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THUHSDAY, DECEMBER 21. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Prayer. Present:--The Provincial Secretary (H. 11. Lusk, Esq.) ; Provincial Treasurer ( W. J. Hurst, Esq.) ; Goldfields Secretary (J. Sheehan, Esq.) ; Messrs. Taylor, Douglas, Bay, ihaniighan, Swanson, Kerr, Ball, Beveridge, Farmer, Mitchell, Farnall, Carletou, Hay.Bucklaml, Lundon, Gordon, Philips, Beyburn, Humlin, Shepherd, McLeod (J.), Ificholson, and Muckay. The Clerk of Council read the minutes of the previous sitting, including the items passed in Committee of Supply. SCPPLESIEXTAEY ESTIMATES.

Inspector oi' Weights and Measures, Auckland, £150; superintendent and matron of Eefuge, £75; fuel and light. Mount Eden gaol, £212; burial of pauper hospital patients, £150; police expenses on special constables for city of Auckland, lS7l,~£lGt>; expenditure of Provincial Council buildings, £ISS 9s. sd. ; two boulincn, Shorthiud harbour, at £G per mouth each, £11J.; new buoy, Thames Kiver, £25 : Sub-Inspector of Police, Thames district, £250 ; additional salary to chief clerk to Warden (Thames), £50; refund of wholesale license fee paid by Messrs. CruicksUank, Smart and Co., £20; iu aid of Volunteers, Auckland district, £I<jo ; in aid of Volunteers, Thames district, £125; in aid of Volunteers, Waiuku and Wairoa districts, £125. The item roads and works north of Auckland, £1000, was postponed, with a view to be reconsidered. PETITIONS. Mr. Gokdox presented a petition from twenty-eight ruiepnyers of Mangerei, asking that they may be exempt from payment of toll at the Ola'huhu gate. Mr. HAT presented n petition from sottlers of the Arariinu district, stating that if a main road were constructed it would facilitate settlement on ilio block, and praying that easier approaches might be made to the settle- ,_ PRIVATE GKIEYAXCE. Mr. Carletox brought up the reports of the Private 'grievance Committee. The Standing Orders were suspended in order that, the Superintendent be requested to giro efi'ect to the recommendations of the committee in the cases referred to in reports 6, 9, 11, 12 13, and 14. > PUBLIC EESERVES COMMITTEE. Mr. KEiiE brought up the report of this committee upon public reserves. WAITAKEREI KOAD BILL. Mr. Ball brought up the report of the Select Committee on this bill, who recommended that the second reading of the bill might be allowed to pass, a clause to bt) inserted fixing the date wheu it should come into operation. Bill read u second time, passed through committee (Mr. Farmer in the chair), cud passed. KAIPAKA HAILWAY. Mr. Gof.dox inquired when the Government would give the House an opportunity of exfressing iis opinion upon the Kaipara railWay contract. Air. Sheeiux thought that the Eaipara railway had been before the Council in everv possible shape. It had been discussed, and the hon. gentleman might have taken any Tiew of the subject he thought proper, or asked for any information the Government possessed. The tirse of the Government was fully occupied with public business. TOLUXTGEES. Mr. LrsDox moved, " That in the opinion of this Coun.-il it would tend to encourage Volunteering iu this province if prizes were offered by the Provincinl Government to tho best shots amongst the Volunteers, and also to those who showed the greatest efficiency in drill. That a respectful address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to recommend for appropriation by this Council the sum of £700 to promote the above object. To be distributed as follows: —£500 among the Volunteers, and £2'JO among the enrolled Cadets aad boys learning drills at schools in connection with the Board of Education. Xhat his Honor be requested to confer with the commanding officers of tho districts of Auckland, Kauraki," Waiuku, Waikato, and 'J'atiranga, as to the best mode of offering these prizes." He had requested that the iteu: ho pootpone.l waeu tbe Council was in committee. Ke was not at ail pleased with what had been done. Some districts were left out in 0..c coid— Waikato, Tauranga, and others. Mr. Peii-its =eronded the motion. Mr. Hitch£l.l. supported the motion.

