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"Whatheb.—March I—Unsettled. "Wind, W.S.W.

ARRIVALS. Sea r.rcizi', a,-l!ooi;or, 70 tons, CooU, from South Sea "NlmHl*. r . Quoci-S scliooncr.-id tons, \ouhjj[, frciu Taliili Tin

DKPAKTI'iJKij. Island City, barque*, 4SO tons, J. Caltlor, 2 «>r Quw^ljjjui. *£&ry Frances, banjur, 209 tons, HiuunK I', jjr Wcwcastlc. Trwcri, v r, oo lons, Xcnr.cily, for Poverty Hay. Colonist, scliiH'iitT, *1S tons, W. Jum-s, fur Povcriy JJ;<y aisd J'.n?t C*»,*a>t. !M«rv I.lit ;i(> tone, Ktiv.iin;.!?, for Mercury Jnnr, m iioo: c:\ oU ton?, Mollcr, for Thuraiip;:. S)»oc:V»vcVt, lii L'i. JTi tons. Bowicko, for WaiigaiMKt. PROJECTED DKI'AirriJHKS. Fob LoM»a\.- City of Aui/klaml, Maifli 5 ; Alavch 0. Syi»"SKV. - A.iek'am 1 ., 5.5., eavlv. JSorTHKUN lAna\-.— Phu»tu\ Thur-siia v \.vr.\. VF.SSK I.S KX V KO'n; l>. "Williaina, b.s., iroiu S>ui»\v« Auckland. v.r«.. frmii >yduv\. Hay of SVowninj; I.V-auty, Ijarqiie, f:oai Xi vv-.tisllc. Cons tan:*bar-lit*, iron: S\ J.ttov. A-io<?. barquo, fr»»in L«»iulon. Mallard, b:ir([iu ( , fruin London. Waverlov, from i>atavia. No. L'ol. 2mi u:s. p. Won, bri£, fivn o*:rno. 'William aial rJ vilia. >rhoon» r. 1 *TouT:n:jin, fjpboo:uM\ from TaliiJ:. Omvavd, ?chooiirr. from Tahiti. VK:>SMLS IX TIAUIIiirU. |Tliis list n-.ii iiK-la«lii c.waiiii cal'u .i Star of tlu* South, s?., from XapiVr.- »1. S. Mtu-farUuie, ugont. Tanranirn. 5.?., fr«»r.» Isny of Islands.—W. »T. Hurst vV: Co., p.s., from the Thames.—A. Cleveland agent. Soyat Alfred, jks., from the'Hania's. —X.-!!. s?uu*h« a^ent. •J)uki» of Kdinbu/sjli. p.?., frota tin* T!aim«>.— S. ]!. Smith, agent. Entoj'/'iist', ]).?-, from the 'J'.'innu's.—o. .B. Jiovton. :'i»ent. I*adv Bowen, p.s., from the 'i'lanuv.--•!. Crsey, a^rent. • Go-Aht' ad. from tl:o Thaates.—S. !I. Smith, r.-ji-i.t. XiUiia, p.s, from Tlta-.m-s. —S. s>. ngi-nt. City 1 •!' Aiu-kia'.ii 1 ., fro;:: T.ondou — CruiolisliJ'ti'i. .'-'tiiari it Co., a<;i']]l~. ship, f.--.-.i l.oiu'.on.—an.'. Gralian-. :-^'-Tits. Seatoller. l i.tipu-. from Livi riirol. - Owi-i! and Or:ih"ii:. aixi'iits. ITcri'id, I::iij (tf. from ; : :in I'iani iMo —lii u.'crsoii ii. ai;i'i;ts Aaiiv.- Mail;. b:iri|iu-. f:"t K:-.i:n isro.—■ Thornton. S'luilh, ii Firth. t Mary Ftuiuv.-. Ivirqtii'. 1 i-mv.-..-;!.-. - llciidi-rfon and Alai fai-lanc, agents. Thomas P;r..i- i. ' ..r.jIII■, i;\.t:i I-I.'l> l . —Owen anil Graliam, aj;t'::li Anna, barque, from iri'loourm-. -T. \Y. Iliuney. aiieut Flirt, brisatitiiii-, from tli-.- Fiji?. v:a Syilney.— ' Cruiolisliarik, tinart, i\ Co.. agtii!>. Jennie Dunc-an, fi'Vi.oM-v, irrm the I""j:- - G'ruickshank, ,Smart, iV C'o.. agent.-. Enterprise. > l;oo: .'r, frinn Uay.—,T. S. ilaei'arlane, ai;en'.s. Ivanhoe. sc-nui-tior, li'uui Golden Isle, .-i-hooner, from Launct.~tO:i. —J. Koberton A" Co., a.-ent?. Xsiibelhi, Ketili, from dcutli Sea Islam's.—R.!<. Kenilworth, sihooner, fiom Kit.-~ell.—■ Criiielishank, Smart & Co., asjent. Sea Breeze, schooner, from South Sea Is!and~. — C. Davis, asjent. Queen, sehooner, from South Sea I--lcmU.— Owen & Graham, agents. Tortuue, schooner, from Bay of Plenty. Aurora, sehconer, from Bay of Islands.

