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. • -woxdav, OCTOBER 1. u . Tjih usual for:niarhtly metitinsr of the City Vvourl r wi' h -ii yesteiday ; Mr. John \\ r atson Uaiu, Ch «ir- .' 0 man. j)i'Os»dinfT. it ■ -There vn-re present — Ashton. George, . : iM;u:ready, Plater. Su-jinyon, Keetley. ; Ihe minutes of tho previous meeting were read j and confirmed. ~ ' 'J'ho f>ilowinpr petitions were on motion received, , 5 i nnd ivfen-ed to tlie Strr;cts Commitiee: — 0 j I 1 r oua 2vlr. Kobert Hnvthiy, relating to improve(j- j ments in Nels m-street, aud asking for u modification j in tlie levels in that street. j A petition hom certain owners of property at the 1 i cornt'r of 1< ranklin, Drake, a-id Union sLreels, rclatj j ing to tho culverts. s A petition from buullord of the Xew Caledonia. r ; Ho*.oh •Symonds-streor. us<in£ to be rdlowed to erect

j a fiorse trough in front of his house, for the convi j j iiienee of the pnblit*. i I .Leave was «:iven, ths work to be approved by th > j Korenem of Woiks. ? j A petition from th? inhabit mts of a street callet j Dock-street, ( r re unan's Uay, complaining that the , cuiM not obtain a load of'fii-o wood tor their familio.-d'hi-i street b.dn£ not a public tftroot, it \\>»s # tho una , nun mi? i>p»ui »u of the (> >ard that it had no powe t > comply with tlie prayer of the petition.' KAItANU VlI U'K IvOAD. The vuv atmouaced thai a communication hai })i>ea received ixom th-- G-overnmenr, staiini th.i: thev would irive as muoh metal for tho road a th-:y cimld. OX .A CC 'V ST OF sr. liie ">kcw:r.\j;V ais>» ariu.utoce I that a e'ai.'u };-u rec; ,: .v i tV«on a person nanwl _\f:ic!;inf f.n c o/i account of t:io improveincMis ii I Alhrrt-stivo!. Jic, t 'tar;*, had w;ir t«»n t li. j the Hoard ac aio'.vle ! iu» Ii ibility, either in law a j equity, on a .vouut »>f the injury d jno to property b\ i-jxt advancks. A letter was road from the Deputy Superintendent intormitiiT the lioavd that a th nts.tud p-mnd-:, iti c ?m----pii.u -c v.-il'i tlie re,ju *st of «he P.'.a-d, would be pn.i on aecouni ot ;h * JL'7** (»' t<J be advanced for cite purpose. > IUGU-STKKKT IMPitOVRMKNTS. Some tune since a prnnns;;] \v*a3 mide that if t'lo Roitrd would make certain impr »wments in Hij'i-s'.ri-et, triviujr eoioinnniiMtio*! to V h-t -ria-stret-t. the writer (*fr. tfaiMiii:; i>a) would cj(itnd;i:to £'rj i-j~ wards tne i;nnr<ir'm ;nt of Vietoida-fM.r<*et. Mr. rlardinjfton now informed the Hoard that the £■30 r. quired by the City Hoard tor certain work w.)u!d be ecmnibm-'d, and" that- the SolicitJr to the Hoard might, draw up tins neecssiry deeds. CIAS LA MI'S. A communication was revived from Mr. War-lr, to the tJ l- Compiuy, stating tliat the Company wore unable to comply with the ruquest of the iioaid for want of piping ; also direct'mn llnattention ot the ooard to the "custom usually followed 7 ' whero any alteration is desired in I lie number oi tho lamps. If a lamp is to be shut off the burner is riken out and a proper wooden inserted, or the cock is taken oil' and an iron can is put on. 'Xhe lantern is also iwuaiiv taken oil*, intimation of these alteration* should "bo irhvn 11 the Company, who would send one of their servants to report, and tho necessary change would he re* coro»*d in tho hooks. W ark also complained that the Company's foreman had received verbal intimation that certain lamps were rot being lighted, and on visiiin-* one <f them the foreman fouud the co?k turned and gas V»l-">w;nix oil*. i lie >EruEr.\KV said that tho renucst alluded to was one made by the City J{ >nrd to carry up the lias piphlic int.l the Karangah.-spe iioacl as far as the city impjovr-vmmts vcerc i^oinej. -Mr. AsarJ.v said this matter of gaj lighting h:i;l been a continuous of anuoyanc-j to tho lio:trd. Mr. George saU that the Gas Company wisho.l to throw upon tho Ji./arJ tlio cost of lighttiii? tho lamp?, keeping th.t in ill repair, and watching ovor them so as to prevent all aecij -nt. Xiu iSKßitEfAitr read a letter from whieh it appeared that the Gas Company w.'uld ho better sa'.isiie.l by receiving £15 per lamp than the present arrangement, an allowance tj be made by tho towards repairs. .Mr. .SwaXKX sai 1 ho wouhl bo g?#d th it a committee stiouM be formed tj take tiie whole subject into conskl-jrati >n. ?dr. M.'.cktea'.y sairi that he astrped with Mr. Sw.inson that a Conmiiitee oiuht to be ap|)o)iit-»j. Tiie following c-'nimktee was then apuointed t-> consider tiiu suhjecc ar.d confer with the joinpjny the mode of lighting the city, luembers itesirs. Ashton, Sw.uisou, Mtr-r. ;! iy. and' Creorge. I>RAKK-M'RKKT. Certain plans for the formation of a sewer's distriet b.'iTij submitted to the 1J iard, Mr. ?i[\ukeai)V said that the people of Drakestreet had been promised over and over asain that something would be done for them, and nothing had been don-. That district wss the largest r.ite-payin" district in the city. They were promised those improvements before any promise had been in ele to the residents in Cook-street. }Ir. Ashton thought with JTr. Tdaerea-iv that the fewer ought to be enlarg. d and tho ron.i made. As the work had been promised for a very long time, it ought to be proceeded with, ff the place were made so that the water would be carried oil", the improvement would be SO tr eat tint the value cf the rate over this district would be con-i.leraMv decreased. The Secuetaky explained that the "Freeman's .Bay improveaients had referred to the Street's Committee, who, in consequence of Mr. Hidings' and retirement, had not been able to report. The Ci/AitiMAN- said that Drake-street hid been left to him as a legacy by his predecessor, ilu ha l not yet seen anything dor.'j for the people of that neighbourhood, while others had received a very large amount of assistance. A co'ninittee was formed to consider the improvements that could he carried out. tjrr.N' AND W^ST-ijcskn-stqkf.T. On the motion of .Mr. Gkoiiok, seconded by Mr. Swan'son", the Foreman of Works was instructed to relay the crossing in Queen-street, at the foot of West-Qucen-stn.vt. OLD SUI'JIKJTR COURT not'SK. Mr. SwansoN drew the attention of the Eoa-(l to the state of the neighbourhood about the old Supreme Court House. People collected nt the foot of Victoria-street and iii the porch vending various artiek-s. Something ought to be done to utilize the building. At present it was useU-s3. lie moved that a committer should be appointed to tike into consideration what was to be done with the old Court House and Gaol. The SKCiiETARY, in answer to a question, said that the use of the Court was only secured to tho Hoard until the day of sale. Mr. G-FOhOK : That may be to-morrow. !Mr. WflioL/EY sa d that if the barriers were removed something might be done by erecting stalls whore tho-e people who were now at the foot of Vieforia-slrect might sell their trarcs. Mr. AsiitoS" said there were J-1'2,500 of tfco money of the Board locked up in this place, arid whatever