Mr. Haulix regretted that artillery and cavalry Lad been ignored. Uα thought the mover had aslcsd tco much to have any hope of getting it. Mr. Goedo.v also thought that something too much Tirus asked. He had :i communication with Major Gordon in respect of the distribution of sucii money as might be voted for tins purpose. Mr. iu.VLO.v looked upon cavalry and artillery as Volunteers. He would leave the amount to be named by the Government. What he wanted was prizes to exist from year to year. Motion carried upon a<?ilition. Ares, 15 ; noes, 5. AGHICTJLTTjKAIj AyD iyDTTSTHIAIi EXHIBITION. Mr. Philips inquired whether the Government intended to comply with this resolution of Council, asking the Superintendent to put on the Supplementary Estimates .£SOO in aid of the above purpose ? Mr. I/csk raid it did not uppear to the Government that the province could afford considerable sums like this for objects very deeirable in themselves. vaccination. Dr. Nicholson said there appeared to be no provision in the Act of the General Aβiembly for this purpose—at all events none to pay the officers charged with seeing that the Act should be carried into effect. He moved (and obtained the suspension of the Standing Orders, to move further), " That a respectful address be forwarded to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to make provision for vaccination until such time as the Colonial Government shall make provision ; the sum not to exceed £500." —Carried. JtIITNGATArEBE. Mr. Ketbubv moved, " Xhat a respectful address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to put on the Additional Estimates a suUicient sum to purchase a piece of land of fifteen chains long by one chain wide, to connect the road lending from the Highway District of "VTangarei with the road leading to Maungatapere." Mr. Lusk would endeavour to meet the wishes of the hon. member by seeing what could be done out of the money voted for roads and works North of Auckland. Mr. I/ir>-DON proposed, as an amendment, tht " £1500" should be inserted. (Laughter.) Mr. Kevbukn eaid he would accept the .promise of the Provincial Secretary . ATViKUI AND KAIPUKA. Mr. li-UXDOX moved, " Xhat a respectful address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to reserve out of the money voted for roads and works North of Auckland, the sum of i'soo for the purpose of erecting a bridge across the Awanui at a place known as Kangitoto—any surplus to be devotee) towards opening the road from the bridge to Kaipuka, as recommended by the Inspector of Works." Mr. Mat thought it should be left to the ' Executive to expend the money where they i thought best. Mr. KETBr/BN thought that expenditure for the North should be left to the Executive. Motion agreed to. TATTEA2TGA. Mr. DoPOLAe nioTed, " That a respectful address be presented to his Hunor the Superintendent, requesting him to pluce the sum of *500 on the Additional Estimates for harbour improvements at Taurauga." He said the Government had informed him that it was not their intention to put any moner on the Supplementary Estimates for the abor« purpoee. They said they had no funds. He ""got appeal to the Council that he had taken no part in any scramble, either for himself or

hiß district. The only alternative appeared to be to withdraw the motion. Withdrawn accordingly. OLD SUPREME COOET-ITOrSE SITE.

Mr. SnEEUAN (for Mr. Brookfleld) moved, " That a respectful address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to take such eteps as lie in-jy deem requisite to amend the Trust set forth in tho Crown granr, to the Superintendent of the site of the old Supreme Court, such Trust having apparently been inserted in error, and contrary to the arrangement made between the G-eneral and Provincial Government?, fjr tho handing over of that site to the province." Mr. Philips thought ono arrangement might bo made by which the- city would be enabled to purchase this property. Motion agreed to. MR. UKTHANK'S TRAXTWAT. Mr. Mackav moved that this Counci concurs with the report of tho Select Committee on tho case of Alexander Unthank : " That a respectful address be presented to His Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to give effect to (lie recommendation oi" the report." The committee recommended that £-120 should be deducted from the rent for which Mr. Unthank was liable. Tic thought this arrangement would be favorable for Tho Government, for there was something ]jfc e £1000 due to Mr. Unthank, who had expended £2500 as against £ISOO, aud had tuner charged the miners a maximum charge. It was left to tho Government to make the inquiry they thought desirable. Mr. would uot oppose the motion upon reserving the right of tho fullest inquiry. He believed that tho case deserved to be considered, not as a matter of right, but owing to accidents affecting the profitable use of tho lease. Whatever might be decided, should be submitted first to the Council for their acquiescence.

