was performed yesterday at Devonport, North Shore. This was the occasion of the launch of a three-masted schooner, built by Messrs. Sims and Brown, the wellknown shipbuilders of this port, to the order of Messrs. Watt Brothers, of Napier. The vessel destined to take her share in the world's commerce, and to bear those " who go down to the sea in ships," is the largest that has been built at the North Shore. She certainly reflects great credit on her builders, having been well and faithfully built from the lines laid down by the desiguer, and for strength and finish she is certainly unsurpassed. The vessel is built of poliutukawa frame and heart of kauri planking. Her keel was laid down in February last, and she has been coirpleted within a few days of contract time. Her tonnage i 3 285 tons (builder's measurement), and she will register about 195 tons. Her dimensions are—length of keel, 113 feet; length between perpendiculars, 115 feet; length over all, 120 feet; greatest beam, 23 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 11 feet 0 inches; draught of water when loaded, 11 feet. She is copper-fastened, and coppered with muntz metal (22 and 24 ounces) up to 0 feet G inches. she was designed and built under the SUpe>:;ltondcnce of Captain M. T. Clayton, Marine Surve" to the New .Zealand Insurance Co., the peculiarUv of her construction consisting of her having . been Ij.iilt with exceedingly round lines, both fore and i'i. lie i' sides tumble home to the extend of 9 inches, Sfci h*s gnat displacement, thus givict, 'hct . .nt ferrying capacity- For her size her a - pear to bz judiciously placed. She wiF .. »vrged as a three-masted schooner, with • .r<'l topgaFantsai's, but no courses, and will havu vaien rigged a, large spread of fore and aft canvas. In sparring the vessel Captain Clayton has received the valuable assistance of Captain Tilley. The vessel will bo supplied with a steam winch for loading and disc*: -.rging cargo, and for heaving up anchor. Her intexvjl fittings will be on a liberal scale, and she will possess good passenger accommodation. She will be provided with three boats, two of which are being built bv Mr. C. Bailey, at the North Shore, and the other by* Mr. J. \V. Carr. Mr. Boyd, sailmaker, has been engaged to make her suit ok sails, and the rigging of the vessel has been entrusted to Messrs. H. F. Anderson and Co. When ready for sea there is no doubt she will give a good account of herself, especially when it is borne in mind that she will be commanded by Captain Bendall, who for so many years has beeu identified with the Napier shipping trade. The launch of the new vessel was fixed for ton o'clock, but some slight delay occurred owing to one non-arrival of Mr. James Watt The builders however labouring under the impression that tide waited for no man, ordered the work of Launching to proceed, the ceremony of chrntetun" ' being gracefully performed by Mrs. Clayton* who named the vessel, as she started on her voyage in life, the " Falcon." The good ship slid down • her ways in splendid style ploughing the water in a maimer that would have put to shame any of *' Horusby's double furrows." She was shortly after taken in tow by a couple of t)io North Shore feiry boats as preciously as if she had been a homeward-bound Indiarnan, but owing to the strong westerly wind and ebb tide they were compelled to abandon the attempt to tow her across, and she dropped ancher off Orakei Bay,—a second anchor and cable being afterwards sent down to her by one of the siehmera. . She will be brought up alongside the Gore-street jetty tlu : ; morning to lit out, wind and weather permitting. The Falcon is intended for trading between Napier and Australia. After the launch had been so well accomplished, the company present adjourned to Messrs. Sims and Brown's workshop, and "Success to the Falcon" was clrunk in soarfcUn* champagne. Captain L'layton proposed the health of the builders,. Messrs. Sims and Brown, in a brief speech, in which he characterised the work performed by them ai of the best description, and such to have given the greatest satisfaction to himself whilst superintending her construction. Mr. Sims modestly responded to the toast, and said that the firm had endeavoured to do their best, and they -prepared to let the vessel speak for herself. Mr. W. Loikler then proposed the health of Captain Clayton, .tho designer, ■ suggesting that, it
' such. : men as him that brought the ahlpDutldcra a great deal of their employment. A designer, he said, could often obtain orders for building a vessel-when a bulliler could notJ The toast having been drank with duo honours, Captain Clayton responded. in suitable terms. /He hopo»i it would not f be long before the builders would have aaotber vessel on ; the stocks, for he could confidently recommend their "workmanship. He could not let the opportunity pass without thanking Captain Tilly, /who had materially assisted him in sparring the vessel. Other having been proposed, and responded to, the company returned to town.
TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Dctkkpin, September 50. The s.s. Albion left for "Wellington, with the Suez mail, at 4.35 p.m.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 4021, 1 October 1874, Page 2
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1,844SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 4021, 1 October 1874, Page 2
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