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Cnowpi.i) Out.—The pressure of advertisemen Is has necessarily led to the exclusion 01 nracli hading :nid local matter, letters, aiiej news of pcncrnl interest. CiiAiniKi! or CoMMEBCK. —The monthly of this corporation will be held at- 3 o'clock to-morrow. Uay of Islands.—The revising officer announces a Court to be held at tho Sheriffs Oilicc. Queen-street. Auckland, to revise tho list of voters for the above district. jWr-ssus. llahkis & Tvjikeh will sell to-day, a large and well-selected Jot. of jewellery, aiid .. nateliPF. '~,..'..' jMt-sshs. Hwiko.s '& Dowben will sell to-day, 20 cases of winter clothing-, comprising, lilac prints, knickerbockers, winceys, liorroclc's long I cloths, grey calicoes,. Hpjland Hannels, pectoral mid iiiiti-rlicuniatic flannels, worsted, halt'hose ; hnnk worsted, ihen's and youths' winter clothing, umbrellas, curtains. t v.c.. &c. Mr. Geo. SnuiiN will sell to-'day, pursuant to instructions from Messrs. Fowler. Heron, and Morgan, tit Mr. Leighton's, Grey-street, household furniture, consisting of rcinu chosfc of drawers, chairs, tables, wash-stnnds, couches, feather-bed, bolsters, pillows, mattresses, cooking stove, and pipe, ironmongery,, tools, circular saw, sashes, frames, cords, Sec; a lot of kauri, cedar, riimi, tools, glass, and sundries. • Mb. Ai.i'itED Bucklaxd will sell to-day several very valuable, farms, viz., three farms at Maungatawhiri, of 77, 153. and C-l acres, respectively. Ihe valuable farm -known 'as the Miingnrei"estate, upset price £12 an acre, and containing -JS3 acres. Ahn Mr. Jjundon's .farm near the Newmarket • ccnitnining .02 acres; also 3-1 allotments in Grcenbanlc, I'iuialso IN'o. 125, East Tamaki Phrms,-con-taining 80 acres.

M i-:ssiiß. Junks & Go. will sell to-daf, a quantity of groceries, oilmen's stores, wines, and spirits, including SO bags Mauritius . sugar, (Cnslals), ](")(") bags do., 10 chests and 35 hoses congou,.sago, rice.saladandotheroils,marmalade salmon, sardines, bacon, hops, geneva, 70 cases, 1 butt of sherry, 12 qr.-easks of pale brandy, 10 cases of London and Colonial ale. Also 40 tons of fine potatoes. .... ." .'." ".. .. . - Mil. Samuel Cochuanp. will sell to-day, by order of the Colonial " Gorermnerit. a -large quantity of condemed stores, comprising blankets, great coats, biscuits, boots, saddlery,-tents, tarpaulins, hammers, ironmongery, tinware, drawers, socks, trousers, tobacco, iS:c. City JJoakd Klv.ction.- —"We wonld remind the. rate-payers of Wards Nos. 1, 2. and 3. City West, and' No. 1 City East, that the elect ion of a member for each of the above Wi' rds will take place this day at noon, at the oilices of the Board, Canada Building*.

T~sT?\ W-jiAKt , .Cr 'BWItT. —We" 'undd-stard thr.fc;a meeting .was -to have been held last evening, at Mr.'CocL'raiie's new buildings, at the -Jffoi : fli~S]iorena_src"v<?ning, for tie purpose* ofdisenssing some important matters, with reference to a new wlrarf, about to be conjsh'.ucfcd tliew?. ' : 5 ,",^V ; BAhkahd anO A'ila'n'invite tenors ifor certain alterations in^StOMatthew's ClWtch, receivable ufitil noon of the ; 26tlvinstant, 'j.'.i J Mm HebSiuth invites'■tender-s. reeeifalilc until the 24flf. of this fnonth,'for taking dpyn, removinp, and rc-ere'-tiiig a villa residencejicar the P»n?bnbyri'oad. ;1 ; ' '•'■ .'-:■■ r-Onb-Fniows' Hall.' —A -li'ew exhibTbon. .after tfie.fisorb': of the L"6nd6n be opened this place , tomorrow a series of dissolving views l of- -London, Pajis, Switzorlandpfind Italy,'- : with some mieroseo]iie effects. " " ''■ i_^ LircTVßi: pk tiik Pii.gkim FiTn^ns. —A;Very inferostiiig arid instmctive Jecture on thcab'pve subject was r <lelivered on 'Monday evenings at the Jiideperident school L roonii' : 'Onchungaj,'lT3y the Hev.oPrXaishky -"'Therd" was a good/attendaiicpv nilfl the "lecture th'l-oughout- jvras attentively listened to. !! ' ''' .'','..'« - MimtM Ais'D Voi.rKT*Eiis.-f;Tc-nders will be reeeivpd iit -the QiinrtrThiristei-'Senerars Office for 2Coo'"i)nrrft of Mib'tra trousers, each tender to lie-'fiirfiot'.-'less than -ICOpaiw. PaHiculars at Ihp:]\liliii;i'Stores Office. AlbVrt Barraclts:'Tub Piiinck of Wiiri Thkatbe. "Lonely 'Man of the oeea7i"~was performed last nigiit'lo w moderate , house, 'followed by the popular drama " Dick Tiirpin." the perforninnces went-remtirkably well', and were exceedingly well received'. ' - :

