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' : 'ni: f.'!'. win/ is a synopsis of the r 'turns j in respect to the .-.grieiihural Sta : vs'ies of'ii-' i'l'Ovince. taken during the i i':ie number ot' buii lines is -rated to be i :i e.'.'eni •■: land br .ken u ' but not ' ,;:;d- r'ei'l). lli.ob > acres: m «!.",:. 1.0-J-2 ! •!■-: a:'l : l.e ,-: Inn! Ed nro.luee. -_>.-..77'.l ■:. ,-:■..U ■ i:. -.•-■. 1.55! acres : estimat d '.;.;!, -j:i..i7l bushels: in barley. 1"^ ! - \n grasses. ilV.lln:!.; an-es ;in puMto's. :\.7;i5 a.ea >; estimated yield. l'd.'l-j:: . I ; ,s : an 1 in ~titer crops. I.s:it acres. i'he total number o\ acres under crop is ; 155,025. 1 The i'ni.r piaieipal electoral tli\isious I ■■ u> i :!.;!•• as re-a.rd- tevo or three i;n]tor- | ~,,, ~ ;,..>:_ \I-.-sd. .', has an climated ; .. ;,.;d' of 7.:'.7:> bushel.; of whea.l : i>ank--1 !';■.' ''~'M : "ag'.au. o.SI-'d : ami Northern j !';v.s;.'!i. b.oel' ' u-lie!s. In respeet to ! ats '■-,-;• tin,l thai '.'raiil;liu is at the head. ! re! nming an e-timated yieid of 5.62 D j lad.els ; Xortlu-ru J.Hvisio!.. 0.-J'JG : ; a jb:i'.. s.i>"dG ; and .Marsden. :5,111 I They stand in 'he following order in i ~ ..■•.;■,! io th" total number ot acres umb-r j ~.,, ~— •; •"'o acres ; Franklin. ' |:l ;lv,i ai'i'i's : Ner'.hern lbvisbn. :■•>■..<; and M.v.vdor, 19.011 acres. We are sorry to notice a lading ell" in t'ie quantity of gram raised in the province during this last season. >s com'jareci with previous years. Jn IN.-> tlie yield was u',u;77. while in ISf>t» it is put down .-.; 51.15i>. showing a deficiency ol' 18,527 bushels. This is to be very much re- | ■■■•■it-'d, ar.d it is to be hoped that we may I advance in our grain growing during the • present year.

There is a large increase as regards the area of land broken up but not under crop, viz , 2428 acres ; and of land in sown grasses, from 113,494 acres to 133,03(3 acres. Cn the whole tliese statistics do not prove that the agricultttre of Auckland has progressed in a satisfactory manner during the last year, except in the case of sown grasses. And yet the prosperity of the province must largely depend inon success in and extension of our agriculture".