might be done for the purpose of getting that ruouoy, or a part of it back .should bo done. Mr. M.iCiiKADr said there appeared to ho some misuppruhension'u to the p'uvei- of tho City Board. He would certainly support the motion for committee of iiKjiiiry which had been pr .posed hy Mr. Swanson. it might, no doubt, be a benefit tha the police should be put in a position t-i any, " liiere is u place for you to sell goods ; you must clear out of the streets." Uhe allowing those obstructions in the streets were li'tely to grow into pernvincneo. There was a black man who had first a stall, then a shant-v on city property at corner of Customhouse-street, He wn now actually putting up a e..r.-ugated Iron home in defiance of this Cli.y IWird. Ho certainly thought that a committee should he formed, I lie resolution of.l\tr fSwa.nson wiib unanimouslv carried, and tho following gentlemen were appointed a committee : —Messrs. fcwanson, George, Ashton, ilaereiidv, AVrijlev, and tho Chairman. Sri'EBINTKNDHNT 01' T!IK J'lltU IMtIGAIM!. Mr. Keetley mo red that Mr. Aelw'r ho aeknowlodged hy tho City Hoiid the honorary Superintendent of the Fire brigade ' " '< Mr. Jlacceaiiy thought the m-.tion, if curried would place Jlr. Asher in 11 false position. Suppoxiiig Mr. Ashor, in his new capacity, resolved to pull down a house the other night at Symouds-slreet which was without the city. What position would tlu: city be in if they assumed the respon.ibiljty of making an appointment. * Air. Swan.ion opposed tho motion. The reasons against were very numeroui. There -\v\is no fault found with men of tiie city brigade and however many they might be they should remain tho servants of the Board. The Uoard ought not to accept responsibility for the conduct of any person oyer whom I

