CRUICKSIMNK, SMART & CO. Have to arrive per ' Rid Rover,' OA TOXS MARLKV HILL COKE I •J , .-' 25 (links Malt __ I 2."> li.fckets new East Kent Hops 10 bales Woolpncks :i bale-. Canvass 125 ciisks Buttled Ale 220 <-asks Stout, Mnchen's 20 qr.-easks Port I 200 -uses BernardV Old Tom ! I 1011 cases BeniiU-dV Whiskey 100 cases BeriKird'f Ginger Wine 20 canes Cumberland Hams 200 boxos Price's Candles 50 tons Coarse Salt 50 tons Fine Salt 100 drums Paint. 100 drums Oil, boiled and raw I 2 crateK "Wuter Filt-.-i-s ; S cottage Pianofortes, in walnut. OItUICKSIIAIs'K, S.MAKT, & CO. Offer for Sale • /CONGOU TEAS of STI'ICIUOR QUALITY, \J in Chests. Half-chests and Boxes Sugar. Java Coll'ec Pepper, white mill black Rice, Chinn Tea Oil, Ac. S. & J. E. VATLE AUK CLE ARI N G > r > U T AT ENGLTSIT COST PRICE, AN IM M KXSI-: STOCK OV SICASOX DRAPEIiY & CLOTHING BA RC,A IX S in SIL 1C and I , Ol'LI X 1) 1{ ESS KS Bar.'ains in Llamas and Cajnbr.iys Bargains in I'riiits and Flannels Bargains in Damask Tabiecloths Bargains in Kid Glove, and Fancy Goods Bargains in Silk iir.d Cloth Jackets Bargains in Skirtings and Repps Bariiains in I l'Vench Mcrinocs I Bargains in Blue and Grev Blankets Bargains in Grey Sheetings Bargains in Shirtings Bargains in Carpets and Damask" Ac. Ac, Ac. GREAT IiARGAIXS IX MEN'S, YOUTHS , AXD HOYS' CLOTITTXG. S. & J. R. VAILE, ! i XAT IO N AI, All T, i COIiNKR r.F QrV.Y.S a>' P WYNDIf AMSTI.'KKTS. BIJOAD, :■ • ! >:mT<)v. \- K^DHKLL, TFG VL IXVESTMEXT AXD j .\:! > ;iNG ACiKXTS, "\VYXi)iu«-sTi:i-r.T. A; m \-.i.. am> Gkauamstown. I Transfers may 1.-' !,>i<,.l fir transmission and I Calls paid nt t\,. A.icl.'aMd O.'lice in Companies under tin- imiM-1./. i".-:ii ■•!" th- I'irin, whose Registered Ollice is ai .1. S. \\< I : LI.Alt, MamiL-cr of tii- Aii.-klairl liranch. []. Cγ I'VT OS, ,"! WVXD!'AAf-STKI-:KT, AUCKLAND, 'LAXNKH. *'l'H!!lKi{, 1:.! I'ORTER of SAD--5 DLKISV. S \I)!>I.KKS' IKO.VMOXGKRV, SHOK GRIN!)'.:!: , ! . I'.OOT L'I'PERS, and FOREIGN LF.AYlli'lito. CIIA VAj KS I'KToCHLEB, OMMIsS i(' .V M K RCIIAXT, I i sl| AKTIiK'OKICK , , LAND AND G T.NKIiAL AGENT, Sticiw.lf:-'s lii lUUNiis, (}ri;i:x-sTKEEr, A II'CI.AMI. Ci] \;;l,i-S 2-i, Qγkkn-sti: , .-.Ki , . atcklaxd, IS now prepare I t . I.'XDICRTAKI-; tile LKGAL I MAN.U:I-:\!!-:vr ~l' and wi'l en-de-ivour bv-ii-1.-f ai tei:' io:i I" hiM!ie.-s, to merit the eoiiiideiuv' ~'r a::y v, ■ o ; k'.y intrust bim with business Augiu-t Hi. ls-:». .]. w. \[!.:;::.TvaTo;v, ■HVR"-' i:i:'>Kl-'!!. VISIVG, LAND AXD t"""i 'cOMMISSiI.N A.',i:.>r, Iligh-sHwt, (four ! doors fi-i.m Sii. i'i i.,i.!-t 'n'l) ;;:ci( • ;:r» ;■: • tox & r<>., 1 JlXl.Nii (T>;>i>;s-;ii)l SK, i.n.ICIKXERAL j.l L ag iv-Ts, :ii-:ok !•:.:■< and accountants. O!li.-e, ;■■». l, 4 i:> -n-'ire.-t, Auckland. j! k. r l v y< i- ky, , ;urg;'-ov iii..:,n,-:T. .ikmovkdio hobsonstreet. ..ppo-i-., •,-;. ?.lat:!i.-w\-._Cbiircli. -:f)W OPENED, VsR TAYLO;.-s I;'.)VAL HAiK. DRESSING '■ ? VomiS <!,,,rtl-.nd-slreet, l.ear St. Paul's Church. Cn.:.-- ,1,.- p-.t: »..aee and appoint.nent of Hi- Hi.'i.;.:-- '!'■' F"'-kc of l..liiuurgli and Wf Fx.-ellercv i" G.-nr.-f: I'-owrn. 'ilaiivl,v.-ii.l. t . ..i! ■:.'".ni Hah brushed by macliincry. , n. cau v , ' pit II EX . i. OC. i d 'I', M K SM( aI; T, II Y : l> C X O T I S 1 , :S COMING ! U'aRCY I-KIGII, Scuretury.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 3
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