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Tin: AKM v '• i >sit r\t, (.*»•: r<. — Hi- iJoyal 1 i i'jiitii"-- the -1.1-.M ::r<lril I'<miniate!in 1;i-I'lii-'f. :it t'.e i;i>: a nee Ith.. Seeivt ary Stale for War. .lireets that n.>ti- ■.■ tiii:ii-si• i:i■ •. 1 ..iiieers till 1 til''ti who have pined the -miy li -tulil Corps ft'.-til the .Me.lleal S:ail' i • .-| »~ ■ Militia and wlirKc lirst term oi' service i- iilmiil to expire. are to l>e alio we' 1 to \-. 11 un s. ■i- into a regiment oi' the Line. /•/■" funim, and re-enoao" hi the u>ual manner, on the uudcr.-taudino that thev are to he re-transl'erred to the Army Hospital Corps lor serviee therein, so lonjj as their conduct is satisfactory. liv the death of General Sir .lame.-, Shaw Kennedy. Colonel of the 17th regiment. the followinn promotions take place: —LieutenantGeneral R. B. Coles, Colonel of the Doth regiment, to he (■'eneral. Mkmoir of Tirr. !'->rs> I\i:r,—A void in regimental literature has lieen felt —that of an historical memoir of her .Majesty's 43 rd Regiment of Infantry, from its hi ft li to the present day. Tt affords many eonneeted with that gallant hand, either by serviee or assoeiation. heartfelt pleasure to know that n compilation for the press is at present in progress, and will shortly be submitted to the public, under the able editorship of Sir Richard G. A. Levint:?, Hurt, M.l'., who during manv years boro a commission in the corps. Being author of various previous works on America, the colonies, Sec., he is well fitted for the til.-k undertaken. We understand that the proceeds of puhlieation are to be devoted to the regimental orphanage. and any theret'on who can aid bv kindly lending .MS. bearing oil the fori lines of her Majesty's 13rd Regiment, or giving personal assistance. might contribute to success.

Alt ut.vhy Ttt.ux. —I n the 11ousi? of Commons fill Monday, 22nd of May. Mr. asked whether nnv change was about to he made in the present organization of the .Military Train; and whether the oliicers were now .allowed to purchase their steps as in other regiments of the line. The Marquis of 11 said that some alterations had just heen made in the organization ol'the A! Hilary Train, the principal of which w as thai Ihe force would no more he divided into battalions, Iml would lie formed into one regiment. The subject, of making the reiiinient a non-purchasing corps had also been under consideration. >o final decision, however. had been come to upon that point, and if such a change were adopted it would be gradually carried into effect, so as not to interfere with exi-tiii'4 ri^hts. Promotions an i> A is-oixtm kxts. —12th FootQuarlcrnnister Frederick Luttrell. from the Milittirv Train, to be Qiiarlerniaster, vice .lames Tripp, deceased. 12lh lu'iximent -I'aptain l-k Williams, of the Ist battalion, has arrived home from > fW Zealand. Lieutenant 'I. (iardner, of the 2nd ha'talion. I.i on leave to October 10. to Nynee Tal. it'll Regiment — Lieutenant 11arin^ton. ot" the 2nd battalion, has arrived home from New Zealand. Assistant k" ' e of t he -i' i; h is appoinled to the idith t'oot. ISih i'kiot---1 jieut. I'l. C. l'ritehard. of the !s| batt ilion. has 1 'ave to Knidaml on medical certilicate. 1 llh Kceuncnt -—Major llawley of the 1 st, bat I a' ion, has leave from -lune (! to Vlli^iisr S, on medical certificate, and Captain Dickson from.lune 12 to .July 11. (i-jlli — Surgeon White has arrived home from New Zealand. tiSth Foot—Fusion William I ienrv France Palmer to lie Lieutenant, by purchase, vice William Henry T. Dii"shui'v, who retires; Samuel "William Tynd-ill. Gent., to be Fn-i:rn. by pur.h ise. vie,' falnier. 7<)t h lie^iiuent —Captain Wright, has arrived home from Vt-w Zealand : t it; appointment of Lieut. W. Sand Ford Fe: Ci'an. as Adjutant, has bee.; antedated to Feb. 2 ). Captain I-,'. AI. Mornby has leave to Fnirland. by tli*.* oycrlanil rotitc. on medical cert ilicate. liov/,1. M.vitiNi's.— ity an order in Council the companies of the lioyal Marines LLdit lufan'i'v are reduced from 10!) privates to ItM. Thus tlie Chatham and Woohvieh divisions, having 28 companies each, will be reduced 2.32 privates each, and 1 lie Portsmouth and Plymouth divisions, having 30 companies cach, will