Bacjut.oks' Pali.—A full dress ball is an'nounccd to take place iu the Odd Fellows' Fall, on the evening of June the 281 li'. The ball is under the single and iirdivfthial 1 atronage ofthe young gentlemen, bachelors' of Auckland. We "wii-lHhe'se adrr-Hiucus young riien partners-fof; life, ns wrll as partners for the hour. ■ ■ ' Police—There was not much business done in (lie Police Court yc.der.dny. Six drunkards Wore drnlf t\ iUi in ili.e.usual manner. A case of assault was preferred by iin elderly widow of the name of 31 art ha ' StJrnaTand. against one Pierre L'utler. Mr. Lcary the_ pi'iFrTTrT7TiTrrf^fPT _ i)C!n ; cT~ ilu prosccufi-ix he-plcatlrd gm'ltyran.d was , ordered to payia fine of-40sl.and'.co5-tt=;"-or-to undergo nn imyrin nmci t for ere rctnlh. .Trim Wall was crdrrrd lo find two furc.lirs of £25 cadi, and to' 1-p bciird Inmsclf in £'EO. to he rn liis goccV 1 (]•: vkiirf'cr ihice rrcnihs, 1 :-.virg w>? of I]-Tf airriirp ' io George Jackscn. Lltatu i-y DroivKisG. —From infoTniation received ai Onc-hungn. yesterday morning, ■there is everv reason to believe lhaf one fir more persons have lost Hieir lives l.y the eav-s-izing of a, alibnit'li Hip yarlfn'ilars at pTCfcnt 1o liand ni'p but inpagre.- A wan vlio liad arrivedl't Oiirl'-i.'iipa. rrrly nioniin,£r, clirrff' frf-m fbcHrads.icj-oi'fed Ib»t lieliad seen a boat full of -naUr; dtwn tire liarbc-ur witlribe body of a dead mail lying in it. The report -nas seen , i)i ado -Idovii tn Ibe -j rc-per authorities; and duvirg Hie day fbar.oliee applied io Mr. I3re-nTr. Collef'tor of H.JVr. Custrnis. wli.o in-mediately linfl the boat-riifiiiiied Slid, tritli ttvo pclicemf n. pvocecded frcin Onilmniia to .Week's Island, lo pet at.tlie bnclc of TYcelc's Island, by of Manparei. frund the wntert<no farcTit, and lied to; ret tin. to the main channel: but perceiving the steamer Ah.uriri coming iijil'Tv'n's r-tVr-'on beard arid the boat was sent back 1 o We elf's Island. Owing todarkness ernwsr en, Uie beat reiurned to Or.ehunca ■without obtaining any tidinpsof thetpiit: ,Fu~tl'.p.r search be mado fci-day. - • v■ ■' i c vn:i"j.i.s Cci'ET.— Bis: Honor took his seat yesterday at the usual lour. . The first case t; k(n wrs Iha( of Jo'lni Mf Guire, ■ indifted; for strnlir.g a portion of a valuable theatriea! -wardrrlu- belerpintr lo Mr. of the Prince of Wales Tluaii-c. The pi if cuer was fourd guilty Ilurp was a iirevious eonviftioD proved against hiin for roMiijig the. JJemail Catholic Ghurch a'; Ou(h.u)!p'a: .His ..IFcTior, in : passing yentence, a vny sctho nLulo to . tlie pri.'cner. wlio is hiniFclf a Eoman C-ntholie, for .his ;acrilecicvs oflVnce", and ordered him to be iiv.priseU'ed' for .r:ipTsfCrn mentbs. and kept 1( lir'id li.brur. The luxt case was a very imp.(il;int c-i'.e. as rff'rc-tirc: (he relation of hired seivsr.i? and tinploycrs. -Our full report must be referred to to get!ed "of the case. The .prisoner, John Pwan. was -charged with stealing two keys. He.pleaded that he. was in -charge, of premises, of. wrongful.dismissal, dismissal wi.lhout ■iiotiee.'ar.d he had- not "licoi paid h\?

