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Gold Fields Regulations.

Interpretation. Wherever the term Warden is used in these Regulations it shall be understood to mean tho Warden, or [Resident Magistrate, or any other Ollicer entrusted with the superintendence of the Gold Field, or any portion of it, and holding a Commission or appointment duly empowering him to have charge thereof. The words miner, person, and claim, shall be read as both singular and plural. The word miner as used in these Regulations. shall mean the holder of a Miner's Eight, and no other. The word mine shall be taken to signify mining for gold, or any operation connected therewith. The word claim, shall be taken to apply to anv authorised holding, but generally to claims held under Miner's Eights. Wherever the word Act is used in these Regulations it shall be taken to signify " The Gokl Fields Act, 1 SGu." " The Gold Fields Act Amendment Act, " ISG7. and " The Gold Fields Act Ainendent Act, 1807, No. "2." The word day shall mean a working day, exclusive of any Sunday or holiday. GENERAL REGULATIONS. Jliticr'j Jihjhte to be issued. 1. Miner's Rights shall bo issued by the Warden on pavment of a fee of one pound. (£l.) Such Miner's Rights not to be transferable to any person. Miners Bi'jhls to he exhibited on demand. 2. Every holder of a Miner's Right must exhibit the same on demand of any Officer, or any other person duly authorised in writing by tho Warden. Jfiner\< Right to be in force icithin the Province. 3. Every Miner's Right so issued shall be in force within any proclaimed Gold Field, within the Province of Auckland, and the holder thereof shall enjoy all privileges and rights appertaining or belonging thereto, subject nevertheless to the provisions hereinafter contained as to the endorsement of Miner's Eights. JLliner's Highte to be endorsed on removal to neic block' 4. If any miner shall be desirous of mining on any block other than that for which his Miner's Right shall have been issued, he shall before mining thereon have the date of his removal thereto, endorsed on liis Miner's Right by the Warden, and the same on every subsequent removal. Claima to be HegUtcred.

5. Everv owner or part owner of a claim held by iLiner's Eight, shall cause his or their interest in the same to be registered in a book to be kept for that purpose by the Mining Registrar, and no miner shall be deemed to be legally in possession of any claim or share in any claim until such claim or share as aforesaid has been so registered, and 110 transfer made of any claim or share in any claim by transferers though in legal possession shall be deemed a legal transfer unless such transfer shall have been duly registered by ihe Registrar of the district in ■which the claim sought to be transferred is situated, and when any claim or share in any claim has been transferred and the transfer duly registered, the Registrar shall certify the same by signing his name across the face of the transfer ticket and affixing the day and date. All claims to be numbered consecutively as they aro registered, and the Registrar shall issue to each applicant for registration a certificate in the form set forth in schedule and shall beep a duplicate copy of the same. Provided that this clause shall not apply to claims taken up prior to the passing of these Regulations, until one month from the date of proclamation thereof.

Claims forfeited by non-working. 6. No miner shall be deemed to possess a valid title to any claim unless the same be fairly worked during the entire period of occupancy, and any claim unworked beyond the space of twenty four (24) hours shall be deemed to be forfeited, unless sufficient leason, such as sickness or other urgent cause, shall be proved to the satisfaction of the "Warden. Provided that on the proclamation of the extension of the boundaries of any Gold Field it shall be lawful to allow a period of not more than fourteen (14) days at the discretion of the "Warden, for the marking out of claims, and the transfer or endorsement of Miner's Rights during which period no claim within the new block shall be forfeited for the non-working or nonoccupancy of the same. Defining work on claim. 7. Any miner employed in making necessary preparation for the working of any claim, or any work immediately in connection therewith, or in the erection of machinery for the same shall be deemed to be working on the claim. Forfeiture by act of hired servant. 8. No miner holding a claim or portion thereof, or share, or interest therein, who employs hired labour to work the same, shall be deemed to have forfeited or abandoned . his right title or interest in the same through any neglect absence or omission on the part of any workman thereon employed by ! him. Provided always, that if after seven I days notice i:i writing of such neglect, absence, or omission being given to such miner, either personally or by leaving the same at his last known place of residence, such neglect, absence or omission is continued, such miner shall then be deemed to have forfeited or abandoned his claim or share or interest therein, as the case may be. Possession not to be taken of claim without consent f of Warden. 9. No miner shall take possession of any claim, race, dam, machine, or any other right or privilege whatsoever, (unless the same shall have been absolutely relinquished) without first obtaining the consent of tlie owner, or the authority of the "Warden, in writing. Marking out claims. 10. Every claim must be distinctly marked by pegs driven firmly into the ground, one at each corner thereof, and standing at least two feet above the surface of the ground, a J*d all to be kept clearly visible so long as the claim is occupied, provided that when any corner cannot be so marked on account of the nature of the ground, such peg be fixed at the nearest practicable point. All boundaries on forest land to be well marked on the nearest large trees.

