Shipping Intelligence.
AUCILiNI). SVzatHEk. —January 15—Fine. Wind X,K. VESSELS IN HABBOUB. £$baiross, schooner, from Sydney. Aleskndra, brig, from Newcastle. Bine Bell, sohooner, from Tahiti. Bella Marina, coal hulk. JBenjamin Heaps, coal hulk. Caroline, schooner, from the Thames. Ulig* shairp, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Enterprise No. 2, p.s. (on ferry service). Enterprise No. 1, p.s. (on ferry service). JTortune, schooner, from Opotiki. Gemini, s.s., (on ferry service). Sanaa, German brig, from Valparaiso. Huntre«s, p.s , from Napier vi» lauranga. Ida Ziegler, ship, from London. Isabella, from Fiji Islands. Tranhoe, schooner, from Monganui. Joanna, schooner, from Napier. Jane, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Xata Grant, frem Opotik2 via Mercury Bay. Queen, schooner, from Tauranga. Hose Ann, schooner, from the Coa c t. Bona, brig, from Hokitika (put in for provisions). Sapid, schooner, from Opotiki. Stately, schooner, from Wellington. Saucy Lass, schooner, from Napier. Southern Ctobs, schooner, from South Sea Islands. Success, from Mblden Island. Marion, coal hoik. Mapere, schooner, from the Great Bamer. Neva, schooner, from ltorotonga. VESSELS EXPECTED. HiLS. Esk, from Sydney. Constance, barque, from San Francisco. Celt, Bchooner, from Dunedin. Donald McLean, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Electric, Bhip, from London, sailed Sept. 28. England, ship, from London, sailed October 17General Cameron, Bchooner, from Bussell. Hits, schooner, from Tauranga. Helen 8. Page, barque, from Brisbane. Heronlea, cutter, from Tahiti. Sate, ban[ue, from Sydney. Kale Waters, barque, from Queensland. Xcmbard, barque, from Queensland. Jiaxy Shepherd, ship, from London (loiding). Maori, ship, from London, 2 d p., 7523, sailed September 28. Mistletoe, barque, from Melbourne. Uos, brig, from Sydney. Bubo, cutter, from South Sea Islands. Hita, brig, from Sydney, sailed January 1. Surprise, brig, from Tahiti. Battelite, cutter, from Christchurch. Bt Kilda, schooner, from South Sea Island«. Venus, brig, from Hong Kong. Zfllah, schooner, from Tahiti. ABKIVALS. JANUARY 15—Joanna, schooner, 42 tons, Matzen, from Xfapier, via Mercur> Bay, in ballast, 2 passengers. 15—Saucy Lass, schooner, 37 ton?, McKenzie, from Napier via Mercury Bay, in ballast, 2 passengers. 15—Bona, brig, 250 ton?, Haye*, from Hokitika, in ballaf-t, bound to the South Sea Islands (put in for provisions). 15—Postboy, cutter, 60 tons,DaiTach, from Mahurangi, in ballast. 15 —Wanderer, cutter, 23 tons, Edwards, from Coromandel, with sawn timber, 10 paaaengers. 15 —Dawn, eutter, 18 tons, Jones, from the Great Barrier, with sundries, &c. DEPARTURES. JANUARY 15—Novelty, barque, 37C tons, Außtin, for Sydney, with general cargo, 37 passengers. 15—Smuggler, cutter, 21 tons, Shipherd, for "Wangarei and Atangapai, with general cargo, 7 passengers. INWARDS COASTWISE. JANUARY 15—Morning Light, from the Great Barrier, with 48 tons firewood, 1 passenger; Rapid, from Opotiki and Tauranga, in ballast; sea Breeze, from Russell, with 7 tons kauri gum, 10 passengers. OUTWARD 3 COASTWISE. JaNDARY 15—Smuggler, for Wangarei and Mangapai, with sundry cargo, 7 passengers; Fortune, for Opotiki, ■with 2000 bricks, 20 bushels lime, 2 bundles mouldings, '3 do. doors, and sundry spirits, beer, merchandise, &c. INWARDS INTERPhOVINOIAL. JANUARY 15—Saucy Lass, schooner, 38 tons, McKenzie, from Napier via Mercary Bay, in ballast, 2 passengers.—Master, agent. 15—Joanna, schooner, 42 tons, Matzen, from Hapier via Mercury Bay, in ballast, 2 passengers. 15—Queen, schooner, 46 tons, Loveiock, from Napier, via Tauranga, -*ith 1 horse, 8 passengers.— T. Craig, agent. 15—Stately, schooner, 86 tons, Short, from Wellington, in ballast.—B. J. Edmonds, agent. OUTWARDS INTER-PROVINOIAL. JANUARY 15—Success, schooner, 58 tons, Frost, for Napier, with 30 tons gn<no, 8000 feet timber, 10 pkgs. doors and sashes, order.