PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. By John Williamson, Hequire, Superintendent of the Province of Auckland. IN conformity to the 29th Section of " The Geld Fields Act, 1866," and to the Regulations made under that Act for the granting of Leases for Gold Mining purposes, it is hereby notified that it ie intended to grant a Lease, for Gold Mining purposes, of Crown Lands to the tpplicant specified in the annexed Schedule, unless valid objections can be shown against granting snch Lense. Objections to granting each Lease, stating tho grounds of objection, must bo made in writing, and lodged with the Wardene, at Shortiand, within the tiin« pregeribed by the aforesaid Regulations. Copy of tho application made, and plans annexed, r*ay be seen at the Wardens' Office. *•" jrtland. Given under my hand, C Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, one thousind eight hundred iind sixty-nine J. WirXTAMSON Suporintondent. SCHEDULE. APPLICATION' KOIt L'.ASK. IK pursuance of tho Regulations for granting Leases for Gold Mining purposes on Oold in tho Province of Auckland, I hereby make application for a Lease, whereof the particulars »re a* follow, to fee granted to Lawrence Butler, on behull of Tho Universal Gold Mining Company. is •§. 3-3-3 £ cc Vu __ >"= '0, ■ I § ail I I.? J "3 -> -a ■a U3 -•5) 3 ~g WtZ . a O^* go s ■3 §jkU .1 3 ■§":! S-gi cya-5 1 "sJ 2 I « » S £ S=> — •< £ - I w Dated tho 6th day of August, 1869. Lawrence Botlsb. Documents may be left at the Office of MessrsSully & Wardell. PDBLIC NOTIFICATION. By John Williams"*, Ksquire, Superintendent of tho Province of Auckland. IN conformity to the 29th Section of " The Gold Fields Act, 15(56," and to the Regulations made under that Act for the granting of Leases for Gold Mining purposes, it is hereby notified that it is intended to grant a Lease, for Geld Mining purposes, of Crown lands, to the applicant specified in the annexed Schedule, unless valid objections can be ehown against granting such lc»«. Objections to granting such Lease, statine the grounds of objection, must be inudo in writing, and lodged with the Wardens, at Shortiand, within the time prescribed by the aforesaid Peculations. Copy of the application made, and plane annexed may be seen at the Wardens' Office, ishortland. Given under my hand, *t Wellington, this thirteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. SCHEDULE. APPLICATION FOR LEASE. IN pursuance of the Regulations for granting Leases for Gold Mining purpose* on Gold Fields in tho Province of Auckland, I hereby make application for a Lease, whereof the particulars are as follow, to be granted to D. J O'Keeffe. •IN*"! S-3'3 •a i f 3 1" &x li. * •a g'3 "3>£ a=s § 1 J •£:§,= § « Illtll! otf a i-4 *o h> en 21 |S Dated the 7th day of August, 1869. D. J. O'KMimi. All documents may be left at the Exchange 3al«- ; room*, JPollsn-itreet, Shortiand.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 7
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