Dr. .Nicholson- would not oppose tlu motion. Jle thought (lie exceptionally bac winter entitled the petitioners to some con sideration. But this did uot apply to accident: extending over years. The petitioner was nol influenced in any way. All tlie competitorwere told to go to the line, examine it, anc judrje for themselves. Mr. Cadmax thought that, in nil future leases of the kind, such arrangements should be made us would obviate the necessity 01 the lessees corning to ask redress from the Council. Mr. May opposed the motion. lie thoiH'l £200 sufficient. Mr. iIiTCUELi, supported the motion. The ease was one which could be only adjusted equitably. He thought that, unless a lessee should give notice to the Government, and call for the inspection of its engineers, the lessee ought, not to have a remedyr Mr. Mackat said that the £200 previouslv given was an element in the calculation of what the petitioner should now receive. He thought the amount recommended was moderate. He was willing to udiuit that no abatement of rent, should bo made until the line was put in thorough working order. He thought the Government had a right to the fullest inquiry. Motion agreed to. BUILDINGS IXSUEAXCE COiTitITTEB. Mr. D TEH brought up the report of this Committee, with tho minutes of evidence, which were laid on the table. DISEASED CATTLB. Adjourned debate on the question, " That an address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting him to proclaim the Diseased Cattle Acts in operation, as regards the landing of cattle in this province." Mr. Mitchell opposed tho motion. The result would greatly enhance tho price of butcher's meat. Looking at the enlightened spirit, of the country settlers, and"indeed differeut sections of the community one retaliating on the other,—it waa just possible to comprehend the reason for such a proposal. There was not the slightest reason to suspect leased cattle coming from Australia, »nd he believed the same applied to the other provinces of New Zealand. Mr. Max did not believe there was anv Rreat danger at present, He believed the safety was, that all cattle should be slaughtered at the port to which they were brought. Mr. If ajilix would not detain the Council, the arguments against the motion beiiin- so few. lie believed Mr. Mitchell was wrong in tho statement that there was no danger. He had i:ot studied the various gazettes of trio colony, or h ■ wouM havo formed a different opinion. It hud been said that h<! (Mr. Hamlin) brought the motion forward as a protection movement, 'ilnt was sa:d in the Council, and by the Press. It was ?aid he had been at a certiin Protection League meeting, nnd therefore this motion was the means to promulgate such an opinion. lie would state plaiTily, *nd he hoped the Press would give the country the benefit of the statement, Unit lie w.-is endeavouring to represent the public opinion of Ihe province, so far as he could collect it, and nut the opinion of a few editors. (IFear, hear, and iron-oil cheering.) When he (.Mr iiiinilin) was asked whether they might brinn forward Protection in the Council, he replied that it was impossible. He begged to read tne proclamations of the Superintendents of provinces, to show whether there was any danger or not. He felt more, even, for sucfi communities as the Thames than their owu representatives, for he he was anxious that they should not be obliged to eat carrion.

Question put. The Council divided, with the following result:—Ayes, 7: Hiimlin (teller), Boylaa, Dyer, Hay, Douglas, Kerr , Shepherd. JS T oes, 8: Hurst, Mackar, Bevoridge, Mitchell, Lundon, Ball, Shana"han, SUeeh^n. JJlotion lost. M;iI.ITAEY EESERVE3 BILL. Thie bill, on the motion of Mr. Caeletox, was read a second time, and considered in committee. Mr. Douglas in tho chair. The discussion in committee was mainly concerned with the constitution of the proposed com mission, tho limitition of their powers (confirming them to the rights of lessor, to act on behalf for intrust for the province), the duration of leases, and other matters of detail. The names of Mr. James Mackay, juo., and Mr. W. T. Buckland were added to the commission. There were clau3ea inserted making it an inetruclion of the commission to provide in the bill to be brought into the Assembly, that rhe reserve shall be as an endowment for educational purposes, and that fifteen ac;es shall be retained as ornamental and recreation grounds for the city. The bill passed through committee. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, seconded by Mr. Carleton, the Standing Ordera were suspended, in order that bills having passed through committee might be read a third time.—The bill was read a third time, and passed. OPAHEKE EOAD BIXX. This bill was further considered in committee; the clauses passed with some verbal amendments.—The bill was read a third tiine, and passed. OBDERS DI3CH4BOED. Auctioneers' Licensing Amendment Bill.— Mr. Sheehan said that the hon. member Mr. Carleton had announced to him that lie did not intend to proceed further with this bill.— Order discharged. EDUCATION" UILI.. Hr. TjUSK said it must be in the knowledge of tho House that this bill could not be enacted in the time remaining to the Council for business. It would bo the duty of the Government during the recess to consider the various suggestions thrown out by hon. members, with a view to still more improve legislation on this important subject. The Government would, however, bring in a short bdl of one clause to divide the office of Secretary and Inspector. EOAD HOSPITAI BIIX. Mr. Betbeidoe moved tho second reading ot this bill. He explained that the object of the bill was to join the old Grreat North to tho present North Boad by diverting it through certain ailotmonts, one of which was the boundary of au hospital reserre. The bill wae promoted by the Newton Highway Board. . J. he bill wae read a second time, passed through committee, read a third time, and passed.

