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Wkatiskr.—Fine. "Wind, S.W. AK RI VALS. Jymgjiiirn. s.s.. 17-1- tons, Remu'r. fron »» l elhngton mid Xapier, wit 11 general ear <r o. Passengers—2o. * 1 ay, cutter, If J tons, Sullivan, from Mot Springs, willi timber. DEL' ART U RES. Sl-ir of til,. South, S.S., u;i tons, Bcnrinll. i lor \\ !in«aron. in bsilliisl. ! Coonifi'itiiir, p.s., 152 tons. Chrisp. for Russell, with sundries. I'iery Cross. schooner. 72 tons. Short, for Russell. i u ballast. Rose Ann, schooner, 2f> lons, Bushell. for Russell, in ballast. Helen, schooner. 2.'Hous. Scoff, foe M-ihu-ranjji, witli sundries. Passengers lit. Tay, euMer. 1<? tons, Sullivan, for Hot in ballast. JMCPAIiTL'UKS. Lo\ HON —Kxeelsior. early. 11 oiciaN<>' \ — Restless, t.i-clny. Tahiti.- - Tauranga. early. YRSSKLS KXPKCTKO. Hero. -.-. from Sydnev. Wellington, s.s., from Southern Ports. Raiuafira. s.s. from Soul horn Ports. City of.Auckland. ship, from London. Chile, from London. Countess of Kintoiv, ship. from London. -- (Sailed August S. N , Glemnark, ship, from Lumlon. Harriet Armytage, barque from Melbourne. Klizn Shairp. htrquo, from Xewcastle. Pride ot the Thau:.'*. barque, from Liverpool. (Sailed Only S,l \\ cut worth, barque, from Mongouui. ! Je\ersham, barque, from Xewcast le. Kate, barque, from Sydney.—(Sailed Oct. ISA tsla;i I City, barque. from (\ iadstone. Bella Mary, barque, from ll'oharl Town. Waverlev, brig. troiu IJatavia Paiu'ha.brig Irom Adelaide.—(Sailed October l:U s£ev-hyv, schooner, from Xorfolk Island. Xo. ood7, 2nd <li>. n K:ig<mit?, sehooivr. from Tahiti, >"o. !, Ut dis. p. bdizabelh. .-elm mht. from Dnnedin. VHSSKLS IX MA R UOt'R. I'l'his list does not uu-huhj coastinir cutters j Rangat'.ra, from S\dnev.— 11. Al. .lervis. agent. Duke of Kdinbuvgh. p.s.. from the Thames.— i S. H . Sniit h. agent. Knterprise. p.s.. from the 'Thames. -H. B. ! Morion. agent. : Lady Bowen. p.< . from the Thames. -J. t'asev. agen!. Ro;.al Wired. p.>.. frmn t he Tha me,. -S. M. Smith, agent Favourite. p s.. from the Manukau.—M. Xiee<il, agent. F:».eelsior, ship. from London. L. H. Xathan Co., agents. Red Rover, ship. fro t. London.—-Cruiek«diauk. Smart, and Co.. agents. Rapido. barque, fro a Batavia. - Owen and Graham, agents. Greyhound, brig. from .Melbourne. —S. 11. Smith, assent. Sea Gull, brigantine. F.tom Xewea-tle.—-Brown. Campbell, and Co.. agents Re-tJcss, brigantine. from Newcastle.--llen-tlerson and Araefarlane, agents. Waterman, from Arelbourne.— Vaner it Co., agents. ICenilworth. hri*;au'ine, from Chatham Islands. —Cruiekshank. Smart and Co.. ajrents. A.lhaf'.os:?, schooner, from Sydney. Am.iteitr. seluvmer, finuu —I. S. Miiefarhiue. a^.eul. se!u-o:ier. fr-tm 'Tahiti. -L. H. X a I hau and Co., atient?Ivanhoi', seliooner, from Moim'onui Strathnaver, seboonur, from Ray uf Islands, Herald, from Jfokiunga. IM PORTS. I'er o.s. from Wellington : 2 cases, Bank of Australasia : 2 eases. Wilkes ; 1 paekatie, Hurst : Hay and Honeyman ; 1 paekauv, Rank of Australasia ; 1 ditto, .lervis ; 1 ditto. Hurst ; S ease.Saitis(ni. l r raser. and Co. ; ) ])aekatre liardw:ire. Kastyato ; 1 small box, Carey and Gilie- : o eases candied [»eel. Gretrir : I ease 4 bedsteads, Winks and Hall : 3 ea?e> bedstead>, I bales eocoa mats. 1 hale eoeoa matting, ilalliday : lln eases stout. Canqtbeil, and Co.; 10 dittoditto, I Buckley and Co. ; 1 ea>i' stationery, Upton ; i 2 dito drapery. Order: 1 truss, Pos.-eneskie : I 1 ease. T. 11. Hall; 1 parcel, Rank of Australasia; 'i boxes. Clayton's Kxpress ? 31 butter, U cases r-auec, -1 casks, — Farrow ; 1 ea.