IMPORTS. IV.- schooner Queen, from " r r»hiti : 23 large bales cotton. IS small ditto, 2> bags maize, S casks lime juice, 20 r\vt. coliee. Owen and Graham (agents). Per schooner Sea Breeze, from Rarotongn : 8 tuns lime juice, 1 barrel cocoanut oil, 30,000 oranges. 10 barrels pine apples, 10 bunches green bananas, 1 case dried bananas, 5 tons pearl shell. C. Davis (agent). EXPORTS. Per barque Island City, for Queensland : 12 tons potatoes. —J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Onward.—This vessel arrived at Tahiti from this port on the 28th January, after a good passage. The clipper schooner Taurangn, Captain Trayte, Las gone to the Marquesas Islands for labor. She may be expected back here shortly. A full-rigged ship (supposed to be a whaler) ■was sighted by the Quren, oIF the French Roclc, one of the Sunday Island Group, on Sunday last, she was standing to the eastward. Tho s.s. Phcebe is expected in the Manukau this morning from Kelson and Southern ports, 'flic John Peim from the West Coast is also due. The barque Constance l'rom Sydney will in all probability make her appearance to-day. The schooner Kenilworth is alongside the barque Anna, transhipping her cargo of oil from Russell. The barque Island City sailed from the -Heads at 5 p.m. yesterday, for Queensland. ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN. The fast sailing schooner Queen, Captain Younij, returned l'rom the South Sea Islands yesterday afternoon, having made a capital run from Tahiti, via Earotonga, of three ■weeks. On her passage down from this port the Queen made a quantity of water, and upon examination, Captain Young found a leak in the after part of the. keel. The leakage was partially stopped, but up to the present time, the vessel continues to make water. On arrival at Earotonga the Queen was chartered to proceed to Tahiti with :i cargo of cotton, and the arrived there after a good run of nine (lays. She left Atiamouiu on the Bth February, and after a good run of six days arrived at Earotonga, where she remained )ill the following day, when she sailed for this port. She had fine weather and light !•;. and N.E. winds throughout. The Queen brings a cargo of cotton, maize, &c., and the following passengers :—Mr. and Mrs. May:- and one cliild, Mr. and Mrs. Fahey and i three children. ARKIV AL OF THE SEA BREEZE. The clipper schooner Sea Breeze, Captain J. Cooic, returned to port yesterday afternoon from a cruise to the South Sea Islands, liavinjj been chartered to convoy a cargo of provisions to Maiden Island from this port. The Sen Breeze sailed from Auckland on the 21th jSovember, and arrived at Earotonga on the 7th December, after a smart passage of ■thirteen days. On arrival here she was engaged to proceed to Maiden Island with the passengers of the barque Icon, which was lost at Earotonga, and some natives. She arrived ait Maiden Islai da, after a tedious passage, on the 13th Januai y, and left again on the liith, arriving at Scitly Island on the 23rd of the same month. She took in some pearl shell and turtle, and left on the 20th. She called at Aitu on the Ist February, and sailed again the same day, arriving at Earotonga on t!:» 3rd instant, liemuimd there twenty-