—Master, agent. ARRIVAL OF THE RONA-—THE NOTORIOUS CAPT. HATES AGAIN. The brig signalled yesterday morning anchored outside Rangitoto Keef shortly before 9 a.m, and, hoisting no number, remained a perfect stranger to the public until about 11a m., when two boats were seen pulling up harbour from her, end observed to go alongside the Bella Marina coal-hulk. Bliortiy after tbi3 they came up to the Waterman's fctair?, Queen-street Wharf, when two gentlemen and a lady landed. One of theße represented himself as the captain of the brig, and furnished the following report (which hut for the circumstances detailed below would have gone forth to the public as a correct one:— " The brig Hay ward, 250 tons, Captain Hall, from Adelaide, bound on a trading voyage to the South Sea Islands, put in for provisions. She left Adelaide on the 4th December, bound to ths South Seas, and experienced very bad easterly weather after leaving and almost until reaching this coast, which greatly retarded her pasßage ; and Captain Hall, finding bis stock running short, determined to put in here for necessary supplier." Upon Captain Hall coming in contact with Oapt. "Williams, boarding officer and searcher of H. M.'s Customs, his explanation was not quite so satisfactory, and the suspicions of the authorities were aroused. Captain Williams and Mr. Howson, H.M.C., ■with a full boat's crew, at once started down for the brig, and upon their reaching the north end of Ran- j gitoto observed the brig getting under weigh ; this farther gave rise to Kuspietcn, chase was at once ; given, the vessel overtaken and boarded by the anthorities. They had scarcely gained the main deck, when, judge their surprise, ihey found the •tranger not to be the Hayward, Captain Hall, from Adelaide, but the Rona, Captain Hayes, (of Black Diamond notoriety) from Hokitika. The vessel was searched hut nothing found in her; her papers were examined and found all correct, bearing date Ist January, 1867. Captain Hayes, in answer to their enquiries, stated that the Captain Hall wai his chief officer, and that he ought to have known better than to have given the vessel a false name, as he (Captain Hayes) had sent letters up to town by him to influential merchants here who knew better. Also that the reason he got underweigh again was, because lie had only the cook and another man left on board, and the vessel was dragging too near shore. Before however, the Customs authorities left the brig they turned out eight able-bodied seamen, stowed away forward. The Rona left Hokitika on the 2nd instant, came through Cook's Straits, and finding he bad not enough provisions to carry him on to Tahiti, bore up for this port for a fresh supply, but why with euoh a motive as he did we are at a loss to know. During all this tima&tho mate had obtained an ample supply of &c., (and f >r which, we believe, was paid), and was returning .to the vessel, when about half-way down he was confronted Sbytho officers in the returning Custom House boat, .
and upon being cloeely interrogated and reprimanded by them for making false declarations, confessed everything. Captain Hayes is v?ell known here among our Auckland merchants and others—as also, as it will be remembered, from reports that have appeared at the South. However, this time he has again £ot ofT scot free, there being no infringement of the Customß' Regulations, the clearance and register being all correct. The .Bona, we believe, proceeded on her voyage again last night. The Oaitbodia.— Another survey has been held upon this vessel bv ''aptain W. Gay,. Mr. J. W. Bain, nnd Mr. Hutchinson, assisted by Onptfcins Burgess and Butt. I'hey recommended the rniMng of her by means of pumping her out, and then her removal on to the hard near the Government wharf, Onehunga, so as to ascertain the real amount of damage done to her bottom. Messrs. Butt and Anderson's steam engine and patent Californium pumps have already gone out to Onehunga for the purpose, and it i-i expected that two days more will P ee the Cambodia raised and afloat. Ihe Hope.—By our last advices from Opotiki we are glad to learn that the schooner Hope has been successfully got off the bar there, and was awaiting repairs; she was etill in a very leaky condition. Tub Saucy Lass.—The s-shooner Bawey Lass Captain McKenzio, from Napier, the 10th inst, arrived in harbour on M ondrty niijbt ia*r, and reports vanable weather. She called at Mercury Bay on Monday» and sailed agnin the flame day. Tho Saucy left the schooner Tawera lying at Napier. The s.s. Mar of the South had arrived from Port Cooper, the evenin" before, and was to load cattle again for that nla-e °Tlio barque Ensign had sailed for London, loaded with wool; and the atrathallan was fast ailing Joanna. —The schooner Joanna, Captain Matzen, left Napier on Monday, the 7th inst., and experienced head winds for the first four or five days, then light and calms, arriving at Mercury Bay at 10 a.m. on Monday last. Left again the tame atternoon and arrived in harbour shortly after daylight vesterday in ballast. Keports the schooner Kauri bound to Wangapca ns lying at Mercury Ray, wind bound, and the bris:nutino Vistula, Captain Paton as