-e })eel, and Co. : 1 box, Rlake : 1 trunk, S. H. Smith. I'nnn X'apier : 2 boxes. Chappel and Co. : -_i ditto, W. R. Clark; 11 cask> preserved meat. '1- cuscs ditto, Must and Co. ; 1 horse. Cutis ; 1 saddle, L bridle, i Captain Breton. —Combes and Daldy, agents. ARRIVAL OF TlLli! RAXGATIRA. 'Jdie N.55.5.X*. Company's s.s. Kangatira, Captain F. Rcnner, ai'i'ived in liarl)our at. ten o'clock last evening, bringing about twenty passengers and a quantity of g«.neral eai'go. She left Wellington at G p.m. on the 2Uth ; arrived at X"aj»ier ftt-G p.m. on the 21st; leit at S p.m. on the 23rd : and arrived at Tanranga at 1 p.m. on the 25th : left again at 6 a.m. on the 2(»th, and arrived in harbour ns above. Passengers—Mr. Bro .vn, Mr. Warner, Mr. Foley, and fifteen in the steerage. "We have to thank the Purser for late files. TIIK S.S. RANGATTRA. The foliowitijr address has been presented to Captain Paddle : — " Monday morning, " 25t li Octobei'. iSfl'.i. " r Vo Captain pAi>j>i.i:, eomnuiuding steam.-!ii;» R muatira. from Sydnev to Auckland. ''Dear Sir, — Wt, the undcr-iiined pa-sei.-gors bv the steamship Rangatira, liavt» much pleasure in thanking you for the eourtcsy and att-enlion shewn by you fu u> during our passage from Sydney, more e»peeiall\ during Uio scveir we:?ther experienced at the e.:rly part of t lie voyage. u \\ isliing yn a safe and prosperous return trip, we remain, youi-s, iVc., (Signed by ail the .-aloou pasreuge!--.) ! , Rkim.V.] Gentlemen.—l have to return you my bincei'e aeknowledgi v monts for the c-xpresdons ol .-atisfaetion at tin? attention >hown to you during (lie and am happy to find my applic tion tr> my duties in this new line of opera! ions have mel you.- very kind approval. : It ha- always been my aim to de<er\e sueh duriu-r 'he main v<-a>*< I have liad the pleasure of act i iig. Wishing vou a ideasai-.t Vi.-it to Xew land. i am, d.-..r Sirs, iailitfu'dy y«'ur.-, x,. P\ooj.r. T;i:: S;nj' Vii>f»!rn: I >is:u as n:ji. ciipp. r siii]) Vos;>mil c. vjapiain Steel, mailed from ewcasf ]e <.:i .he i Lit! j in.-!., bound for San Franei«eo. She wa> l<,wed to sea and cast oil't he si earner and dixdiaryed her! u1 ]».m. on t.iat vlaie. T!ie wiiji l , was steady fiom S.W. wilJj a rli-ar sky, ami ail plain .-ai' being on Ibe ship there wa- everv reasona;.!,- pro-'peet of a go./d o/i»ng made and happy commence men! of a ipdek |'a-sa;:i* (o Iter ])ort. of rlest in::tio:i. All ha.ids hmirer was percept iblc, uiien stu'.dei:!;. a t'olenl sipia'i striu-k the vessel, varrying a-./ay ! lie bow> pi'ii close by the kui<rlit heads, and I •villi it. tlie haelop mas; ami main topgallant I iiast ? with all the g-ar a:lacdied. Tl>e wind Vf aliened into a gali*, and, as maybe readily] magined, much diflieuiiy was experienced in j draring tlie wreek, whin!: had to be all eut / drift. However, with much perseverance) his was accomplished without, any material J iamugo to the hull., and Captain Steel, uuder I

the eireumsl anccs, deemed h mo»t prudent to mate for Sydney to repair, as nothing could be payed—niast.s, M:iis, avul rigging being all lose. '*!.he mads and y:u'(3;> of this iino ship avc ali composed of iron, and .-die h now 011 I her second voyage. having been built expressly j for the Australian ; nd California?) trade. She I only sailed from this port a few vrecks ago for { Newcastle, whence the took on hoard her present car»;o tor Sr.n Francisco. She will be detained here for a wee]; or two, r'pairing the sustained. The reports that siie sailed from Newcastle in company with I he ship Leicester, and the second officer states that lie saw the latter vessel carry away her mizemuast. She was It is! Mghf. of in the s<piall, as it eame on ha/.v, with rain.— ITaufhl. A brigantiue anchored oil' Hie North Head at 10 o elock last evening. 