Notices or pegs not to be destroyed, removed, or injured. 11. jSTo person shall remove, injure, destroy, or dcfaco any posts, pegs, logs, fence, notices, or any mining plant, of whatsoever description, without permission from the owner of the claim on which the same is situated, to dcface, destroy, or remove any notice posted in accordance with the Gold Fields Act or Regulations, or interfere with am- mark or boundary. Drlhiition of chtitns. 12. Alluvial claims, shall mean all claims in alluvial ground. River claims, shall mean claims in the beds of rivers. Creek claims, shall mean claims in the bods of permanent streams, which are, or may be wholly diverted for the purpose of mining therein. Beach claims, shall mean claims situated between high and low water mark on the sea coast. Quartz claims, shall mean claims in quartz iccfs or lodes. A rea of alluvial claims. 13. Alluvial claims shall not exceed fifty (50) feet by fifty (50) feet for each holder of a Miner's Right. Shape of block claims in allhvial workings. 1-1. Alluvial claims may bo of any form provided that no block claim shall exceed in length twice the breadth thereof. Extended alluvial claim*, area, <tc. 15. The Warden may grant a claim not exceeding three hundred (300) feet by three hundred (300) feet for all alluvial raining on ground which has already been worked. Applications for claims of this class shall be made in writing to the Warden, and a copy thereof shall be posted outside the Warden's offico and on the ground for fourteen (1-1) days from the date thereof. Provided that no such extended claim shall be granted unless the Warden shall be satisfied that the ground has been previously worked. Area of river claims. IG. River claims shall not exceed fifty (50) feet for each holder of a Miner's Eight employed thereon, to be measured in the direction of the course of the stream, by a width not exceeding that of the bed of the stream, and twenty (20) feet of each bank the boundaries of the bed of the stream shall be defined by the Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf. Area of creek claims. 17. Creek claims shall be of tho same extent and subject to the same regulations with respect to measurement ; form and boundaries as river claims. Surplus ground, laid bare, ill rivers, how disposed oj IS. If by diversion of tho stream from its natural channel more ground is laid bare in the bed of the river or creek than the nntnber of Miner's Eights held by the party, shall entitle them to occupy, they shall bo allowed one week from a written notice thereof by the Warden to place thereon as many holders of Miner's Eights as they shall think fit, atter -which time any miner may occupy the surplus ground if there remain any, paying to the party who constructed the works, a fair proportion of the expense incurred in diverting the stream. In the event of a dispute arising as to the amount to be paid it shall be lawful for the Warden in conjunction with four assessors (two being appointed for each party) to award such sums to be paid as may seem to them or the majority of them to be justly due to the persons who constructed the works. Area of beach claims.

17. Beach claims shall not exceed fifty (50) feet by fifty (50) feet for each holder of a Miner's Right. Such claims may be of any form provided that no block claim shall exceed in length twice the breadth thereof. Area of quartz claims. 20. Quartz claims shall not exceed fifty (50) feet along the supposed course of the reef by one hundred and fifty (150) feet on each side from the supposed centre of the reef. Conveyance of debris or rubbish over adjoining claims. 21. It shall be lawful for miners when it is not practicable to discharge the debris from their workings on to their own or on to unoccupied ground to discharge or convey the same oil to or over adjacent claims. Provided that the discharge or conveyance of such debris does not interfere with the working of such adjacent claim or claims. Remedy for damage to claim by conveyancs of debris or rubbish over it. 22. If the owner of any claim by improper management or otherwise, shall damage any claim adjacent by the discharge or conveyance on to or over it, of any rubbish, I tailings, or other debris, the person receiving such damage shall be entitled to compensation for the same, the amount of such compensation to be ascertained in the manner provided in section 18 of these Regulations. If the owner of any claim shall have reasonable cause for suspicion that his claim is receiving damage from the working of any claim adjoining, the "Warden shall grant permission for the inspection of such claim, and on proof that any damage is likely to occur, the working of such claim shall be suspended until the case shall have been decided by the Warden. Tunnelling through unoccupied ground. 23. Any person holding a quartz mining claim wishing to cut a tunnel through unoccupied ground shall be allowed twenty (20) feet in breadth as a protection for the tunnel for any necessary distance outside the boundary of the claim, and also a space of one hundred and fifty (150) feet square at the mouth of the tunnel on which to deposit quartz or other substances. Such privileges must be applied for in writing to the "Warden, and notice must be posted on the ground for fourteen days previous to granting the application. All privileges of this description must be registered in the mining register. Right to all auriferous mbsUincc# found iti alluvial claims.—Provision for reduction of quartz claims if containing alluvial gold, 24. No fossicking or surface digging will be allowed on. any ether miner's claim. It shall be lawful for the holder of any alluvial claim to hold all auriferous substances found within the paralells of his claim at any depth. r lhe holder of a reef claim shall be allowed to sluice within the limits of his claim for specimens only, but if he sluices for alluvial gold his claim must be reduced to the area of an alluvial claim.