tile had not tho eomplete?t control. There was a further reason, if it came to working together und'.r a now .state of thing's propo3ed by tho resolutions, wore many aunoyanecs which mijht bo inilicted on the men belonging to the Hoard, and once anyt of that kind it was easy to see who would havo tho hardest work and smullesfc credit. Ho thought the city would do wron«j if they i were to accept any services, or :*ave any acknowledge- I ment to anybody who wns not in tlie service and under the control of tho Board. Afr. Asui;ii the Hoard that no conflict between himself and Mr. Anderson was possible. Mr. Anderson would he, as ho was nt present, the head of tho City .Hoard Brigade. There was intention to contract expenditure f>r the .Board, or actus agent for the Hoard. Mr. Okor<;e thought that all partnerships, such as would Lo presumed tj exist if the resolutions wei-fi | pa>sed, were bad in thems'lvos. ;<e thought it better that- the relations of tho two brigades for tho | present, at ail events, should remain as tho-v wore at 1 present. -Mr. Asiu'On* thai Mr. /. siuiit woubl not feel that tho Huard ollered him any hut tliere were one or two aKp :cts of the case which had not presented themselves before Mr. spoko Mr. "Witt(if.Ev said thut for himself lu« should like tr> see one rhort>U£rhly ullirdont iirn brigade—-ihat (hero should bt! two tn»dic with a divided aiUh jritv wii' oppose! t"> the (Mhcient workmij of eirhor. Air. A.:iUKU said that thevt; was i\ev«M* any intention ot asiiing" Che '>o;tri.l tor p'.iwer t » i*\]»e;id neoiiy on its nc-ount. All that wns wanted was aiiiliovi-y to ijo int. - ) n liouso wlittn a lire was bn airing oui~ suidi, lor i'i*ta:.ce. n-i whciv thi'iv v/n* a clti'unev burning, and to cut tlio fuv our. He I hnmrht that ih" K ••lira wviv t"> tiuow cold water uu Ml him in his <-tp.'icit-y of .Sanerintondent of iho Volun-

t'-er 1-iriirade. Tho tool ion was put and nejal ivr.l. Tin: L\w oFiioin. T'Xr. Swanson* -aiov.-d t!v:11 the : eeret irv write to Mr. Wynn, asliinu* hi.-n to furnish tho d:\ift of the bill fbr tlie cstabrudmient. of a i>orpj»ra;i.»n iu the i*iiy* ot Auekl Uld. toe ib. i"*" , i.,ir\' fdiould also in<iuiutn to Mr. Wynn that if h ; did 11 »t s.-ud in r-ueh draft within fourteen day.- that s .:n.i o' li -r

would be employe»l to drafi. t he mcastire. The molion was see.onh d 1.-y Mr. d'h" CilAliniAX hid i, he was t la,-ea in a some what awkward position in respcct. ;.o t'. Tuatter, fu h' 1 had refrained the m it'tM* f ■rwuv*. I in (he ) A-ovinriai Council, :•» .Mr. Wynu inisbi£ to hare u draft of a bii* ready for hi:»». | Tho inoti in was tarried. i M:\vmus insTiitCTS. Tho following is a ol valuation of sewerj district: —Ivist Ward, -No. 1, .CM.-!!:!; d.'., No o it; So. 1, J<l ; do. Xo. 2 J0J.7.1U7 :d J. No. £lo,i;:U ; total, £1l7,S1!». Kat( at Id., lis 7d. The l'»ih)w:ni» report wa- read by tho Secretary: — li l\vport by the apoointod at th< lavt mi cting oi the f/ ard. forth - * 'irposi ot forming ' J >is■*>,* ' term? oJ'the'v.'ify Hoard A-d. AmenJmentSf>-5.' The committee havo to rep rt that-1 • n.ivo n;u 1 meeting wi(h Mr. Wriirir, and . ived explanation frotn him with ivf._rene < to . » 4 i?even Districts on tlieindcx inapoi tiie city pr> j)atod by iiiru. Tlie committee would recommend, howover, that ! the portion of the city ot* Auckland bounded on the no th by the Waitemata harbour, on tlie west bv tho middle of lioas.-m and Pitt-Streets, on tho .south by the middle of Karanuahape Koad, and on the east by the middle of "-ym oids-street, to a point opposite lha southuiost com.-r of the Albert tS ivra -k wall, bv the middie ol the military road through the Albert Harrack by the nrddlc of rrinces-dtieot, by the middle of Kmily Hi -tee, and by tho nodiiwest boun- , daw ot lot Xo. of section iSo. 8, he constituted a I s'Mvor district, in terms of thj 1 City Hurd Act Amendment Act. IStij;' and that Mr. Oiddiuns be instructed to furnish tho Hoard with a statement of tho valuo of the property situated within tho siid district, with a view to a sewerage rate being levied. " J. \\ atson 33a i.v, Chairman." Auckland, Ist October, 18<)ih •Several accounts were pas«ed, and the Board adjourned at a quarter-past d o'clock.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 900, 2 October 1866, Page 5

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CITY BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 900, 2 October 1866, Page 5

CITY BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 900, 2 October 1866, Page 5


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