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PEIOB TEN SEUMNQS. HOCH&TETTER'S TOPOGBAPHIOAL ;,? ANI> QEOLOGTCAIi ATLAS OE '" '■ v'contbnts:—;' ■ .'.'>;;:'> Map of Isthmus of Auckland ~:.. -~U- ■:■ ■ : Map of the Waikato and Southern Parts'of the iii. v. Province of. Auckland." ;, ' Map ;of Rptoinahana, and Hot Springs' Map. of Harbour of Aotea: and Aawbia Map of Province 1 of Nelson.'. Single Maps. . Wa&ato.,.. i„....>.'...'..v.. T '-...'■ : *it. .... New Zealand... .:','. : .>'«>V. •.«■•>•.*■ ■ ''-.'V-'■"■ , '^>'' ; e ; l. :.#'>■.s ■,t:se;'.e * QITHBH-STRBBT, Au'<jnr£ANl>, ; ' Aridjallrßookfellerß. A. SPEOK; OF DANGER,—The: /minuteat biact spot on -the enamel.of .a*tpbth,, ovi'denca that-.decay's effacing: finger has touched it;. Quickly ' interpose the Sozodont as a Eafeguari, or the top this not only that one. .but perhaps half-a-dozen. Be. assured that nothing: .but Sozodont will, either effectuaiiy prevent or arrest, dental disease. CtTBE FOK THE MELLIQISr. HO-L.ii 0 W AY'S O'.'i/H ':■'% ■% EST. J3 qtirakkNTaopD. pa-BiD,? TF bad, would the whole community in ail partsof the world allow themselves to be grossly. deceived;.pr : ;impo3ed upon ■for a.quarter of a century?- It imttst : be;app.irenth.that. tie medical profession in every iclimate would; as in duty bound, make their-voicei heard against it; Would it : be ■ tolerate* that millions bay. it a duse it year after year if there : was anything better to be had or were it notnqiv known to ■ b'e thq';mqst powerful .reih'sdy''ev.'er discoyere<t.:'fdr .the. .care of hlc rslwb inds, sores, skin diseases, and other external ailm nts? liet any one ask himselfthe question and decide for himself:. CPtfXRAOrED OR STiyJ. 1018T&. •' All thb.medicinesin the London, dispensaries.-would' farelr benefit; much lesscure.ariycliroriie.casesibf contracted or stiff Joints; whereas if this invaluable Ointment ~he;- effectiiaUy rubbed into such parts twice a diy the benefit immense. Paralytic patients even can. dirive : advantages' from ■: reniedyi and'from no'other. . SCpEllUTip HOMQIfES;— SCitp HEAD? ArTD.BCTNDISBAS.BS, Scorbutic humours arise from, an'impure state ct tjie. blood, - and in most cases the. liver arid stomach are the.organs at fault. The Pills: restore, tiiese; to a healthy liction;: while the'Ointmeiit if well rubbed iu:afrleas.ttwice a'cUy will soon cure any case 61 the'..above classes of ! skin disease; by totally eradicatiha them from, the system; Soldiere, Bailors, and miners use this famous Ointment in. all parts of-the world.. DROPSY. Beware of this dangerous arid stealthy, corvplaihti which frequently creeps upon us at. firstby a simple swelling of the • : feet, and very little, notice is taken of this.perhaps, till the legs begin' tp.swell:' I'here, a?a : n, tlie root of the evil must be looked for in th'e, liver.-.ahd'stpma'ch':; therefore set to work earhestlvby taking these famous I'ills-scrordin; to the:printed directions, rubbing the.Ointment very effeetu illy into the swollen parts. Live principally upon solids, avoiding the use of .slops, and every thiug that wilt derange the stomach and liver. Most case's.readily yield to: the combined influence of the Pills and Ointment. DISORDERS OF THE K.IDKEYS, STONB AND GBAVETj, In any ofthe above, complaints morebenefit.inay be derived