be lViliuv.l 27" privates in each of th" iwo diviS!r * ll lna'ciiii; :t re.iuetion ol" I.<> 1!. The present ~f the !'■ is about 1-'.' n't. incliulill" ill.' Marine Ariiilery. i'i.'':. <!!■' w.\ !,;•> vi! i' iin- >niii' 1 as Ih-.i.. ,>!' SatiP'.i'iv. " f ;;r:i!.lri " l!l" tlil!-_- I-.'. I> .!!•>•,Vfil 1 erf 'J' 11:1 tl ""' Hviu,- Tmj.-.-z-. >.y th- Wi.-hn.l I ln-e |i>-rti-ri>i:ci<-* v,. ( v u-!!..uv-.l !>y the new : ''; l! by tin' Leonohls. | wlm-h. lor tlic ilr.tll.Tv of <osm- of the situations t,h ' i>{' > >lsi-■ w11;11 nri> .-nil ol int-i- ---::' 1 < biti<■" s. w;h ;i k,, r,oH-i\-, tl with the most mariieil iJl aisiiestai i.<j>s of approval. I>wl n<: If) Iho v:i I o: the I 11 u:t i -1! until, wo have lotnu! '.I n. o-<>- -■ i ■ ooslpone ou f reports oi 11n- pror-'e.hn_rs i!s tli.- 11 - iti• o!" ivctiresentativcs. a: 11 i ihe ; 1> i !•• :: i mi several hills now before the A i 1 . !io~>S;-: niischii-v--tt- lanaiies. the members of AWi-Ju.". Society. Inve been ! »! ■>'••'l'" ; j-'.-uis for tin- i-mitinu-ill I'l o >, P oe\Ve, 1! ;he tWi '• l\aees in New Zrahisiil. ;• in 1 h I ill,, establishment ol ait Ahoriiriiia' i'r..s.-.-t : «.n S.eiety within the '•"Joiiy. to •jtfi-.ttt iih the party at home. V A e --hall have in■ <• to say on the subject on air-:] or .Mva<i.>n. —.'!i ti-.;ice of the new appoint-m.-n!> in the police i■ in paper, we ".iii'tnl to mention the name ol'Constable J. •M . • fork a< Serjeant. K'i.v ti Watfi: •.Nsi'oirr.--The iVputy- * 'Hut ant-i 'oi limitary-I '• i-n--i'a! invites t enilers in ■ iupbeat<• ree.-ivable to no--n ot' the 2Sth inst.. lro;u >!is 'A ilbnu |>.-rl*>riii the water transport between Auckland Mini the ,\i iratula It "•! "U hi. 111 allies, between tile Ist of Sept ember. I s '. aiHl the :;i-t ot' March. isi'.i;. Teielers to state rate j..-r t««s» n-ual assist anco in loading au.l unh 'a-ii: i_r to be proviileil. Ar'!i-1.-< 10-i or damaged in the' hand- of the emii r.iet'.r. to be paal for. i hroo months notice to be given by eitli-.-r party for t orminat in er the contract. l-'oriii of tender at the Coni-iiii'-i rial i '--I .a rt men 1.. Mr. i,. \V. KaTon will sell to-,lav at the store, of M ',-1-s. tioi, anil I Vwolf. ]', i ! C( --s of but l ,' I' - '''' 1 sides ami ln : l liiiibll 'y of I .aeon, 1-'• km-, tar-',, peas an.l sundries. Mr. S. ( 'i niii; \ x!-: will sell. to-.lav. a (piantity of lamps, hra-'keis. chandeliers, -jloln.s. e]iiiani• vs. \uieriean t.>v. e\ Ivi-nvanl ll>. I at the same time. e\ M:i;::ie Leslie, lieimril 1 rat:-hi;enen; from M eli'on:- a very lar„'e an.l bru-h'-va:-'. tool, !,a -1 v. are. am 1-■!-i -1 r i !-s! 'als'o", 1 m-ulel e'lmno, I , eyl':i ier. •"> inch runs w !i an -h llv i'e-.-k o;-k in u - |~ on" .M -! iNI - VNO • ui;; sif i '.-.lav, a ami o-pi.-ii" Li'a~se-.. ft 'ic.-k 1 aii• e<. ■1.--: _i l :.n i w.irkman-hi .. 'i h. v conirtri<e •ion..-' ever." ar'ie!.. n,-l l--r lie- .I'muer table, lish slves. >auee iioat- an-l soup I:i.i!e-, stone ju:.'s h '.inbome! v moiiiio-.1. entels. centres, elar. ! ,|e.-:n!ier». :l"!iiet>. Ac.. Ac. .\! >; At n;n> S.r. k!.\:;i> will h-.1-I 10-ilav. h> n -ua! «•:!•• :!! tS-.e Trian■.;!e. t>: ■ihuloL ot' fat i'il.-r • I >.\ • \b- ■I' i; aif -p a --1 twelve -:re-t » er.' 1 ttv th- cry oi' ii>-.>. ami on LTi-tt in j out i.ii't heir be,l<. fount! a small ilwel-liiii:-hoUse. which has not been occunied for the la.,' fortnight, to be on lire. Ihe house, in the