wages. The prisoner win immediately acquitted after an ebboTate •jviir-inir'2'' up by his. Honor A lnte serpmnt in 11* WnikaTo Militia was' elmigcd with stealing ,11/111 fromthe Cbmmissarial Stores at Cambridge. Tho details of tin's case were also very voluminous, and his Honor having summed up. thejury/qund the prisoner not guilty. The Civil Sittings will commence this nioining. at 11 o'clock. * . .'.'■" Fursm.. Ci,i persons,.:yostordnjevenirg, visited ( of Sir. Lewisson. jeweller, of Queen-street, io inspect the veTv beautiful Frrncli c-'cilis wliich hi:d ; been landed (luring the cctirfc of thedny-'from the Lancashire Witch for otir enierprisiiifi fellow-citizetis. They nro eeitninly the''choicest goods of the kind tlint liavo ever found their way io Aiiekland—we sjicalc not only oi'_the excellence of -Iho works, but'of Illo"clcgnncp'pf the design unci worlrnnns](ip'cli" the' fiises. Tli'ey woi;k with, a visible movement -mid sirikinpworks, rind. .on. pallets and rubies'. In .this present coTisignmcnt Mr. Lewisson has r'eeefved only six clocks of two se]'nrat ?_ three of eaeli. It. would be difl'icult: to assign, the palm- of elegance and beauty to either of these—tire'vroikinanship and nisitcrial are the snme in.c^ii'h , . The main body of thcEC timepieces is of onySr, relieved with orniiments- -nv gilded bronze. Jn ihc; one a graceful fcmiiln figtiredenning against Ih&pedes\a\ liokls in Jier haildj'abdve tho dial box, the spherical or" l-.iill "pendulmri ; in the otTier, the compensating bahuicc- is- maintained by the swinging; of ilic figure of : a little, cupid between tire, 'pillars •of onyx, which support the works, ..while in:.- this one the apex is an ornamental.bronze, nesf, "with birds of life-like size on cither sideof it'. The- clocks stand about eighteen inches.- high, under glass shades, and are.wo.need scarcely .gay, of design. As articles -of rerht they will, despite the price, find ready purchasers ;■ indeed, onr object, in noticing them as we. have-d«nc is to afl'ord the public an opportunity of knowing that such articles are .now oil 'show- at Mr. Lcwisson's, the ]irobabiirty.lie"ing that tliey will not, long remain there We trust "Mr. Lewisson will not allow- this first. introduction, of .such a class of articles of this kiiicl to be the last.

Judging from his eiiterprisc'ih introducing, and continuing tp.rinijjorfc jntq.jAncldancl, jewellery of a first iind'.l.niany "other elegancies for the toilet and the drawing-room, and knowing how large a share of patronage he has obtained, we have very lit'tledoubt lint thatlie'will'find it to be his interest to do so,-«jid we wish him the success which hjs.enterpriyc merits. We noticed in Mr. Lewissoirs; wiudqtt- "a very',handsome racing cup, intendefl to-be , given V-:he proprietors of the Southern Cross; to be run for at the' next -meeting of the To Awan; , ,; , ..; Ghyiukahnna. - - — — ".'...-

A Southern co temporary supplies, us-with the following sketch of Air. Roebuck's speech in the Irish debate, ami the.j-pplyof Sir Hugh- Cairus: — I he hon. member..for Shelh'eTd'y speech reminded us of aii" old* nursery , rhynic touching the i conduct of a. certain, nurse to the chifdren under her care :— Slic jpivc tlicm some wi.tcr, wfi pave, them tome bread; Ami whipped them all round, and men s™t them to !:cd. Excluding the water and the bread, this is what Roebuck did-to the I'rUli grumblers. Jiis speech was; from beginning to, end, a.scold. JBiic how well,'it was done f How , terse and Saxon was his