four hours, mid then proceeded to Aitutake, arriving there on the Stb. She was compclliHl to lay oil' nuil on fj> r lw " ih-.ys. n heavy gaie blowing fro'l (he nor "■ She then tool; on board fruit, and sailed irom this port n;i the i;!th. She experienced lijrht esh rly anil tiw'-e :.-t wituls throughout tlu' anil maiie tin 1 Poor Knights sit 0 p."l- - Momlny hist, arriving in liarlioul' '.'.t - I' 1 "- yesterday. _ ~ Tit.. Sea Breezebrin~s a cargo of fruit. uinej'.:iee, ,as ]ht initio 1-;:-, ami will leave ;.gam ior :\iaid.-n island, villi provisions, in ii <c« days. hviu-s lite ua vendors r ' ,iu .Mal.len i-£i\.l, "r. Sp.ii.v ; f'.otn Kaivton-u Mrs. ,). Co .tc n'lui family. a-.ul sw-vitiii. A HI'AYV (; 1.;. V, .IT KVKOTOXdA Tin-: sciioux i-:ii dhhk.n ASHORE. 11 v i hi- arrival oi' till- .-vheoncr *ea luvc'.e %vi- hv .i- that :t vt-rv •(■■■•re jin'*.' >wcpt. uu-r tlie •-i.-inii ■>:: lit- i'Nt, ami --"- 1 Dec-em-ber. On tin* ~,Tinui li-.iv of the storm the ■ehm-ncr l-'iizi ii:-riv.->l I'lvm a ei":iso amolipt tin' tfiui .Unilh missionaries, and ,-liorlly at'.er -h- •■!.:, iton.l tin- t ;a!e ii'i-roascd in low, mul Ml I:i ill. o:i till- i'-mi ! i:.' liz.i commenced to lira"- SJ-e iM.-rii'ii a«av all h-.-r hi-ail moorings aa.f.'ti-Wl.-:! '1..V.H -:i I.*e:l liivezi-. wliii-li \\ U iilsic'.l- at llt'ilol*. She did Mill.i* >li : :!:t iliiiua,".' to F.c head gear of the tjriT.'i-. Ihi- ,lw i"t Bree::c roili- out tin* P!'dr inthi*. "1 sustaining any ilaui:i;;e. Alu-r hilling < in- t.rerx • ill.- I-1 sherre 1 oil', :nrl her k'-,.- 1 . -m » .".e rerf, remaining in tli:it ]io.-iilo:i for i' hours, buuipin-; very heavi y ::i! t'.i- time. thi- would break up. * Mi- i'lin>in>in:-ti-r- and ot her valuables on 1 >~,ii v.viv rca.-'Ve-.l i'l'l :u tin- vessel ami plaec:l on e.>:ml il.i-.~va i' i'Vi'l im-'.t ,iy. however. i:ii' u-iie .-Ii! iy im lii-raifil, ati I !:ii- v.'.-.-l •: i>:i in* -• dri'p wa'.i-r. u'r- !'i'i':i:rcJ a! tUtiivra, and liaii ?aih-d

