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Our Australian telegrams convoy the intelligence that Thomas Loekver Bright, ut one time editor of the J!-/f',- t-l/v/u.-, ami subsequently editor of die Wc-tf CW<( I'iiii'd, has died. JMr. Krigkt was onu of tlie most brilliant journalistic writers that ever contributed to a nuwspaper iu t!.e Southern hemisphere. "We never had his equal, and it is more than likely we never will.

A r'.-vision Court was held yesterday to revise the electoral roll fo:- the district of Waitemata. The process of testing the validity of certain objections would have caused a .fund of amusement to an observer had any been present. The -irst hitch in the proceedings during the purging of the roll, consisted of Mr. Beaumont, a'schoolmaster of Dairy Flat, stating that the ' - Bs" having been gone through, lie had not heard his name called as objected to, while he found his name as such in the published list. It was explained that tho objection having been made in mistake was ivithdrawn. He then, asked for costs, alleging that three days had been lost in attending the Court. He did not make the application, he said, to benefit himself, but on " public grounds." A guinea costs were awarded, and the amount immediately paid by the unfortunate objector, who had been led into error. The guinea was quickly pocketed by the applicant. it is presumed, according to his own statement, on "public grounds"' only. The no\t applicant was Mr. J elm Campbell, who had been objected to as dead, whereas he appeared in Court in jtropnu jn-.r^on , !- supported by an attorney. After being duly sworn like an ordinary mortal, he alleged that he was not dead, but occasionally slept. Counsel on the othui'jjside severely cross-examined the applicant, but failed to shake iiis testimony. He solemnly averred tha.t be lived, and was not dead. The Revising Barrister thought that sufficient evidence had been adduced to shew that the objection was invalid. It was therefore struck out, and a guinea costs were allowed Mr. Campbell as compensation for the trouble he had taken to prove that he really was in the flesh, r'our or live other similar objections ■were withdrawn, it having been asceitained that the parties reported as dead still lived. One objection, although opposed, was allowed, ft consisted of a voter whose qualification was stated as a leasehold, whereas he. was not a leaseholder. The applicant a< tended, and proved that ho was a freeholder of the propeety named. The Revising Barrister ruled that the particulars were wrong, and the objection must be allowed. He stated that the applicant should have seen that his qualification was amended when he purchased the property he had formerly leased. The name v/ns therefore struck oft".

An amateur concert was given last evening, at the Choral I fall, having for its object the raising of funds to complete the purchase of an organ for St. Mary's Church. The amount required w;is about £70. The proceeds of the concert will be about £30, and in all probability about .i'3o will be raised by the sale of the old harmonium, so that very little more will have to be raised by voluntarv'ontributioiis. The concert was a we' arranged one, and was under the efficient management of . tlie Honorable Seymour Egerton, who shewed great skill in and consummate knowledge of. the musical art, both in his wielding of the baton and the bow, for not only did he perform the duty of conductor "with efficiency, but also treated the audience to two exquisite performances on the violin. In regard to the other pieces on the programme, we ha% - e not space to say much. The instrumental part was very well performed on the whole, although a little more practice might have prevented a small quantity of " wobbling" which was occasionally apparent. The vocal part of the entertainment was really vary good, especially as carried out by two young ladies from PariiL'll, one of whom Las a sweet and wellcultivated soprano voice, and the other a contralto of good compass, but requiring a little exercise. The male vocalists were all well-known singers, and performed their parts with their usual ability. His Excellency tlie Governor and Lady Fcrgusson were present, us also were Captain Simpson and the oiiicers of H.M.S. Blanche..

The Prince of Wales Theatre was well attended, last evening, ami the performance went off with the usual spirit. This afternoon, parents should remember, will be ati'orded perhaps tile last opportunity of gratifying their children's taste for an hour's simple and to them perfectly intelligible amusement. The talking head, au hnnien.sely. diverting thine for children, will be introduced. The De Castro Family will ;cppear in their tumbling ami acrobatic performances ; and Mr. Val Yose has something special prepared for his young hearers, In the evening there is to be a change of programme, Young England appearing in his daring performance upon the Hying trapeze, taking his leaps from the dress circle. Other novelties are also promised, and the programme is likely to be the. best yet -jlfered by this talented company.

