Falcon, Captain Parkin, arrived in harhour last ovoiiing from Sydney, after a fine weather cruise of sixteen daysShe left Sydney on tho 30th ultimo, and was ordered by the Commodore to visit and inspect tlio Elizabeth and Middleton reefs, with a view of ascertaining whether thiTO wore any more survivors on tho wreck of the barque Mary Lnusir, of Sydiioy (full particulars of tho loss of which vessel appeared in yesterday's issue). Upon arrival thore tho wreck ■was dipcovered, but no signs whatever were so.en.of any human being.', thereforotho Captain aid his wifo and nearly the wholo of tlio crew (sixteen in number) havii poiiilied, four only of tho number having arrived at Brisbane. Tho tosbc! had gone nil to pieces on tho roof, and upon tho Falcon's boats being sent out to search Iho reef two other old wrecks wero discovored; Whilst tho Falcon was lying thero fomo twenty or thirty sharks wcro caught, and upon opening one of them portions of a. human bod\\ with ilu'.nel clo-hing, &c, was found insido, and was supposed to be a portion of ono of tho ill-fated nrew. After cruising about ihero for several days tho F.ilcou took her departuro for this port, experienced finq wi-uthor all tho waj', and rounded tho North Cape at norm on Friday last, in company with a largo barquo, also hound here. Anchorod at the Kawau on Saturday afternoon last, left ngiin yostorday morning under sail and arrived in harbour at 5 p.m. Tho Curacoa and Eclipse woro both at Sydney ovorhauling'whon tho Falcon sailed. Tho latter was to leave for this port about the 11th instant. "We have to thank Captain Parkin ami tho officers for Sydney files to the dato of sailing.
The Bbtsf.?.—The cutter Bet3ey, Captain Bushel, arrived in hitrbo*iron Sunday night last from Wairoa, Hawk-e'e Bay, and tho Eust Coast, bringing a full cargo of Co nigs, 30 bushels who:it, 50 do. miiz-*, produce, &e. She has had a Very tedious and Inmpestuous passage along the coast, losing several sails, and bcin£ Fcveral times blown out to &ca. On her way n;i sho called at Tologa Hay, Tuparoa, Tuluiniara, &C, and left the List-named' placo on Thursday last at midnight, tlio wind blowing hard from tho Southward; rounded tho Knst Capo at noon on Friday Inst, and that afternoon split tho mainsail to ribbons; the same weather continue 1 to Capa Huiituvny, but towards night it fell calm, when the muitieail was lowered down and repaired to tho best advantage On Saturday morning a light breeze sprung up iron! the eastward, nnd soou afterwards froshonod to a heavy gale, lasting tho wholo day; at 10 p m. on Saturday night, whilst off the Mercury's, and tho wind blowiug hard from tho E.S.K., the mainsai again blow to ribbons; tho only portion of the eail then remaining was the balance-reef, tho rest being all takon in, and tho vessel had to bo hcadrenched tho wholn niglit off tho Mercury Islands; at daylight tho weather, moderated, and the vessel headed for Auckland, arriving hero at six p.m. tlio following evening. So sovoro was ll>.o weather at one timo that tho Betsey had to run twice to Hick's Bay for shelter*, and narrowly oscaped losing her anchor and chain. Whilst lyi'.ig in Poverty Hay Captain liushell picked up the main boom, name, stcrn-frnmc, i-c , of the Maori schooner Queen, recently v. r. eked there, particulars of whose loss haveU'reniy appeared i'l this journal. Sho was from Napier bound to I'ovurty "ay, and went ashoro on tlio rooks off Portland laliind iu a heavy galo. Tlio crew (all natives) were saved, but the cargo, Mn.-i.sting of flour and Maori tndo, was all loet. 'llio schooner J;iliet was punk in tho Tuurauganui river when tho Betsey lol\ Poverty Hay ; tho natives had allowed her to ground at lowwator-mnrk, and her heel sticking fast in the mud. the tiio flowed in and out of hor at obb and flood. The Qi'EEv and L.Uik.