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watmnw—iray.,r—iriao "wittci,—s:v?:. - ARRIVALS. , • , H..M.5.8. Galatea, 26 guns, Capt. H.B.H. the the Duke of Edinburgh, from Wellington. H.M.S.S. Challenger," 18 gun?, Commodore Tiambort, from Wellington. , • J IfOi-d i.«hley, 5.5.,'296 tons, Oapt. H. Worap, from Napier and Wellington; * ■ : Ahuriri, e.s., 160 tons, Capt. Flowerday, from 2fapier and Wellington. Tauranga.. s s., Capt. Sellars, from Taiuunga, with passengers. Gremini, 5.9., from the Kawau, with passenger?. Jane, schooner, 35 tons, Moller, from Taurantri. Colonist, schooner, 42 tons, Mucroe. from Wangaroa, with 20,000 feet bulk timber, 135,000 shingles, 2J tons kauri Kum, and 2 passenger.''. Heithor SeU, cutter, 24 tons, Dam, from Mfthuranßi.with produce. Wiid Duck, ketch, 42 tons, Lloyd, from Wangaroa, with produce. Three Sisters, cutler, 26 tone, QueoD, from Mahuxangi, in ballast. Paaaengjra—9. Margaret, cntter, 21 tons, Mnitin, from Kawau, t»ith 44 tons firewood. Helen, cutter, 23 .tons, Deer, from Kawau, with 48 tone firewood. . . DEPARTURES. .Sthels", barque, 303.t0ne. Wald.ron, for Newcastle Alica Cameron, barque, 3*7 tons, Carter, £>r Sydney, with general cargo,_»nd J 2 passengers. Mory Smith, schooner, 99 tons, Watson, for Fiji Island*, with sundries, and part of original cargo. Herald, schooner, 55 to e, i McXenzie, for Ruiaell, in ballast. Flora Macdonald, cutter, 18 tons, Wilson, for the tEhames, with sundries. Woodstock, cutter. Baker, fjr Grahainstorn and Opotibi, with sundries. IMPOSTS. Per s.s.iAhuriri, from the South : Tramhipped, ex Bangitoto! from Melbourne, under bond —33 lengths gas pipes, 1 ke» Siting', ordT ; 30 boxes soap, J. O. Morriti j 3 packages, Unioa Bank ; 1 paokage, order; 1 oase, Graham; 1 case, Brown, Campbell, and Co. From Wellington—2 csaki grass seed, Carey and QiUes; 10 ca3ea baoon, 10 cases sardines, 12 drums Oil, 8 cases baoon, S. Jone3; \ case, r'eufert; 2 cases, 1 package, Collector of Customs; 5 cases, Union Bank; 1 truss drapery, T. H. Hal!. From Napiar— 139 bales wool, Owen and Graham j 200 shoep, A. Buckland ; 42 package*, Haggin.—Combes and Daldy, agents. Per e i. Lord Ashley:—Transhipped ex Fhce-ba, at Wellington, under bond—6 quarter-casks wiue, 25 cases brandy, 25 ditto ditto, 15 case* old torn, 20 eases geneva, 5 quartor-ca-ks brandy, Sampaia, Fraser and Co. From Wolliugton—loo boxes candles, order. Transhipped ex PLcebe—Bos bag* ■wheat, Henderson and Macfarlane ; 2 cases, Fiancis ; 125 paokuges, J. P. Phillips: 1 box, Bentley, 30 p&okagea, Gregg and CS ; 2 packages; LftZ-ird ; 140 bags coke, Fraser and Tinne ; ;3 packages drugs, T. Philpot; 5 ditto ditto, G. Aioken ; 3 package ditto, Manning; 1 package, A. Tri'g ; 4 ditto, Union Bunk of Australia; 1 parcel, Kobn ; 1 ditto, Arthur nnd Son. From Wellington—lo eases sardines; 1 caee bacon, 1 oase corn flour, 3 packages drapery, 2 ditto ditto, order; 1 bale, s>. and J. R. Yuile ; 3 cases bacon, Uilnllan ;■ 9 kegs buttar, Lowis; 1 truss d-apery, T. 11. Ha'l; 1 parcel, D. Wilson ; 1300 fire bricks, 1 cask fire clay, . Hawkesbury; 1 package Icither, J. Rout. From Napier—s cases meat, 6 casks ditto, Dilziel. — Henderson autl iliiefarUne, a^euti. ARUiVAL OF XUE GALATEA. ~S.Vi. 8.3. Galatea, 26 guns, with H.R.U. theDuko of Rdinburgh, anchored in the man-of-war offing :it4 o'olock oo Saturday. The Galatea left Wellington on Monday la*t, and experienced favorable winds until reaching i.'ape Colville; from thence had strng head wind 3. The Galatea was under sail only for -four days. Full particulars of the arrival of the Gelatea will bs found in our columns. ARRIVAL OF THJ2 CHALLENGER. . H.M. s.e. Challenger, Commcdore laraborr, arrived in hsrbour early yesterday morning from Wellington, with his Excellency Sir Georee BoweD, Captain Pitt, and Caotain Brown. The Challenger left Wellington on tne day following the Galatea, and experienced fresh breezes throughout the passage. ARRIVAL OF THE AHUBIRI. The N.Z.S.N. Company's e.s. Ahuriri, Captain Jflowerday, arrived in harb >ur from Napier and Wellington, on Saturday evening, with twelve cabin and about fifteen steerage pasasngers. The ahuriri left Wellington on May 4, at 1.30 p.m., arrived at Napier Miiy 5, at 1 p.m.; left Napier May 6, at 2.30 p.m., rounded Kaat Cape May 7, at 6 am, and experienced strong westerly winds with heavy head eea. The engines were eased from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the Btt, for the safety of the stock. Arrived at Auckland wharf at 5 p.m. on the Bth. P.A33BNGBBS.