Notice before blasting. 25. Five minutes previous to the discharge of any blast of gunpowder or other explosive substance, within fifty (50) feet from the surface of the ground, due notice of such intended discharge shall be given by the persons proparing the same, to all other persons working, residing or passing within a distance of one hundred (100) yards from the place of such discharge. When anyroad or footpath passes through any such claim, a red flag not less than one foot square shall be exhibited at each extremity of the intersection of the claim by such road or footpath, for five minutes before the discharge. Prevention of accidents. 26. Any miner who may sink a shaft or make an excavation on his claim in search of auriferous quartz, shall substantially fence in such shaft or excavation to the height of at least four (-1) feet, and maintain the same during the occupancy of such claim. Any miner working in alluvial ground within twenty-one (21) feet of any public road or crossing place, shall enclose any shaft or excavation which he shall make upon such claim by any embankment or fenc6, at least four (1) feet in height so as to afford thereby a reasonable security against accidents to passengers, and no miner shall when he abandons his claim destroy or remove any such fence or embankment or position thereof. Where from tho nature of the ground it ia impossible to prevent the descent of rocks, boulders, stones, earth or other heavy substances when disturbed by working, it shall not- be lawful to mine on such claim, unless notice boards with the words " danger from stones,"- in lettersnotless than four (4) inches in length, painted thereon, shall be placed at intervals of ten yards along any line of road or footpath near to tho place where such rock, stone, or heavy substances is likely to fall. Main or trunk linea of road. 27. The Warden shall cause main or trunk linea of public roads to be laid out wheresoever the same shall appear to him to be necessary, and no person shall resist the formation of tho same. Provided that if any damage is done to any occupied claim, water-race, tail-race, or other working, compensation shall be granted to the holder thereof, tho amount of such compensation shall be'ascertained by two assessors, two to be appointed by the Warden on behalf of the Government, and two by the persons interested, and an umpire to be chosen by the assessors before they enter upon the reference. Width of private roads.

28. In all cases where such width may be necessary, a miner may occupy a breadth of eighteen (IS) feet of ground for any necessary roadway. But if a miner shall mark out a greater breadth of ground than shall be necessary for the purpose of a roadway, it shall be lawful for any authorised officer 'to order the said roadway to be reduced, and the same shall be reduced in conformity with the instructions of the said officer. Changing position of road to entitle ground to be loorLed. 29. If any miner desires to change the direction of any road, he shall, for a period of fourteen (14) days, affix a notice of such his desire in a conspicuous place on such road, and shall furnish a copy of such notice to the "Warden, to be posted outside his office for the same period. At the expiration thereof, the "Warden shall make such order as shall appear to him to be necessary in the matter. Formation of private roads. 30. W hen any two or more miners are desirous of forming a road, tramway, bridge or crossing-place, over or across any gully,, creek, reef, claim, or race—a notice to that effect shall be posted on the ground and outside the Warden's office for fourteen (14) days, after which period the Warden shall determine whether such road, tramway,bridge, or crossing-place is necessary, and if he agrees to its formation, he shall then fix or caußo to be fixed the exact line thereof. Provided that no such road, tramway, or crossing-place, shall be made over or through any mining ■ claim unless compensation for damage or loss shall be immediately paid or tendered to the owner thereof. In the event of the parties concerned not agreeing as to the amount of such compensation, the same shall be ascertained and determinedin the manner provided for in sec. 18 of theao regulations. Provided further that such road, bridge, or crossingplace, shall be of a breath, where practicable, of not less than fifteen (15) feet, and be bo constructed that no injury shall accrue to any head race, tail race, drain, creek, or culvert passing under it. j Roads not to be damaged by uiidemuining* 31. No person shall dig within the distance of five Co) feet from the nearest wheel track of any road, nor drive underneath the same, unless the drive shall be more than twelve (12) feet beneath the surface of the road, nor shall any person interfere with any such road. Protection of claims, and terms of prottction. 32. Permission to retain a claim unworked may be granted by the Warden, and the same shall be therein registered for such time as the Warden shall think fit, not exceeding the terms hereinafter mentioned. The causes and time for which a claim shall be registered under this regulation shall be as follows viz:— 1. Any claim having been proved to the satisfaction of the Warden to have been worked by tho party wishing to register it, for at least three (3) months immediately preceding the application for Registration and no payable quartz having been obtained from such claim for at least one month previous—Three (3) months. 2. The claim having been sunk and worked to the water—tho party being unable to overcome the same—the adjoining claims not being down to the water— Three (3) months. 3. Any claim the holder of which intends to procure machinery for quartz crushing or water bailing, during the time of registration, and shall give security by bond, or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the Warden, that he will procure such machinery within a time to be fixed by the Warden—Three (3) months. And such farther time as the Warden shall think fit, not exceeding the whole twelve (12) months, accordingto the description of machinery, and the plan for which it was ordered. 4. Any river claim during fluming, race cutting, or other works for the benefit of the claim—Three (3) months. '

