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nriHE LOJfDON JOURNAL;— The Best, Cheapest, Largest,: / : J] ..''"and'most Beautifully Illustrated Publication ever issued ~.. Having "a greater Circulation than that of any other periodical ... ;. iti'the - world. Its Contents embrace the best worke of Sir r Wkltcr" Scott, Bart., J. F;,Smith, PierceEgan, Percy B.Sty,:.:- •:■. John, Henry J. Byron, Watts Phillips. James Grant; ic &c.; ■ ! Miss Braddon, Sirs: Southwprth;; Mrs.* Gordon Smythes. . &c.i Ac, and many, other. l Eminent"Authors; splendidly Illus•tratedi bythe most celebrated Artists,; including, :■■,.-■..;■;.;. ■...,'■ ;;;,; ■■ JO^&IXBERT.iKEETLE'i^ Also innumerable.-excitirig . anil.,, .agreeable. Short Tales, . Gharmihg Poems; valuable; Educational aiid Social Essays ;... ; ■ ■intere'stine. Descriptions of the most remarkable Places in the... World; Illustrated. by Artists of high standing :.thousands of ' useful Receipts of every kind • numerous: Eficords of Scientifie Inventions and Discoveries ; Statistics embracing al' the prinr cipal Offleiiil Returns published, of Public, Accounts; Pop- . ulatioh. Emigratiohivliealth.lliUtary.Naval.'and Commercial affairs, and; much Valuable General. Statistical In"formation.'? short I :Miscellaneous'..Pieces; Editorials.of Literary.. : ami llistorical Interest .illustrative. :6f passing/'events; Ex-: tracts frdiri" the Books of the Day; Gems of Thought; culled fr6= the works, of the Beit : Writers, in all; lauguages ; Witfy and'taushablo Jokes and Ariecilotes. together.;witli>,Tolii;minoiis'perebnal.Correspondence.up'on every topic.• .. conveying. at: once:information the most varied and most ex-. .tensive:.. . .'. .■ .-.' . ■■■, .-■'■■'■. '■:"■',. 'i.'. ' ""■ ''.';.'., ''" ' i'.-''.' .'-. '~ The LONDONVJ.OTJRNAIi stands unriviUed .for. the ,iri- ' strnctiye; amusing and moral excellence of its .'contents,. the, beauty''of iteillustratioris/theclearness.ofitstype, , the, super-:.; idrity of its paper', iiiid for its cheapness. ■' "' ■ Weekly-Nps., ld: ; Monthly Parts, (id. ;Half-yc'ar-ly Vbls., 4s: Cd. "VTbls. I: to XBII.v complete, issued. The LONDON J.OI7RNAI' : had of every respectable 9.p'by i o^erins:i.ii'aiiy , -part ,, 'of ■the world; ... ■" . ' ' ' ' ' : ''■'■:' : ■■''■": .-■■ ■ ■ The LONDON JOURNAL is always in print.. The LONDON JOURNAL Office;, 332,;Strand, : I.oridon. BTJBIFy THE BLOOD, SECURE GO Qi) HEATH. TT OLL O W AY'S P I i t S: Pure JJlood. As the vital duid wlienina heiVtUy-state .sustains iind renp- > vates every part of the system, it is abundantly manifest that.. any medicine which does, not act : .:powerfully upon,the blood. ■ can never extirmiiiatero.bted.disease., ■ "' . ■ ■■ ..... The.Heart, Lungs, Liver, STpMACaiKtoKEXs α^pßowels. This medicine acts immediately'■upon, all these mairisiirinee of life, -stiinukthi!? ah I restoring. t.liemto.ajieiUUy: action, It is the greatest purifierprtlve-.blool ever known; /has. *U| lareest sale of ai>y medicine ill the world: -and "la. iulvertised in every S e, and U used by aU,classesftom.:pole:to pole: Qexeral DispnDKRS OF the Liver and Stomacii . .. The average duration of human life might be almost doubled ■ by attention to what we. eat and drink, but