Sales by Auction. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, At 12 o.Clock. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. TRADE SALE OP "WINES AND SPIRITS, ALE, Ac., Ac-. &Cl LEWIS BROTHERS, Auctioneers. Particulars iu To-morrow's issue. WEDNESDAY, 22nd SEPTEMBER, At 11 o'Cloct Sharp. ON ACCOUNT OF WHO'M IT MAY CONCERN. BX ' HERO,' FROM SYDNEY, LOGAN MASTER. ALL MORE OR LESS DAMAGED. .LEWIS BROTHERS Will soli by auction at their Stores, on the above date, at 11 o'clock sharp, 274, KP in diamond, 133— j CASE SUPERIOR CRIMEAN FLANNEL, 260, S.S. Co., in diamond, 22—1 case Supeior Prints. Terms Cash. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TRADE SALE OF WINES, SPIRITS, &c., &c. I LEWIS BROTHERS Sare received instructions to sell by Auction on the above date, at tlioir Stores, Que n-str )t, at 11 o'clock, the following— Irv TT.TTD- MARTELL'S BSASDI XU 25 qr.-casks Martell's Brandy 15 qr.-casks Hennessv's Brandy 10 qr.-casks Associated Brandy 5 qr.-casks Dunville's Whisky 10 octaves Danville's Whisky 10 qr.-casks Scotch Whisky 5 qr.-casks Jamieson's Whisky 20 qr.-casks Dark Sherry 10 qr.-casks Pale Sherry 10 qr.-casks Port Wine 6 qr.-casks Fine Old Port 100 cases Sherry 50 cases Martell's Brandy 40 case 3 Hennessy's Brandy 100 cases Jeneguel Frer's Brandy 35 cases United Vineyard's Brandy 10 cases Bitters 75 casks Ale 25 casks Stout &c., &c., &c. Terms at Sale. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. SALE OF £15,000 WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD, FREEHOLD PROPERTY, AND MINING INTERESTS. LEWIS BROTHERS Hats received instructions from a Gentleman who is leaving for England shortly, to ofTcr for Sale on the above date, at their Stores, Queen-street, fJ*HE ABOVE VALUABLE INTERESTS. Particulars in future issue. LEWIS BROTHERS Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 18G9, At 2 o'Clock. AT THE JUNCTION SALE YARDS. CAREY & GILLES Will sell by Public Auction :— OA HEAD FAT WANGANUI CATTLE OU 30 Head Fat Napier Cattle 15 Head Fat Provincial Cattle Store Cattle Colts, Calves &c., 600 prime Fat Wanganui Sheep 500 Store Sheep Pigs &c., &c. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. HARDWARE, NAILS, &c., Ac., &c, K. & H. ISAACS Will Bell by auction, on Thursday, the 23rd September, at 11 o'clock, ri'.O CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS:— -A 11, 11, and Lathe <fc Hooping Nails 2 and 2i iu. Wire Nails Measuring Tapes, Gimlets Cork Screws, Spirit Levels Sorby & Sons cross-cut Saw Sets Cast steel Chisels, to II inch 26-inch Hand Saws 2 cases Electro-plated Tea and Coffeo Services, Tea and Table Spoons Sk., &c., 4c.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1775, 21 September 1869, Page 2
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