5. Any holder of Miner's Eight, suffering from sickness, or being compelled to be absent from sickness in his family— Registration for the period of the continuance thereof. Proof of sickness shall be the production of a medical certificate, or two of the co-partners, or holders of adjacent claims, shall make a statutory declaration before the Warden. 6. Any miner engaged as a party to or a witness in any case, or as an assessor or juryman in any Court of Justice—During the Bitting of the Court in the case in which he is engaged, and with reasonable time for travelling to-and-fro. 7. Any person engaged in actual service as a special constable, or militiaman— during the continuance of such service. Protection of slacked quartz. 8. Any miner wishing to retain posession of quartz or other auriferous substances, may have the same protected for a period not exceeding three (3) months, provided that such substance is properly stacked on ground not supposed to be adapted to mining purposes, and that a board with the owner's name, address, and date of stacking, legibly written or painted thereon, be posted close to such a stack. Assigning false reasons. 33. Any person assigning false reasons for registering any claim, right, or privilege, shall not be protected in such claim right, or privilege. JVotice of protection to be posted on claim. 34 All registered claims, shares, rights, or privileges, must be marked by a notice with the owner's name, address, and particulars of the claims, shares, right, or privilege, posted on the ground. Prospecting. 35. Any person discovering new gold workings, and being desirous of obtaining an increased area thereon, must immediately report such discovery, with full particulars thereof, to the Warden or other proper authority. Reward for prospecting. 36. Discoverers of new gold workings may have allotted to them as a reward for prospecting, where the discovery is more I than five (5) miles, and less than ten (10) I miles from existing workings, an extent of ground not exceeding one additional claim per man. Where the discovery is more than ten (10) miles and less than fifteen (15) miles distant, two (2) additional claims per man. Where the discovery is more than fifteen (15) miles, and less than twenty (20) miles, three (3) additional claims per man, and where the discovery is above twenty (20) miles distant, four (4) additional claims per man. Provided that the increased grants shall not be given to more than four persons comprising any party, and that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the granting of any such prospecting claim by the Warden, there shall be employed thereon one (1) man for each man's ground held by the party. Provided also, that if the Warden shall deem fit, he may on application extend the time for fully manning the ground for any additional term not exceeding four (4) months or being in the whole not more than six (6) months from the time of granting the additional or prospecting claims.

Area of residence sites. 37. Holders of Miner's Eights shall be entitled to occupy for the purpose of residence, an area of thirty-three (33) feet by sixty-six (66) feet. Residence site not to encroach on roads. 38. No miner shall occupy a residence site, any portion of which is 'within thirtythree (33) feet of the centre of a road or thoroughfare, or within twelve (12) feet of any site previously occupied, provided that in cases where two (2) or more Miner's Bights are held by members of one family, they may amalgamate their allotments. Marking out and appplying for residence site. 39. Any miner desirous of occupying land under the preceding regulation, shall mark the corners of the area which he proposes to occupy, ■with trenches, or substantial posts, stanaing at least three (3) feet above the surface of the ground, and shall give notice in writing in the form hereunto appended, to the Warden of the district, and a copy of such notice shall be posted and maintained in some conspicuous part of such area, for the space of fourteen (14) clear days, at the expiration whereof, if no valid objection has been entered there against, the Warden may grant a residence certificate to the applicants. Residence site if deemed auriferous to be examined. 40. If any auriferous deposits shall be traced to the boundaries of any land occupied for residence, the Warden may, upon satisfactory proof thereof, authorise any surveyor or other persons by writing under his hand, to enter thereupon, and at such times, and in such manner as he may appoint to search the land so occupied, for a continuation of the said auriferous deposit. Residence site if aurijerous may be taken. 41. If any residence area shall be proved to be auriferous, the Warden may, upon application, order the whole or any part thereof, to be given up for mining purposes, to such persons as he shall nominate. Compensation for loss of site. 42. In all cases, compensation for actual damage or loss shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by sec. 18 of these regulations, and such compensation shall be paid prior to taking possession of the ground. Warden to make orders as to mode of working residence site. 43. The Warden shall make such orders relative to the mode of working the ground in any residence site, the restoration of the soil and other conditions as he may deem necessary or desirable. Transfer of residence site. 44. The right and interest in any area occupied under a residence certificate, may be transferred or assigned by the holder thereof, but such transfer or assignment, shall, in all cases be registered with the Warden and endorsed on the original certificate. WATEE EIG-HTS. Applications for water rights. 45. Any person intending to divert and use water for mining purposes, by means of any water race to be constructed, shall give notice thereof in writing, to the Warden, and to any person whose interests may be affected by the diversion of such water, and

copies of Buch notice shall be posted and mantained for fourteen (14) days at the source whence it is proposed to obtain water, and at the proposed termination of such water-race, and the intended course thereof shall be indicated by pegs not less than two inches square, or by large stones marked /l\ and placed not more than two hundred (200) yards apart, and such notices shall state the mean breadth and depth of the proposed water-race, and the quantity of water it is capable of carrying. And if no valid objection be entered against the construction of such water-race within fourteen (14) days from the delivery of such notice, a license renewable annually may be granted by the "Warden to the applicant subject to the provisions and conditions herein contained.