ft 3 few will exoercise this .caution we'raust' hire at hand., an '.effectual remedv for restoring those great orpins, the liver . aridsto'macli, to healthy ■ action: ;, idiiilgi at ...table; • either in catin" pr'dririkin!;, should take about ,one,of. those famous :Pills at'beiltirae, from wUlcli \yiU result a clear head; and a «noistoVaac!i the fplloirjna: mprning,. .Thousiinds of ladies are. always cotnplaining of sick he-xlacUes, want, pt appetite,, want ofeners'y anil a want of strength ■; to correct. all these evils three or four of these pills -Should p ; 3. taken, twice a week:, when they would enjoy the health.and..appetitij of a. ploughman i or ALt Aces and Coasses. The. fame of these pills U partly baicjl upon V the beneficial effects they have upon the-constitutions of 6 females, of any kiml. either in yoiiiiff perfflttj e or-tho«e .between forty or fifcv- years most critical '*■ - period pf life-may be. radic-Uly removed by. using- these -pills :- accrdiii" to th-i printed, directions, \yliicli accompany each 1 ■ Box Yqun" persons ami sallow complexions, and even mothers- of a similar unbealty appearance, .may have the ! " bloom of health, r-istoredio their cheeks toy this wonderful e corrective whieh-purides-the hlop.i aad .expilsall -gross arid ri imhure numours from, the system. Bevrnre then of the cri-ical a"e frum. forty to. fifty, it sjutU so , niiuy .tliousand mo'thersto a premature -giMve..—thesep.Uls.-slvaWd.Oa takeu 16 at that period 6f lite two or three a- w«k,. imd by sodoing there is little to fear. CnIULDiIEN AND THEIR AILMENTS . fhe measals, tUe sinall-pox. the whoopintf-coiigh, and the niany complaints to which. c.hUdreu-.are heirs, Should hi treated .as follo'As:—Let. mothers when: tli'ejr see sucli diseisp apnroachiric: bruUfc two- or three of these pills, accordiiu tb ■ the ■ a"epftHe cliiW, siVing. them; aii:i mo.rnih; in a little Heater in the; , ttiis iiivi-ioratiiiT jnelicine will remove and cure all complaints incidental to childhood. _i. WANT OF STIt.ESdTrt AMD EStEGr. Persons of sedentary-habits, or truubli? in iriind, pr workini; in factories'or coiil.pits, or suoh'others who , . Baniiot obtain that amourit -01-ffesli; airand excer.cise whicn. nature .requires, ■suffp'-from weakness ,anil-debility; lq.wuesJi.6f :spirits and w.aht . of appS. Allsuch sliould take these mils every three or tbur-.days. ills 'ti.eyaqt. gaatly -and -.effectually on. Uie system imivartinj;: vi'sour aiid energy try. the body., which. is always followed, by a good appetite. Soun-.l a sleep with a lii:;h, floiv of syirits. Every and traveller should keep a box of thesi liiyaluable pills by thetn agoiust ' : an ?tollo e \v?ty"s Viils aro the begt remedy known.lα the "worli for the t'jll.owing dfa-iiscs :—• ,•' ' Female Irregu'lari- Scrofula—Kings , Bilio'us. Gomplaints Fevers of all kinds SWne—Gravel Blotches oh the skin. Gout - Secondary SpmpBowel Complaints Headache toms Colics Indigestion Tic-Douloureux Constipation of the. Inflammation Tumours . ;jj O weis iraiiiidice IT.lcer.s: eonsumptiou Liver Geimplaiht Venereal Affecfions TVMlitv Lumbago Woriiis. of all Kinds Drtnsv Wo* Weakness, froni Dvseuterv Kheumatism whatever causa VVv;inelis Keteutioo. of Urine. &c;, &C.