sailing for Adelaide with sawn timber on Monday last. . , The Sex Brefze. —The Sea Breeze, which arrived from the Bay of Islands on Monday night last, reports experiencing very adverse and boisterous wG&tbcr, compelling her to seetc shelter twice in Wangaruru, and made the passage occupy five days. Bhe brought up the following passengers ttev. K. Burrows, Messrs. Eissliug, J. W. Lewis, Thompson, Gillies, Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Que, I Miss M. Que, Mr. Hickton. The Sea Breeze leaves again for Kus?ell at noon to-day. The Postbot. —The fine new cutter Postboy, launched at Mahurangi on the 24th ult., arrived in harbour last niijht, in ballast, in charge of her builder, Mr. Darrach. She is a sister vessel to the Bittern', of fine lines, and intended for the ttast Coan trade. The foiliwing are her dimensions:—49 feet keel, 17 feet 6 inches beam, 6 leet 0 inches depth of hold', 56 feet overall, and 65 tons builders'measurement, coppered and copper-fastened. Nbw Ooasteb. —A fine new cutter, named the Kineleaier, has recently been lnuuchcd from Mr. Beddoes' Yards, North Shore, to the order of Messrs. Preece and Masefield, and intended for the coasting trade. The brig Alexandra sails for Newcastle, JN. B. W., this day, in ballast. The Ivanhoe, for Moogonui, does not sail until this afternoon. The schooner Success, Captain Frost, cleared at the ("ustjm house yesterday for Napier, with a cargo of 30 tons guano, a quantity of sawn timber, doors, and saslies, etc. She sails to-day-The Circular Saw birque Novelty, fir -Sydney, proceeded to sea at daylight yesterday morning. The cutter Smuggler sailed for Wangarei and Manga pai, last night, witn a general cargo and Beven passengers. •J ho schooner Fortune has cleared at the Custom? for Opotiki, with bricks, stores, &c., but doeß not sail till this morning. A schooner was sisjnallod in the offing at sunset ' last evening, but did not fetch the anchorage at a late hour, although the wind was fair. It is presumed that she went up the Ttnuki river, and will, no doubt, prove to be the Pacific, from Norfolk Island, with cattle. The cutters Wanderer, from Coroma r i<M, with sawn timber and 10 passengers, and Dawn, from the Great Barrier, with sundries, both arrived in harbour last evening. The Bremen barque Pauli, with a cargo of coalfro m Swansea for Valparai-o, was burnt at sea on the 9ih Sept-mher in latitude 42 ° 54' S. and longitude 52° 14' W. The piaw was Baved by the Swedish thip Francis Charton. POET OF BUS SELL. (PROM OUR OWN COBBESPONDEHT.) ENTERED INWARDS. DECEMBER 10—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Norris, from Auckland with general cargo, 28 passengers. 10—Spcelwell, 35 tons, Brown, from Aucllancb with general cargo, 1 passenger. 10—Gener,1 Cameron, 41 tons, Joyce, from Auckland, wiih general cargo, 10 passengers 21 —Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Norris, from Auckland, with general cargo. 10 passengers. 22—Speedwell, 35 tons, Brown, from Auekland, with general cargo. 31—General Cameron, 41 tons, Joyce, from Auckland, with general cargo, 9 passengers. 31 Breeze, 70 tons. Norris, from Auckland, wiih general cargo, 5 passengem. JANUARY 2—Speedwell, 35 tows, Bolgcr, from Auckland, with general cargo. 6—Acors Barns, American whaler, 296 tons, Jeffjry, from whaling ground, with 150 barrels whale oil. , 7 —Bobert Towns, whaler, 260 tons, Barker, from whaling grounds, with 1050 barrels whale oil, 16,000 lbs. whalebone. 7—ueaeral Cameron, 41 frms, Joyce, from Auckland, with general cargo, 10 passengers. CLE ABED OUTWARDS. PECEiTBEII 10—Speedwell, 35 tons, Brown, for Auckland, with 1 bale wool, 1 passenger. 12—8ea Breeze, 70 tons, Norris, for Auckland, with 3 tons kauri gum, 78 bales woo', 12 luggage, 1 empty barrel, 1 gun, 1 level, 11 passengers. 12—General Cameron, 41 tons, Joyoe, for Auckland, with 29 bales woo], 89 cases kauri gum, 3 passengers. 22 —General Cameron, 41 tons, Joyoe, for Auckland, with 9 bales wool, 5 tops kauri gum. 24—Sea Breeze, 70 tonß, Norrie, for Auckland, with 9 bales wool, 5 tons kauri gum. 27—Speedwell, 35 tons, Bolger, for Auckland, with '10 boxes kauri gum. 31—General Cameron, Bchooner, 41 tons, Joyce, for Auckland, in ballast. JANUARY 3 —Speedwoll, 35 tons, Bolger, for Auckland, in ballast.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 990, 16 January 1867, Page 4
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2,130Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 990, 16 January 1867, Page 4
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