T|\ !•: AlVi> i.A >. i) \'V l' i'Klv iU \U-PO V i»KA"*:i or vai*:'ain axio.tati: ?ii."M * I\ gutter 11;;i L r lL ,v f, J,»r;sw-;-!y ol Aurkhuul, lrlnnu'il '<> "l:iMUni l:i.*l S:ilur.i:iy :♦ ill* :i sfVrn work-' nil) W> I lie L;iu* Isl:v.:;U. The o'.':i:l tin* iMirojHMiis k'\i l<*\v«< truly Ijunentiiblw Uu-v iraviUy lmvim* navigate tininJo Mr. St:r.iu\ one of the opium's cl'tho vivsrl, nr.. I \\h-.» it U> tin* i.iiu\ yivt> i.-. t'u* ii«ii wul pavl uf I heir voy;:p.-. :{»'»•; L>w sturifd Tavitmi M'wn v'i':*k> sinr i'ov tlit* l«m»» Isluiul.--, wiilt 7k;-. Mr;i:._L f . C'a;>t;uu tiixiu, ii.;i-Un\ 1 i:uiU* : lutiHMu* Wilinir, : :uj<l thivi v ;i:itiv<\*», l«> :ii t «;s fr/>ilov» :;;ul Thi-y ha I a nil. umvii U> Mi»' ;ium ivln'M It.i'v \vri'k> ■>.:! sin>ki» tin* • lur'jur r»l\.»:nva, ;.:ul i-xt-h.r..;jvw t!;o -iovt' iv-rAini; thi' tfv'iu • »*i ur.-e nu-nl. »»ul oi whu-h thi'V lr.aiK* :•. :ui«l shortly :it*?t*rvanN l!;f\ all lis! iniw* ■il. :n..i iit:i*il:c t'.i. iu-\S few da...- .-i-ivslnuilc tl.elr u)>))<>araui.v a!l o\\ ;• ;he anus, hands, lens, :i:ul feel, Jirevfsiiing ihe iVee mm 1 oi' tin- limls; however, th y persevered in their minion, and in foiiy-two native labourer.-, and turned honiewi-rds. The sure? .-I'm '.u iviiMil, wi;'i mnnbuess in tin- 1 Hiitls air! fee:, i!ain :m<l JJitvidson's bi'in^ lai* On- w rse rases, :nul the duv before i'lM'-lii!.!! luviu**.;. lolt vi'vv laii.t, lit I .ling v.cnkri* evi'vv nr.unte, an.i in about iwo hours. Caplain iJaiit !i :d been p.'iiill" vi't'Y weiik iV.r vi venil i':iv~ )> rior !o lViieliinj; T-viiini, wlien lie «:is tnken :i>!:c_>i'e. :;iul on M'l'll.' u:itiv. s f'c;v :i'.l hmdeil ill fitM rate he;i!tii, aii'l wen! In work llie nest iliiv \vilii a unnl will. ;m.i ;Ve.-!i llie Rittnil ve IVn- l.evuV.n wit'.i t:u- nv>' rnr.Tutiiu';; iuifurluimtcs. Uoth care? are sevioti.-', '"it we with ]irii]>er meiiiea! irealtneiii thai thev wiiiseon he well airaill. Whetliev the disease emalialed from nnylliiiis: in the meal, whieli was obiaine.t IVoin the ban[tie, .'Mr. Straiv; is unable to r;iv; hut. tlie portion "1" it left, nil! be Mibjeeled to an analysis. It v.:w t'urt-inntc Cajjluin iiain was able to bi'inj; the ves.-el intn the Group, aMifither Mr. Strang or "Wilbur uiideritoi-d n:ivigii!ion.— F!i;i I'mn. J lie teliooner Blount Sraelaren. wiiieli arrived from Xelsou at t!.e early jiai't of the iveek, lia* elmngeo lian:'.s for the jam of .C2SO ; lier jire.-ent owners, we understand, are Messrs. Helniiann and Holmes.— l : Uji 2'imfi.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1911, 2 March 1870, Page 4

Word Count

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1911, 2 March 1870, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1911, 2 March 1870, Page 4


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