— Saloon: Captain Steaveson, Mr. Stobo, Mr. T. B. Smith, Meinrs. Price, Selwin, FJ iggins, Mr. and Mrf. Wagifaff, Mrs. Eltbam, Mr. Hooper, Mr. Moorcv, Mr. Dunn (2), Mr. Fredman; 1 sergeant 2 soldiers, and 10 in the steerage. Wβ have to thank Mr. White, purser, for Napier and Wellington papers. ABEIVAL OF THE S.S. LOUD ASHLEY. The Ciroalar Savr is, Lord Ashley, Cuptnin Worsp, arrived in harbour on Saturday evening from Napier and Wellington, bringing a large cargo of general merchandise, and about 50 passengers. Wβ are indebted to the purse', Sir. H. B. Monkrnan, . for latest Southern | apers, and the following report ef the passage:—The s.e. Lord Ashley left Wellington at 3.20 p.m. on sth. instant, rounded Cape Pallisier at 6 30 p.m., and Kidnappers nt 11.15 a.m. 6th, arriving at Napier at 1 p.m.; having experienced a heavy westerly gale; discharged mails and landed passengers. H.&I e.s. Blanche, at anchor in bay, ard n.B. Ahuriii steaming out at 1.45 p.m. iieceirej mails and rassengers, and proceeded on voyage to this port at 4.40 p.m. same day. Steamers 'tit. Kilda and liyttelton just coming to -anchor. Experienced moderate westerly winds with fine weather to th« Bast Coast, which was rounded at niuj a.m. on- 7th instant, thence to the Jlercurjs a heavy S.W. gale with tremendous head soa; at 7 p m. passed s e. Star of the South, bound eastward; 8 a.m. g»l« moderating and ssa going down; rounded Cape Oolville at 1.10 p.m., arriving in harbour al 6 pm. Passengers: fialcon : Miae Travers, Lieutenfint and Mrs. Minne'.t, Mrs. Bowes and child, Mrs Shaw and child, Miss Tyser, Mi»a Fitzgerald, Mr. Blackman, Mr, H. Lewis, Mr. J. Banks, Mr. Svrar,, Mr. Fountain, Hev. Father Regnier, .Mnjor Kemp, Capt Wirihana, Kawana Paipai, Aperaniko, Haimona, Hoani JJoto, Matiu, Arcpeta, Wireinu Tβ I'auii, Mate TeWbiwhi, To Bu.i Augaauga. Fore Cabin; Mr. endTVlra. Hume, Mr. and tore. Martin, Messrs. Carnie, Williamson, Morton, Tyser, Schofield, filter, Itogers, Green, Cohen, Graham, Whiiing, and two runk and file, 18th Regiment. The s.e. Lori Ashley will not loavo hero before Saturday ne; t, THE AUSTRALIAN , tQTJADUOK. The whole of her Majesty's ships of war in the Australian station are to aeeemble in Auckland harbour during the present week, for the purpose of holding a court martial on tome of the officers of the Virago, and an engineer of the Blunche. The Galatea and Challenger are already in harbour ; the Blanch* was at Napier when th« Lord Ashley loft on Thursday, and may be looH for to-day : and the Soeario and Virago, from Sydney, may be expaoted during the week. THE SHIP UtAiU' BHEPHEHD. la cur iasue of .-'aturday we announced the arrivn of the Mary Shepherd, from London, and wn now pUce before our readers further particulars of her passage, which, it will be seen, ha> been unusunlly pleaam , : throughout. The Kury Shepherd worked up harbour in charge of the pilot on Satnr-iay moruiDg, and was boarded by our shipping reporter when alio came to anchor oiTthe Queen's Wharf, who was courtectuly received by Captain W. Pock, s gentleman who appears tohivo gained the goodwill and respect of his omeera and orew. Ho is aleo higs.iy epoken of by ths paaaerjgers who have come out under his cure, and who l.ave deoired Bβ to their sqnsa of the attention and comfort recti vril :it h ! e bands during the passage. The Mary tihcuihi rd was eharterud by ifessrs. Shaw, Sarill and Co", nnu -; is a noble uhip of nearly 1,000 tone register. Shi: ia .-well known in this port, ha»ing ariade two pre-virms _". voyages h*re, in charge of Captain Croot. C.-ipt'iiu '=• Peck reports loaring London on the 16th January,