Water required for public use not to be granted. 46. No license shall be granted, for tlie use or diversion of any water which is or may he required for public purposes or for the use of the miners generally. Races formerly made to be registered. 47. Races constructed prior to the proclaof auy Gold Field, or of these rules and regulations, must be registered with the Warden, as provided by section 45. Superior rights defined. 48. Superiority of right to a supply of water shall be determined by priority of occupation, the earlier occupant having the supreme right. In all cases when the occupier claims under a certificate or other authority in writing by the "Warden, occupation shall be taken to have commenced at the date of such certificate or authority. Races to be commenced within given, time. 49. The cutting and formation must be commenced within one calendar month from the date of registration, and the occupier shall continue cutting and forming the same until the work is completed, otherwise any superiority of right to which they may be entitled by virtue of such registration, shall be deemed forfeited. Forfeiture of races. 50. All right to any race shall become forfeited if abandoned for the space of one calendar month, unless in cases of sickness, or unavoidable absence, or in consequence of failure of water, but it shall be lawful for the "Warden, in his discretion, upon sufficient cause being shown, to suspend the operation of the regulation for a further period of one month, and a certificate of such suspension shall be given in writing to the occupiers. Heads of races. 51. All races that may hereafter be cut shall have a point specified at which they shall be taken from the creek or river, in raceß already cut, this point shall be taken to be the spot from which the race now heads. No person shall shift or alter the head of any race without the written sanction of the "Warden, nor to the prejudice of any existing right.

Alteration, of races. 52. The alteration or extension of a race at any time shall not in any way effect any right or privilege attached to such race, and the holders thereof shall, during sucli alteration or extension, be deemed to be in occupation of all tho rights and privileges attached to such race. Provided that such alteration or extension shall first be approved of by the Warden. Insufficient supply of water. 53. If the water flowing in any creek or river be insfficient to supply all the races connected therewith, the owner of any right shall, on receipt of a written notice from the owner of a superior right, stating that the supply of such superior right is less than he is entitled to, immediately cease to use the water, or such portion thereof as may be necessary to make up the supply of the superior right. Sec 11. Water gauge. 54. If any dispute shall arise ■ between holders of water rights deriving their supply from the same creek or water course, relative to the quantity of water to which each' of them, the said holders is or may be entitled, the followingshall be taken to be a head of water andsuch holders shall be limited there-

(a) A stream of water gauged by a box twelve (12) feet long, ten (10) inches deep, and twenty (20) inches wide, all measured in the clear, the box shall be covered throughout, the upper or entrance end of such box may be left enireley open, but the lower end, or end of exitshall be fitted with a bar, two (2) inches high, affixed to the floor of the box, and and with a pressure or head board, six (6) inches deep, affixed to the top of the box, leaving an aperture of two (2) inches in depth and of the full width of the box. (J) If more than one sluice head of water requires to be gauged, the gauge box should be enlarged horizontally to ensure accurate measurement, but when this cannot be done, owing to natural obstacles or other sufficient reasons, the gauge box may be enlarged perpendicularly, in which case the depth of the pressure or head board shall be reduced at the rate of one inch for every additional head of water that is perpendicularly measured. (c) The gauge box shall at all times be E laced on a level ; when water is taken •om one source only, the supply shall be gauged at the head of the race, or the source of supply. But if the race is fed or supplied in any part by any side stream or streams, the gauge box shall be placed immediately below such side stream, or the last of such side streams. (d) The velocity of water above the gauge box shall if required, be lessened by the construction of a dam bank, or by levelling the race for a distance of thirty (30) feet and such velocity shall not exceed an average of one {1) foot per second in the said thirty (30) feet, to be gauged by a float. Supply of water may be reduced. 55. "When the supply of water : from any creek or stream shall be insufficient for the US6 of all the holders of water right thereon, it shall be lawful for the "Warden, upon adequate cause being shown, to reduce the quantity in due and equal proportion which the said holderß shall be entitled to draw therefrom, and to regulate the time and mode in which such water may be used. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to affect the right of the holder or holders of a first water right hereafter granted on any stream: but such holdor