■oiifsi' o! ahoiit I'tminires. was entirely desroved. and the wind l.'eiuu: rather t'resli, carried an;.' llakes of the cou-uuiiiie' material to a vry

e.ui-i i.-raiile di-tar.i'e. At one tone it was Ihou_dll that the whole of the dwellings in the street were in danger of <«'e;n away, and had not eerl -dn ].recalli ions lie. n taken, there is no I .ill that such would have I.ecu the ease. Ihe lire, however, did not extend hcyoad the I,u:'.iil1_r in which it broke out. and the building de -1 >'o vcd was of little value. I'm v i S i'i:a i ino. - A man was taken into custody la-t evening t'.r stealing a walerman's boat .'We are informed that this s"rt of ..tlence has heen repeal "t 11 v attempted, and in two instances suc-ees-l'ullv."

Pouch. —There were several fin ml yesterday t*<>r beim; drunk, or in delimit sent to prison lor IS hom -'. lUstvkpv.—William Collins v.-a< charged vosterdav before ill" Resident Magistrate with 11 < ■ ' r 11 • I -1 ill" to s.oipori 11 is ! ileeit I UKli e ma I- 1 child. Tin- pri-omr j.i.'a.1..! v. and his Wol-l.ip d .•f-rred hi- until WV.ln.-il ;v next. Sm vi.i. I'; iirs I'ncur — Vesier.iay several adjourned ea-es v. ere heard. One involved a point upon whieh there is some diUerenee ot opinion. The facts were a.- follows : —A native named rveiwiki agreed with Mr !ietiry Morgan to jlll rehaS'.' a boat l'< >r l''J2. leaving a deposit ■ >f l':j 1 in M ore-an'.-l lands, and promising to ret urn with ivma iuder o!' t iie pureha-e money in a fortnight >Lravviiii did not return a! the time appointed, and Morgan sold ihe hoat to another man c,,p fc'ij. So me I i I n e a I'l er X i appeared and tendered the remainder of the purchase nio:i.-y. l»:«t Morjpr.i not jrivf him the boat.'and i ] e ; '] i j i e, | |o |-e( tivii the d-j»"*il which he e,.;,-id Ted i '■ > I'; e i ( , Hi- Wol-hip -aid tllO j 11 -: ice of the case - very 'dear. and iude'm -nt tor the plai.,tili' for I'd' I. (i.v.i. At: i: vm; i:m t- x rs. -! t i- inC-nded. we Iciifvo. iu t'u; nre. v, it h a View to relieve flic pre.--i.irL' upon the ,\uekland i aol and tlie sate en-tody of prisoners, to remit pri-oner- committed' l,v the Resident .Marale at once to the Siock'ade. ' t F ' In-, of iife. occurred close to ikd 11. o i on the liiji road, thr.aieii 'lie -'ome "tie ;1.1 d da-c-ei-oMs C.i'vert ndjsi-; ucr a tli'''>'V : v him o; 11 of i - ie e;!ii vvi i hr.-i f violence. || ( . have fell on ihe .-.!• :.e- in (he culvert. \ 1;,,-ee pie,.,, of (le.-h Was cltt (ell of the I'l-llt cheek, evposine ihe check hone. A severe injur.' oi the ri_-h, t'-m.dc. p-sruy d ;-i r.-v in-J t he evebreW : the h-fl lrm 1 terrioty le-u ise,i. \\ hen liVa'l" at id 'i'a'ce. Mr. M.-.W-Hl ha ; iiL rctuedy at law. .. ... #! . || j,,,.- 1V,',.") I lie /'.■■•.:- r , -dr. Warner ],:■ 11p. 'Thai kind of man likes lieiiV^'' ncr-ec'i' l"i /:*:!'■! he is beiti-jr i;erse.'Uted disgracefully. »>;, I'haday week lev charged him' m It.i " deliberate falsehood." declaring lhar his own story of a sum iiiven to St Marv's Hospital I>y Miss Scohcli. -,viio was afterwards sent to eair-li a fever, was strictly correct. ,li I - True tlw money wa.' «;iven to a Home at. Fast writnstpad, and not to Jit. ."Mary's Hospital, and Mr. Waguei" liad nothing to do