—By the arrival yesterday of tho cutler Betsey, from Poverty 15ny, we learn further particulars regarding the loss of theau vofscls, a full lie-count of whirh is appemkd to the Betsey's report. The e.s. Star of tho South, Captain Bendall, may be expected to urrivo at tho Tannki to-dny from Napier with another cargo of bliccd ami cattte. The Venvs.—Thn brig Venus, Captain Kean, was towed over to the North Shori. yesterday morning by the scamer Enterprise, nnd will ho taken up r-ji Mr. Jviecol's patent slip, for overhaul, &c , at high water tin's morning. 'I he p.s. Taeniiiniiin Maid, Cap', v.n Johnson, loft ngui,. for Wangnvci, List cvuiiiiiif, >i ittl curgo Und paSSenpor*, and is due here again from that port, to-morrow, niglit. This is her (iiot trip uuler the bi-weokiy service. The Sf.a. Bksezk. —The Bny of Islan U rogu'nr tr.idor. c e» Tircexi.; Captain Norm, went up the Tamiiki yesterday, to rfi-chargo her live stock, and may bo cxp'-tted up hm-bjur this morning. The schooner which anchored off Iho KoUh Head on Sunday morning last proved to be the Donald M'Leaii, Captain Patoy, with oultlo and sh-iep frnm the Kast Corut nnd Poverty Hay. Sho went up tlio Tainaki at daylight yesterday morning to bind hor live stock, and may bo expected up harbour this morning. The ship Quoonof tho North, CanUin Green, came alongside the new wharf extension, to load for London, and will meet with all dcsp.itrh. The brigantine Nova, Captain Younfi, Bails again for tho South Vea Islands in a few days. The cutter Bittern, Captain Ktuokey, carno almgeido the wharf yesterd iy to discharge her car<j of pig?, produce, &c., from tho East C>ast. The schooner Saucy Lass, Captain SfcKonzio, sails again for Mercury Bay and Napier this evening. 'Ihh Alice Camehok — The ".Circular Saw' Liner Alice Cameron, Captain Wearing, had arrived at Sydney from this port nt the date of last advices, after a good run. announced in tho fi/iliiri/ Morning Herald of tho 20th lilt , as positively to clear at tho Customs that d.iv, and proceed to sea. The Falcon was in company with a barque od" the Thrco Kings rn Thursday night Inst, bound hero, and supposed to be tho Alice Cameron. Sho may therefore bo hourly looked f"r.
f hero wero no vessels loading ;it Sydney for Una port when tlio Falcon sailed on tholSOtii nlt. The ITkhcules.—'J'ko clipper cutler ITorculoa, Cap', tin Watts.-, arrived in h.-irbonroii Stuidtvr etcniri"last from the K.-ist C»int via the Tiunu'd, brinfrini; a cur<;o of cattlo, pork, &e. Sho has been suvi-n ct-Ua nn the passage, and experienced vjry rou'jh weathe.but, notwithstanding, landed her cargo in l!r.-t-rate order and condition. 'i'ltß Murray pidJlo etoumor made a yorv "ond ;>>.--S. ? o from Gl«-,t'o»-,«nd ivnehc-d thn wharf ywt<THay niorninp, when h'.ic ino.-.rcl in tlio cninpany'H basin, ami «a? during Uio day ft epecial oljjrx-t of intorcit. Being iiitondoi not only for th 3 navigation of tin ahnllow water of tlir; IHuuviy fiivcr, but to stenin iliioct from Port Adelaide, with cargo and passnnfrnra, her btnld ia on a model, combining seaworthy rjnnlitics with remarkably liyht clr.iugbt of watt-r. Throngliout thu coiistru , tion of hull, and nppomtiiicnt.9, tho bwt iniitiiial nnil wi>V);iininsli>p nvo displayed, rondi.-ring her r. de.'irablo ucqnisilion to the tivide. TJio car_-o is to bo 1 mde.l as curly as pr>s=iblo, and in trio iiiuviiimo tlio m.-idiiiuTy will lw pivpared for action. After iii-hort visit to f'letohor's '■dip, to fit up the side-wheels and pay tho bottom, f-lie will male it trial trip, wlien full pa'f iiiulars of her uimonsions and c:i;:abilnic:s will be furnished.