'I he s.s. Star of the South and p.s Comnernng left the harbour ar C p.m. yesterday. (he former for Maunawai, and the latter for Bay of Islands. XOTTCK TO MAKINF.KS. Xo. i>:\ of ISM. Marine Depart un-iil. Wellington, September 10, ISOV>. file following special niirh! .«ignrtls are authorised to hi' used at the perls of New Plymouth :md YTaitara. •, »l v\n:s M. liAi.roT'it. Colonial Marine Kngineer. s*i*!•:('■ 1a 1. lXiiiiiT Sn;v\i.s Xkw PM'Morru. Fr.un the Sh.>re. .V lloal will come oil". — Ti\o red lii^lits vertical (instead, of whit" ii_[ht>, as appointed by the General Harbour R.-u-ilatioiis lNl»s.) See Notes A and B. From Vessels in the !\oad.-*iead. A Pilot wauled. —Two white lights horizontal, with one red o\er. forming a triangle. (Se*» Note* A and (!.l Simvml Xnarr Siwxw.s, Waitviin. From 1 he Shore. Take the Bar. Two red lights vertical. (Set* Note> A and C Bar Daugerou-. Two light.-* vertical. red over white. (See Note--A and D.) From Vessels oil" tin- Waiiara. Want to e<>me in before daylight.—Two white light* horizontal, with one red over, forming a triangle. (S -e Note 13). \<>n: A. In all >iji - !ial«* described in tin- jnavrai rc«;u* lation>anl in t he>c special »v«x«d:ii i<>n< as two lights v.rtieal (of whatever colour), llietwo linhN will he so arranged a< to M-rve tor leading liiiht>. the iinMcr light bcini: <>n the llanMail'm eaeh ca-e. and t!ie lowa- iwli t at -one distance in front of it. At New Plymouth. the two Sight?. will appear verlii'a! when a ve-ivl i- i•» the line of the anchorage. the Hair-tail' hearing S.-'K. magnet ic. At the Wuthm the two light* will appear vert leal when Ihe rent re of the channel i> in line with the flagstaff. the post earning the lowm' light being shifted, in accordance with the shifting of the channel. The ordinary >igu.d *' Wait for Daylight,'" white over r tl, will bo kept up when vessels are expected or are seen approaching the ports of Xew Pi\mouth and Waitara. Xo-LT. B. Vessels approaching New Plymouth at night, and requiring u Pilot. or approaching the Waitara, and wanting to conic in In-fore daylight, should fire a gun and burn blue lights, if possible, to secure attention. Xoti: r. Tin- signiil " T:ik.' the 13:tr " will not br shown i-xcvpt in :in>«vr to :i siu„ ; ,l f,-., ; , |1„. v<\s»'l " Csillllot u.;i!." Of " Oilllih't to sua" (sec (ionrral tvguhtioitot. nulr.-> tliorr i> ivhsoii to r\|jcrt wry !>;k( wfiit'ier ln-lbrc morning. tu tlr.if ease it will !jc ]mt up as soon as the bar is fit h» talco, but mastors of in uU ca-t-s, use their own jinlyim-ut a.s to whotlu'r tliry will conic in In iu\'lit. or not. \V'lion the signal "Cannot wait,/' or " t'iiimot koi'i> to sea," is nia.l,' from a vessel approaeliin;; the NVaitara at nirr'it, before the tide serves for the bur. it. will lie aeknowle.t-ed bv eoverin s the lower light of the signal whieh is up n> the tl ir-stall' for a short time. The signal " Take the Bar" will then he made as soon as the tiile serves ; but it there is great risk in eoiuing in, the siijnal " liar dangerous'' will be huiVteil iiniiie'li.ilelv before " 'J'alte the Bar," and the two ! nether will mean that the tide is right but the'bar is unsafe. Note 1). Hie signal ■' Car dangeroit.-" means, either that the bar is rough, or that a strosi" fre-li is running out. 0 j -lohn 11. IToi.poJii).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1805, 27 October 1869, Page 4

Word Count

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1805, 27 October 1869, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1805, 27 October 1869, Page 4


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