CEUICKSHAJSrE, SMART & CO. Hare to arriro per • Red RoTer,' OA TONS MAELEI HILL COKE *J\J 25 tanks Malt 25 pocket* new Ea«t Kent llop* 10 bales Woolpacks 3 bales Canvass 125 casks Bottled Ale 220 casks Stout, Machen's 20 qr.-casks Port 200 eases Bernard's Old Tom 100 cases Bernard's Whiskey 100 cases Bernard's Ginger Wine 20 cases Cumberland Hams 200 boxes Price's Candles 50 tons Coarse Salt 50 toii9 Fine Salt 100 drums Paint 100 drums Oil, boiled and raw 2 cratea Water "Filters 3 cottage l'ianofortep, in walmut. ORUICKSHANK, SMART, & GO. Oiler for Sale COXGOU TEAS of SUPERIOR QUALITY, in Chests, llulf-chests and Boxes Sn«ar, Java CollVc l'epper. Trhile and black j Rice, China IVa Oil, Ac.
TIIIS DAY. Tills DAY. nrrs day. CLEARING OUT SALIC i ° I '' PRAPERY & CLOTHING AT T I,ll£ NATIONAL MART, FRKYrOUS to 1 1 io Landing; of a Shipment of SEASOX GOODS, just arrived, - per Ship'EXCELSIOR.' S. & J. R. Vaii.e invite the immediate attention of their numerous customers to the PRESENT SALE, a» « quantity of Goods embracing every article mjuired in GENERAL FAMILY DRArERY, CLOTIIIXG, FANCY GOODS, &c., WILL BE CLEARED OUT AT EXGLISII COST. S. & J. R. VAILE, SATIO XA T, MAII T, j CORNER OP QUKKN AND WYNDKAMSTREETS.
no t i a ]■;. IMPORTANT TO POT A. TO K GROWERS A.ND CONSUMERS. rrorv -BAGS GOOD CANTERBURY POTAi OU TOES. Also, 170 f:u'ks Wheat 150 ?iwks Klonr 140 J -sacks Flour To arrivo per schooner ' Golden Mb,' from Lytlelton, now due. To bo sold on arrivnl. C. ART II U R t S O Auctioneers. BROAD, HAITGHTON, & KKDDELL, lEGAL MANAGERS, INVICSTMENT AND J MINING AGENTS, Wyxdhau-stuei:t, ArcKi.ANH, and Ghahamstowx. Transfers may ho lodged for transmission and Calls paid at the Auckland Otlice in Companies under tlio management of the Firm, whose Registered Office is «t Grahams! own. J. S. McKELLAR, Managflr of the Auckland Branch. !?. GITT OS, 3 wyxnirAir-sTUKKT, AUCICLAND, ri'ANNER, CURRIUR, I.MI'ORTKR of SADI DLKRY, SADDW'RS' I RON'MONGERY", SHOK GRIN DICKY, 1500T UITERS, and FOREIGN LEATHERS. CHARLKS PKTSCIILEK, COMMISSION METtCir AN T, SHARKUROKKR, LAND AND GENERAL AGENT, Stichiicry's Uni.i>isi:s, Quf.kn-stuekt, Auckland. CHAKLKS ALEXANDER, 24, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, IS now prepared to UNDERTAKE tlio LEGAL MANAGEMENT of Companies, and will endeavour, by strict attention to business, to merit the confidence of any who may intrust liiiu with business August 16, 18G0. J. Al. MKRKINGTON, C I TTARE BROKER, MINING, LAND AND O COMMISSION AGENT, High-street, (four doors from Short land-street.) RiCHARD EaTON &, Co., MINING CUSTOMS-HOUSE, ami GENERAL AGENTS, BROKERS and ACCOUNTANTS. Office, -19, Queen-street, Auckland. MR. PLUMLEY, (JURGEON DENTIST, REMOVED to llOßSONstreet, apposite St. Matthew's Church.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1775, 21 September 1869, Page 3
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