FOR SYDNEY. _ Hp HE A.S.N. Company's Steamship • AUCKLAND,' SSO tons, 150 liorse power. Captain Blick, will le.vre for the above on tlie 22nd iust., at. noon. „„„„„ Passengers booked through to MELBOURNE, and nil other AI .STli AI,IA X I'OIII limited by the A.S.N. Co.'s line of Steamers. Return tickets issued. Freights booked through to London by Messrs. Gilchrist, "Watt & Co.'s first-class ships. For freight or passage apply to K. M. JERVIS, Agent. KEGULAR MONTHLY STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AUCKLAND, SYDNEY AND MELBOUKNE. . -N iTHE S.S. ' HERO ' is expected here about the end of this month, and will learr again for Sydney and Melbourne live days fler her arrival. Fcr freight or passage npplv to CRUICKSHANK, 'SMART i CO., Agents, Auckland ; Or to LEDGER & FR ANCIS, Agents, Grahanistown, Thames. Queen-street, Auckland, September 6, 1569. FOR COROMANBEL. "V- "t HE Cutter r-Hh, i ' WANDERER' :^XSES~SSSS* THIS DAY, (TUESDAY I *, at 0 p.m. J. M. NICCOL. Agent. Customhouse-street, September 21st. lSti'.i. FOR WAIKATO. Schooner -FAIRY' Will leavtf the Munukau mi or about TUESDAY next, 21st instant. Freight 60s. per ton measurement to all parts 6f the river. Apply to E. GIBBONS & CO., Onehunga. FOR RAGLAN. <• riPiiE regular trading Cutter i- ' FLORA McDONALD' will leave the Manukuu for Raglan TITIS DAY (Tuesday), at 7 p.m. For freight or passage applv to ' A. BARNES, Onehunga. FOR WANGAREI. •0&. '■ IfE .'Mst'- 'KATE GRANT,' •v^irifnslfr Will sail for Wangarie, TIIIS DAY (Tuesday), at 7 p.m. For freight or passage applr on board, or li. S. MEYERS, Ag«nt. Queen-street. FOR CORO HANDEL. .. */ji I lIE Cutter A " I 'jrARWELt,' THIS DAY (Tuesday), at G p.m. First class accommodation for passengers. J. 11. NICCOL, Agent. Custom-house-street, September 21, 1809. FOR FIJI DIRECT. f} 'HE Clipper Brigantine 'FLIRT,' 100 tons, will leave for the above about the latter pari of ncit w?ck. For Freight or Passage apply to Messrs. CRUICICSHANK, SMART & CO. September IC, 18G9. FOR LONDON DIBECT. finE Clipper Shi]) 'EXCELSIOR,' Captain James Lees, will sail for above port on discharge of inward cargo, and will hare ([iiick desjiatch. L. D. NATHAN & CO. FOR LONDON. r - rriiK 1 'CAMBODIA,' A 1 fur 13 years; one thousand five hundred tons burthen, is now oil the berth for London direct. J. S. MACFARLANE, Agent. 24th August, 18G9. S E L L IX G O F F AT li EDU CS D PRIC K! ! <-J'DE WHOLE of the RETAIL STOCK of HA R, D "W ARE, At 20 per cent. Discount for CASH. S. HAGUE SMITH. POTATOES! TOT\TOKS! LANDING EX 'GOLDEN ISLE,' FROM LYTTELTON. FIRST-CLASS SAMPLE of POTATOES, delivering at a low figure from Vessel's side THIS DAY. Apply to JAMES COUPLAND, Produce Stores, Queen-street.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1775, 21 September 1869, Page 1
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