* &C; Jfits tibre-Throats: ■ ' -; Sold at the Establishment of PROEESspft 2«; Strand,- (near Temple Bar,) London.; stUo by all respectable Is, Ucugiiists and Dealers in iledicine throughout the civilized m *»• There is considerable saving by taking the larjestsizes. or for the. guidance of patients itt every . disorder are aißxed'to.eacli SOis. TCTAIIXIjr& '■'•~ 1 ? 0 >' ou 'Sufite R om physiiai incapacity? —■ VV Are.■ you suffering from liervoiis debilKy* Hi/e -you '■ b>en the guilfy Secret vice ? O'ayau. stirrer, from '? asetbfsy.mpiPms nearly akin mbrepr lei's to-tlieifolloiving .*- A pretty fair condition of he-:iltii,-not--yjt positively ill. , but a feeling-upon ypu.tliatjybii.are not rjiiite right,; a malaise,, a tendency to despondency.; a slight occasionil loss of memory; Bomeßmes a across tlio stnallloftlie. back, and loins ; or waking Ayith- a feeling a3if .nnre'freshal; -a .general depres-si()n;-a.wantpf-piuc|Ci'a3;-it were.; , less.ddsire for business ttian'-fprmerly. -and yoii arff-trpublfed- witha-certain feeUai;of. nervousness, a loss bf-p'ower; ■-.■■■ ■■ ■ Ifyo'u'arp toibe winiod- iu time, yoihwi! naiv the meinj andoppdrtiinity of oeijiij.restpre-i fphealh.. It is 4 this..stage -that.yburdisease,byatimelyapplicationpCremediej.. and- reT gimen, can bQ.eradicatea;.an.d your sysfjm ihyiipratei. your 1 ■ mahhoodrestored to that state that yon may and--can iulbl the duties required of you by your'social and moral oeins. Ha -. warned also to niipin. you apply. T.hera are. two-rocks upon wliich you may split—tho oiie being the legally qualiaid prac T : titioner, who, althpugh-.fully aualißid-'ljy hi* knowledge of ,hn ' profession to- treat the. yurWiii-.gen.eTil ailments', of yet is totally ignorant (as the- majority of them unfortunately : - are) oftiiis branch of his. science, the--reason, being that lie-has never made' it his iteeuliir study,, and .'the otnar • robk is the blatant ciiuriatau.and quack, who. preys,upon toe pockets and lives of hi* victims. 'Xiifese individuals Ayunle titles to which tlioy have not .the slightest jiretensKm, and are, r, fofthemost part, , meii even withpji't'the ordinary, common , rudiirieritj-df education;.who. qy-Uieir'-furcepfimpudence and■ N , , advertising,-'irretrievably ruin. thosmiH remains pt Uealta ot the poor deluded victim. ' ' '.. „ , ; ic Dr. L, h. SiIITIL isrho hits been e3tabli3hel-sinsp;.lSsl,_lia3 ■j stepned, perhapsi he .acknowledges* out otthe.ruutine of his J profeSsibn bythus.adverti-sing , ; buthedeems it better to.give ld an unfortunate feUow-hei:ig wlio has:' erred (once,, perhaps, at , only .111 the'course of his life). aiiopportumt>--9 f:at - I *^- b , l r i in! ?- i, capable' of discriininatihg for luiiiselfi..of.ascertaining : for Inmself out of- thomaW of charltitnlsm, at.leastone.practitioner wlio has devoted his'time, riioney,/and study to thisjpeculiar branch of his, -profession, and one,, .who. is. a legally, qualloea >. : practitioner".and : metnber of the Jledical Bpard : lctpna; llr Dr. L. L. SjiritH iiiis now been in practice m.Victoria for ly : the last.fourteeii years, lie was .formerly a pupil ond.pracr in iiacd under tlie:cdebrated Dr. fc-uiy.;riveli of London, so weU .. knowa-for-his skill in tlietreJitment of those diseases- for \Thacb. *' ' ■ Lallemana,-HicPrd, and himself , were cpntempoHries. -Dr« 1,. l; Smito hai'.tiib-.mtKU,6iteu3i've. practice... extending, it turoUL'h the.'wliple Of -Yietoria-, -New -.South -Wale.s, ; ,„ Australia, Tasni.anini; and-New Zealand.. Dr, L. : L. Smith has • ' no*y estublished'this.extensivepractice.through-his admu-abie eystem- of ccrresE*ondiiJs by letter:. By. enclosing a one pound bank-note, ! an answer aiid CQiisultation is lmtaediateiy returned, by next; post.. Tliree hours. in; ; theday;are.coatinuousiy devotedtb this branch'of Dγ; Smith's, practice; .. ■• .:,-■■.::- Pr. lii li.' S'JIITH'B establishments, are well known to all visitors to Victoria. . His eictensiye: library for reference has $ even been pra&d. by the ;public .press. His eweiyalve a|Xri ■ atpmickl -museum i3-well:known,■!,and:pr:.:Jj.;L..SHiTn'sre-)a putation alone asa lecturer'■■Qα physiplpjioalahd.anatpinical 1 siapjects ;[t sulfxcifent -security, to -tha -plibiio' 'tliat'-tUps'e. who '» : entrust their casgs.inhis hartds will, to "siy. theleast, have.S, guarantee that, they place them in the cara ofibnewho is well acquainted \yitlithe anatpmyand physiology, of the human body and its mysterious workings, and..'therefore, irrespective ' of his reputation .for':.curing, .these' ■diseases; he. is at least.a ■ ■ competentp'ersbh'to at'tsmpt tb.pure'/'them.' .Dγ, L. .lii Smith _ takes the greatest-.precautions tp avoid publicity, being Kiy? n ' as tq.rccos.nitign.froni-wlieiice the correspondence comes:" .Hβ ~ has. bfeeil: now "fourteen.years in practice^'at-Yictoriajand not . one single, case has ever'been midepublic,: Dr. l>. L, pxiru. * s ' '.'",■'. . h . !n i ol , Iβ Dr, L. L. SjiitH, ,L:.S. A;, first prizeman intha 1 and practice of^^medicine;.first prize..for. surgery-:,tot prize ?' for anatomy and- physiolosy,. Westminster ltpstatal,,firat - e prizeman for chemistry; HfSt 'certificate for inid-wuery,. Iβ and member.of the Medical Board of Victoria. . ■ ■10* Bourfosfreet.East;.Jlelboiirne;. Victoria. ■ iDr, L. t,: -'Smith, .1'32:-'Sburke-3treet:.Eait,_ ifelbonrne, _ The following: works, by Dr.■:!..£. obtained direct from' thl'autuor.pnoiiclbslngstamps.ed-.eitra.postaga r. fr and Steriiity;,4s cd.;. Obstacles to Marriage, .^ 4s. ,6d:; How to.Get. fat and Hb\vto-Get Thin;,is.; &c. ■ ■■ " ; ■ et; . ■ ' ' ■; ■:-/ '■ ; ■ ■■;•■.-:. : '.■ .'■. .'■.. '.. -. '■ '

!, "THE NEW ZEALAND HEEALD." °. TEEMS OP ADVEETISEMENTe. Three lines .;.. ... ... .- u .«• !'• Mii Pour lines 3n. ed. ". Eight lines .;... ... — ■*•.«* -T. And 2d. for each additional line. s BUBSOBIETIQS s 15s. per Quarter; single copies 3d. each. gj- Advertiaementa will be received at the Office \Vynat haro-street, and the nu.nDor of insertions required must be clearly written on the copy, otherwise they will be inserted until couutormanded and cnargod accordingly. j _.^_-rT~~~

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 895, 26 September 1866, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 895, 26 September 1866, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 895, 26 September 1866, Page 8


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