.language 1 how forcible and dramatic was his action ! ISTevex. in. Jits life'. didJUSebuck sy.eak with more force- cn£ effect,- -T-he house was enrried away by his dramatic power, and cheered Ithe actor lustily. Bis tbere'yas nothing in his speech, no philosoiplifOJjatJtatesnianship, no searching analysis into the cause of Irish miseryno suggestion of remediesT-except this—" You have, all been quarejling,., you Irishmen, antt now. .take-yen?; whipping, • and go and quarrel no .more.: , :.- :■ Thirty, years agoVrhc -.would have >tjreritwi •■. the•_ subject very. '< differently}; Wp'. should; ,4hen;>'have .: bad ": at .M leasts a? scatiiing denunciation.:-;-of the:lrish. .Charcht ispniethiDg-,- too; about;.former >Jrish misgovern*: ment as the cause of present evils. But; ; abQn.t. the Irish Church he said not a word ; .n'oTLoMlie long, dark reign of ..tyranny and wrong under which Ireland; suffered.-: and /roin the effects of which she has not yet-recovered. Sir Hugh Gairns t .on whom Mr. Uoebuckbad laid hi&lash. heavily, would not go to bed, nor would he take liis notrgiug submissively. .-On.the contrary, as soon o's'opportimity.-.oflered,, he, turned round upon his flnaellant/nndJnPalmefstohian phrase proceeded ,; to give him- as "good as he gave — nay.-better ; for the flogging , which he administered to his assailant was- far more severe than that which he had received. .It was all.the more severe T iii that it was administered; itoo, coolly and with studied deliberation. ;:But, severe asfhe mniishnicnt' was, it;is questionable whether MiV Poebuck felt it ■; greatly. \no showed no suffering, but 'looked the while impassive'as ; 'a post. If hn is;in no other'jyay aphilosopher/heis one in this,; He can~bear punishment vrith heroic fortitude.: But, if pILr. lioebuck aidnot s-uffcr. the' Conservatives .were delighted: , «n'd ; -showed their delight by lustily

cheering the assailant. ' ' '.. [' The Paris'correspondent' of. an .Avsttanan contcniporart writes -.—"-A new'iealure of Parisian Fccidy ife'lhat, in the year of grace, 1865, the cicmi-nionde ladies issue invitations for a bnll or ! fete exactly after Ihp/fash.ion of Of the couit ■■-■ and th'erc is nothing which is to be found- at tLc'hotels of 'these : grnndes dames whic-li-'tlie , 'half-great la'riy' dofs not imitate. The qtluT erening at Mdlc. C~r 's ;(the Aspasia of Paris life) ball a]V ihe prettiest actresses were present, and displayed jewels, lace, slid cosjJy fiiierv, such as are rarely.seen even r>\ ccuTt, and certainly bespeaks:,.the wonderful liberality of J'uropPim 13y thcFO' : TraTiata"ladies, who;hevertheleEs; in Paris Itad'tlie tai-liions, crinoline is now completely tnbocW. Qheir ball' dfesses are tctfde scnuwhat- in ■ the style of the First Irnfpire or Hie'l ncli?h fas-h.ion of ]Sll, with the skirt eonfiufd, and 1 -Ilie body cut e'xtrfmely :low loth in frcv.Vcnd biick, while the train is worn very long. Ihe salens of JTclip; f whodid the" honours wilh clever" imitative gTaceVand ehgance, were t-rcwdrd with p'jinccs, dukes, marquise.*, counts —in fret with the same iri'nle " ecinvfiny as enc meets at Ilip jaitics of the Piinccss aif'tternich ard Drouyi de Huns. b'cw.c 1 njrlifh'f errs pj'd mimlcts of Parl'istr.cnt were present, and appeared to c.njoy ! the r.niinntrd iiiul dr.zzling improper scene. '.'On tli<- sreend ficor the fupper tables were loaded ■nith every dclif-sry cf : the reason. Choice Yqutm. .'lchrijiiisbog, LrlliHe, Tokay, and cluTjiy.cpne of the finest vintages, were served niost Invi.'lily throughout-the nipht. After supprr dancing "was rcbi'.n'sfd wit:h : increased animation, ai;d the ball Iciiriinaifed with a chaine diabolipue and a cacrfffl "d f ciiTer at seven in the morning." ; ' - .

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 495, 14 June 1865, Page 4

Word Count

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 495, 14 June 1865, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 495, 14 June 1865, Page 4


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