in twenty-four-.hours by adapting the.above simple means than, is.frequently brought.about 'in six months by any other treat- — merit In bad cases/if a small pot of Ointment be rubbed into the small of the back* over the region of the kidneys, it will . ■ qiiickiy..penerate, and.'iu most cases,-give immediate/relief; bat perseverance is 'necessary to effect a cure. Six or eight of the.l'ilis.should:be taken nightly Whoever tries these Pills aud ointments will in vain, but, oil the contrary, the result will lie ,uibsi wonderful.. DIPHTHERIA, SORE THEOATS.. ETC: These cases are of so serious and. frequently of so dangerous a nature that the ointment would not be-re'eommended unless the 'proprietor was sure of its effect. It will cure when erery other nieans.'.'may fail .if.,applied.' immediately,- and .not-when the patient is beyond recovery: it is a sovereign remedy for sore throats under, any circumstances, Any. settled co'ufths, cold pn.the;*; even if of'twenty years', standing . will be promptly removed. . Mothers fhbtild rub this, remarkable Ointment.into the chevt or" their infant whenever there may be .any hoarseness, .tightness, or 1 anything: else affecting, the breathing pr otherwise.. ,; Both, the Ointment and Pills should be used, in the following cases:— Bad Legs Corns (soft) Rheumatism Bad Breast 3 Cahners Sisalds Buriis CbhtracteJ.andStifl Sore Nipples Bunions , joints Sore Throats Bite of Mosquitoes Elephantiasis Skin Diseases and'.Sandflies Fistulas' Scurvy Coop-Bay Gout :Sore Heads CliiegOTFpot ' Glandular.SweUings Tumours Chilblains Lumbago Ulcers . Chapped.llands Piles t Wounds, Yaws for the guidance of patients in.every dlar border are affixed, to each pot. Sold. at. the Establishment of Professor Hnlloway, 244, Strand: (near Temple Bar). London; also by all resjifectabia Dr.ugrriita.and. Dealers-in Medicine iuroughout'the civilized ■world. »*.*There:is'a considerable saving by takinjr the'larßersiaes. WARRING !!-rbo you ißu'ffe'r from physical ir.?apacity » Are'you suffering from rierypusdebility? you been tlieguilty victim.bfariy secret vice ? Do you suffer from aset.ofsyinptominearly/akin moreoi-lejs ! to the.fallowing .— ■A pretty'' npt:.yi;t positively ill,. : .but a feeling upon ybu-that-yon.are not' quite' risjht; a 'railais&; a tendency to despondency; a slight occasional. loss, of memory; sometime'sa weakness, acrpssttie smaller the back and. loins.; or waking withafreling'-asifunrefre'sried'; ageneral depress sion ;.a want of.pliick, as it, were; less desire for business , than'fo>rberly:.:andvypuare troubled witli a certain fceling.oi nervoiisn'e-s, a loss of power ? Ifyou are tobe warned in time, you have now the means andppportunity of':>« restored to lieal.h. It isatthis stage that your d'i>eose,. by : i timely applicationpfrepledles. and regimen, cau.beeradic'itecV, and your systsox invigorated,, your manhbod.restored■■.fo,th'at.state.' : that' you may !artd- can' fulfil the duties, required of you by your&iciiil-and. uioriVbeirig. Ba warned also to w horn -"you. apply: There are two rocks upon which you maysplit— being.tlie legally qualified.prais tit'Ohcr: who, although fully qualifi.-diy hi* Knowledge of his profession to treat the various general ailrhehls. of humanity, yet is totally iehbraht.fas the majority of them unf >r£nuately are) of this, peculiar branch of his. science; tlie reason being that h'ehas-never-made'it his peculijr study, and 1 the'other' the blatant charlatan and quack, ,whO: preys upjn the pockets and .lives of his victims 1 These".i'ndlyidu:Us\ks'Surne' titles to which they .have rint the pretension, and are; . for the.most part, men, even'without this -. or'diii jry common rudiments Pf education, who by their force of trapudeac : and . advertising, irretrievab y ruin the small remaios of. health of tlie poor deluded victim: . '-' ■■-.:' ■ ■■ Dr. L. L. SMirH.whohas.been established, since 1851, has stepped, perhaps, he-acknowledges, o.'utofthe-r.iu'tine .of his profession/by thus advertising;. ; but he. deems it better to.give