or holders shall at all times be entitled to the full supply of water for which he or they shall be registered. Number of sluice heads allowed. 56. The Dumber of sluice heads allowed for any such race as aforesaid Bhall be as follows—one or two miners one (1) sluice head or forty (40) inches of water. Pour or more miners two (2) sluice heads. Water not to he wasted. 57. Holders of rights shall not allow any water to run to waste; but .such water shall be appropriated to the use of the next holder of a right according to the date of their respective registrations. Transfer or Assignment. 58. The transfer or assignment of any race, or of any interest therein, shall not affect any right or privilege attached to such race; provided that any such transfer or assignment shall have been duly. registered at the office of the Warden, and a memorandum thereof made upon the back of the original certificate. Keeping races in repair, bridging, &c. 59. The holder or occupier of any race, shall keep the same in repair, and shall make an efficient bridge where any road in ordinary use crosses the race, upon being required to do so by the "Warden. Working ground occupied for races. 60. Any person desirous of working the ground on which any race or portion of a race is situated, may do so by first providing an equally good race for the use of the occupier ; provided that the consent of the Warden thereto be first obtained. Reservations. 61. No water right shall be granted for the use or diversion of any water which is or may be required for public purposes, or for the use of the miners generally. Water for general use. 62. Two sluice heads of water shall, if required, be at all times allowed to flow in the natural course of a creek or river, for general use. Causing claims to he flooded. 63. No person shall back the water of any creek, river, race, or water course upon any claim, or otherwise cause any claim to be flooded, either wilfully, or by neglect. Obstructions to water courses. 64<. No person shall deposit any earth, stones, tailings, or other substance in the bed of any water course, so aV to obstruct the flow of the water therein. Side streams. 65. "Where a race crosses any, water course the use of which is required by holders of Miner's Eights, it shall be carried either over or under the same, so as not to interfere with the natural flow of water therein.

Construction of tail raoes. , 66. Before any person construct a tail-race, he shall first proceed by notice in the same manner as is directed in Section 45, for head races. But such notice shall only require to be posted for seven (7) clear days; at the expiration whereof.the applicant shall return to the Warden a copy of the notice which shall be Bigned by the holders of the four (4) nearest claims, as expressing their assent to or dissent from the issue of a certificate for such tail-race. And the "Warden shall enquire into any objection thereto or any cause of dissent as aforesaid, and shall thereafter issue or withhold a certificate of registration according to the equity of the case. Use of tail-races. 67. Any person wishing to use a tail-race may do so on condition of first paying to the owner of such tail-race a proportionate share of the expense of construction, and of any enlargement that may be rendered necessary by such use, provided that the person so using any tail-race shall bear an equal share in any labor or expense incurred in clearing the same, or such portion thereof as may be so used, whenever it shall be necessary to do so. Flood race*. 68. Any person may cut a flood race through or by his claim, subject to such restrictions as the Warden may consider necessary for the public good. Races may be carried through claim*. 69. Upon application being made to the Warden it shall be competent for him to authorise the applicant to pass a head-raee or tail-race over under or through any claim or right; provided that compensation shall be allowed for estimated damage (if any), and prior to commencing the construction of such race such compensation shall be paid to the holder or holders of the flnim or right, over, under, or through which the proposed race has to be constructed. Certificates renewable annually. 70. Every grant or certificate for a head race shall be brought to the Warden for renewal annually, and if any such grant or certificate is not so brought within thirty (30) days after the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date at which it was originally granted, it may be deemed to be forfeited, and the registration thereof may be cancelled. DAMS, QUARTZ CRUSHING AND PUDDLING MACHINES. Special sites for Machines. 71. Any miner, who may be desirous of obtaining a special site for- the erection of machinery thereon shall mate application in writing to the Warden, setting forth tbe purpose and all particulars of such machinery and stating the exact locality ol the site applied for, and shall at the same time deposit the sum of five pounds sterling (£5) as security for the cost of survey and other necessary expenses ; and the Warden shall thereupon direct the Mining Surveyor to make a survey and plan of such site and to report thereon. Notice of intended erection or construction. 72. Any miner intending to form a dam or to erect a puddling machiDe shall give notice thereof in writing to the Warden and to the four (4) parties working or occupying claims nearest to the proposed site, who shaw sign such notice expressing their assert thereto or dissent therefrom. Notkes to be posted.^ 73. A copy of the application or notice required by the two previous Bect '°°® B k all be posted for fourteen (14) days onthe proposed site, and outside the Wardoi "i office, and at the expiration of that titne the Warden mav if there be no valid objection there- . certificate of registration for ' - the site applied for.