There was a committee appointed som.little time ago by the Chamber of Commerce, to consider the question of the erection of a Dry Dock. What is tlint committee doing ? It seems to us that if those gentlemen were to call a pub!:,meeting on the question it would be •-j the advantage oi' the object in view, j j ie public mind requires stirring up or, •!.-. subject, and the subject itself req'; ;:•.-■. more ventilation. By all means let ;;. hare an open meeting and bear what :':.,•> ideas of the mercantile portion of An ■'-;- laud are on. this point. This is no t:rn■ - •-. rest on our oars. The Chamber took; i,... initiative to a certain extent, but app.jir.ting a committee pru forma will not d.. r; ; ... work. Let us for once put on ;> ■;•_•.'.-. steam and show what Auckland can a:. | will do. We would like to know what the ' --t j Board are abont in dry and windy vreath, r. ! Has the contract for keeping the ,ji..-_ ■ down in our streets lapsed, or b it oi. ■.• i considered necessary that the e\-e- ~;' :..'• ; jmblic shall be protected in the suian.. - \ time ? The dust yesterday was sone-tv..--I fearful ; everyone in town was crying ■.•' '. loudlv at the nui-ance, and we do tr .-; i the City Board will take some action :•. i the matter to prevent the recurrence .: ! the nuisance. j Ar the Police Court yesterday Air. 1 Havwood, of the .Auckland ibnei. w ; summoned to paj- certain arrears of ra - ■- assessed upon his premises. Tin- Ltrou:. i of defence was that the assessment vis excessive, and that two fron:a.-'-s were charged for, although other he:-:.-having two frontages were not asses--..-.: in an equal ratio. We quite agree t:. :: fish should not he made of one publb ; ;_ and fowl of another, but. as the 'Car: r-marked to the defendant's eoun.-.-d two svrongs do not make one right. J i:s II •.■nor deferred hb decision to a futttf•■ day. Mb. Sholl was very nearly reoeiviag a severe injury 3-esterday, bemg struck with much severity on the leg by a cart-seat w'nieh had been blown out or a passing vehicle, and was hurled along at a considerable rate, until it cii'.te in contact with Mr. Shell's legs. Fortunate was it for that gentleman that it did n■■•: come in contact with his hesid instead. It it had, ho must have been very seriou -.- injured. Baeeack-stkeet, instead of beireg, a- :: was formerly, one of our worst kept >:r-.---' - bids fair to be one of the be-i in a: I town. For the hist few weeks v. v ._- large iramber of men have been b't^i.y ! empinved in ctr.ting it down and ieve..::._" ring down a good pathway along i:.-i-:"itire length. It is now open for v:■!:;■- ■■• of every description from Shor'hi'..:. strc.'t. by way cf High-street io .-. b r-crombie-street — a distance of nearly 1.:.'.: a mile, the City Board certainly deserve great credit for the very energetic mate.-: in which the improvements ;:i this .-tree: have been carried out.

Ox a previous occasion v.? raau;? use t..: the -word "' pothunters '' in coiuicr;: ~_ whh the subject of pheasant shoo-:n_r m New Zealand. That the name is d-.'scrvod by s-aie .-]i.:ott'-rs we hare .-very re a- r.

!i> bi']i>.'Vt', ii'om what took i:: me ;-!ioa-:im in midland w._.;;lj be i^<-ns• : I.- - a ._f',.ii'ri.t", idiiioug'n no law exists a _'a.:.>t the practice. -No true sportsmen in - v ■ w Zealand would be guilty •-'' an ;'■"-• which is calculated to ::.:;l- riaiiv :■.::•. c the next s.:a--,:i's si>:rt. -1/hv 1- ■■ -1 - U'jrc ha! Fancy nursing vengeance for -;:-: y-ar-—quite !i v.h-kitn idea, andwo: my -:':..■ davsofthe -'Iron Ci:-n; i:;a. ye:.::.--oiilv satisfaction mo Bem-h e: Maeistiatcs could irivo the p:a::.m: in ' the libel case oi W imme:v. i>o liirsch yesterday, was ma. mcase must 1)0 dismissed, but c -;. i '.'< "• '.aken up aeain an}- mae w:' in s.\ ye-.:m idaintul' would have preferred trim. _ ■:; dcfer.dar.:. but the latter had ta't.ei .m.i----s-.-lt >.»fi'. and was. though dist'i.r ;-:■■. • rueniorv dear. The alleged perjury e:- <:>!* Lascclles v. t-'mith was dismissea. an : in a disputed ea-e of c;:y rates levie : r. the Auckland Hotel judgment was a. - f erred. IJeTween 7 and S o'clock on Thursday evening a red glare was plainly discernib:-. in tho direction of Kemucra. We learn. vesterday tliat this was caused by tie burning of a stable b •longing to M : llan:iatb:d. of Llemuera. "We have been reques'e.; to state m:.the Resident Magi-tr.'.io > •. our; -a. -' as usual on Thursday mx;. oil. •■;a: thai date the weekly s;11i:i_: 'ai:. e ■ a every Friday. By a ma-iake we ■:■■■-. in our v. sterday's issue mat mere w. ... be no -imag next Thursday. Wi: are ;h:>: m.■ ■ ; .•; ;a i u-'Vorumenl have naming m .. ■ settlement of the Bu-by c--.. agreeing to introduce and -upp m :. ssembo a me'sam to o.naoic m ■ vince m borrow the sum ree u-e :. Mr.. iii.AKX, In-po.-mr : ! ■-• .;" Works, arrived at :::•;-:. . •:i (torn Wehine,ton, m tie -. -: The St. Kikia also brought . ■:;:.. telegraph \\ ire. In .ur .-orre-uioi,dent's bm-r Tauraiuta will be found a cop. addnss present- Ito > 'aptain i'eaa■■". ■ 11.M.5. Uosario, together With me :;• . .y The Kosari > is expected in at! •:■; a:. shortly. Sltisemk C 't'r.x i: ■'' -\- sv -"'••' — ■:: Honor the C)-.'■■•'' -iiisre-c -a-.-..-, a >i.t::i_r • banco yesteraay. . ; 'H:aen v. U::- r litis "was ail application !or au t:.]un>". to restrain the defendant from connnr:.. waste up ui certain laud, otw.iieli th" p :.: tili'is inortL-aua-e. i'rob.ileo: will.. C dfard. was ueeree.l •.; the nopih-.if.ou oi Mr. \\ tnraker. I'issAV -vn:> I'tsrrssiox 1.-.-Ss. '- ■ ■■ >>i '.aibs was submitted, anu a . : ■ • lie t\ill-jwi::£ ollieers w. re :.:y o;::'- ■ ■ ihe ensuing year: —: ie.,ia. .:i. Boardmaii ; >ecre!ary. M to < _■_ ■ o <c.----c unuiittee. Messrs. :.. ]'. ■'. . :i .el's. •■ I White, an.l J. L. -inba.r. a. t .vo members were e.r.'.lel. i!i_' i.ess for next nigbt of lueecing I;'"' '■■ instant), ivid b.- a .lebaie on me !■>■; •■•■■■ .;uesti-.n :—" is ii to sa.'>.. t":e Ballot for «>pcu Voting at xo:—■ j.iections r"