A joint meeting of the City Conuc-il Fire Brigade Committee and tho lire insurance aseuts met at the City Council offices on Tuesday, to confer as to .the best means of forming an. elleetivc- Jire brigade and tire extinguishing appliances. Alters long discussion, certain otfers were sulmuirted to the lire insnraii.e agents on behalt or the Corporation, which they asked time to consider, and a tajeting will be held again shortly. The treasurer of the Home for Neglected and Pestitiu.e Children begs io acknowledgcthe receipt oi the following sums of money on behalf of the institution, viz., £5 from James Williamson. Esq., through Warwick Weston. Esq., and fl from Mr. _Kenneth McKeu/ie—a. sum of money found in. Customhouse-street on the 20th inst. The steamer Golden Crown was the bearer last night of one box of gold, from tne Thames, shipped by the National Ban* of New Zealand. Tho gold weighed one thousand ounces. Last Monday, beiim a holiday, i'ae P.evision Court for City lvi*r was adjourned until 10 o'clock this uMn-.iug. A h-i:;\\- -.-.c- >w,vintake is on the tapi'- :,.::>.:.;:;,:.■■ ■i : :■ : y iive soys. each. The dtt 1 oi cue. r'.J.v: !■ !hj; :-.".-d.

The search for gold in the U,k. r ug. mountains, writes our East Coast corresponleiit has not been attended with that suer..s *' which a few months ago was so conndJntlv predicted. The prosp,,ting party r ,tume,l upwards of live week igo .without obtaining any specimens which mightt deemed sufficiently auriferous to warrant the K-lief that gold in payable quantities eoul.i Ik- procured in these regions. Ihe explorations of the party having, however, been ot a comparatively circumscribed character hope is still entertained that a miniature J-.l Dorado, at least, exists s ..mewh.-:v 1:1 the mountains, and increased efforts will. 111 all probability, be put forth to *"lv.- this problem ere "long. The services o- I >•-. I Iccf-i----will likely be called into requisition 111 the aiTair next summer, when more definite conclusions than those hitherto spoc.UKd upon are almost certain to be arm eel at. >ome say that the discovery ofg..ld hec woul.l_ •!>• us more harm than good -. whilst..•hers a.nrm that it would greatly benefit us n> many '' a> >■ Such opinions have been h>l.. u '"'"-' V «in.;i-ir !lis,-ovc-ries h-ivc bc.-ii livide. and it which the community at lars_'e cageny look for and take advantage of. '.i i.-. therefore, evident that the good eov. .leroalaiiccs the ,-vil in connection with ;.■■!•! mmuig puv-