v. i'h East Grimstead. —but what of that? Tf John accuses Tom of murder, and Jerrv did ir. surely John is not a slanderer ' Mr. \Yagner replied on Tuesday by a repetition of the facts in !'■',■■ clearly showing that he had ab>oltiiely no connection with the .S-obell ea-e. but intermediately Mr. Whailev's friends had ; :k"U tlie matter into their own hands. Three <\ive;„

proved the eenuim tiess of t heir Protestant >m bv knocking Mr. Warner d -wn " two ..r three times." and but lor ihe iat.-rferenee of a bvstander he won'd have been seriouMv injure',l It is dreadful hard upon Mr. Warner, but we should have had more pity for him had he iot set th e sweeps tlie first example. He defied the law. upon the ground of his religious convictions. and naturally they thought they miulit also defy it in defence of theirs. Conteni])t of one's oath as witness is on the whole nearly as }. r reiit an offence as kicking a priest. 1 estkkday evening, at 5 p.m., a man of colour was seen examining documents in H.M. Customs oliices (a lane to the main building), and on being somewhat surprised bv observing that he was noticed, thought it better to feign effects of sonamlmlism on a hard bed —the lloor • )ur very effective police, however, soon found there was something ou the move, and immediate!v entered the window of H.M. Miippiiig-oflice. and. requesting the company of the delinquent, very courteously conducted him. together with a tin cash-box to the outer courts of Mr. Beckham's divan in High-street. The prisoner gives no account of himself, but that his name is 'lh.imas Smith. He was discovered and arrested by Sergeant Clarke and Constable -Markham.

The Latk Adiiikal Fitzrov.— I The following vrsolulion Ims been unanimously nilojited by the Council of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce:—"That this Council record their pr.>i'Hind sense of the loss sustained by 111. ■ sciil'arini; and mercantile community' of by the death of the late Admiral Fitzroy, and of the benefits he has conferred upon it." The Captl'ke of Phesidf.nt Davis.— Thef.llou'inn is the principal oilicial ilispatch deseriblnn the capt uro : —••From .Major-General Wilson to Mr. Stanton, Secretary at; War. .May 13: — l.ietuenant-i 'olonel Harden, commanding the Ist isconsin, has just arrived from Irwiiisville. He struck the trail of I'avis at Dublin, ('"limy, oil the evening of the 7111 May. and fallowed him closely and day through tlie pine wilderness of .Alligator ' reek and Civen >W!!!ii|)s, via Cumberlandsville. to Jrwinsville Vt I'umberlandsville Colonel Harden met CoLmel Pritchard. with 150 picked men ami horses of the Ith Michigan. Harden followed the trail directly south, while Pritchard. bavin*; fre-her h'irses. lmshed down the toward Jb'pewell. and thence by House Creek to Irv. in-- \ die. arriving there at midnight of the Hth. .Icll'erson Davis had not arrived. Fnun a citizen Pritchard learned that his party were encamped twi> miles out of the town He made dispositions nf his men. and surrounded the cam;! before d-iv. Harden had camped at !l ji.m.. within Iwn miles, as he afterwards learned, from i'avis. Tile t rail too indistinct to follow . he pushed o:i at :! a.m., and had eone but little more than one milf when his advance was tired upon bv men ot' the -lth Michigan A en-ued. ln.tii parties exhibit ini; the greatest determination. I't'leen minutes elapsed before the mista'ce was discovered. The firing in tliis skirmish was the lirst warning that I'avis received. Ihe captors report that he hastily put on one of his wile's dresses and started for the wood, closely followed by our men. who at lirst thought him a woman, but, seeinir his boo! s u iiile lie was ruuninu'. they -uspeeted his sex at once. The race was a short one. ami the rebel President was soon brouelii to b;iv. He brandi-le'd a bowie-l:nife a.ud sliowr.i ~i_;ns ot'b;itt!e. but yielded promptly to ihe v-r-----uasions of Colt's revolver--, without compel!inn the men to lire. lie expressed ereat indignation at the energy with which he was pursued, savini; that hi' be I i -ved mir coveriiujent u'ere too to hunt down woir.'-n and cliildreti. .Airs. I taxis remarked to Colonel Harden, aiter I lie exeitemcnl wa< over, t hat the men ha I bet t. r n H prokethe President, ' or he liiyLit hurt some ot' ! hem.' "