—South Austral! m Register, June 22. An exciting incident oecmred yesterday ns tho Bruce was crossing tho bnr with tho Iceteh Caroline and a surf boat in tow. The surf i.oat waa mado ia.-st next to the sto.uner, wilh a tow rope which was, from all appearance.', much too ohort. lor the chunccH of hur paf-jty. The result that, when :.mong tho breakers, tho boat's bow came several into collision Willi tlio steamer's stern, and, in cro<*in£ the lmt lino of breaker, the tow-rope .vile carried awny and tho bow completely stovo in. ThtH dima-od. and at tho mercy of the waves, thero wero considerable fin , that the boat and her solitary occupant—a g.-illant Maori steersman—would meet an unfortunuto hite on the bar, but he stuck to his steer oar 111 infully, and with the aid of the tide , lu d the 'uivalcers, ru-entorcj the chinr.el m safety, and to thn admiraliou of fill who witnessed tho ncciJ.-nt u-id the m.nner in which lie rotiievod himself from tho tnimviable and chin-oi-ous position in which ho wia placed. Tho harbor boat was launched wilh all expedition, but ho was
almost by that timo in safoty, ami would of himself have brought the danm».?ii fabric r.f the bo*t to tho buach. Tho Carolina, which had hcun dolayed in port for pomo timo wailing for the repairs of tho same boat, proceeded on her passage towards Brueo 7Say.— Okarita Times. Wo t»re indobtod to the collector of Customs, Mr. W. Tiiornton, for the copy of a toloW-ntn i-ocoiTcd by him from Gludstone jeiterday :—" The Palamniider, cattle ship, univud hero to-dav. She reports tho foundering, on Tncacl.iy kat, of Ilio brig Mif-sio, Captain Jitdd, from Briabuno to Port Dunison, with a of timbor. Tho crew- wcro pi.ltocl \ip iii llio boats off Vay, find \rKTC nil tavod" — Vrhbaut Onno; June VJ,'
The bnrque Anno Melhuish, from Newcastle, tho 26th, and brig Bita, from Sydney, tho 2Sth ultimo, aro also overdue, and may be hourly expected. The Voyage oi? tub Soucuays.—On Sunday morning a telegram was received, announcing tho arrival of C.C.M.S.S. Souchays from her second trip to Batavia. This, like her former one, has beeri a success. The trip up was a remarkably speedy one. Sho left Capo Moroton oh May 7, and arrived at J3ataviii-, after a pnsljii]ge of twenty days and two hours, on May 2f. Of tbo timo mentioned, elie was only fifteen days and two hours under steam, and tho remaining five days wtro occupied by calling at the various northern porta, and hy the detentions uUondant on the intricate navigation between tho coral roefs of tho Torros Straits rotlto. By her parly arrival sho was enabled to overtake the Mcssagories Tmporiala steamer, leaving for Point de OalleonMay 29, and thus to forward iho English and Indian mails despatched by her. Both in going and coming, and during the stay at Bftt'ivia, tho crew relainod thoir hoalth remarkably well. Ono death occurred, that of a soaman nainocl Goorgo Colling, from chronic dysentery. Tho only other incident on tho up passage was tho picking up of fivo aboriginalo near to Wednesday Island in Torres Straits, On the evening oif the lf> h May. They wei'e foimd clinging to a portion of tho wreck of a canoa, andaS fto opportunity pro£cntcd itself for landing thom, they had to be takon. on to B'e-'t.ft-via and brought baok again, Tlio return pasange was not auch a pleasant one, nnd it occupied a much longer timo—twenty-nine days in alt. Tho delay was partly 'caused by bad weather and contrary currents, and partly by tho inferior coal used. Sho had to contend against strong head winds and current*, a thick, hazy, and cloudy atinosphero and heavy rains, which rendered the navigation botwoc-n the reefs Vory hazardous.