It is not generally known that a license xo sell game does not confer upon the . holder the right to sell hen pheasants. Two persons were yesterday charged at the Police Court with a breach of the Protection of Animals Act, in exposing such birds for sale. The Bench remarked that the 30th clause was no doubt framed with a view of protecting the birds ; but he did not think that the fact of not being able to dispose of hen pheasants to dealers, would have the effect of deterring persons from shooting them. Our opinion is that it would have u great effect upon a certain class of people who make a regular trade during the season of killing these birds indiscriminately, and selling them to the dealers. We are quite of the opinion expressed by his Worship that the hens should be protected, but we are afraid that it is sometimes ditlicult for the sportsmen to tell whether the birds they are tiring at are males or females until they are hit. Both cases were adjourned iu order that the parties who had insti.gated the proceedings might be communicated with. We might observe en ]<u.\-sa,it that one o! the defendants was a " Partridge." and we doubt not that he hung up the hen pheasant in ignorance of the law. The presiding Magistrate called particular attention to the thirtieth clause to the Protection to Animals Act, ISG7. We publish it for the benefit of our readers:—" Every person who shall, within three years from the passing of this Act, sell, oiler for sale, or expose tor sale any dead hen pheasant shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay for every such act a sum not exceeding I'2o, and if such person hold a 113* license to kill or sell game under this Act, such license shall b v'ltn: on the conviction ,%,-■; /,'rc/o void."

.saski:i'l'l\"i.— I here was 11 sinine in hankruptcy held yesterday. The princi- | ]ial bu-iness was the examination of Alexander Gillan. a bankrupt, relative to the conveyance of the Scotia Hotel. Grahamstown, to a person named Brown. -Brown holds the hotel, wliieli lie says wis the security for certain debts due to him by Gillan, on promissory note ami general account. Gillan denied this absolutely, l'ho conlliet of evidence was very -troiie;. Gillan stated that there was a' positive aiTiuieeiiieut between himself and Brown, that the hotel should he conveyed to the latter, to be returned to Gillan whtn lie pa-sed the Bankruptcy Court. Tile commercial uiuralit3- manifested in the whole proceeding was somewhat equivocal. . The object of the examination was to the property into the bankrupt's estate. Whether the creditors and the trustee will take further steps remain- to be seen.