The RoAD-nir.t, MYhpeii. -Tt it is expected that Miss 1 'onstance Keni. will be tried at alishurv on Friday, the 21st of J lily. liodway, the solicitor at Trowbridge who is ai'tintr for the defence of Miss Kent. writes to vindicate the Hew Arthur Wagner in the matter of the money alleged to have been given by the young lady to St. Clary's Hospital. Mr. "Wagner told .Mr. K'odwav that a large sum luid been placed in the box of the hospital by Miss Iveut, and was requested by the latter gentleman to retain it until its application should be determined oil. Mr. Wagner subsequently paid the amount to Mr. Kent's order fo- the defence and benefit of his daughter. Mr- Hodway adds, " Mr. AVagner has never manifested any desire to retain this money for f*t. Paul's Church or St. Mary's Hospital; but, on the contrary, has from the first expressed his anxiety that it should be used for the benefit of Miss Kent, and be at the disposal of her family for that purpose. The llev. A. D. "Wagner was brutally assaulted on -uurlay evening. May "28, at Brighton, as he was leaving his church. Two sweeps, who retpiired to know w hat he had done with Constance Ivent's money, set upon him and beat him severely. Skm's koi! Ai.iiKirri.ANii. —On -lune 2. the line clipper ship king ot Jta'y sailed iroin (i ravesend. having on board some '11 ij passengers. the most of whom were members of the Albertland Association. This is the seventh panv of settlers the society has despatched to Alii.'rlland This ship, one of Messrs. Hi aw. eavill and C'o.'s line of packel-. was litfrd up with every appliance that could t 'lid to the convenience and comfort of the passengers. On the previous dav an excellent repast was provided bv the owners, of which some iilty or_ sixty ladies and gentlemen partook: Mr. Icuiple (i >f Shaw. Savll and C 0..) presiding. Ani"nfj;st those present were Captain Ihtid\. agetif-general of' (he province of Auckland: 'Mr. ilidgway, agent tor the Auckland Government; Mr. Marshmnu, agent for the Canterbury Government ; .Mr. !\err. agent for the Government Taranaki ; Mr. I'aiier. agent for the Wellington Government;; ?d r. 11 arris, of Auckland : Mr. limine, general manager ot the Albertland Association. \c. Tin: OuictXAf. Ckkistys M instkfi.s — Our readers will see from our shipping intelligence thai the Tarartta has brought us a very valuaMe addition to our pleasure-loving community, 1 ill■ pel's tins of the above talented company "1 minstrels. There are other /."</'/■: who. we believe, lav claim to the title of " original, but among the present company art' to lie ioimd tne mime.- of those wno played ill London ami el where with so great success. Our irier.d- at ;:i-' :-oulhern ports were gratified at the vi-;t. 't]i• *v received Millie two year- since i'l'oni the anil we doubt noi but thai tin' g>> 'd people of Auckland will not fail to give that heart v pat ronage the admitted talent of the eompanv"deserves.' They last hail from the I'rince of Wales Opera House in Sydney, where they played a six weeks' most satisfactory engagement .— Cum in u »ictited.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 554, 22 August 1865, Page 5

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MILITARY AND NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 554, 22 August 1865, Page 5

MILITARY AND NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 554, 22 August 1865, Page 5


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