Auriferous land not to be granted. 74. Special sites shall not bs granted for any land which is known to be auriferous, unless the same has been worked out and abandoned, nor for land which is in the line or direction of an}" workings, or is in the centre of any guily, or "which is or may probably be occupied for business purposes. Area, of special and ordinary sites. 75. The area granted to any miner or party as a special site, shall not exceed half an aero, and other sites shall not exceed a quarter of an acre. Main sludge channel to befrst constructed. 76. No miner shall be permitted to erect a quartz crushing or puddling machine in any locality wherein crushing or puddling operations have not heretofore been carried on or until a main sludge channel shall have been constructed, and in all cases such channel must be constructed by and at the expense of the person desirous of erecting such machine. Main sludge channels to be approved bij Warden. 77. The position and course of all main sludge channels, and the width and depth thereof, shrll be subject to the approval of the Warden, who shall have power to alter and vary the same whenever it shall seem to him necessary so to do; and upon the approval of any such main chauuel, the Warden shall graut a certificate of the same to the applicant. Expenses of construction. 78. The expenses of the construction of such channel shall be born by the persons then or afterwards using the same, in proportion to the position of each maeliinc relatively to the said channel, and payment of such proportion to the person constructing the same shall be made prior to the granting of any certificate of registration. Sludge drains and channels to be kept clear. 79. Main sludge channels shall be kept clear and in good repair by the joint labour of the machine holders in each locality, and the owner of each machine shall further keep cleae and in good order, the private sludge drains connected with such machine; and on no pretence whatsoever, shall the sludge from any main channel or private claim be permitted to overflow the edges thereof. Jtoads over drains to be bridged. 80. When sludge or water drains run across or under any road in general use, a substantial bridge (the culvert of which shall be of sufficient size to carry off the sludge or water) shall be constructed and kept in repair by the owner of the machine •whence such water or sludge proceeds. Forfeiture of dams or machines. 81. The site of any dam or machine nol commenced within fourteen (14) days from the date of the grant thereof, or not completed within a reasonable time, or any dam oi puddling machine unoccupied for one montl during a period when sufficient water has been available, shall be deemed to be forfeited and may be granted by the AVarden to arn person who may apply for the same. Injury to property by dams. 82. If any claim shall be flooded or pro pertv injured by the bursting of any dan bank, the owner of such dam shall beliabl for any loss or damage occasioned thereby provided that it is proved to the satisfactioi of the AVarden, that such, breaking away re suited from the faulty construction of sue! dam.

Sites proving to be auriferous. 83. If it shall be proved that the ground occupied by any darn or machine contains auriferous earth or quartz, the party desiring to work sucli ground, roust make application in writing to the Warden, for permission to enter on the same ; and if the Warden shall deem fit, the owner of such darn or machine may be compelled to leave or remove the same ; provided that adequate compensation for such leaving or removing shall first have been ascertained and determined in the manner provided in section IS of these regulations, and shall have been paid by the person desirous of working the ground. BUSINESS LICENSES. Area to be occupied under Business License. 84. Business licenses will be issued authorising the holder thereof to carry on business within the proclaimed Gold I'ields. Each holder of a business license shall be entitled (except in reserved townships) to occupy for business purposes an area not exceeding forty (-10) feet by one hundred and twenty (.120, feet for each licensc held by him. Licenses may be transferred from any site to another site; provided that no person shall carry on business in more than one place under one license. Marhlnrj out sites. 85 Occupants of sites for business purposes s shall place and maintain at each frontage corner of such site a peg not less than three (3) inches square, and standing at least one foot above the surface of the ground. Space between buildings. 86 An open space of six (6) feet shall at all times be left between buildings occupied for business purposes (except in reserved townships). The holder or occupier of a single business arpa or site shall only build upon thirty-four (34) feet of his frontage. The holder or occupier of two or more adjoining areas or sites may build upon forty (40) feet frontage for every additional are?, or site. Registration of sites. 87. Business sites may bo registered with the "Warden for ten (10) days whilst the holder is engaged in preparing for the occupancy there-of, sucli registration may be renewed by the Warden for an additional period of ten (10) days, and such renewal shall be endorsed on the certificate and recorded in the registration book. Occupancy of sites. SB, Business sites can only be held or occupied by holders of Business Licenses, and no site can be held unoccupied for more than twenty-four (24) hours, unless the same shall be registered as in section 87. Information to the public. 89. When any business site has been reigistered the holder shall post and maintain thereon a board, not less than nine (9) inches square, with the word liegistered and the date and number of such registration legiblv painted or written thereon. Jioadway between sites. 90. A space of sixty-six (G6) feet shall at all times be left for a road or a street between business sites; and no person shall, on .any pretence whatever, encroach upon such joadway.

Land may be set apart and surveyed for business sites. 93. The Warden in ay, whenever it shall be necessary for the public convenience, set apart land to be occupied for business purposes, and direct the Mining surveyor to divide such land by streets and roadways in the most convenient manner, and no person shall occupy any part of any land so sot apart, except under a business license. Business Licenses in reserved townships. 92. "Where any township site shall have been reserved by or for the native owners thereof, any person occupying land in any such township must, if carrying on business thereon, be the holder of a business license. And 110 person shall occupy any portion of any such township except by permission of the Warden, or unless he pays rent for the same.

