ODD FELLOWS' HALL. DUKE OF EDINBURGH THEATRE. nn HIS (T UESDAY) EVENING, i. September 21, Immense Success of tl;j GOTJBLAT family. In their Popular Entertainments. The Great INDIAN BASKET ILLUSION A GREATER MYSTERY THAN EVER ! MR S. M'GT?EG OT{ ' S LEVE E, With change of Characters each Evening. In consequence of the general approbation bestowed on the Drawing-room Dionuua, entitled a «sTOUE FROM ENGLAND TO INDIA, It will be repeated this evening. The closing scene in the D'orama will be tbp Storming of the Cities ef CAWiSPOKp AND DKLIII. ! Doors open at half-past- eeven. ConiMieuce at Eight. Dress Circle, ss. Stalls, 2s. Gd. PIT-ONE SHILLING! Children under Twelve, half-price to Circle and Stalls. N.B. —Children in arms not admitted. Tickets can be had of the principal Music-sellers; and seats secured at Theatre from 12 till 3. j PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee and Manager ... ... Mr. J. L. Hall. Secretary ... ... Mr. it. B. Wiseman. GREAT ATTRACTION. For 'J"wo Nights Only-—The Great Drama of THE WILL AND THE WAY. Mr. J. L. HALL as Old Martin. New Sceifery—New Music. mlllS (MONDAY) Sc. TUESDAY EVENINGS, Jl September 20 and 21. The performance will commence with the Celebrated Drau a, in three acts, by W. M. Brown, entitled THE WILL AND THE WAY. The performance will conclude with the Screaming Iri?h Farce, entitled BARNEY, THE BAR ON. Barney the Barou Mr. J. L. llatx. With Song " Paddy's Wedding." and Irish Pipe Accompaniment, and Irish Jig. WEDNESDAY, BENEFIT OF Mic. J. L. HALL. GOING TO THE BAD. Admission Dress Circle, as; Stalls, 2s. 6d. ; Pit, Is. Seats may be reserved at Messrs. Upton's, Queen-street. WILL .SOON OPI<:NT BACHELDER'S GRAND HISTORIC MIRROR AND DIORAMAS OF THE AJfE R I CAN WA E, '} 'OGKTIIER with the great Naval Engagement I between the Keersagk and Alabama, with actual ships, See. ; and the Funeral Procession of the late President. Lincoln' in the City of Washington. H. EASTWOOD, Agent. NEWCASTLE HIGHWAY DISTRICT. 'THE ANNUAL MEETING of ELECTORS of ' above District, will take place at the Delta Hotel, Nga ruawuhia, on TLESI)A\, sth October, ISO'.), at 2 p.m., for the of electing Trustees mid Jewing a rate lor the ensuing year. THOMAS WILSON, Chairman of Trustees. N"arua\vuhia, September 14, ISG9. ST. ANDREW'S MAX3E GIFT AUCTION. 4 COMMITTEE has been formed for the pur- /\ pose of raising funds by a " GIFT AL CJ'ION,'' to make sume necessary repairs, and, if possible, an addition to the manse and property of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The auction will be held early in the month of October, and due notice will be given of t iine and plsce. Cnlle.- ors will wait upon the public for contributions during the ensuing 'ortuight, and parties, either in town or country, who may not be waited upon, and who are wishful to assist, will be kind enough to send their contributions to the care of Messrs. Wh t son and Co.; Messrs. Samson, Eraser and Co.; Mr. W. G lahaine ; or to Messrs. Ogilvic, Campbell & Co., Shortlaiid-street. HUGH CAMPBELL, Hon. See. September 20, 1860. UNION-STREET WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL, Freeman's Bay. ' HE ANNIVERSARY TEA MEETING in connection with the above will take ulace THIS (TUESI)VY) EVENING, in the Cnap.'l, after which addresses arc to be delivered by the Rev. J. liuller (in the chair), the Rev. .1. Berry, and the Rev. J. Law. and s -veral ministers an:l friends. The Rev. .1. Buller will take the chair. Tea on the table at 0 30 p.m. Tickets. Is. Od. each, may be had of Messrs. French, Victoria-street; Conpland, Queen-street; Atkiu, Cook-street ; Canvdus, Union-street, and any ft lie Teachers . t$. T ITII reference to a notice ofthe sale by auction IV of the sCOTTA HOTEU Grahamstowu, I herebv give u >tice that I CLAIM a PORfiON of the LA n '> I) on which the said HOTEL is built, and am prepared to support mv claim at law. 1 A. DORNWELL. Witness —A. La.s(:i:lli:j«, Solicitor. mO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND OTHERS.—For 1 Sale, a bargain, a GOOD HOUSE at TARARU. The proprietor can give satisfactory reasons for disposing of same. None but principals treated with. — Applv A. Z., Post Otlice, Grahamstowu. £. a ■ .A, i TO LEND on Freehold Security, 'V I, V.'' ' at Eight per cent. —Apply to W. Aitkk.v, Land Agent. ' 1. < ON ICY TO LEND, in large or small Sums, at ■ modern e interest, on GOOD SEOLRICY — Freehold pr ■f rred. — Beveuiuok axd Ritchie, Solicitors, Wyn iham Chambers. .MONEY T'o LEND. FROM cr> 'it to £700 to be LENT 011 good Suburban or Country Security, at 8 per cent. — J Apl ' ly U) JOSEPH NEWMAN, I L:ur.l Agent.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1775, 21 September 1869, Page 1
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