— lirisbanv Courier, June )9. For tho past ten days We ha.vo liad Continuiua nnd heavy rains on ahoro, and tho black threatening skies overhead have g<.von indications of etormyand unsettled waafcher at Kea. By n telegram from Capo Moreton wo learn that the immigrant ehip GoHen Snuth, which arrived thero nnd anchored under Morcton Island on Sunday, has been compelled to put to sea again to-day, with tho loss of her anchor and cablo. Hiuh weathor has not lieun experienced on tho'cou'ete for miny months. Tlio gales have been chiefly from the RiN.K. and TT-.T?. and ftttended by constant rains. — lirisk.ine Cuiiri.r, Juno 19. The London ship King of Trumps, Captain G. Jenkins, hound for Ctago, Now Zealand, with passengers and general merchandise, and which has put in horo to repuir damages, was towed up from Trumpeter Bay yesterday to her nnchorngo in tho Cove. Tho ship was first signalled as a stranger, with 10-s of bowsprit, on Tuesday, aud was not made out until yestord.iy. Captain .Tonkiiiß roporte that ho left London on Ist. March, Gravesend on tho 3rd, pr.d Land's Knd on tho Bth Murch ; crossed the equator on tho 2nd April, in 23Jeg, 20min. W. Had then bad aouth-cut trades and light winds until 29th April, when tho ship, then in Int. 44dog. 23 miD. S., lon. lOdeg. lomin. IS, Pjpericneod a very heavy gale from the N \V., vooring to .S.W., which continued until May 5, tho chip Ihon in Hdcg. JOmin.P.., and 21do)V. 30niin.E. Hud fine weathor to May 10, when in hit. 43deg. 4-stnin , long. 3Sdog. '20min , a hurricane commenced from 8., Veering to N.K., with a fiinrfiil son. Oi\ May 12 tin wind vccr.d from N, K. to W.8.W., then to V{., nnd then to >'~ 6tiU blowing 'i hurrieario. Tho wind moderated on fan 13th, and On the 3Sth heavy gales again came on from 5.3. W., S.S.IC, and S., which continued for t-.venty-four hours. Hud Hum a succession of very heavy gales until Juno -J, when in Int. •19 log. S , long. 133 deg. IC, a cyclone was oxperien c<hl accompanied by a heavy son. At two »in U3ca struck this port bow nnd curru-d away tho bowsprit, breakini; it .short oil' at tho night heads, a second eea washing evorythiiif? oil' the decks. Tho nwtj wero stayod, and endoavours \n-ro ni:irlo t) clear the vrreck, which w s a t isk of Rtvuh dilllealty, tlic hanging by the bobst.iys, chufmg the starboard bows nearly through.; and it was expected that the bowsprit would mako its way through. At noon, howeve-, tlio wreck win cleared away, Captain Jenkins, unfortunately, whil-t engaged in tho work, getting hie hand jammed between a portion of tho wreck and the rail, rocaiving a very severe injury, from which he is stilt euiPcring. The weather t'.ieh moderated until the Sth inst, when iu d.s.log. iimiu. S, 135Jeg. Smin. K, at halPpnSt i p.m., a hurricano sot in, tins wind vcorirtg lYoin E.N.K. to S. and S.W., with a frightful si::i. The foresail was blown away, an', tlio fhip laboured lioavily. Tho gWs fell to 2S-17, the sea washing over the decks and filling the cabin. On June 9, (lie Kl.ip w&s still rolling heavily, with her main rails wider wnter, and on tuo 10th tho wind modi-riiti'd. Made th.' S.W. on tho 12th inttant, n' half-past twelve, bearing K.N-.K., nnd at h:ilf]i!iet eijjht p ij-sed tlio Alewxtouo. The King of Trurvp* brings about eight tons of powder, which aim will discharge itito tho magazine thU morning, and will then be n-.tiy to rojmii r <iaaiat;o previous io continuing her voyage.— llubart Toun Mercury, Juno 15i.1i.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue III, 17 July 1866, Page 4
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2,511ARRIVAL OF H.M.S.S. FALCON. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue III, 17 July 1866, Page 4
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