TIMBER, Miners to use timber for mining. 93. Any holder of a Minor's Sight will be allowed to use timber (other than kauri) for building or mining purposes or for firewood, provided that such firewood is procured within the limits of the block of native land upon which he is lawfully mining for the time being. Kauri timber to be paid for y » tc. 94. Any person requiring kauri timber must apply to the AVarden, who will give permission to cut the same on payment to him of the sum of one pound five shillings sterling (£1 ss) for each tree required by the applicant. If any person shall willfully or negligently set fire to any forest, timber, scrub" or fern whereby kauri timber shall be killed or destroyed he snail pay fair compensation to the native owners thereof, which shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by section IS of these regulations. Timber licenses. 95. Any person desiring to cut timber for firewood or fcncing for sale shall make application to the Warden for a license, and shall state the locality which he desires to cut timber within ; and a copy of such application shall be posted for fourteen (14) days iu at least two (2) conspicuous places on the ground and outside the Warden's office. If no valid objection is made, the AA r arden may grant a timber license on payment of a fee of five pounds sterling (£5) which shall be in force for twelve (12) months from the date thereof, and shall entitle the holder to cut any timber (except kauri or reserved trees) within the block of native land for which the license is issued; provided that every person holding any such license, and every person employed by him to cut timber, shall be the holder of a Miner's Kight issued for endorsed for the block of native lands within which such timber license shall be in force.

Timber not to be felled so as to cause an obstruction

96. If any person shall fell any tree or timber either intentionally or by underraining or other means ho shall remove it beyond the reach of floods so that it may not bo drifted down any stream. If any person shall fell any timber on to any adjoining claim or on to any public or private road so as to cause an obstruction he shall immediately remove the same. MISCELLANEOUS. Depasturage of cattle. 97. No person will be allowed to depasture any cattle within the proclaimed goldfield, unless he be the holder of a Miner's Right or carter's license, and shall pay a registration fee, as per schedule annexed, for each head of cattle depastured by him within the said gold-field. Por the purposes of this aud the following regulation the word cattle shall be deemed and taken to mean and include horses, mares, colts, fillies, asses, mules, buDs, cows, steers, calves, rams, ewes, sheep, lambs, goats, and swine, and shall be deemed and taken to mean and include and apply to any one animal of the said several kinds. Cattle not to be allowed to trespass on native reserves. 98. No person shall permit or allow any cattle owned by him to trespass on native land reserved for residence, cultivation, or burial groudd, and in addition to any penalty which may be enforced for such breach of this regulation, compensation for actual damage sustained shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by section 18 of these regulations. Persons not to trespass on or damage native reserves. 99. No person shall mine for gold, occupy, cut timber or scrub, or set fire to any scrub, fern, flax, grass, or rushes on any land reserved for cultivation, residence, or burial ground, the locality of which has been defined by lines cut or by notices posted on the ground. Miner's camps to he regulated by Warden. Persons not to camp on roads or within towns. 100. No person shall camp on any road or within the limits of any township, unless he first receive permission from the Warden so to do. And when any reserve shall be formed as a place of temporary residence for miners, within or near to any township, the Warden "shall give such directions as shall from time to time appear necessary for the preservation of order and prevention of nuisances within such camp reserve. No person shall be permitted to erect permanent buildings, or carry on any business within the boundaries of such reserves.

Carters to be licensed. 101 Noperson shall, within the limits oftho proclaimed gold-field, ply for liiro any cart, carriage, or other wheeled vehicle, drawn by horse, horses, ox or oxen, unless he be the holder of a license, duly empowering him in that behalf. Such licenses shall be issued by the Warden, on payment of a fee of one (£1) pound for each cart, car, or other such wheeled vechicle, owned or used by the applicant. Every person holding such lipense shall paint on some conspicuous place on the right side of each cart, car, carriage, or other wheeled vehicle so licensed, his name and the words licensed carter, in letters of not less than one and a half (L>) inches in length with a proportionate breadth. Warden to use discretion as to other regulations. 102. The regulation of all other operations and proceedings connected with the proper working of the Gold Field, shall be left to the discretion and judgment of the Warden, until otherwise provided for. Penalty for breach of rerjulations. 103. Every person committing any breach whether of omission or commission, of any of the above rules and regulations, will be

liable to the penalties set forth in " The Gold Fields Act, 1866," viz.For the first offence, a fine of any sum not exceeding £10; and for the second or any subsequent offence, not exceeding £20. Frespastiiitj on native lands. Persons mining on native lands not included in the boundaries of the Gold Field, but adjoining thereto, shall bo liable to the penalties set forth in clause No. 9S of the Act. _______ ———

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1343, 6 March 1868, Page 5

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Gold Fields Regulations. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1343, 6 March 1868, Page 5

Gold Fields Regulations. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1343, 6 March 1868, Page 5


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