auppLEiiEN'TAnr estimates.—nr committee. (Sir. Farmer in tho chair). Item : In uid of Free Public Library, £ 1000 Mr. SWAN3O.N" inquired whether any determination had been come to with respect to tho site to be selected for this purpose. Mr. O'ItOHKK thought the site by tho lion, member (Mr. Swanson) was moat central and convenient. Mr. BoriAN was of tho sumo opinion; moreover, it had become the property of the province without the smallest doubt. As to getting certain property in High-street cheap, he believed they got it precisely for the money equivalent those who owned it could wt for it. *•

Mr. SrtANAGiiAN had a mind to propose tho reduction of the item by £900. It was the rejected vote for tho Auelaud Institute in another form. Mr. EiWANSOX was precisely of tho same opinion. He considered it as nothing more not- less than a job. Question put that the item be ngreed to. The Council divided. Ayes, 11 : Bucldand, O'llorke, Tavlor, Hurst, May, Dinnan, Lusk Sheclmn, Maekay, .Nicholson, and Bignan. > T oes, 13 : Snrunson, Sam, Cadman, Boylan, Freer, Shepherd, Hay, Farnail, Shanaghan, Reyburn, Lundon, Beveridge, and lluiuiiu,— Item negatived. The following items wci-e agreed to: Native land purchase (additional), £1100 ; special order for 1871, £2-113 13s. lid.; purchase of public recreation ground, cemetery, hospital site, and ride range at the Thames, £1000 ; construction of main road to southern boundary of Thames goldfields, £4000; opening and development of new goldfields, £1000. In compliance with addresses of Council :—Refund of wholesale license fee paid by Messrs. Hooper, OlifF and Co., brewers, £20; in aid of Cadet Corps Volunteers, £100 ; establishment of a female reformatory, £200; in aid of Auckland Mechanics' Institute, £75 ; iu aid of Thames Mechanics' Institute, £100 ; erection of lockup lit llowick, £150; grant to family of the Lite Rev. K. 11. liev wood, £150; boring for artesian wells, £250.—Total, £13,3fi9 3s 4cl. • The postponed items on the original Estimates were then put, and carried, for opening and developing now goldfields ; AIOOJ for hospital building at the Thames. SIF.NICIPAIi POLICR ACT AJfEXmrENT BILL. On the motion of Mr. Sheeuan, this bill was read a second time, passed through commitlee, rend a third time, and passed. HOSPITAL lIE3SBVES SALE BILL. This bill was further considered in committee. Mr. Shatmghun iu tho ch'iir. Tho object of the bill was to exchange a pieco of land at Epsom for a piece of land at Onoiiungn, near tho Royal Oak. The words " sale by private contract" were used, which provoked considerable opposition when the clause was road. It was argued that the precedent that would be established would be

dangerous. Mr. O'Rorkt. mired, " That the chairman leave the chair." Question put. The motion was negatived. Ayes, 4 ; noes, 15.

Mr. O'-Rohke said Dr. Campbell had made a claim to the One-true Hill .Reserve. He asked whether that claim was waived. Question put that the words " by private contract" stand part of the clause. Ayes, 14 ; noes, 4. Ayes : SlieehnTi, Taylor, Sam, Mackay, Mitchell, llav, Uurst, (Jadmau, Ilamlin, Furnall, .Buekland, Farmer, May, Freer. .Noes : Gordon, Luiidon, O'RorUe, lieveridge. The bill was reported, read a third time, ana passed. HIGHWAYS ACT. Certain formal amendments in tho Highways Act Amendment Bill, to enable the Superintendent to resume the management of ferries, were agreed to. _ The Council a ijourued at a quarter to two o'clock.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2468, 22 December 1871, Page 3

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PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2468, 22 December 1871, Page 3

PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2468, 22 December 1871, Page 3


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