C. PKTSCHLEIi Ollersi for Sale, .yJIUKKx in tlso following CLAIMS and COM!O I'AXIKS:— S'-.-tov.T Svh-iu la.:i" Prive Roekha-.upton June!i..:i Prince of Wales All Nations Dixon's Xo. 1 Moaimtairi Cur. , Manukau Extended I'rovidei <■<■ Borkely Cii-tle G.V.en Head Youna; Anu-riiin ( >o! '■■••■•. '1 urrot I T : ,voriiess r...lden Calf I Greatßritainandßruns- Castle and Galatea Trick John O'Groat* ExtendLone Star ed Imperial Crown Tliames Thames Otago Ohio Redan City of Glasgow Dixon's No. 8 Metropolitan John O'Gruate Barrv's Xo. 2 Belfast Red Queen Pawn of Hope Grand Trunk Pride of the West Whan 2 half-equal Shaves m Fourth of July the Evening Star, ndLittlcNell " joininc Harp of Erin Mnrphv's Hill and Sweeney's Pride o"f Erin 1 Half-equal Share in Niagara the City of Melbourne, UniTed Kiusdoni above "the Great ReRousrh Diamond public Stichbury's Buildings, Queen-street. F O R S A L E. • HE undersigned has for Sale Shares in the following Companies at. low prices :— Long Drive Tride of the Karaka ShotOTer Albumia Thames I'na. Moanatairi ,1 unci ion City of Glasgow Grand Trunk Inverness Mac Isaac s John O'Groats Shamrock Mi.ldle Star Kelly's Imperial Crown Pride of Erin Pixo.rsXo. 1 Peep l.?:ul Eureka Slav of Fermanagh Whan Hazelbank Berkley Castle Kl Dorado Mux.tins Star l'overly & Charleston. JOSKIMI XKWMAX, Sliarebtvker. SHARKS FOR SALK. r\ALED O X I A X \ ; Long Drive Shofover Moanatair: Thames Gold Mining Company Dee)) Lead Youim American, And in all the dividend paying Claims at (he Thames READER WOOD, Sharebroker. Sn.»rtlaml-stree!, Auckland. THE Undersi.Hied lia- SHARES for SALE in 1 the following COMPANIES:— Lone Drive Disiseri Friend All Nations De.'i> Lead Citv of Glasgow Crescent Dixon's Xo. 3 l'ai Marire Thames Mount Eden Imperial Crown Moanatairis Inverness Great Britain Eureka Mount Alexander ifagenta Xew Zealand True Briton OVaiotalii) Golden Crown Extended G. W. WILLIAMS, Davis' Buildings, Queen-street. COEOMANDKL. SHARES FOR SALE in the following CLAIMS :— Quarter-equal Port Phillip, adjoining McLeod's, on same line of reef Quarter-equal William Tell, on same reef a< Morgan's Old Kentucky, half-equal Quarter-ecual Mclsaac's QiiaHer-oqu.il Day Dawn Half-equal Mermaid, adjoining Mclsaac's. Bit ETON * HULL. 2s' O T I C K. W . J . Y O U X Gγ OEGSto intimate to hi« old friends anil the public ! >v- that lie lias commence.! hiisiii.'-s ; ;s n COMMIS--1 SIOX AGENT an.l BROKER at Auckland anil 1 Short land, more particulars- P>r (he sale or purchase of Minini: Interests and Waikato Lands. ; W. J. V. Hatters liimsdf tliat his knowledge of the ! foniier duriii'/the la-t two years, and of the latter ; sin-.-c they have been opened'in European >-etUenient, j v-ill.wanimt him i:i ci.nlidcntly hoping that by inI leiirity and clo-c apjilication to' busiues-« l-.e will merit 1 and -.veeivc a of ihe jmblie patronage. I The bnsiiics> at the Ti.amc- will be conducted by Mr. R. K. I!aiii:». OMI.-e : ()ii]in-ite Butt's Hotel, Pollen-street, Shortland. Sej>l.-inber 17, lS(i0. O N S A T. E BY THE ris'nKKSIGXKD, • EA —In diesis, Unlf-chests, and Boxm English, in <hest« S'.gars—Co-:.fany's Xo. 1, Light Yellow | Mauritiv:?, AVliitc Crystals,&c. Criishcii Loaf, English and Dutch ]>.if, in 10 loaves ' Ci , . 'K:s—Belinont, Sperm, Sparine Amsterdam Mould and Dips | Soa]> —Melbonrne, Aut-kland I Soda Crystals Washing Powders Carbonate Soda Tartaric Acid, jars and lib. bottles Salad Oil, Crosse and Blackwell's, Castor Oil Salmon, in lib. tins Oysters Lobsters Pickles St;ir.'h—Oilman's, white and blue Blue—light and dark Jams Dried Apples Nuls 3' i|_'s, Sujjerior Plums Liquorice Juice, Preserved Ginger Raisins Currants Muscatels Rice—Java Ground Mustard, Pepper Coffee Corn Flour—7l. & P.'s Cocoa and Chocolate Sauces—various Woiv-rshire Sauce—L. .t P.'s Blacking—Day & Martin's Vestas—Plaids, 250, Ac-., Pipes, T.D Tobacco—lo J, Ac. Sago, Split Peas Salt petre, Whit ing Salt—Fine and Coarse Trca.-le Vinegar—Champion's Confectionery—Wotherspoon s, Keillar's Rope, Clothes Lines, Brushes, &c. Pails, Sliovels, Ac. Pajiei-—Koyal Hand, Tea Piipc, Paper Bags ie.| ie.) &c. STONE BR O S., 22, Queen-street. BOOT AjS'D SHOE WAREHOUSE, HIGJI STREET. Tl A EX'S SL'PKRIOR WATICRTIGIIT.S, 16j. Gd IVi Men's String Lace-ii]!, 12s. Youths' Nniled Lace-up, 6s. od. Boys' Bluchers, •!«. (>d. Women's Strong Lent ber Boots, Gs. Cα. Children's of every class. J. EOUT-
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 3
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