Sales by Auction. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. WITHOUT EESEEVK. TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS. B. T O N K S Has been instructed by the Importers to ae'l auction, on Thursday, September 23, at 11 o'clock, ICASE MEN'S LAMBBWOOL UNDERVESTS 1 ditto ditto Grey Lambswool Ribbed Pants 1 bale Scotch Twill Shirts Also 1 case Ladies' Belts 1 ditto Tweed and Doe Mixtures Men's Tweed Suits, Neckties Twill and Mole Trousers Black Coburgh, New Lindseys White and G re}' Calicoes and Shirtings Brown Holland", Skirtings ° 1 case Ladies' and Girls' L-nderclothing THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. TB.A D E SALE OP NEW SPBI3SG CLOTHIISG, EX 'EXCELSIOK,' FROM LONDON. B. TONKS Has been instructed by the importers to sell by auction on Thursday next, at 12 o'clock, i\r7 BALES AND CASES OF NEW GOODS, « • Consisting of 2 cases Men's Diagonal Tweed Trousers 3 cases Light Fancy Tweed Trousers 2 cases Medium Tweed Trousers 2 cases "West of England Fancy Tweed Xrouiars 2 cases Shepherd Plaid Trousers 2 cases Scotch Tweed Trousers and Vesta 3 cases Light Fancy A\ . ofE. Trousers and Yeats 2 cases Blue Diagonal Sacs 1 case Drill Trousers. The auctioneer solicits the especial attention of the trade to this the first sale of New Spring Goods. The entire shipment has been selected by a most experi« enced buyer, and comprises all first-claas3 new goodi of the latest fashions. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5. POSTPONEMENT of the SALE of the PROPERTY, Br Order of the Registrab of toti Sutkrsib Court, from lOtii i.vst., to OCTOBEB 5, FOB THE PCTKPOSK Or GITIFUKTHEB PUBLICITY, ahi> EifAßLixa Capitalists if tub Australian Colonies to COMPETE w» TM3 VALUABLE PROPERTY. BY ORDER OF THE REGISTRAR OP THUS SUPREME COURT. CHARLES DAVIS Haa receired instructions from L. O'Bbi' Esq., to sell by public auction, at his Mart, LOTTflf Queen-st-eeet, on Tuesday, the sth day of October, at 12 o'clock, ri'HE SPLENDID FARM of Alex. Kesmidt, i Esq., called WHITKFOKD PAKE, TV :ANGA, Containing upwards of 3,000 Acres. which 2,451 are to be sold as abow Thi- MAGNIFICENT PROPERTY i • situated, in the Valley of the Turanga. five miles from Howick and'seven from Otaliuhu, beini- "venteen miles distant from Auckland by road, and ;toen by water, and in the immediate neighbourh. d of the Goldfield at Maraitai. The whole of tlie property to be sold i> Fenced, except 500 acres ; and, immediately adjoining the homestead, there are about 500 acres laid down in good grass, qualified as good pasture, and subdivided into enclosures of a convenient size, all of v hich are abundantly supplied with water in all seasons. There are" two streams intersecting the farm (and substantially bridged), which fall into the Creekat a small waterfall, and afford facilities for washing sheep superior to any in the province. These streams furnish an abundant supply of fresh water in all seasons, the banks being well adapted for the erection of machinery. The creek is navigable for vessels drawing five feet water to within a few hundred yards of the homestead, and the situation is well adapted for the formation ol a township. The Timber on the property has been estimated ai worth £1,500. Fresh fish of every description can be had every morning from the creek, and the property abounds with pheasants, quail, and wild duck ; besides which, good rabbit-shooting is to be had within two miles of i the homestead. The Buildings consist of Dwelling-house, -table, ; Cowhouse, and Stockyard ; besides a W oolshed of * substantial and complete description. The Homestead is well placed and convenient— not oulr for shipping produce and landing supplies by sea, but within twe hundred yards of an abundant stream of fresh water. The Orchard is planted with ornamental and fruit trees, and the whole property is in good order ana excellent condition. In fact such an investment lias seldom, if eTer, been submitted to auction. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer; or to J. M. Mowbray, Trustee of the Estate, Supreme Court Buildings, Auckland. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. USUAL WEEKLY SALE of DRAPERY and CLOTHING. ; KOBEET YAILE, Auctioneer. Auction ilart. this day. j The subscriber will sell, at 11 o'clock, ! -f TON ADELAIDE FLOUR, for the benefit of J. whom it may concern ■ I 2 small cases Bacon and Hams, o kegs Lara i 1° Cheese. 20 bags Maize, 20 boxes Soap < 10 tierces Beef, 4 eases Sardines, 8 kegs Butter 2S packages Tea, 30 bags Sugar 100 bags Prime Potatoes Tables, Boies, Chairs, &c., Ac. T 2 Allotments of one acre each at Takapun , 10 and 14 250 Inkerman and Durham^ GF.OKGE SIBBIN, ; Auctioneer.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1775, 21 September 1869, Page 2
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