Sales by A potion?' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. 21 ALLOTMENTS, KAPANGA The subscribers are instructed to sell nt their Mart Fort-strcct, on "Wednesday, 29th instant, at 1! o'clock, ' \ WENT Y-ONE ALLOTMENTS in tho Town • uhip of Kapanga, Coromandel, being Nos. 9 10, 43, and 4-4, of section No. 4. Lots 11,12,13,16 37, and 38, soction 26. Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,1! 16, 17, 18, and 19, section No. 6, of tho sub-diviaioi of allotment No. 1, Parish of Kapanga. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, OCTOBER sth. SIXTY - FOUR VALUABLE BUILDING SITES. GRAH A MSTO V/ N . Tho Subscribers have been favoured with instructions from Robert Graham, Esq., to Lease for Four teen Years, by Public Auction, GRAHAMSTOWN, ON TUESDAY, otli October, at 2 O'CLOCK, BUILDING SITUS, Thirty-six of which arc situated in that- portion of the Town knowr as GRAHAM'S PADDOCK, fronting POLLEN STREET, particulars as follows : — POLLEN STREET, Lots 321, 325, 32(3, 327, 328, 330, 333, 543, 544, 545. MARTHA STREET, Lots 336, 338, 339, 340, 311, 342, 343, 34i, 345 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360 361, 362. ALFRED STREET, Lots 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 3Ct 306, 368, 372, 37G. BELLA STREET, Lots 625, G27, 363.1, 372 a, 376 a. CAMPBELL STREET, Lota 5G5, 566. QUEEN STREET, ■ Lots 157, 409, 410,"411, 412, 415, 416, 417, [ DAVY STREET, Lota 412, 413, 441. , COCHRANE STREET, r - Lots 15C, 151, 233, 234. 1 TERMS: — A deposit of the first two quarters' rant [to bo paic in advance. Deposits of a less amount than £30 to be paid ir Cash; over £30, one-third cash, and the remaining two-thirds with interest at 8 per cent, per annum by promissory notes at three months. * Plans of the property can bo had at the Mart, Fort street, or at Grahamstown otliee. Tho Sale will take place at Grahainstown, com' mencing at 2 o'clock. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. KAPANGA TOWNSHIP, COROMANDEL. ALL PURCHASERS of Allotments m tho abovt township, who liave paid the full amount ol Purchase Money, are requested to apply within fourteen (14) days to Messrs. Jacksox aKB RtrsSELt j Solicitors, Fort-street, Auckland, for their Title. All persons who have paid deposit on purchase oi t Allotments in above townships may have their Title completed on paying balance of purchase mouej within fourteen (14) days. 9 Pending such application within fourteen (14) day: B the Allotments will be forfeited and sold at public auction for the benefit of the administratrix of th< late Mr. Michael Wood. HANNAH WOOD, By her Attorney, Edward Wood. Auckland, September 3, 1869. SAMUEL COCHRANE A SON Will sell at their Land Mart, Fort-street, the un> conveytd and forfeited Allotments in the Townsliij of Kapanga, Coromandel (as per above advertise went) in twenty-one (21) days from tho date, or account of the executrix of the late Mr. Micliae r. Wood. n g Full particulars in a future advertisement. ir KAPANGA, COROMANDEL. HOUSEHOLD PROPERTY. Ie BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE AUCKLAND BUILDING SOCIETY. The subscribers have been favored with instruction! from the Trustees of the Auckland Building Society to sell at an early date, at their Rooms, Fort street, } 1110 COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE > now occupied by tho Rev. J. F. Macnicol, ii Wellington -street. HOUSE in Home-street, and " A Four-roomed COTTAGE, Hobson's Park, Par> noil. Full particulars in a future issue. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers.