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PASSENGERS INWARDS. •Per Lion, from Newcastle: Mr. 0. Grant, Mr». KftleGodkiii, and Mrg. Ann Lindsay. Per Kate, from Sydnry : Mrs. Nebion,Mr. H.Leopold, Frauh'n Fannie,' Blanch Leopold, Albert Leopold, Mr. B. Young, Captain Sullivan, Captain Earth. Steerage—Messrs James Seymour, John Haly, Thr,inas Danson, Alex. Love. Per Maora, from Tahiti: Mrs. Sherrington and fire children, Mr. Goujh. Per Neva, from Tabid: Ojp'ain BUckett, Mr. Tbrma- Lonaheed. • . Fee Portland, from. London : Snloon ilr. and M>.«. ,7. P. Eoylan, Miss Apn Boylan, l!r«. Xaeeelles, • Gorfrode, Arthur, Funk, Xury, and Henry 3J'-ntigue, Annio and Ethel Lascelle*, Mr. . and Mrs. V.. W. Briggs, Miss Marlka Vipnnd, Mrs. John Mose, Mr. Pichard Macky, Mr. W. Liivllag, Ut', Joneg, Urn. Kaetioa. Fore-cttbia—Wilberforce ami Walter Martin, Herry, E.A., Gaorge Gerdiner, jfliz* Hartsborn, 'Ralph, Jftco, Barbara, and Peter Davinon, Jane Spenc3, WalUr Potman, George Halliwel], William ar.d John Noraiuu, John I'almer, Klizs Brook, John Wrigir.y, Joha Blair (2), John Hedmoud. John Bryan, Henrv Ifinney, John Blair, Tlenrv Schiddt, Lostor and Wi"iam ScMdt. Total—4B. PevOnrHope, from /.delaid : Mr. Baitc Mr. and MrF. Wilion, and infant. ' P<=r Alice Oamsron, from Bydney : Mrs Ramsay and child. Mrs Lind, and child. Mr. O'Brien, Miss Cleveland, Mr! OoHing, Mr. "W. H. Hazard Mrs. Elliott, Mr. Lewie.on. Mr. Sutton, Fewke?, Stretch, Wiibord Donaghey, Fenton, and four soluier;. Per Bell ■. Mary, from Hobart Town : Messrs. Get:t;e Correy, Wadsiey. Mrs. Wrathnll, Matter Wratholl, M 133 DrinVwater, M>«. Noble, Mr. Bothtnley, Mr. and Mrs. Kru. Mason,' and Mm. \Vilkin3on. PAS3EKGEES OUTWARDS. Per Fi.ry Crosa, for Tahiti: Major F. Hill, Mr E Jones, Mi. Jamea Kuhl, Mr. William Thomson, Mr. John Kilgour. • Ftr Neva, for Tahiti: Captain L. Niwen, Mr Eobirt Schaffcr, Mr. P. Petewon, Mr. Thomas Lonr; bead, ilrs. UurrisoE. EXPORTS. Per Prince Alfred, for Sydney : (Ex warehouse, under bond) 155 half-chssfe tea, $. and H. leaacs! Free Koode—2 cases carbines,, &.e, fe.'.W Bill; -1 bas, J. Seotter ; 4 packages old metal, J. S. MaofarliLe; L2ohides, B. Gittoa; 30 bales flax, CruickBhani, andOo.; 33 ditto ditto, S. H. Smith • 804 ifecee timber, J.' B. Macfariane; 118 bales flax' J. I'. Eoberts.— 3i H; Binitb, agent. ' Pet Kate, for Sydney : Ex warehouse under bond —74 boxes tea, 15 half-ehestfe tea, Henderson and Maifarlaue ; 65 half-chests tea, J. Hoberton and Co. Free ftood<i~l4s bars le.ud, Henderson and Macfur lane; 2G3 pkge. mouldingß, Union Ba--h and Boor Company ; 3 tons flax, Cruickehanlr, Smart and Oo — Henderson and Macfarlano, ngents. Per Kcnilworlh, for Kew Caledonia : Ez war«howe under bona—l9 qr.-caskßrum, 1 case drapery ' 1 Dftle do., Cruickshank, Smart& 00. p>ee L'oods— 1 fiddlery, 10 tons potstoes. \ ton onione, 63,000 feet timber, Cruickshank, Bmart & Co. nperits Per sehooser Meteor, for Rerotonga: .Ki warehouse, under bond-3 cases bra-dy, 2 oeses «eney a , lbox t/bacco, 1 hhd. ,um, J. Jtoberton and Go IVee yoodd-3 bag* salt, 2 bags onioce, 2 boxee eoau 1 case liair oil, 1 case drapery, I.ditto sardinos 1 000 ftettirabor, 1 box painkiller, 1 box etores, J. Koberton and Co. ( 1 genie.) , Per Neva, for Tahiti: Ex-warehouse, -under bond 1 box tobacco, 1 case ottons, 4 bales ditto 1 case Crimean shirts, 3 bales cottons, 1 ente cottons, 1 case toots, 1 case cottonv, 3 belea cottons, 10 cases rum 24 eaiea brandy,;! hbd. rum, 4 bales cottons, 1 qr.-Jaek ■wino.l ea»e cigars, Owen and Qrabam. Transhipped ; ex Alice Cameron—l7 cotes merchandise, J. Koberton and Co. Free goods— l caee hemp/1 case glaes 1 bag corks', 1 case salt, 1 case biscuit, 1 box 1 case jama, 1 case, 2 eases hollo ware, 18 cases biscuit, 2 liege butter, 1 case hams, 1 case and 1 cask glues, 6 qaß'eV aud I'bale drapery, Lease, l.oeek glass, athds. -'hollo'.varo,;l cask crockery, 2 cajfie cSampagnej 1 case drapery, 2 casis twine, 2 lun'dleß wire/4 caecs keiQßcao, 16 bars iron, 200 fire bricks, 4',fftf feet timber, 2 caaee matcliee, 1 bale canvas, 8 pkge. bucket, 2 matche<, 40 boxes eiop, 1 case bie-