A cask of cruelty to animals came under our notice in Queen-street yesterday atternoon. which, wo venture to -av, in any country where a soeielv exist* tor the prevention of cruelty to animals, would have entailed nno'.i the ofl'etidc rs a heavy punishment, hut in this city there is i... such society, and, cm-cqucnt !y. freaks ■ •:' the kind are allowed to pass unnoticed. \ :iu:.ilier of cabmen, havi:,liothin-; tvtter to ,1 i. had mil possess:, m ot an uH'iilc-iidini; eat, and eoiilinrd [m-sv in a canvas ha-;, tyin-; up the mouth of ii 10 prevent her caress. With this thov amused themselves ('or a considerable time, l- .--in- the imprisoned eat about in all directions, and playing " catchlmd'' with more ap; arm; >aus!ae:io:i to themselves than to their victim, win. was t .-w----injl pilcousiy to I"' reica-ed l" her confinement. But the lire: ■« had no heart, and continue.i tossin-; the cat about and making a f.•<•:!>:ilI of it when i: 1011, until seeuri •! pu--y as -..■_• w::; llvm-; past id- . ii- :'i-:_;"-;i'-i-.-ii ani'ii :i -'a::- I -it :■'. ;ull poar.-d :■• b- anyihiu- i".!t p!oa--.d km ck,-d his i;at over his eves. We und-l'.-'- -A thai he proceeded to the l' (. '••:;;: and -ivo information ol' what h : I occ;:rr.-,!. an I i! the oU'eaders co.ild •■-• each lined t_'o, it would be in. more than they richiy deserve. Acts <>:' till-— are, we, rare in i.tir mi Nt. :.:.,! when Mich wanton enieiiv is proved, 'he i-vlbi- or- should be made an examp.e «.|'. e-pee::d:y when they fire ".l-'.w.n n-.elj. who should know better. .•'•- vk':v .'V'.nir.v.!:; arv Je'i -r wa-, vesday inerriinur. r. e. ived by Mr Heekham. while -iitin.,' ..n the Bench. A'ter pe-ni-ii:_: '•. his W, r-hip handed ;t over t. the pd'.ee win' adowc i the mom'ear- <■'.' the ;'r.-ss in p.-ruse it. it was evidently the cfl'a-ion ol' a lunatic, arid ci,tabled statements ..f-jSu extraordinary nature in reiere-i'-e to the internal management ol' tin- t.umitie 'Vsyitim, descnbiiiif the manner in which some of (lie unfortunate i:ni;a'.ns tie re dressed ; silks and s-tt-ns. ;;..!,! a.'nl .si'v-T laces,' and other articles •.-iptady va-'mb.'o were referred to as b :-'\vz 'eun bv certain inmatrs at certain t.m- -: an 1 p r-,.ns of ,pi;ility. no! excepting i- ivaliy, w-re sp.-k.-n ol' as weal-inn '•':"■;• people-' ei -.i lies : who. them-. : -'es |,:,,i !., ._..! •.! . ..,1 without Ill'lch finery. .'. swe .said b arc tin- l-tl.-r had everr r. M'ear. - ::'•■' of written bv a Junati.-.' w!.... *:■■ d.eo ! not. will Terv shortly b- - ... to vi-i' the .„., which he i.r s!:-- :i:n let:, r..::).. ars to have been -.'.rote; '•- a v. .an.nj, de.-erine- in such pi ei;nr ■an- na :'•■•. W V. -.V..11'.! —..'I :'.■■ ■ aftentieTl ..f the ■ itv •',■■■ rd ■■• :h ■ e..:n;i-i-.n ■■'■ the ('.,..! p-iln ".;. V/a lb! 1 -a:---.. ..:, -he .-a-tern side. ': :- t! - en: in..., ;;: .,.,;•.- and ehannel- ■.■•■•■■.;- . ;■■■■. ■ .■_■ :•.-' i . and tie' addition o;

