Sales by Auction. THIS DAY. THE EEMUERA YARDS. For sale, This Day (Thursday), at 1 o'elock, ex • Coomerang,' from Poverty Bay, OfTA "WELL-FATTED "WETHEBS ALFRED BUCKLAND. THIS DAY. THE REMUERA YARDS. To arrive per ' Storm Bird,' from Whangamii, q. j HEAD of FIRST-CLASS FAT CATTTLE. And, 100 Wethers, heavy weights For sale, This Day (Thursday), atl o'clock. ALFRED BUCKLAND. THIS DAY. THE REMUERA YARDS. For Sale, This Day (Thursday), at one o'clock, i) SUPERIOR BULL, bred by Robert Graham . i. Esq. ALFRED BUCKLAND. THIS DAY. TH E lIE M UKK A YAEDS. For sale, This Day (Thursday), at one o'clock, e, HEAD CHOICE FAT CATTLE ■t imported pure-bred Shorthorn Cows Dairv Cows, Store. Cattle 30Ci Fat Sheep 200 half-bred Store Sheep 50 half-bred Ho 2 gets CO Fat Lambs Fat and Store Pigs ALFRED BUCKLAND. THIS DAY. THE REMUERA YARDS. For sale, This Day (Thursday), at one o'clock, 4 PURE-BRED SnORTHORN COWS, in Calf to the imported bull "Magiciau," from the herd of Hr. Carlyon, of Xapier. ALFRED BUCKLAND. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. THE HAY MARKET. ] A TONS OF LUCERNE HAY, ex "Auck- ' \J hind," from Sydaey, for Sale on Saturday next, at twelve o'clock. ALFRED BUCKLAND. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. THE HAYMAKKET. 4"J SUPERIOR CARRIAGES, and a Prize <w Double-seated Bugsy, adapted for one or two horses, ex "Auckland" from Sydney, for Sale on Saturday next, at twelve o'clock. ALFKED BUCKLAND. THE OCTOBER. SHEEP FAIR \V ILL TAKE PLACE at Renmera on TUESf » DAY, October 12, at twelve o'clock. Those who purpose taking advantage of this sale will kindly send the number and description of Stock thev purpose selling to the Ha; market on or before SATURDAY, September 25. ALFRED BUCKXAND. THIS DAY. TRADE SALE OF NEW SPRING CLOTHING, EX ' EXCELSIOR,' FROM LONDON. B. TOjSTKS Haa been instructed by the importers to sell by auction, This Day (Thursday) at 12 o'clock, rj BALES AND CASES OF NEW GOODS, Consisting of 1 case Men's Diagonal Tweed Trousers 1 case Light Fancy Tweed Trousers 1 eass Medium Tweed Trousers 1 case West of England Fancy Tweed Trousers 1 case Shepherd Plaid Trousers 1 case Scotch Tweed Trousers end. Vests 1 case Light Fancy W. of E. Trousers and Vests 1 case Blue Diagoual Sacs 1 case Drill Trousers. The auctioneer solicits the especial attention of the I trade to this the first sale of New Spring Goods. The entire shipment has been selected by n most oxperi- • enced buyer, and comprises all Crst-classs new goods of the latest fashions. I
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 2
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