cnit, I oeae fnrniture, 41 bags potatoes, 2 bags onions, - 1 case sundries, 1 ditto-drapery, Owen and Graham Per Fiery Croee, for Tahiti an J 3outh Sea Islands: tfndor hond-1 half-tierce iohaeco, 1 bile. cottons, "P. Hill. Shipped under bond, in Commissariat Stoma;— lo3 iron pot*. 100 oo vera for ditto, 2 wbeelbßrrows, F. Hill. Free poods :—lB iron tanks, 35 empty casfj», 40 2 can« rails, 1 case pipt-e, 1 O3?B reuae, 1 stein, engine, 1 boiler for do , 3,000 feet timber, <3 onions. 10 bugs ditto, 6 CRsea dripory, F. Hill.—Combee end Da'dy, agents. ARRIVAL OF THK PORTLAND FROM LONQOST. The iron clipper ship Portland, chartered by a? ■■SBI-β. Fbaw, Favilft and Op., arrived in harbour f»om London on th« 26th of April, niter a pa*snco of 106 d*vc Th» Portland is in co-nmand of O.ipUin C.ii. Ouster, who is on his first voyage to this ryirt. The P rlland, it, will ho rerhombflr'ed.on h«r la?t roynßo t.> Mil* port, in 1865, made tlio pne c o?o from London in 82 days. She was then in command of f, »ptnin Petere, n gentleman well-known in-tlie New Zealand trade. On the v«rc«ent vo.mga ths Portland h:<» not been i>o fortunate, owinp to unfnvnrnWo wind< which h.ivo prevailed since Eni'lund. No vessels eonrsefpd with tho colonies were epokon daring the pcis<a£e. The PorlUnd left, tiondon Docfcs on the 8A Doc»mt)»i-| wilh n fresh breezi from the S.W., und on tho 10th put into Hjds Tnlo of, diirinc; a hep.vv S.W. g.'lo. ' Tho Fiime wentlior aonfinucd for Bflvonil wf-eVs, npd the Fortlund, in cimpii'iy with eevoral Rliips bound for Auetralia. was unnbls to l«*vo till Ilic 9ih January, wh«n n light- breezo enfiblod hf>r to tnl:e her dfpnitire. Durinpr her detautinn Kyde. w« resrot to Irara Captain Smith was taken vory ill, and had t.a lnnve tho ship on tho 18?h December. Captain Smith w«s nuflVrinsr from liver complairt, Rnd when the thip toot her finiil O'i>?;ituii!. wna »friou«ly ill. On thn 19th Pecember, Oiptiiin Confer, her present mutter, to'.k charze nf the and m wp B'nied 3hove, toot his final depurtiire on the 9th J»»nnry. On th* fMVwinp day the wind freshened, nnd towards evoninc blew Htrone from tho Sfand 3.S W. Sighted the Wand nf ftndcria on tho 23rd Jnnua'V, and had very light. T?." , . trades Whrn 33 days s-t e«a, til" Fqnitor wa» orossi-d in 20° Woßt Toneitude, and the 7 K .B Iridee werft pirtpd »n in nhr.ut 5 3 South, &»d carried ax far a<! 22 c Sonih. Both trudn winds prov- d vi-ry lisht. and itidiflfere-t, the snme imfuvonraliio weathor prevailed until maLini!; thp mpridian of (h<; Oapt) of Onod rT«p«. ■whinh w.srH'sel on Tup»dny. ihn Ki'h March, in 45 ° 48 So'ith la!ifi!.Jt>. Tho sliiji wne then 6i <!s> r out from tho Chnnnol, a-.d ihn r. uiaiudttr of the voTßcn has occiipifid 45 diiyg. Afti>r p-isuina the <~-np° li'.-ht Wcntorly winds prevailed. wi!!i o;-eft«ionp."i fir-ro" sqii-.1-B. tJn Ihe 2nd April, when in In*. 47 = S, c ., lon.-'. 95 - 50 "F.. onconnlered ah- nvy g.'i'e from the f?.W..rinrins eevernl hoavy ppms nirnek the ship, urd filled tho ilerks with wuter. 'I he p.tarhonrd qturler wn's ftt onp time under witcr. <>nd both f f t>.e davit i>ins v.- e !«i bent by the force of Ihn wiiter. H.vivy ealrs from N.W. veerinij to S.W. continnod ti". thnltth April. The Poitlend rnn down her Fnelin? in th-> pir.-.IU-l of 48 - South, and consequently Tasmania trae not eiahted. The Three Kiti£B were 'vado on Uie 23rd ult , and sirioe then the ship h.i« been on the comt with light Hastrrlv and N.H". wind* and 0n« cleir weather, orrivinp harbour at 9 a.m. O.i the 26:h nit. '«*■• No deathe or sickness of any l«ind heppenel dnriufr the Tovase, end thp whole of the paseengere appear to be in exnellent health.

f ■■■■■■§ III 6 |f<3 . : i 1S, JSJIJ jyfJJi pllll Jjljflllsjj J : *S|J**i3£2i*i*M|lfFj J" g≤ g≤ o≤ a% Sia-pVa e e≤ SJa a a g t? c t> (j o o c> Cγ ?o ClS S 3 a oC o a e* "2 a o s « § • fff a ■■■ flrififlauaaiaia & _,.i . = - _ i I ! llleifilil^lIalblL .y S§S§3§§S OOP o 5 = § J= . . . . . . ........ .. •T^ i i ~~' c *" m °° S 2 2f?Tr. Si ?. S 5 gf SWS ,; " — = " --^———=-- -1 ! s≤ ~" 1" I . |s. I j ■ < Ilfilill ?SI ' J __ i EQ i eC |gef g. B liiilfiiiiifi_ 8 I -— ." ~ " 1 ! Illllllilllll^ ■■ ■ .■ llllllliJiiil :: :::::: :: g : I :3 : : : :2S : ■ s *SuMi.B.£!t 5 ! I

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 8

Word Count

MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 8

MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 8


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