A :■-■■ ■;-.:■ •: w.:. v.- !■ ~.-ve. ,-• (~ 1.,- . •.-.: :,,.. :.v ;■ ,!:-. •..;!„ rt liarra.-Ls. '<■■ ' .•..-.■! ..-.-i ..-, ..;• ; ; : .. -.1 Lei-: < 'rii-'i-r ' ' ■ :.:. i i . .■. :i ...' 1 .'n- i'lVs-. Wicket-ni.-li'. -:i .'-.- ..i.-.-L-.. .:i ~!' .in- '1 iiiriiiiui ran..,' : ■'•■■'■ ::■ ; •.:-i-ii'!■.- niiniii tivchi'nr !'..MI!-:rfi In:,.- ;-.,:,. '....,.,,,. I', 1!,.i' :..;'ii • • -!■*•- i\i.:.-:, Hi.- -Lv roniimiril f.. I.i- '.\i±u::;.:\:. .!. u,. M.ou'ld imagine •,::' i v.-:•-.- .-\t.■:!• iv Imt-!i ]"nv war in '. f ■<:■:<■< •;:• in .-i-.i ~i ti„- •!.,.■,.• f,.r \V, •:■■•.. i ■■■■:<■■[■. ". :H Mi:.- plaee iit 111.'•'li-;.- I ';i!i. S'ln .liN-!l'.'.|, ..ii '1 liurs- •!•••■ ■■•■■ !.. •:: :-.'. :•■..! v.-..1 1„ under !;„■ •,'■.-■-..:: (.;.- -.i. ' ! '■-: ','■•<■■■>■'.. :...<[ Ii: • |; , .'■:' '.'■.•' :■!•!•!. : in- s.:l.j : -t wiil i.,- Mnv- .•:• '- • i- ;.,;-i... •■ i li- •"i-.-;iti.iii." and w',|, i„- ::•..!•■- ;!,;■ :• r: .i:t--l ■<r .iii:> ..f .v! r. .J,... .. ■.• : . Vi ■: :\\\\ tain- place in the •:.'i ..' '.■;.-< <-.'i \\i:> (Ji.v.-n's IJirtbday. \:<\.\ . •■,.- ;n-j.ii.-.-s of the ISnv I'lster •■ ■ -.-key ■ piii>. •> fiii! pr-'L'r. inline will .-:,•• ■ ■ i.- ::. - ::.' .M.>!i.l::<-'-- is-u.-. ,i' • ..'uiiriti'iii of a candidate to serve ■:i ; :.- (i.-ncrnl A ssemlilv (lie i-li-ctonil .:':-'.:-i.-: . i' i'.uiHll will takv ])lac<; at tlie l'-il-.;-.- Mail. J\-;rj)t/]l, a' noo'i on Thursila- ii.-n ~

Notice is given that Kdmund George Steers and John Proctor Ifydes, John Howe, Charles Herberte, and Richard Roberts, intend to apply for their order of discharge on the next public sitting day in bankruptcy. Edward Frederick Williams, and Frederick Ernest Oompton have intended to apply for the complete execution of a deed, for (lie benefit of their creditors. A meeting of the creditors of Benjamin Hill will be held tit Hie Supreme Court on the ];)t!> inst. A deed of arrangement for the benefit of his creditors lias been filed in the Supreme Court by Henry Lewis, and tenders are called for in the bankrupt estate of Henry Lewis, of Grahamstown.

A Lkctimik on Palestine, illustrated by diagrauis ami a panoramic view of Jerusalem will be delivered at the Baptist Chap.]. Wellesloy-street, on Wednesday evening next, by the- Kev. J. H. Jenkins. The rev. lecturer has travelled in the Holy Laud, and we have no doubt that the lecture will he well attended. The same gentleman will preach at tip; Baptist L'hupcl to-morrow uiorjiiiii,'. Mektings are advertised to lie held in the undermeiitined gold mining companies : —Challenger, L'oth itist. • .Mount Aurum, iUh in;-1.; Flying Cloud, 2oth instant.


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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1967, 7 May 1870, Page 4

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AGRECULTURAL STATISTICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1967, 7 May 1870, Page 4

AGRECULTURAL STATISTICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1967, 7 May 1870, Page 4


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