an unfortunate felldwibei ig who. has. erred ;(dnca, perhaps, only in the. course fit his.lifc) at.least teihg capable of discriminatingfor'himsblf.pfascertaining fur iuim- . self out pf the mass of charltahLsm; .at. least one'practitiOLer who lias devoted liis-time; money, ami studyto this,peculiar branch of his profession, and brie. who is a legally qualified practitioner and member .of. tlie Medical; Board of, Victoriß. Dr.. L. L. SMITH ; bas rio.wbe'ehin.''Victbria.fbr the last fourteen years.. .He 'was i. formerly i a: i 'p i Used under the celebrated !Dr: Culverwell of; «_U known for his skill in the treatment of th6<e diseases for which Laileniarid, Ricord, and himself were contemporaries. Dr. .'V. L. Surrahas the, rribst extensive prabtice, throuuh the \ylibie of. Victoria, New South. Wales, Sbuttt , Australia, Tasmaniai and Neiy Zealand. 'D.r': L. ,L. Smith ;has now. established tliisextensive practice through his admirable . ■ system■ of corrcspohdins:'.by'. letter.''.' By .'enclosing a'one pbuhd ■ bank-notb, ,ah. .answer .and .cbn'sultation :1s "immediately r'e r turned by,'n'ext post....Three hours. i& the day are continuously ■■.' this.brarich'.bf Dr.. Smith's,'practicel '■..:■ '.;' Dn L. E. SJIITH'S establishinen's are well known .to'.all Visitors ,to Victoria. .: His extensive: library for reference has even been praised by the .public prtss.. His extensive,anatomical; museum is; well known ! and Dr. LL.SMnn's reputation' aloneas a'lecture'r'.'oii' physiological arid anatomical ■ subject's:'is'sufficient.' I 'security .to, tha public'that'those.wno entrust trieir cases in his .hands \vill, to say the least, have a ■ 'gii'aranteb,that,:they place them.ih the .care.of one :\yho, is' well '' abquainted'. ; 'with.'the ■ anatomy arid'phy.aiploey bf'the'.h'umaa. ■ ■ body and its irrespectivo of hjs reputation for curing, these diseases, he; isatleist'a competent person to attempt toouretiiem. li;;SaiTii takes the greatest precautiousi.'toavoid'pubiicitybeinggiven ■ ■ asio recognition froni'.\vhence tUe'correspondence comes.'..' Ha has; been now fourteen', years in practice at Victoria, and hot one single .case has ever,been.'m'ide public- :Dr. : L.'L| SidtQ can-be consulted by leiter-rfee .£l., ..Or. L. L. Smith;_li,S,A:y, firstpHzemanln the principles, and- 'practice of medicine';, first.pinze'for.' surgery!; ■ first"prize ' for anatomy and, physiology, vyestminister iHospital.;, first . prizeman for chemistry; first certificate., for■■ rntd-wifery j and member of the.Medical-BoardVof Victoria. 192 ; Bourkerstreet East, Melbourne, Viotoria. Dr. L. L. Smith;-192 Bourke-street East, Melbonrhe. The following:'-'works by.Dr: ;L. L. : bbtatneil direct from the author, on enclosing stamps; Sd extra postage .'. . .. Irr. atence and Sterility. 4s:Gd.; Obstacles to itarriage, •«£.. Sd jeahsbfProlonging'Lifei2.s.:6d;;H6wtb Get fat. and Huw to Get Thin ;ls. j && ,&c,.

« THE NK W ZEAIiAJTD HEBAIiD." iTEBMSOP ADTBBTISKMBNTB. Threolines .... ;.. .....:» v.; Is.. 04 Pour lines ■■ ... ... •'••■■' ■«. ... li 6i Eight lines .* *». M ,' And 2d. for each additional Una, STmsOSHTIOM 15s. per Quarter; single copies 34. each «9> Advertisements will be received at the Office Wynd-bam-stroet, and the nu nber of Insertions required must hi clearly written on the copy, otherwise they will he Inserted until countermanded and charged accordingly.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 898, 29 September 1866, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 898, 29 September 1866, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 898, 29 September 1866, Page 8


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