with light variable winds,' whioh oontiunod for five days, and on the 20th got a freah eouth-we»t breeze, taking her final departure ; from the Start Point on the 30th January. Experienced strong wind* crossing the Bay of Buoay from H., veering to W., and was three days hove to in a hoavy gale off Cape Finieter. Posaed inside the Cape de Verde Islands, and pickod. up strong N .'B. trades in 20° North, and carried them a» far as 8 ° : North. ' Crossed the Kqoator on the 23rd February, in 21° West longitude, the ship being then 34 'days out from Lands Knd. Caught the is.IB; trades on'the 3rd March, in 6° South; they proved very light nnd unsteady, and were lost in 21 ° South on ■ the IKb. Maroh. The meridian of tbe Cape of Goo \ ffopo was passed on the 3lst March, in latitude I 43° 21'; and from "thence had fresh breezes from Worth to South, running dewn her aastinjr'on a parallel of 48 => South. On the 28th April was off Tasmania, but did not eight it, and from that point to Now Zoalandhec , -strong Westerly and Southerly winde, making the Three Kings on Wednesday last, the stli inst. Fresh W. and 3.W. winds brought her along tho coast, and on Friday she anchored inside Tiri Tiri, coming up harbour with the tide on Saturday. The passage from the Start Point has been made in 105 dija, and from Lendoa Docks in 110 days. - • •" ■ ' The ship was brought into port in a very clean and orderly condition, and no tickness or deaths have occurred during the voyage. .* The £>llowiug is a list of the passengers:—Saloon —}Ir. Robert Hasselton, Mr. Henry Darcy, Mr. TTonry Darcy, lUr. hobort Oooioy, Mr. Gaorge _H. Gibson. Second ' cabin —Mrs. Alexander, Alice 1 O'Connor, Charlee Growac, Edwin Henry Thome, I Kichard and Jeeais Riche), Alexander and David Mills, Bichard Pollard, Patrick Murphy, James Parsona, William end Peter Weir, John So'itt, Geo. Parker, William JSaston, Bicherd Poole, Robert Featherson, Kether Leigh. Frank Be.t, William Hichards, William Mills, Ferdnaid Soherape, Kobt. L. Jones, A, O. Woollam, William Gnppor. Tho cargo of the Mary Shepherd appeared in Saturday's issue. Tho following vessels ware spoken during the voyage: —On March.3o —Scindia, ship, for Calcutta, 40 dajs out. February 23—8-ilvidere, from Madras to London. Maroh S—Forfarshire, ship, frdm London to Sydney, 38 days out. March. 10—Memento, barque, from London t) Wellington, 48 days out, in latitude 20° 25' South, longitude 26° 37' Weit. Tauuanoa.—the 8.8. Taurangn, Captain Sellars, retu-ned from Tauranga on Saturday evening, with the following passengers:—Mr. Douglas, Mre. Ray, Mr. MeL&uchlari. There was no news of importance when the Tauranga left. The Soa Gull, Captain Roger 3, left Lyttelton for KaipaM, on tb-j 30th ult. The si'hooner Aurora, with a cargo of grain, eiiiled from Lyttolton for Auckland on tke 29ih ult. The schooner Aspßsia sailed from Knipara for Auckland on tho 4th instant, with 28,01)0 taet sawn timber, IS. M.S. Challenger, having on bo.-ird his Excellency the Governor, and Captain Pitt, A.D.0., failed for Auckland this afternoon, at half-pust two. The Blanche sailed shortly afterwards for tho Sast Coast, with Ueutunaut Woods, who h under orders to execute a survey of some p:»rt of the coast near l'au- I ranga, from whence she will proceed to Kavrau, to join the squadron which will assemble there shortly. — Wellington Evening Tost, May 4. The p.s. Airedale, Captain Kennedy, arrived in harhour this mornine, from Pictun, iNcUon, Taraiiuki, wud .Mnnukau.— lbid.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 4

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 4

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1705, 10 May 1869, Page 4


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