From what transpired dr :ug Vr. i.oekes u*it to this district (says a fVvcrty Ray eon- -, uiporary) there are strong gr "-.',.1s for -~.-i;inim-"that the Governs-.-;.: v : .'-' deem it ;,;nsable to hold a Xativ, La:;ds Court ,1,,.rt1y in tilis district, an- ii i~ also highly •.-..bai.le that a consider.--! ' • ~u.iiitiryu.iiitiry of land v ■■] Then be .leak with. I. ■.:•-!>-: be evident ;, all who have studied th, -.■'es- of the •.,:ives in this district that important Ganges taken place in their ■ ■.■n;-men;s with .-.-■irdto obtaiuin- a Cr-.n-. tirlc to their :.. is. those who were foruie-.-ly v.-"st strongly ' - ; osi-dtothis innovation b. in.; ::.m amongst ::- -tauiiehcst advovates. \ football match will be pU.vd this after- ■, ..1 at the North Shore, i ctweeii the V-.kland and the North Shore football . r . The following playc: <•• ill c.c.ujvte : ■ uekhuid: Messrs/r. Hc:i' ; .c:-.u .captain'. !. ."on Tempsky. Gudgeon. \\V-.n. Humph He- \ Wliitak'er. 11. Wlr.;:ik-. :'. I. Cusm'h. \V. Cussin. C. G'eoi-.v. A. Is:u<>. Hi-irlam!. J Bahieavis. C. Clayton, ami H. Pollen. North Messrs. W. L. R.vs (captain:. G. Thome. R. Nolan. Duder. V.. Burgess. K WelU •! Weils. W. Hales. Caverhill. 1.. Niecoi. H. Niccol. G. Holmes. Vv'. Cochrane. R. H. Duder. 11. Burgess. Km- of the most recent advcvci>::ii: novelties in London is a system _.■: p>-;nting_ a 1vertisements upon e_'t.s. and i:. swei-a! oi the miiiluirs of i\iL- provision merchants may be seen a quantity of thorn inscribi-d with all manner of notices. The proevss is a simple one :—The advertisement is set tip in ordinary tvp* and a Mould made jilaster or Paris, but instead of a metal being east, :ui india-nibber stereo is taken. whieh_ is mounted on a handle, ami bec'i-.ues a riexibie hand-st-imp. adapting itself to the shape oi" the em;. Ordinary "iirintiuL; ink is used. With Very little care any printer could Jo this, and "the eli'eot is both'novel a!i.i amusing. A petition is in course or* signature with a view of constituting the I ':i aii'l suburbs of UislMime a borough, mi the Municipal Corporation Act. \~is~i. Mr. Thomas Hen-ierson !:>. our ..firrnns the resignation ■ : s .-j:it ki the (J- As.=embl\ r for the " ; ;:r:ct of Waite- ■■ \. he rinding it impo i''e t'i rei to i- Zealand before t , . ::-. Xt of 'iament. His letter : - ■'.μ-i iv-:n S:m ncisco. he fourth Choral Sock' s Concert of the season vrill be given o;: : :ie -"th proximo. .. ihe Chora! Hall. The lhr.i. -, i;-vrton will c.uduutt'ne conceit. The next monthly meeting of the New Zealand Amiculturaf Society will be held at the Criterion Hotel, Otaliuhu, mi Tuesday afternoon next. His Excellency th- Goveni'/r has kindly consented to present the annual jirizesto the pupils of the Auckland College and Gramma'- School cm Monday nc-xt. The third quarter <-,:" the Technical Classes at the Mechanics' Institute will c-immer.ce i.ii Monday next. Forfeited shares in the lied. White, and Blue Gold Mining Company will be sold at Grahamstuwn onlhe 10th prox. The .second monthly meeting of the Auckland Institute will b-j held "ii Monday evening. The annual local meeti::, -f tl:<- New Zealand Loan and Mcreantilu .-'-. >!• v Company will be held on the 1-Jth -h:'; nvk. A call of Is per share 1 ..- iv.n nsade in the Watchman Gold Mii:ii:- i •,.>,,,.,,,,.-. A call of Is per sh::r:- b■. - b-ev. liuvi - in th- Van Gold Minim: Con.- •■.-/.

TliE LATE AUTUMN K.V'K MEETING. T.> : settling for the Antr.M! ::ieeting took pliLe last night, at the club i.>•>!:!. Auckland Hotel. The following is a detailed account j of the winnings :— Mr. Watt— Champagne Stakes—The Bird Z'A Autumn Handicap—Katwr ami,iw)i»n::a .. tiO-0 Selling Stake-s-NwrMiss ;.O I Auckland Cup—Batter and rarawhecHa 140 | Total £ilt Mr. Mcßae— Steeplechase—Kus ic £140 Mr. H. C. Young- *'_ Leger—Be'louin .. 130 Mr. H. I'rinee— Xovel Handicap—Never Miss .. . ..00 Mr. Halsted— Hurdle Kacc—i:am<! Hoy i.O Mr. O. McCee— Trial Stakes— Bismaick 10 Mr. W. J. Marks— Stepi'lc-chasc—i-.'arey '2nd liorso) 20 Mr. Lupton— Hack R<%ce—KtlipFe- IS Total £033

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3915, 30 May 1874, Page 2

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3915, 30 May 1874, Page 2

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3915, 30 May 1874, Page 2


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